Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 736 Is it difficult to reach your side?

Chapter 736 Is it difficult to reach your side?
When Zuo Zhou returned home, he was just in time for dinner.Put a square box aside and sit down.It's just that before she moved her chopsticks, Ah Xiang poked her head and sniffed him.

"Smells like a woman! Tell me, what have you been doing all day?" Zhan Shiqi and Qingping looked over after hearing this, their eyes were a little cold.

Zuo Zhou looked at A Xiang in surprise, and stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of her nose. "I didn't expect you to have this kind of talent. Consider focusing on developing it."

"Don't interrupt, tell me the truth. Which vixen did you go to see?"

Zuo Zhou had nothing to do, so he could only reply with a serious face: "Everyone is familiar with each other, and I can sue you for defamation if you speak nonsense. And as we all know, false accusations will be punished."

Ah Xiang blushed, and puffed out her chest, "We'll talk about the punishment tonight. You should explain clearly the femininity in your body first."

"It's insincere to say it with words, why don't you find out by yourself." Zuo Zhou said and pointed to the box next to him.

Ah Xiang really probed into the box and smelled it, hey!It really smelled a little powdery, but this smell was [-]% similar to Zuo Zhou's, the extra bit... was bloody!
Ah Xiang also walked through the wind and rain, and she also had a life in her hands.He couldn't be more familiar with this smell, and opened the box with a frown.A beautiful beauty's head inside really turned off my appetite.

"Ah, you did it on purpose!" Ah Xiangbuyi yelled and threw her fists on Zuo Zhou's back.

The rest of the people also smelled the pungent smell of blood the moment the box was opened.They looked at each other and got up to look at the same time.It's fine for others, but Zhang Junbao was really stunned.Seeing that Zuo Zhou who was playing with Ah Xiang just said softly: "I thank you on his behalf." Then he got up and put the lid back on, and moved it to his own room, so let's talk about it when he burns paper for Dong Tianbao later.

Others don't understand why.But there's no point in getting to the bottom of it.On the other hand, Mr. Zhou Tong took a mouthful of food, chewed and said vaguely, "Li Bai came here before, and he said it was just tonight. Do you want to go and see it together?"

Zuo Zhou suppressed Ah Xiang with a pat on the head, and at the same time nodded and replied: "Go and see. But I won't make a move."

Zhou Tong also said: "I won't make a move either. Although I don't like him, it's not a reason to kill someone if I don't like him."

"The two of you are almost done. It's time to eat, not to mention there are children talking about fighting and killing." The old man Zuo put Chu Chu on the table while holding a piece of fish for Chu Chu, and looked at the two dissatisfied.

At this time Chuchu was over three years old.He can talk, he can remember things, and even his disgusted little eyes are exactly the same as the old man Zuo next to him.

Zuo Zhou thought for a while and asked, "Is it time for Chuchu to be enlightened at this age? People say that their children should be taught by others. Let's see what kind of teacher we can find for her."

"Bah! What nonsense are you talking about?" The old man Zuo almost threw the fishbone over in anger, "I have no ability and no confidence, so I will teach others. Your father and I have three views and are full of knowledge. Why should my children be handed over to others?" Others teach?"

Zuo Zhou shrank his neck, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to make a move?"

"Is there anything I can't do? You were also taught by me. Did you hit you when you were young?"

"Isn't that because I'm sensible?"

"Isn't that because I teach well!"

"You are the father, you are right."



The decisive battle at the top of the Bauhinia is not far away, and now there are as many masters in this city as a cow's hair.If you are a genius, you would not dare to speak loudly in the capital.The master of the list of people dare not throw his arms when he goes shopping.It means that the masters of the local list can still maintain a little demeanor.

If Yagyu Shashen's pissing nature was followed, he must have walked sideways.But now that he is seriously injured, he can only rent a carriage and approach the palace in a low-key manner.When night fell, he was led into the imperial garden by a special servant.

Yagyu Shashen is now past seventy years old.It stands to reason that there is nothing that can make his heart surge, but he recalled the delicate appearance of Liu Shengxue Ji and Liu Sheng Piaoxu.After a long absence, he felt a little hot in his body.

"Hmph! Di Renjie, Xie Xun, and Fu Junmao and those little girls. When my skills recover, let's have a good fight."

The sound of horseshoes gradually slowed down, and what Liu Shengshashen saw after getting off the car was an exquisite scenery.This is the imperial garden, and the arrangement of flowers and plants is carefully prepared by top craftsmen.With the yellowish lights not far away, even in the middle of the night, it doesn't feel scary, and there is even a kind of hazy beauty.

Yagyu Shashen is very satisfied with this position.He has also read books seriously, and some things should be full of ritual.I personally thought this was the only favor he could give Liu Shengxue Ji Liu Sheng Piaoxu.

"Meet the ancestors."

Some soft but neither humble nor overbearing voices came from far away, Liu Sheng turned his head, and from a corner of the courtyard in the distance turned a slim and exquisite figure, she was still in the iconic snow-white long dress.Like the holy Tianshan snow lotus, people are amazed and have an urge to strongly defile her.

Liu Sheng killed the god with a smile, he did not rush forward in a hurry, but let go of his perception cautiously first.Checking the surroundings for any ambushes, however, he had the feeling that there was no one but a few palace guards.

At the same time, four figures sat in a row on the top of the Forbidden City, oh, the roof of the tallest building in the imperial palace.

Zhu Wushi glanced at the three people next to him, and then his eyes fell on Li Bai. "It turns out that Liu Sheng Sha Shen and Mr. Li also have enmity. This is my negligence!"

Li Bai took a sip of wine.Shaking his head not very concerned, "I have no grudge against him, he took the initiative to trouble Di Renjie. I just wanted to help Di Renjie take care of this annoying guy."

Zhu ignored it and fell into deep thought. Li Bai had already sent his disciples to participate in the imperial examination, which was a signal.He had to make a choice between the Yagyu family and Li Bai.

While Zhu was ignoring his contemplation, Zhou Tong said cheerfully, "This Liusheng Shashen looks like he's seriously injured. The sensations that come out can't reach us. I wondered how far this place is from the Imperial Garden. It's far away."

Zuo Zhou took Li Bai's wine and took a sip, "Di Renjie's beating was serious back then. But what I'm more curious about is why did Liu Shengxue Ji meet Liu Sheng Shashen alone? According to her understanding, she doesn't seem so reckless She is not naive enough to think that pleading is useful, right?"

Zhu ignored it and regained his senses, "Speaking of this matter, I have never been able to figure it out. But it's just a matter of going along with the flow. It would not be a loss if we can get the help of the Liusheng family."

Zuo Zhou looked around, "Where are those Fu Junmei? Didn't they come?"

"The waiter reported that they are still studying tactics in the house. I don't know how slow these women are? Liu Shengxueji has come to meet people here. They still don't know anything over there."

Several people couldn't figure out the brain circuit of Yukihime Liusheng, but on the other side, Yukihime Liusheng had already started a war with Liusheng Shashen, yes, it was a war!
After the initial salute, Liu Shengyukihime didn't give Liu Sheng any chance to kill God.He directly pulled out the knife from his waist and slashed at him.

Liu Sheng Shashen was stunned for a moment.On the side of the shoulder, his footsteps were slightly wrong, and he easily dodged the knife.You couldn't help laughing and said, "Since you broke your arm, you don't seem to have practiced a knife. This hand, how can it be flexible if you don't practice it?"

Liu Shengxue Ji frowned slightly, and danced with the knife in her hand.However, although this knife flower looks very gorgeous and beautiful to outsiders.In the eyes of everyone in the sword technique, it is flashy.

Liu Sheng Shashen shook his head slightly, stretched out his two fingers and clamped the blade.Then with a twist of his wrist, the saber was out of Liu Sheng Xue Ji's control.

"Hahahaha! You can't even hold a knife. What else can you do?"

Liu Shengxue Ji stepped back a few steps out of breath, and her eyes fell on the fingers of Liu Sheng's killing god.After staring at it for a while, he also smiled.The smile was particularly bright, as if he was relieved, and seemed to have made some important decision.The four people in the distance couldn't help breathing intently.A good show is about to debut!

"Our sisters have done a lot for the Liusheng family. During those days when you retreated, Xue Ji's hands were already covered with blood. Piaoxu is also used to killing. You used to say that Xue Ji is the future of the Liu Sheng family. Is it true that now? Isn't it? Could it be that the entire Liusheng family can find a more talented heir than Piaoxu?"

Liu Sheng Shashen looked serious, and it seemed that the topic of Liu Sheng's family was enough to attract his attention.Or, is this the only obsession in his heart?not necessarily!

"You sisters are all good. It's a pity that you are no longer qualified to be the heir with your broken arm. As for Piaoxu, her talent is indeed good, but unfortunately it is not enough. Maybe she will be able to reach the top list in the future, but she will never reach the old one. Ancestor my side."

As Liu Shengshashen said, he approached Liu Sheng Xue Ji step by step, and even reached out to untie Liu Sheng Xue Ji's belt.And the latter didn't resist at all, but just stared at Liu Sheng's old face.Slowly asked: "Can't you let Piaoxu go? The Liusheng family needs a patriarch, so that while you are chasing the peak of your strength, there are also people who can help you with mundane affairs."

Liu Sheng Shashen's face was full of teasing, and after untiing Liu Sheng Xueji's belt, he helped her take off her outer clothes slowly.At the same time, he replied: "It's just the descendants of the family, just rebirth."

There was a trace of loneliness in Liu Shengxue Ji's eyes.Just when Yagyu Shashen reached out to her chest.She took a step back, her tone suddenly lost her pleading.As cold as ten thousand years of profound ice!
"Is it hard to reach you?"


Liu Sheng's killing god was stunned for a moment, and the surging killing intent mixed with the coldness of the night fell on his shoulders.

Liu Sheng Shashen turned pale with shock.Instinctively retreating quickly, he saw a scene that made his eyes tear apart.

Yagyu Yukihime's whole body was distorted, flesh, bones, and long hair began to compress, entangle, and solidify, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a two-meter-long Taidao!

The tight-fitting long skirt that originally showed the exquisite curves has become a strand of snow-white ribbon wrapped around the handle of the knife...

"Evil Knife!"

All those who were paying attention to this battle exclaimed in unison.

Liu Sheng Shashen retreated step by step.No one, no one knows the power of the evil knife better than him.

"You, are you crazy?"

In the hysterical roar of Yagyu's killing god, Yagyu Yukihime slashed at his neck with the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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