Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 737 Divine Soldier Xue Ji

Chapter 737 Divine Soldier Xue Ji
Maybe the evil knife is not a very evil skill.According to the law that beauty is justice, the reason why Liu Sheng's evil knife is so ugly is probably because he is ugly.Look at the evil knife transformed by Liu Shengyukihime, doesn't it look very beautiful?The only disadvantage may be that it is a bit longer, with a blade length of more than two meters, it should not be able to be used by ordinary people.

"You dare to cultivate the evil knife."

Liu Sheng Shashen backed away step by step, still roaring unbelievable words.This kind of behavior was seen through by the four masters in the distance at a glance. It was nothing more than the skill of the evil knife, which required relatively high skill.After Liu Shengxue Ji turned into an evil knife, the time she could last was definitely not as good as that of a master of the rankings like Liu Sheng, so he wanted to delay the time.

However, the reason why Liu Shengxue Ji let the other party take off her outer skirt just now must have thought of this possibility.Now the evil knife transformed by Liusheng Xueji is less than two inches away from Liusheng's killing god.No matter how fast the opponent retreats, he will definitely hit the upper hand.

"This is forcing Liu Sheng to kill God with a sword."

Li Bai sighed so much that although he used a sword, he also had some knowledge of saber techniques.Thinking about it in his own shoes, Yagyu Shashen seems to have no other way.The only thing he can do is fight head-on with Yukihime Liu Sheng who also uses the evil knife.

"It's not just about forcing him to use the sword. After Liusheng Xueji learned the evil sword, no matter who lives and who dies in this victory, the loser will be Liusheng Shashen."

Zhu Wushi sighed, since he wanted to cooperate with Liu Sheng Shashen.Then you must have some understanding of his evil knife skills.The innate pure yin produced by the anode and yin is the secret of the invincibility of the Yagyu Killing God and Evil Sword.However, if one wants to transform from the evil knife into a human again, it needs to replenish Yin Qi to reconcile Yin and Yang, so as to have the ability to create life.

However, Liusheng Xueji's ability to use the evil sword must follow the path of negative yang. Don't you see that Liusheng Xueji's transformation of the evil sword is completely different from the transformation of Liusheng Shashen.It's because what she relies on is a bit of pure yang, and if she wants to transform from an evil knife to a human again.What needs to be supplemented is Yang Qi.

But as far as Zhu Wushi knew, Liu Shengxue Ji was still a virgin!

In other words, she didn't have sex with any man to replenish even a little yang energy. The consequence of this is that Liu Shengxueji can no longer transform from the evil sword state into a human, no matter what the result of the two evil sword fights afterwards?The serious injuries of Liusheng Shashen would be added, and there was no way to harvest Liusheng Xueji for treatment.

And can Liusheng Shashen, who was seriously injured and seriously injured, survive the siege of Liusheng Piaoxu and Fu Junmao's three daughters?Zhu ignores pessimism.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wushou let out a long sigh. Fortunately, he was still considering who to choose just now, but he didn't know that Liu Shengxueji didn't give him a chance to choose at all.

"Young people are awesome!" Zhu Wushi sighed.

With the approval of Zhou Tong and Li Bai, they could vaguely feel the determination in Liu Shengxueji's heart when they looked at the indomitable evil knife.

Zuo Zhou's face twitched involuntarily, and he felt a little awkward.Regret not agreeing to help them?It doesn't count, after all, their relationship is not very good, and it can't even be called friendship.But seeing such a woman sacrificed to such an extent, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Regardless of the four people with complicated moods, the fight over there will inevitably have a result.Liu Sheng Shashen had no choice but to turn into an evil sword state with a loud shout.

Liu Sheng's evil way of killing gods is called Yin damage.Much more vicious.But from the aesthetic point of view, she was almost thrown away by Yukihime Yagyu's evil ways.After all, he doesn't even have a handle.

When singing!

The metal clanging formed ear-piercing ripples, which filled the entire palace in an instant.The tall and wide palace walls are like nothingness.There is no hindrance to this sound wave.That kind of sound wave seems to come from another world, penetrating, penetrating non-stop.It was not until he crossed the entire capital that he restrained himself.

Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue and other masters.At this moment, everyone looked towards the palace, and people walked out of the house to look at the deep night sky.It is inevitable that my heart will tremble because of the sharpness just now.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu, who was located in a certain room in the harem, stood up suddenly, she felt as if she had lost something.Under the puzzled gaze of Fu Junmao's three daughters, she frantically ran into her sister's room and found a last letter left for her.

When clang clang.

The evil knife transformed by Liu Shengxueji penetrated obliquely into the ground, which was three feet long.However, the evil sword transformed by Liu Sheng's Shashen has been shattered into scum all over the ground.

Yagyu Shashen was seriously injured.The evil knife state was smashed by Di Renjie's Kanglong Mace again.After another duel, the texture of the Xie Dao suffered a devastating blow.

But victory does not necessarily mean life or death.Liu Shengxue Ji is now a magic weapon, but Liu Sheng Shashen, who was smashed to the ground, stood up again in the blink of an eye.

Pfft, a mouthful of blood spewed out without any suspense.Yagyu Shashen's body swayed and swayed.Even after falling down once or twice, he still stood firm after all.Looking at the evil knife not far away, his face was extremely ferocious.He was careless, not only because he didn't expect that Liu Shengxueji would actually become an evil knife.I didn't expect the other party to be so decisive.

Don't even do it?
"Yusheng Shashen, I want your life."

Liusheng Piaoxu and Fu Junmao finally arrived.When she saw the knife on the ground, she already understood everything.The whole person slashed at Liu Sheng Shashen like a madman.Countless knife shadows only attack but not defend, as if they have forgotten their own lives.

Fu Junmao and the three daughters recalled the secret of the evil sword that Liu Shengxueji once said.Knowing her decision, she followed Liusheng Piaoxu without any hesitation, and launched a siege against Liusheng Shashen.

Liu Sheng Shashen could no longer turn into an evil sword state, and he didn't have a weapon in his hand, and he was seriously injured.Facing the siege of four wolves and tigers, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.There were scars and blood streams.All of them reveal a result, he will escape from death in the near future.The only way to survive, I am afraid, is whether Ka can get a knife.

"Sister Ni is gone, so I will use you to make up for it."

Liu Sheng killed the god and shouted loudly.Obviously already at a disadvantage, he still has to act provocative, but because his sister can no longer come back, Liu Sheng Piaoxu's mental state is really low at this time, and he has no intention of cooperating with Fu Junmao's three daughters' siege at all. Just slash and kill.On the contrary, it formed a certain degree of hindrance to the formation of the three women.

It was these slight obstacles that made Liu Sheng kill God and finally found a chance.Using a trick, the extremely embarrassed lazy donkey rolled.Shortly escaped the siege.Then he rushed to the evil knife stuck in the ground.

As soon as Liu Shengsha grasped the handle of the knife, a wave of heat surged out.His palm was scalded with blood blisters, forcing him to let go.

Liu Sheng Shashen looked at the evil knife again, his eyes were full of incomprehension.Incarnation of the evil knife is just the beginning.If you want to fly and attack freely, you need to consume a lot of true energy.With Liu Shengxue Ji's strength, the blow just now should have exhausted all her true energy, and she should be just a magic weapon now.What if there is reason?But what is this heat wave?
"Hey, is this Liusheng Killing God really stupid? The attack power of pure yang energy. It's not so easy to surrender." Zhou Tong rolled his eyes and complained.

Li Bai also followed suit with a laugh, and said uncertainly: "Is there a possibility? He doesn't know pure Yang Qi at all."

Zuo Zhou followed suit, "It's very possible. Look at the tricks of Liu Sheng's family, what is the snow floating in the world? What is the god-killing sword? It's not cold and cold. It's sharp and aggressive. Obviously it can't match Chunyang .It is estimated that they have never seen Zhigang Zhiyang's move in their life."

Li Bai thought for a while, "I heard that Qiao Feng also slapped him with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Qiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is no longer a question of Zhigang Zhiyang. He has integrated luck. It is designed to deal with such insidious villains."

Zhu ignored and didn't follow up, he just watched the changes in the field.Yagyu Shashen made a mistake and miscalculated.Let him add six wounds to his body.The most serious one even extends from the forehead to the corner of the mouth.The eyes are smashed!However, the old man was very strong.Wow, wow, yelling just refuses to admit death.

Maybe after a period of venting.Yukihime Liu Sheng finally regained some composure.He began to cooperate with the other three girls to use formations to encircle and kill Liu Sheng Shashen.For Liu Sheng Shashen, this situation has no solution.

But he still does not give up.He raised his neck and roared, "Your Majesty, save me, Your Majesty, save me."

Zhou Tong, Li Bai and Zuo Zhou turned their heads to look at Zhu Wushi at the same time, ouch, the pressure of that moment!Zhu ignored the drop of sweat left in the corner of his eyes and said with a sneer: "He called his name, we see ours."

"I would like to lead all the warriors of the Yagyu family back to Shunming Kingdom."

For a moment, Zhu Shishi was really moved.You know, submission and alliance are not the same.But out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the three people next to him and they were looking at him again.

"Hehehe, that. I'm a little worried. You said that if the Liusheng Killing God is dead, Dongpu doesn't have the support of the Liusheng family to fight against the Wushenjue Palace, isn't it the only one family? Hey, I didn't say I would help He, I'm just a little worried, so let me remind you casually."

Zuo Zhou didn't care too much, sitting on the roof with his hands behind him for support.Erlang raised his legs casually, "I plan to wait until the matter here is almost settled. See if the Realm of Chaos will make a move. If not, I will go to Dongpu. I will cook Ju Wushen. .”

Zhu ignored his spirits, "Sir, if you are willing to make a move, that would be the best. Our Tianzun intelligence organization will definitely help you with all your strength."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Zuo Zhou's expression was casual and relaxed.A top player like Jue Wushen is nothing in his eyes.

Liusheng Piaoxu didn't know that there was already a conclusion here, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he heard Liusheng Shashen's cry for help.The sword technique is faster, and the siege of the other three women is also closer.On the other hand, Yagyu Shashen didn't get a response for a long time.Can not help but exhausted.Actions are naturally slightly deformed.And this momentary change was noticed by Fu Junmao's Yi swordsmanship.A sword from below pierced his heart instantly.

 Recently, I am adapting to phonetic codewords. The mistakes in literacy and punctuation are a kind of torture. Every proofreading is a torment.
(End of this chapter)

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