Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
"Watched a duel, did you learn anything?"

Zuo Zhou reached out and pulled Liu Sheng Piaoxu into his arms, although the two were already close enough.But Liusheng Piaoxu is not used to this kind of intimacy.Uncomfortable, she twisted her body but couldn't lock her arms, so she calmed down and replied, "I have gained something. But maybe my comprehension is too low."

"Okay, can you describe your harvest in words?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu nodded, but shook his head after a moment of hesitation.Seeing this, Zuo Zhou smiled and said, "It's not bad. The part you can describe with words is the part that you have mastered through your own understanding and formed your own things. What you can't describe is the part that you have comprehended but haven't mastered." Those parts are not yours yet, but it is quite rare to be able to form your own things in such a short period of time. You don’t need to have any doubts about your understanding.”

Liu Sheng Piaoxu looked up.Looking at Zuo Zhou with a plain face.Can't help but ask curiously: "Adults understand everything?"

Zuo Zhou smiled slightly, "Of course I understand. Who do you think I am?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu thought for a while, "My sister also taught me sword skills before. He said that the seemingly accidental miracles in this world actually contain some kind of inevitability. The decisive battle just ended in a tie. This is in my opinion. It seems unbelievable! You must know that it is almost impossible to achieve absolute balance in such things as sword intent."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "So you're struggling with this thing."

Zuo Zhou thought about it.A pair of hands has been groping her body dishonestly.At the same time, she approached her ear, "Your sister is also true. Teaching swordsmanship should be done step by step. How can I instill such a profound theory in you. I will talk to her tomorrow."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu lowered his head.The whole face is flushed, this is in the carriage.There are still many pedestrians on the roadside!She almost couldn't help crying out.

Just when Liu Sheng Piaoxu was about to faint from embarrassment, Zuo Zhou's explanation sounded in his ears. "This duel can perfectly interpret the theory your sister told you. Miracles that seem impossible and unbelievable often have their inevitability."

"The battle between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng was evenly matched before both of them reached the top ranking. Afterwards, as they sharpened each other's sword intent, the two advanced to the top ranking. After the promotion, the two did not stop. The realm is advancing by leaps and bounds. However, this rapid advancement is sometimes not a good thing."

"The foundation of the swordsmanship of the two is strong enough. In the initial stage of improvement, they can achieve pure sword intent like their arms. No matter how much power they produce, they will not be as loose and unrestrained as before. But this kind of restraint with The continuous improvement of the realm will gradually get out of their control. Once out of control, the part that does not belong to the pure sword will inevitably join in."

"In this regard, Ximen Chuuxue is at a disadvantage. Because he separates emotion from sword. So after losing control, he has nothing but pure sword intent, but after Ye Gucheng loses control, it will cause pure sword intent to become extremely emotional, It is developing in the direction of the sword. In this way, Ye Gucheng is slightly better than Ximen Chuuxue in terms of the power of the sword."

"However, here comes the crux of the problem. Both of them are proud swordsmen. The comparison is pure sword intent. Even if Ye Gucheng could win, how could Ye Gucheng use other methods. And from another angle, even if Ye Gucheng used other methods to obtain Even Ximen Fuxue will not approve of this victory."

"At the last moment of the duel, both of them had already understood the outcome. They also knew that the final outcome of this competition was meaningless. So they withdrew their swords at the same time to form a final draw. And it is bound to become a good story for both of them to advance to the ranking list."

"This decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City! It's the end. If anyone is injured, it's probably those gamblers."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu looked dazed.It turned out that there were so many profound truths in the moment when the sword was confronted at the end.After all, my comprehension is still too poor, and I didn't realize the essence of it at all.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu felt a little depressed again, but she was suddenly dazed, but found that she had been stripped naked at some point. "My lord, your hands are too fast."

Zuo Zhou was full of sadness. "When I think about going to Japan, I don't know how long it will take. I miss them in my heart."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu couldn't laugh or cry. "You think they can take them with them."

"That won't work. I really want to take them out. Then I spend too much time in the house every day. How can I have time to go out and fight? It's just right to take you. I can be a guide at the same time. I can keep my mood at ease."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was speechless.You can only honestly let the other party do what you want.

The distance from the palace gate to the pier is not short.Coupled with the hustle and bustle of the previous decisive battle, the people in the capital were still in a state of excitement at this time, and no one noticed a carriage passing by seemed to be bumping at a certain rhythm amidst the noise.I don't know how much patience and effort a beautiful woman in the carriage put in to keep herself from screaming.


The swaying carriage drove for about an hour before arriving at the pier.At this time, everyone who had been waiting for a long time couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, "Isn't he able to fly? Why did he arrive only now?"

Cheng Shifei curled his lips in dissatisfaction.Shangguan Haitang next to him still kept smiling and said: "Okay. The personnel are all here, we are going to board the boat, so you should go back quickly."

Cheng Shifei paused for a moment with a struggling expression.Then it was like a poor little child.Looking at Shangguan Haitang. "How about I go with you?"

"Don't worry, there are still so many concubines in your backyard who need to be appeased. The queen finally recognized you, and it's the time for you to be filial. Why join us in the fun?"

Cheng Shifei twitched his face.There was a trace of regret in his eyes.But he didn't say anything after all.

It can only be said that everything is out of control.During the time when he returned to the capital, he met Queen Suxin's mother and son.Zhu ignored him as if he was his own son.That's a pet!The houses that once lived in several high-ranking officials were opened up and given to him.At the same time, hundreds of servants and maids were given, and all expenses for food and clothing were paid by the imperial court.Cheng Shifei has never received such treatment?I was a little dazed for a while.

What did you say?From simplicity to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to difficulty.With his background as a gangster, it is inevitable that he will be difficult to control for a while.Fortunately, I had been a spy for quite a long time, and it didn't take me long to realize it.However, Zhu Wushi immediately stuffed several concubines into his room, and these concubines were not sent here casually.Each of them is a lady from a great family, either the concubine daughter of an important official in the court, or the noble daughter of a noble family.

Cheng Shifei, who had finally stood up from the clouds of luxury, lay down again in the gentleness, coupled with the posture of Queen Suxin, who was happy to see the success and urged marriage and children.It's easy to let Cheng right and wrong succumb.Or it could be said that the lewdness that belonged to the punks has resurfaced.

Of course, Cheng Shifei was also concerned about Shangguan Haitang's thoughts.But he thought that the imperial decree had already stated that Shangguan Haitang would be betrothed to him as his wife.Coupled with Gui Hai's one-shot death, he felt that he was sure of everything.As soon as this will softened, he relaxed a little.

However, for some people, it's not like they don't understand.He just subconsciously didn't want to think about it, Cheng Shifei obviously ignored the past that Shangguan Haitang was locked in the dungeon.

Regarding this so-called finger marriage, although Shangguan Haitang did not expressly resist the order, she also expressed her position with actions.This time Zuo Zhou went to Japan.She took the initiative to stop it.And this appearance of being public-minded also made Zhu ignore no reason to refuse.

Until now, Cheng Shifei suddenly woke up.Although he and Shangguan Haitang are colleagues, they have lived and died together.Although Zhu Wushi is Shangguan Haitang's adoptive father.But these were not enough for Shangguan Haitang to be with him.

I am afraid that the only condition in this world that can do this is that Shangguan Haitang is willing.And he doesn't seem to be able to do that.

Cheng Shifei was tangled over there, but Zuo Zhou had already got out of the carriage with Liu Shengpiaoxu in his arms.The latter looked shameless.Bury the gnat's head in his arms and pretend to be asleep.Zuo Zhou also came to Shangguan Haitang without hesitation, and looked at the truth again.He smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to leave. What's your business? Just make it clear first. It might be dangerous for us to go."

Hearing this, Cheng Shifei looked at Shangguan Haitang again, the eagerness in his eyes seemed to be thinking of persuading him again.Fight for it again.Shangguan Haitang suddenly became a little more serious.She opened her arms and embraced Cheng Shifei tightly.Just when Cheng Shifei was about to misunderstand something, Shangguan Haitang escaped from his embrace.Said softly: "I know your affection. I am also very touched. There was even a period of time when I thought about just being with you."

Cheng Fei was a little excited when he heard the words.However, this excitement was soon poured down by a basin of cold water.

"But it's a pity that we were not together. It's a pity. But we were not together, that is, we shouldn't be together. Since ancient times, it is difficult for a loving person to be a family. Forgetting each other in the rivers and lakes, it is rare to go well. This is yours My perfect ending."

Cheng Shifei was a little sad, but Zuo Zhou was delighted to hear it.Don't say this farewell is a bit interesting.If it wasn't for him not being able to draw his hand now, he would definitely applaud and praise, maybe he would write a women's article for Shangguan Haitang when he became interested.Let her be the heroine.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad. Now Zhu Wushi is the only child you have. You can choose all the ladies of the dignitaries in the capital. Maybe you can find some prettier than her. Why are you sad?"

Cheng Shifei rolled his eyes.He was already a little used to Li Yuanfang's indecency.Just as he was about to let go completely and say some farewell words, a carriage gradually approached in the distance.The exterior of the carriage is inlaid with exquisite decorations.Noble but not vulgar, it was the car of Ye Gucheng who had traveled with them all the way. "I haven't heard of Dongying and his party. Ye Gucheng is also involved?"

(End of this chapter)

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