Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 743 The Black-bellied Ximen Chuixue

Chapter 743 The Black-bellied Ximen Chuixue

"City Master Ye is going back to Feixian Island?"

"That's right, it happened to be on the way." Ye Gucheng still looked like that stinky fart.One word will board their boat.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes.We're doing a covert operation anyway.There are those who see you off at the pier, and those who go out to sea for tickets and boats.So is this secret an open secret?

Here, Ye Gucheng's sword servant has already started to move the luggage onto the boat.Ye Gucheng said slowly. "You have to know yourself. There are so many martial arts masters in the city. General Li's whereabouts have never been a secret."

Zuo Zhou was a little funny, what the other party said sounded like a compliment to him, but why did it feel so awkward?

"If it's not a secret, you have to act like it's a secret. Outsiders don't understand it, and they think I'm unpredictable."

Ye Gucheng was obviously too lazy to talk nonsense with Zuo Zhou, and walked straight to the boat.

The big ship that Zhu ignored followed the style of the naval warships of the Ming Dynasty.It looks burly and strong, and it is estimated that ordinary water bandits will retreat when they see it from a distance.

Zuo Zhou didn't have any intention to stop him, and entered the cabin with Liu Sheng Piaoxu in his arms.And Shangguan Haitang stood on the deck and waved goodbye to Cheng Shifei.Seeing the ship gradually go away, Cheng Shifei's lonely figure also gradually disappeared into the distance.

Zuo Zhou settled down, Liu Sheng Piaoxu got on the deck and saw the sentimental Shangguan Haitang at a glance. "If you really don't want to part with it, just marry. Why bother?"

"Don't marry."

When Zuo Zhou heard this, he was so determined.Can't help but ask curiously, "Why don't you marry?"

"When I was a secret agent, I didn't think about the day when I would get married. After all, the life of knife and blood is not suitable for a family. Later, I stopped being a secret agent. I just wanted to find a satisfactory person and live the rest of my life peacefully. "

"Is this desirable person going back to the sea with a knife?"

"I thought it was before, but it's a pity that the fate is over."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "It was during that time that you thought about making things right, so why did you go back on your word later?"

Shangguan Haitang shook her head. "It's probably fate. Just when my heart was loosened, Zhu Wushi stuffed a few honorable daughters into his backyard. I know those girls. Although there are no prostitutes, they are also knowledgeable. A dignified and elegant boudoir name."

Zuo Zhou frowned.It's a coincidence that the time is stuck.Zuo Zhou didn't say it clearly.However, based on his understanding of Zhu Wushi, this matter is not a big one, but it is not a small one.After all, Zhu Shishi now only has one prince in name.In addition, even if you are a concubine, you always have to walk away from the etiquette that should be expected.It can take half a month for the two parties to send the dowry gift and engagement letter to calculate the horoscope.Now it happened to be the critical moment when Guihai died with a single knife and Shangguan Haitang's heart fluttered.He dared to bet anyone.This was definitely done by Zhu ignoring that old bastard.

"So you were stimulated to accept this task."

"It doesn't really count. I can only say that I am going with the flow. I will not go back to the Ming Dynasty after I complete this task. From now on, I will be happy in the world. Follow the fate."

Zuo Zhou nodded.It is rare for him to see such an open-minded girl. "Okay, let's get to know each other for a while, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me, and I will try my best to help you if I can.

"Thank you, Master Li."

Squeak, there was the sound of the door opening from the cabin.Zuo Zhou and Shangguan Haitang looked back.Ye Gucheng boarded the deck holding his sword and turned his head to look to the left.A cargo ship gradually appeared in the distance.Three figures stood on the deck, and the one in the middle seemed to be quite enthusiastic, waving at them from a distance.

With Zuo Zhou's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that it was not Xie Xun, Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing.

When the boat was approaching, Sikong Zhaixing jumped on the boat first, opened his arms to Zuo Zhou, and was about to give him a warm hug.

"Hey, I'm not interested in men. We don't have much friendship. Try not to post."

Sikong Zhaixing is not embarrassed either.Just laughed. "Master Li is serious. How can we say that we were officials in the same dynasty at the beginning. It is reasonable for us to send off old friends."

Zuo Zhou didn't bother to look at him.The hell is the same dynasty as an official.When he was in Daqin, Zuo Zhou was the general Sikong Zhaixing, at best he was an auxiliary policeman, and he had no serious establishment.

Turning to look at Lu Xiaofeng. "You haven't returned to Daqin?"

"Just about to go back, just to see off Xie Xun. He wants to go back to Yuan Kingdom."

Everyone looked at Xie Xun.He nodded to Zuo Zhou and said, "I don't have any money on me. There are not many cargo ships going to the Yuan Kingdom, so I might as well rub your boat."

Xie Xun was one of the few who knew about the relationship between Zuo Zhou and Jiang Yuyan.Now it is well hidden in front of everyone.

Zuo Zhou was happy. "Okay, anyway, you're not the only one on this boat. It's not like sending a few people away." Then he turned his attention to Lu Xiaofeng, "What are you going to do next? You can't go to Chaos Jade, right?"

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head. "Things in the Realm of Chaos are indeed tricky. But my reputation is outside. This matter is not suitable for me to intervene. I have other things to investigate."

Zuo Zhou didn't ask any more questions, after all, he was no longer a general of Daqin.Don't look at the fact that many people still call him General Li.But that's because no one dared to give him nicknames indiscriminately due to fear of Zuo Zhou's strength.Therefore, the previous honorific title is still used.

"Come on, the sea is rough here. Go back to everything that needs to be done. Don't let us capsize when the two boats get close together." Zuo Zhou waved his hand impatiently.Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing didn't say that they were putting on their shame to beg for wine.He turned around and jumped onto the deck of his own ship.

The two waved at the same time, watching Zuo Zhou and others leave from a distance.Then the face was serious and the voice was low. "Xie Xun doesn't want us to send him back to Yuan Kingdom, but he is wary of us."

Sikong Zhaixing followed suit and nodded, "Xie Xun is backed by a powerful intelligence organization. It even surpassed the Demon Sect. Although it seems that their power is concentrated in Qing, overseas and Ming countries, it still cannot be ruled out that there are also them in Daqin people."

"This matter is no small matter. The Azure Dragon Society was finally wiped out on the border, but monsters appeared to implicate Daqin's forces, and now there are unknown intelligence organizations infiltrating Daqin. If they are not caught, people will think that Daqin is easy to bully. If you want to make trouble, how can you wait until the new emperor grows up?"

Sikong Zhaixing continued with a worried face: "Xie Xun dumped us. In the name of taking a boat, do you think there will be his accomplices on the boat?"

Lu Xiaofeng thought for a while, then shook his head slightly, "Probably not, Li Yuanfang's biological mother is the master of the Demon Sect. Although the Demon Sect is my Great Qin's intelligence organization, if he wants any information, Zhu Yuyan will not hide it from him. He has no reason to join other intelligence organizations."

"Shangguan Haitang used to be an agent of the Hulong Villa. When Zhu Wushi cleaned up the Hulong Villa, he had already cleaned up everything. Shangguan Haitang had no chance to contact any intelligence team's solicitation."

"As for Liusheng Piaoxu, who has now become Li Yuanfang's vassal, it's not worth mentioning. Ye Gucheng..."

Lu Xiaofeng paused for a while.Of course Sikong Zhaixing understood what he meant.This lonely city has lived overseas for a long time.It has a sense of mystery in itself.Strength and toughness.Just finished the showdown on the top of the Forbidden City.It is the time when the prestige is the strongest.If he wants to do something at this time, I'm afraid it will cause quite a lot of trouble.

"How about you and I turn the bow of the boat and go to Feixian Island. If you use your skills to push the waves, you should be able to reach Feixian Island before them. First go to the island to investigate. Confirm whether there is any problem with Ye Gucheng?"



"City Master Ye's talent is really enviable. It's been less than a day since he was promoted to the list, and he has already consolidated his foundation. It's amazing."

Zuo Zhou poured Ye Gucheng a glass of wine as he spoke.In fact, speaking of this glass of wine, the two of them should have had a long time ago.The first time he met Ye Gucheng, the other party obviously intended to make friends.It's a pity that he said 'too dazzling' after the move of Flying Immortal.Annoyed the other party.

At that time, Ye Gucheng was willing to befriend him because he thought he knew swords.Now he is willing to make friends with him because Ye Gucheng has reached the level of the local list.He regards Zuo Zhou as a master of the same level.

"General Li has a great reputation. If he hadn't reached the level of the local list, it would be difficult to understand how powerful General Li is."

"Hahahaha, I'm overwhelmed and overwhelmed, but I don't know why City Lord Ye is so anxious to return to Feixian Island? Why don't you stay and exchange sword intent with Ximen Chuuxue."

Ye Gucheng shook his head upon hearing this.Looking at the curious eyes of the people around him, he didn't mean to hide it.

"We have already set a date for the next battle. Although there is still a lot of time, I am a little nervous."

Zuo Zhou was stunned. "Why do these words sound inconsistent? What do you mean there is still a lot of time? Are you nervous?"

Ye Gucheng replied: "It is really difficult to advance to the ground ranking. Even if the two of us spend decades, we may not be able to improve much compared to now. To us, winning or losing is meaningless. Sharpening the sword is the most important thing. If you only rely on the little bit of promotion, it will not help each other much. Simply find another way and change the method of dueling."

"What method? Everyone can't help but wonder."

Ye Gucheng said: "Our duel is scheduled to take place 15 years later, and our disciples or descendants will continue this competition."

Everyone was startled and looked at each other.Zuo Zhou almost spit out a mouthful of water and tried not to laugh.Ximen Chuuxue is so black-bellied.How strong is his own daughter's swordsmanship?He also said he didn't care about winning or losing.Lao Ye, you are too naive.

Ye Gucheng didn't notice Zuo Zhou's sympathetic eyes, and just said: "If two other people who study pure sword intent fight, there is indeed a high chance that we can understand it by analogy. It's just that I haven't paid attention to sword practice before. Not to mention marrying a wife and having children. The 15-year period is really stressful for me."

Zuo Zhou coughed a few times.He asked with a smile, "Then do you plan to go back to Feixian Island immediately to recruit some apprentices and teach them how to practice swords? Or are you looking for some sword servants to serve the bed? How many children will you have with your strong blood?"

These words confused Ye Gucheng, he really thought so before.However, the words were spoken by an outsider, which made him feel a little unreliable. First of all, there were indeed many sword servants on Feixian Island, and there were also some beautiful ones, but those sword servants had mediocre talent in swordsmanship.Accepting them as apprentices, I am afraid that they will not be able to practice any tricks.As for having children... To be honest, he looked down on those sword servants, thinking that the mother's bloodline should also be very important.If it affects the potential of the child born.Wouldn't that be a waste of effort?
As a result, Ye Gucheng fell into a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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