Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 745 This copy doesn't seem interesting

Chapter 745 This copy doesn't seem interesting

So, the more beautiful a person is, the more attention should be paid to facial expression management.Look at Mousuki Yagyu's thick eyebrows and big eyes, because of his poor expression management, he must have been seen through his thoughts.

"Don't get on the boat, just follow behind." Liu Sheng Piaoxu's tone was so cold.It's like eating a bucket of ice cream raw in the wild on a cold day.

Munemo Yagyu's smile froze on his face.Looking at the people on board, he really didn't mean to be tough.Instead, she said 'ah, yes, yes, my sister is right. ' expression.Then the big boat controlling the Yagyu family followed behind their boat
Shangguan Haitang was a little helpless, and comforted Liucheng Piaoxu with her arms around her shoulders: "Don't be sad. You shouldn't have expected anything."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu knew that what the other party said was correct.She really wasn't expecting anything.It's just that when his relatives let him down again, they are still very angry after all.

Zuo Zhou shrugged.In a very frivolous tone, he persuaded: "Don't worry, maybe your cousin just has atrophy of facial nerves."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu burst into laughter, "My lord's way of comforting people is really amazing. No wonder he can coax so many girls."

"Hey, you're wrong. True love is true energy, and routines are moves. If you don't have true feelings, you will only get routines in the end."

"Hehe, there is really a philosophy of life. It's just that Somo Yagyu has been kicked off the ship now. How do we get information?" Shang Huang Haitang asked.

"Don't worry about information. What's more, Yagyu Somo is a sinister villain, and he can't even control his expression. The information from his mouth may only deceive us. After we disembark in Dongying, we Find out by yourself. Hey, that's right. Do you want to divert to Feixian Island or send Xie Xun to Yuan Kingdom first?"

Ye Gucheng and Xie Xun looked at each other but didn't speak.Zuo Zhou snorted angrily. "Silent ghost at this time!" Pointing to Xie Xun, "You speak first."

Xie Xun had no choice but to let the other party be our boss. "I'm not in a hurry to go back to the Yuan Kingdom. There are many people around Zhao Min to protect him. There are also many traps, formations and the like."

As Xie Xun said, he played tricks on Zuo Zhou.The meaning is obvious. 'you do not need to worry.Even if those thousands of defective products from the local list went to the Yuan Kingdom, they can still escape'

Zuo Zhou didn't even bother to talk to him.What am I worried about?Do you see me as a worried person?Zhao Min was all kinds of impatient when he first borrowed the seeds.Even if he couldn't make anyone move, he was still complaining about whether he could hurry up.He gave a bad review to this kind of partner!What is there to worry about?

Ye Gucheng thought about it.Look at Liu Sheng Piaoxu. "It is rumored that the people of Dongying are martial arts. I don't know if there are any powerful female swordsmen."

These words confused Liu Sheng Piaoxu.It sounds like Ye Gucheng wants to go to Japan to find a woman to have a baby.After a moment of silence, Liu Sheng Piaoxu said, "Although I think this decision is quite speechless, I will answer you. Don't hold too much hope. In Dongying, although there is a martial atmosphere on the surface, the real high-end martial arts in the mainland are still They are monopolized among the major families, and the so-called masters at the bottom all rely on bravery and bloodiness to fight. They are more than fierce and lack skills. Not to mention the way of swordsmanship."

Shangguan Haitang then added: "Miss Liusheng is right. On the surface, Dongying is a place of martial arts. But in the interior, there is indeed a strict hierarchy. If City Lord Ye wants to find a woman, he can go to various families to transfer to her." Go around. If you don’t have any of the families, you can leave. After all, looking for a needle in a haystack among the common people is no different. Moreover, it has not been mentioned in the previous information of Hulong Villa, except for the Liusheng sisters. A talented female swordsman."

Zuo Zhou said cheerfully at the side: "Be careful, don't win the duel and lose the child. I've heard that Dongpu has a lot of borrowings. What's more, you want to find a talented female swordsman Yes, don't the three sisters of the Fu family all exist? And there are still three of them. The chance of giving birth to a child with good talent has tripled."

Ye Gucheng glanced at him with disgust.Said slowly. "I don't like them. In my opinion, their talent in swordsmanship is not high. I think that when Fu Cailin took them in as apprentices, it was because he saw that they were suitable for the method of improving spiritual power in Yi Jianshu, not because he saw that they had What kendo talent."

Um?A way to improve mental power?Zuo Zhou froze for a moment.After all, he didn't have much contact with Fu Junmao and others.Unexpectedly, the other party's exercise turned out to be a rather rare mental power exercise.Hey, if you learn this, you can integrate it into your own exercises.To make up for the disadvantage that the Heart Sutra of Huimeng cannot be strengthened after reaching the ground list.Well, this matter has to be put on the agenda.If I have time, I will replace Na Yi's swordsmanship.

After the chat was over, everyone re-entered the cabin to live their own lives.But behind them, a dull discussion was going on in the big boat of the Yagyu family.

Munemo Yagyu folded his arms across his chest, and from time to time moved a tachi at his waist with his fingers.The sound is far less sunny than it has been seen before. "What do you think of the masters on board just now?"

An old man who looked very fierce, his face was covered with layers of flesh, and one eye was covered with a black blindfold. He said: "They are all high-ranking people. They should not be underestimated, but they should be nothing to us."

One sits on a table.The short, baby-like man with excess hair said: "After all, this is the sea, so it's difficult for us to use it. Besides, it's easy to hurt the second lady. If so, how can I explain to the Oda family?"

Opposite Yagyu Somo is a pretty bald nun.Wearing a unique monk's robe that is different from that of the Central Plains, he twisted the rosary in his hand and said, "Don't forget. Liu Shengxueji and Liu Sheng Shashen died together, but the evil knife was left behind. If you guessed correctly, It is right next to the second lady at the moment. Although we can temporarily improve our skills to the perfection of masters on the human list, but the evil knife is not on the list, I think it is better to be safe."

At the mention of the evil knife, the atmosphere suddenly froze.The eyes of several strange-looking people met.I don't know what was exchanged in secret and nodded at the same time.Munemo Yagyu said, "Since everyone agrees, let's wait. When they arrive in Dongpu, they will be unable to fly."


Zuo Zhou didn't know that Yagyu Zongmo behind him was talking about Liusheng Xueji.If he knew, he must be curious and ask 'do you sneeze? '

"Yagyu Somo. His thoughts are too deep. Together with his father, he has more than 800 thoughts. You have to be careful."

Zuo Zhou was communicating with Liu Shengxue Ji in the consciousness space at this time.Speaking of Yagyu Somo, Yagyu Yukihime said so.

"It's not a big problem, as long as he is sure that he is malicious, just kill him."

Liu Shengxue Ji was a little helpless when she heard the words, and persuaded: "The bandits provoke you, you kill the bandits. The government provokes you, kill the government. The emperor provokes you, you kill the emperor. It sounds like a happy enmity. But this is also against the law. You are trampling on me. Since you are living in the Ming country, you have a cooperative relationship with Zhu Zhu. Don't you think about his position?"

Zuo Zhou looked at her in surprise.Suddenly asked with a smile: "Did you often chat with exiles before?"

Liu Shengxue Ji nodded. "When I was very curious about them before, I did talk to them a lot. I also taught them some martial arts. How?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head. "Actually, the world of the exiles is different from this world. The laws of that world actually have meaning. To some extent, the laws can greatly protect civilians, but this world is different. This world can protect civilians. , is the sympathy of a master."

Liu Shengxue Ji frowned. "I understand what you mean. But you say that sympathy is too sad. What if a master is very bloodthirsty? Wouldn't the world be in chaos?"

"That's why there is the way of heaven. You see, the gods who didn't treat ordinary people as human beings are all broken now. Those who don't are also reincarnated as adults."

Yukihime Yagyu had a strange expression, although it sounded like it was true.But he always felt that Zuo Zhou was teasing her.

Zuo Zhou didn't give her any time to think, he laughed and continued to ask. "Your sister told me about several famous people before. Did you know?"

"What do you think."

"Tell me about your cousin Yagyu Munemo first."

Liu Shengxue Ji was very rude. "He is not good at martial arts. He is not good at ingenuity. He is unwilling to give up both. But he can't concentrate unless someone can give him a huge blow and make him give up those dirty power struggles and concentrate on hard work. Otherwise, future achievements will be limited."

"That's Sanada Yukimura."

Liu Shengxue Ji paused.The expression is a little more serious than before. "He is a general. No matter his skills or moves, he is different from those in the martial arts. If it is a one-on-one duel with Piaoxu's current strength, he should be able to win. But if he meets Piaoxu on the battlefield, he will not be able to get out of 50 rounds."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "Understood. They are generals like the Yang family. Although they are good at martial arts, they can't be regarded as people in the martial arts. And the place where they exert their greatest strength is the battlefield. Then let's talk about Sasaki Kojiro."

"This is a swordsman with good talent. But it's just good. He hasn't gone beyond the limitations of his moves."

"What about Miyamoto Musashi?"

Mentioning this name, Liu Shengxue Ji had a strange expression on her face.After a moment of silence, he continued: "His talent is also good. But his character is not that of a swordsman."

"How to say? What he cultivated is not pure sword intent. Uh, I mean pure sword intent?"

"No, he is the kind of person who often invites people to duel, but also uses all kinds of tricks outside the game. In order to win, he can use various methods. Take the previous decisive battle at Zijin Peak as an example. If it were him Maybe they will talk to Ximen Chuuxue about his wife and children before the duel, thus provoking him."

Zuo Zhou was also happy. "I seem to understand a little bit what you said. It's mentality, I'm familiar with it! It's like a duel with him. He will talk to disturb my mood, and I will choose to drive a dump truck ahead of time to kill him. Yes Is that so?"

"What's a dump truck?"

Zuo Zhou smiled and didn't answer, Liu Shengxue Ji continued, "It's almost the same. He cares more about winning or losing than sharpening the sword. I feel that what he cultivates is the heart, not the sword."

"Hey, a person who always challenges people to a duel. I'm afraid I don't understand it. Hey, if I reveal my identity after I arrive in Dongpu, will he come to me for a duel? If he asks me for a duel, will he? Will you attack Liusheng Piaoxu in advance?"

Liu Shengxue Ji's face turned cold. "I will be responsible for hacking him to death."

 The input software on Sogou’s computer is really annoying. The typo rate of voice input is more than 30.00%, and it also adds random punctuation. The key is that there is no voice setting button, which is really disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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