Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 746 I haven't done it yet, you guys... continue

Chapter 746 I haven't done it yet, you guys... continue

In fact, Dongying is not far from the Ming Dynasty. The boat of Zuo Zhou and others sailed on the sea for about three days and landed on a certain beach in Dongying.This is not a professional port, it's more like running aground than landing.The reason for this situation is because of Zuo Zhou's bad taste, he just wanted to show that he was very wary of the Liusheng family.

Although this joke-like behavior made Shangguan Haitang and the others look down upon, it successfully deceived Liu Shengzong and the others. Their boat was always hanging behind Zuo Zhou and the others, watching Zuo Zhou and the others keep changing. Xiang, their faces also looked like spilled paint.

"You guys run, as long as you land on the shore of Dongpu, you will never want to leave again."

The words of Yagyu Munemo also represented the attitude of the Yagyu family. When everyone went ashore, several people on his boat disappeared unknowingly.Of course, this kind of change cannot be hidden from the attention of Zuo Zhou and others, and it is estimated that only Yagyu Sokichi and the others will be arrogant and think that they have crossed the sea
"Are you familiar with this place?" Zuo Zhou glanced at the surrounding environment and asked Liu Sheng Piaoxu.

"I grew up in Dongying, but it doesn't mean I know every inch of Dongying's land. Who knows where you let the ship go around."

Xie Xun looked at a direction thoughtfully, and replied: "There should be people living in that direction, we can go and find out."

After everyone set out on the road, Liu Sheng Zongju came over with a shy face and said with a smile: "Gentlemen, why don't you go to the other courtyard of Liu Sheng's house..."

Yagyu Zongju was interrupted by Liusheng Piaoxu before he finished speaking, "You go back first and tell all the clan elders to hold a family meeting in Liusheng's other courtyard in three days."

Liusheng Piaoxu's indifferent words surprised Liusheng Zongju, and this time he showed his desire for power. Why do you?Just relying on these few people around the list of masters?Today's Japan is not the Japan you left when you left.But Munemo Yagyu didn't mean to get angry, instead he said with a smile: "It's easy, just let someone notify you later, big sister will come back once in a while and let me be your guide."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu frowned slightly but did not refute, Zuo Zhou was beside him but asked with a smile, "How long has Master Liu Sheng left Dongpu before?"

Liu Sheng Zongju replied, "Only a day or two later, when I hurriedly learned that my sister was about to return, I couldn't help but lose my sense of joy in my heart. If there is any impoliteness, I hope everyone will forgive me."

Zuo Zhou made a dazed look, but smiled meaningfully: "Two days, then it's no wonder Master Liu Sheng. After all, it happened suddenly. I'm afraid that you can't control any changes in the situation at sea."

Liu Shengzong looked at Zuo Zhou strangely, what did the other party mean?He didn't understand at all.

Whoosh boom!
Blasts of cold wind fell from the sky, and the black rain of arrows covered Zuo Zhou and his party in an instant.

To be honest, even though they had already secretly detected an ambush, they actually used bows and arrows in the face of a group of so-called masters?It really exceeded their expectations.

"It's interesting, you guys from Liusheng's family are very brave." Zuo Zhou looked at Zongju Liusheng with great interest, while Piaoxu Liusheng on the other side had an extremely ugly face, and there were rows of figures standing up from behind the forest and the ramp. The knives, bows and arrows in their fully armed hands had obviously been waiting for a long time, and what annoyed her the most was that the flags and banners of the Yagyu family's family emblem were still erected. Needless to say, this must be the person who informed the Yagyu family from the first few people who left The ambush location has been changed.

Seeing this, Liu Sheng Zongju stopped pretending, and pulled out the sword from his waist, his originally respectful face suddenly smiled smugly, "Sister, don't panic, this is just... uh"

Zongji Liusheng's words were suddenly stopped, because before Zuo Zhou and others could make a move, the Liusheng family's subordinates who had just stood up in an ambush unexpectedly spewed out handfuls of blood one after another, and the originally dense crowd was like cutting wheat. dump.

Zuo Zhou and the others were also a little confused. Is this the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?Originally thought there were many people in an ambush, but who knew it turned out to be two groups of people.

I don't know which faction people suddenly took action and started targeting the members of the Liusheng family. Because of the sudden attack, more than [-]% of the members of the Liusheng family were stabbed in the back

And the sharp reduction in the number of people also caused the power of the Liusheng family to shrink rapidly. Yagyu Zongju was in a hurry, and took out a small fan from his back waist and shook it. Although Zuo Zhou had never seen this thing, he could know its general function. It is similar to the semaphore. I saw those subordinates of the Yagyu family, who were retreating steadily, immediately began to gather and evacuate in a rhythmic way, and Yagyu Somo and several masters around him naturally joined them

"Good guy, old people, children and nuns, these are the people you can't mess with in the world. It seems that your younger brother has been gathered together." Zuo Zhou said sarcastic remarks, but the group of them didn't feel any nervous, just stood Quietly watching the battle around
The chaos didn't last long. Due to the participation and command of Yagyu Munemoto, the members of the Yagyu family had a tendency to break out of the siege. However, at this moment, a hundred and eighty riders suddenly appeared in the jungle, and their armor was stronger than that of the Yagyu family It was stricter and thicker, and what he was holding in his hand was not a sword, but a long weapon that was good for horse fighting. The leader general covered his face with an oni mask, and carried a cross naginata in his hand. The road of blood pointed directly at Yagyu Zongmo.

When he saw the general, Munemo Yagyu fell into a panic, "Sanada Yukimura, you guys don't keep your word."

Munegi Yagyu only had time to curse, and then the naginata collided with the sword, and the heavy force directly flew Munemo Yagyu away, but the weapon was not on his body, and the impact brought by the force was successfully overturned by Munemo Yagyu several times Most of it was removed, but Sanada Yukimura's attack did not end that easily,

He sat down on the steed, as if his mind was connected with him, and the body that flew out following Yagyu Munemoki as he galloped vigorously made Sanada Yukimura's second knife and even the first knife coherent
Munemo Yagyu's face turned pale with fright. The general's attack is unstoppable. If you dodge the first time, you will probably need to dodge the second time and the third time until you have nothing to dodge, so you must disrupt his rhythm.

The most effective way to discuss the enemy's rhythm is to attack, and the enemy will launch a counterattack in an unexpected place

"Watch me kill God with one move and slash with a knife."

Yagyu Zongju shouted loudly, but the aura on his body began to soar strangely until the master of the human list was perfected. He raised the knife with both hands in the air and slashed at the naginata stabbing below.

"Killing God's One Slash is Liu Sheng's improved vertical chop?" Zuo Zhou asked curiously
Liu Sheng Piaoxu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What is vertical split? Well, although it's the same move, the connotation is different."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips and didn't refute anything. Over there, Munemo Yagyu and Sanada Yukimura had already killed each other, and their weapons collided again. This time, Sanada Yukimura gained the upper hand, and his rhythm was stopped. If you want to return to the unstoppable position just now, you must regain momentum.

Zuo Zhou and the others were slightly surprised by the change of Yagyu Zongju, and they looked at each other. Well, there is no need for any evidence now. After all, there are batches of defective products on the ground list appearing on both Chaos and Domain. It is not uncommon for a person to be able to rise to the level of a master in a short period of time

Just as Zuo Zhou and others expected, those old men, children, and nuns also increased in strength, raising their weapons and planning to rush into the enemy group, Kai Wushuang.

However, what they are facing is the attack of an established army, which does not mean that they can be crushed simply by relying on personal force, not to mention that the strength of those cavalry is not weak.

I saw those cavalrymen's true qi exploded and quickly condensed together, forming a huge monster similar to the Fa. disgusting

I don't know what is so special about this monster, but it is actually a thing formed by the condensed energy of the cavalry. The elderly, children, and nuns panicked when they saw it. Instead of stopping its charge, they wanted to retreat separately. The word 'counseling' is engraved on his face.

Ah, that nun's body was directly smashed into pieces, and I don't know what kind of grudge these cavalry have with this nun, they chose her first to attack
"It's a pity, it's the first time I've seen such an unscrupulous nun." Zuo Zhou shook his head and said sarcastic words

Seeing that the cavalry turned a corner and chased after the other two, Zuo Zhou couldn't help frowning. This turn was like a big bug crawling all over the ground, and suddenly he had the urge to step up and step on it.

"Sanada Yukimura, I want to see Patriarch Oda, do you take him seriously for being so reckless?"

A sneer slowly overflowed from the ghost mask, "Hehehe, the young master Oda has indeed coveted Liusheng Piaoxu and Liusheng Yukihime for a long time, but women are nothing compared to Daye, you think you can get the Oda family with a mere marriage support? If it’s Yagyu Shashen or Yagyu but Ma Shou is still there, what are you, Yagyu Zongmo.”

Liu Sheng Piaoxu on the side was a little puzzled, so he was sold to get married?
But then Yagyu Munemo laughed, "Your Oda family is really hypocritical, it's clear that you proposed the marriage. Now you're trying to beat me up. Sister, come and save me. They're just coveting the power of my Yagyu family."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu looked at both sides but didn't care who brought up the matter first. As a result, the family decided to let her be married. She slowly turned her head and looked at Zuo Zhou with tears in her eyes, "I also Knowing that we don't have any feelings, you should be more or less angry, I'm your woman anyway."

Zuo Zhou looked disgusted, "I should have thought more about it when your sister sent you here, lest someone say that I bullied the weak, robbed women, and bullied small families! I, Li Yuanfang, don't want to lose face?"

Li Yuanfang!
Sanada Yukimura, who was beating Yagyu Sokichi, stopped suddenly. Obviously, Li Yuanfang's name had already been heard by them, and they didn't know where they heard it from.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou said cheerfully, "Unexpectedly, we have such a great reputation now, you beat you, as long as your young master doesn't come to make trouble, I won't do it."

Zuo Zhou and the others were almost certain that after the Oda family succeeded in attacking the Yagyu family, they must have thought about how to deal with Yagyu Piaoxu and others in advance. Now that they know of Li Yuanfang's existence, that plan may not be carried out again.

"Sister, come and help me, I am your younger brother." Yagyu Munemo shouted

Willow Piaoxu: "Excellent."

"Blood is thicker than water!"

Liusheng Piaoxu also ignored him, Zuozhou asked with a smile: "I ask you a question, do you dare to answer it?"

Sanada Yukimura speeded up the pace, Yagyu Munemoki had already started to struggle and had no time to answer, Zuo Zhou didn't care so much and asked directly: "When did the crow leave Japan."

(End of this chapter)

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