Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 747 This map has no masters

Chapter 747 This map has no masters

In fact, Zuo Zhou thought it was weird when Liu Shengzong stopped them on the sea before. If it was a conventional intelligence organization, he would never get the news of Liu Sheng's death so quickly. Kill the door, after all, the hookup between them started very early.

What's interesting is that Yagyu Somo was scared by Xie Xun when he found them. It's interesting, he was scared by Xie Xun with such a evil star as himself!Zuo Zhou would never admit that he was not as famous as Xie Xun, so it was almost certain that Yagyu Somo didn't know about Zuo Zhou's existence.

This is even more interesting. When Liu Sheng Piaoxu came to send the knife to recognize the owner, many people on the street saw it. Minus, delete the description of yourself.This can't help but make Zuo Zhou suspicious. Could it be that Shishamen is trying to trap Liusheng's family?
What's the point?With the size of the Jushamen, the so-called alliance of the Yagyu family was completely inconceivable. After all, the only Yagyu Shashen who had a bit of support among them was already dead.

As long as you really do it yourself, the people of the Yagyu family may not be able to hold on for even a minute, so what is the reason for doing this?
Zuo Zhou only thought of one reason, to delay himself!
In the eyes of outsiders, Li Yuanfang's only explanation for going to Dongying after Liu Sheng's death was to make Dongying mess up and prevent it from interfering with the development of the Ming Dynasty.

And there are two ways to make Dongpu mess up, which have been mentioned before, they can think of it, and the people of the Ten Killing Gate can undoubtedly think of it.

In order to allow Li Yuanfang to stay in Japan for more time, the best way is undoubtedly to disrupt the situation in Japan, so that Zuo Zhou will not be able to continue to balance the situation in Japan by controlling the Liusheng family. The only option left for him is to By killing one faction and eradicating one force after another, this will undoubtedly take a lot of time for Zuo Zhou.

Of course, Shishamen knew Zuo Zhou's strength best, and unless these forces in Dongpu abandoned their old dens and hid in XZ, they really wouldn't be able to delay for much time.However, among these forces, there is another one that is quite special, and that is Wushen Jue Palace.

If you want Japan to be completely chaotic, you must not leave any forces that may unify Japan, so Wushen Jue Palace must be eradicated, but Wushen used to have a cooperative relationship with Shishamen. You only need to let Jue Wushen hide and Zuo Zhou If you can't complete the task, you will be dragged here for a long time.

Zuo Zhou didn't know what Shishamen was going to do now, but it would more or less have something to do with Zuo Zhou.So they must have been afraid of causing trouble by themselves, and that's why all these farces happened.


The extra-large sword was thrown out by Zuo Zhou, easily blocking Sanada Yukimura's naginata, "Don't worry, wait until I finish asking, your battle can be resolved later."

Sanada Yukimura rode on the horse and remained silent. Zuo Zhoumono looked at Yagyu Somo and said with a smile: "Xue Ji once said that if you can't give up your attachment to power, you won't have great achievements in martial arts. Looking at it now It’s a good evaluation to come here, come on, I’ll give you three seconds to answer my question. Where did the crow go?”

Yagyu Munemo moved a few meters away from Sanada Yukimura, and then replied: "It's been a long time since they told me the information. It's been 7 days."

"7 days?"

This time is a bit strange, not that there is any major event happening at this time, but it is very normal. Seven days ago, Liu Sheng Shashen had not yet died under the knife of Liu Sheng Piaoxu, and the decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City had not yet been completed. Already in the layout?

However, Zuo Zhou then thought that Liu Shengxue Ji was portrayed by the crow to pit Liu Sheng's killing god's formation, which meant that no matter whether Xue Ji won Liu Sheng's killing god or not, she would definitely die.And once he dies, the decisions that Zhu ignores can be known through speculation.So this time is not surprising.

"Let me ask you, what did the crow do?"

Liu Sheng Zongju's face was a bit embarrassed and he shook his head, "I don't know about this. Crow has always acted cunningly, but I know that when he left, he went to Wushenjue Palace."

It was somewhat surprising that Sanada Yukimura suddenly said, "The crow is recruiting strong men. He once wanted to hire me to do something, but I, as the commander of the Oda family's army, did not agree."

Zuo Zhou's complexion was slightly gloomy. He knew too much about the pissing nature of the Shishamen gang. Thinking of the sudden disappearance of so many defective products on the ground list before, I'm afraid this guy has made a big move, and this big move It may not be useful to simply rely on the accumulation of numbers, otherwise he would not be able to hire Sanada Yukimura and Jue Wushen.

Zuo Zhou thought for a while and nodded, "Liusheng Piaoxu is already my woman. I'm not interested in the affairs of Liusheng's family. I don't care if you kill or die in the future."

Sanada Yukimura nodded upon hearing the words: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your understanding."

Zuo Zhou turned around and returned to the team, with a gloomy face and made some decisions, "Shangguan girl Ye Chengzhu Xie Xun, you three form a team and first investigate the local customs here. Suddenly, I have to go with Piaoxu Martial God Absolute Palace."

Shangguan Haitang was startled. It might not be a trivial matter to make Li Yuanfang have such an expression, "How can we find you in the future."

"You don't need to look for me. After you finish your investigation, go back to the ship and wait for me. After I solve the matter over there, you will implement the plan. In addition, you have to be careful, that Sanada Yukimura hides his strength. He has already Entered the local list. If I guessed correctly, the man named Miyamoto Musashi may also be a master of the local list, but his methods against the enemy are shameless, making people ignore his own affairs."

The three of them glanced at Yukimura Sanada at the same time when they heard the words, and at this moment he started to attack Yagyu Somoki again. There was a special rhythm when he swung the long cross naginata, which made Yagyu Somomo unable to lift his head.

Zuo Zhou didn't hesitate, stretched out his hand to hug Liusheng Piaoxu and flew from the sky to the distance. This hand scared many Dongying people. Although they have seen martial arts masters, they have never seen such a free and fast flight. , By the way, everyone learns martial arts, why are you so handsome?


Zuo Zhou was in the air with willow catkins guiding the direction and went straight to Wushenjue Palace. Although he didn't know what the enemy's conspiracy was, he just had to follow one principle, that is, you must not do what the enemy wants you to do, and if the enemy doesn't want you to You do it even if you tighten your belt and miss a few meals.

Since the crow wants to delay his time, he has to get nervous, and the best way to verify these things is to go to Wushen Jue Palace immediately to see if Jue Wushen is there. If he is, it means that Zuo Zhou is thinking about it. There may be deviations, if not, then this matter will be difficult to handle.

"Wu Shen Jue Palace is located in the west of Japan. It is built in a luxurious location near the sea. Due to the ambition of Ju Wu Shen himself, the level of luxury even exceeds the specifications of the mansions of the daimyo and the generals. In addition..."

"You don't have to tell me this, just point it out. Don't forget that I'm here to demolish it. I don't care how luxurious it was before. Anyway, it will be very simple in the future."

Liu Shengxue Ji shut up, admiring Li Yuanfang's dominance, and felt a little more sense of security invisibly
Under Zuo Zhou's full-speed sprint, it only took half a day to see a luxurious palace from a distance. Although Wushenjue Palace is located in Dongpu, its style is mixed. Zuo Zhou can see it from a distance. The depth of Qin Dynasty architecture, the poetic and picturesque style of Song Dynasty architecture, the grandeur of Tang Dynasty architecture, and even the style of the Western Regions.

"It seems that Absolutely Wushen's ambition is really big."

Zuo Zhou commented amusedly, and then slowly landed and placed Liusheng Piaoxu on a cliff where he could see Wushenjue Palace from a distance, and then Zuo Zhou rose into the sky again, and with a wave of his hand, a mountain firmly blocked the sun .

The servants in Wushenjue Palace and the Dongying people nearby were all dumbfounded. They looked up at the sky blankly, wondering why a mountain was born in the sky?
Zuo Zhou didn't want to give them a chance to think, let alone whether there would be any so-called innocent people, he was here to be the executioner.

"How many floors can a bag of rice carry?"

Zuo Zhou said in a very vicious way, and as the voice fell to the ground, the mountain of swords completely lost control, and smashed towards Wushenjue Palace with a rumbling whistling.
The power of Knife Mountain is not comparable to that of ordinary mountain walls, it is definitely the power of a magic weapon. The mere Wushenjue Palace may have no other ending except to become a ruin

"Come on, Ju Wushen, let me see if you are at home."


Countless buildings collapsed, and the Godless Absolute Palace, which was originally resplendent and resplendent in the sun, was completely flattened within a few breaths.I don't know how many people became meat sauce in an instant, Zuo Zhou raised his hand expressionlessly, Dao Shan was summoned and flew back to Zuo Zhou lightly, and entered the Qiankun Bowl in the blink of an eye.

Looking from afar, Zuo Zhou saw that there were no survivors in the entire ruins, and the huge oppressive force of Daoshan even killed the prisoners in the dungeon.

It's a pity, judging from this result, Jue Wushen is definitely not in Wushen Jue Palace, which made him a little anxious
"It's troublesome, Ju Wushen has left, and the crow has disappeared for several days. I'm afraid there has been some big move at this time. If there is no clue, how can I find them?"

Zuo Zhou slowly landed beside Liu Sheng Piaoxu, and Liu Sheng Piao heard the whispered words, thought for a while and said: "If there is really no clue, I'm afraid I can only hope in fortune-telling."

Zuo Zhou frowned, finding a fortune-teller was indeed a solution, because the Shishamen who wanted to reproduce the underworld before had been rejected by the Dao of Heaven, so it was not difficult for a fortune-teller to find them.But with the prudence of Shishamen, this point is obviously also taken into consideration by them, so they are likely to hide under someone with luck and use luck to block the calculations of the fortune-teller, and Jue Wushen once snatched a trace of Daqin Although Hu Hai's luck is not much, it is enough to protect the ten-kill gate from being found by the fortune-teller
Zuo Zhou sighed and was about to leave before trying to think of a way, but he heard a loud laugh from a distance, and that was the back mountain of Wushen Jue Palace, because there was no building, Zuo Zhou didn't use Daoshan just now hit.Looking at it now, is there another world?
(End of this chapter)

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