Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 748 The God of Boxing and the True Dragon Slayer Plan

Chapter 748 The God of Boxing and the True Dragon Slayer Plan

"So...why should we hide?" Liu Sheng Piaoxu huddled in Zuo Zhou's arms completely incomprehensible. If she hadn't been put into various poses by Zuo Zhou, she would have suspected that the other party was taking advantage of the opportunity.

"Seeing that the person who wiped out the entire Wushen Absolute Palace with one move from me is still so arrogantly provocative, then he must be a master who is powerful and not afraid of me." Zuo Zhou said.

"Are you afraid?"

"It's not scary to be afraid, but have you thought about one question? Why do I have to go up and fight a villain? No one pays me, so why should I be so dedicated to maintaining world peace?"

Liusheng Piaoxu was stunned by this question, and Zuo Zhou laughed and said, "And you didn't notice it? When I used the sword mountain to destroy Wushenjue Palace just now, I let the mountain suspend in the air for a while. At that time, if There is absolutely no god, or if this strong man is willing to come out, then he must have time to stop me. But he didn't show up!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said: "Understood, you mean, it was inconvenient for this master to make a move at that time, or maybe this person and Jue Wushen are not in the same group!"

Zuo Zhou smiled and nodded, "So, let's take a step back and let him do whatever he wants. Since he has a grudge against Jue Wushen, he must know Jue Wushen better than us, and the chance of finding him is greater than us!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu nodded in agreement, she knew this, there is a saying called 'the one who knows you best is your enemy', the probability of a master finding Juewushen must be higher than theirs.

Now that the policy of the tail was set, Zuo Zhou and Liu Sheng Piaoxu tried their best to suppress their aura so as not to be discovered, and the figure in the distance didn't seem to be very good at detecting, I saw him looking around in the ruins and hesitated for a long time Then his body leaped a long distance.

Zuo Zhou was taken aback. This kind of moving method similar to Hulk's jump is basically exclusive to body trainers, and those who can do this are often very astonishing in their physical strength.
To be on the safe side, Zuo Zhou carried Liu Sheng Piao Xu and continued to lift into the sky until the big man was only an ant-like dot in Zuo Zhou's eyes.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was very excited, she had never felt this feeling of walking among the clouds before.

Zuo Zhou followed the black spot from a distance in the sky, while carefully sizing up the appearance of this master.

With a square head, it can be seen that it used to have the hairstyle of a Japanese samurai, but it seems that it has not been done for a long time, and the bun on the back has been completely loosened, only the big bald head in the middle is still shining.

The eyes of this man are full of anger and madness, and he doesn't know what he has experienced before. He is very strong and obviously not tall, but the muscles on his body look like a moving stone pier

Of course, this is not the most surprising thing. What makes Zuo Zhou more concerned is that the distribution of muscles and bones on his body seems to be a little different from that of ordinary people, especially the arms and fists that seem to have extra muscles that shouldn't be there?
This person must have just been imprisoned for a long time. After he came out, he first found a place that might be a tavern or a restaurant. He swung his arms and beat passers-by and shopkeepers to the ground. Not much better than a pig.

After eating and drinking enough, the strong man continued to use the jumping forward method to shoot towards the seaside.

The goal of this brawny man is a pier, and there is no idea what kind of power is behind the pier. There are many warships besides the densely packed merchant ships. The brawny man seems to have no intention of grabbing the boat directly, but went into a clothing store. , brewing as in the past, smashed the shopkeeper into pieces with a punch, and then began to rummage through the ready-made clothes.

Zuo Zhou looked at the sky and didn't know what to say. This person should be very face-saving. After he came out, he first solved the problem of food and clothing and then his appearance. Look at the few clothes he rummaged through. Aristocratic costumes with gold filigree patterns.

Many people came outside the clothing store, and it was unknown whether they were officers and soldiers from Japan or the private guards of which family power, but it didn't make any difference to him no matter who they were.He twisted off the chopped weapons with a wave of his hand, and then slapped off a group of people's heads, no, he also deliberately left behind a rather pretty woman.

Zuo Zhong shook his head and was a little hesitant. After getting food and clothing, he started to have sex. This is obviously the lawless master.

About two hours later, Zuo Zhou almost fell asleep in the sky, and Liu Sheng Piaoxu squirmed in his arms a little uncomfortable. The strong man finally finished venting, and quickly went to the port to snatch a small boat. The sailor began to fly the boat across the sea relying on his true energy.

Zuo Zhou raised his head and glanced at the direction in front of him, which seemed to be heading towards the Qing Dynasty?

Zuo Zhou's face was a bit weird. After Kangxi got a little luck from Huhai last time, his return to China was not very smooth.He is determined to govern the country well, but once certain problems break out, they will be very serious.According to the information of the Qinglong Society, Kangxi has been imitating the policy of the Chaos Realm for a while.

Although the policies of the Realm of Chaos are good and are the essence of the exiles' summary of history, their spiritual core is anti-feudal and anti-imperialism. Changes were made immediately at this point, but it took a lot of time to go back and forth. Today's Qing Dynasty is not as good as it was when it was strong and prosperous. At best, it can only be said that it has not continued to deteriorate.

The intelligence force of the Azure Dragon Society did not concentrate too much in the Qing Dynasty, so I am not too familiar with his current changes, but I am afraid that the reason is not simple because of the appearance of the strong man going straight to the Qing Dynasty.

"Is he going to the Qing Dynasty?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu also noticed this and asked softly. Zuo Zhou just nodded and didn't reply. What he thought was that if he went to Qing Kingdom, it would be quite close to Shenlong Island. You can take advantage of it if you can't say it.

When he was considering whether to inform Jiang Yuyan to cooperate, the strong man changed his direction again, and he seemed hesitant to know where he should go.

This is what made Zuo Zhou guess. The other party should know a rough coordinate, because he had never been there before, so this happened.

Thinking this way, Zuo Zhou glanced at the direction the strong man was facing in the vast sea, and after a little hesitation, he sped up his speed and headed there first.

It didn't take long to fly and found an island that didn't seem to exist on the map. This island seemed to be shrouded in thick fog. If Zuo Zhou didn't fly high enough, he wouldn't have thought that there was a place behind the thick fog if he just looked at it from the sea. Land of Singing Birds and Fragrant Flowers

"What island is that?"

Zuo Zhou naturally couldn't answer this question, he landed in the distance concealedly and then approached the island from the water and landed.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu twisted his body, just got out of the sea, his clothes were already soaked, his exquisite curves were fully exposed, he looked at Zuo Zhou with golden eyes, if he hadn't got something serious to do right now, he would definitely discuss the meaning of life in this place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant Harmony

The island is very large, and there is a towering volcano in the middle of the island, but there is no smoke from it. Obviously, the volcano is not too active, but during the aerial reconnaissance before, it was possible to find cooking smoke rising from the jungle around the volcano.

"The enemy may be nearby, so don't use true energy detection casually, and pay attention to hiding your own breath."

Zuo Zhou ordered so, and then steamed the water stains on his clothes with true energy, and the two went to the center of the island, and soon they met a master of the map

Zuo Zhou frowned and led Liu Sheng Piaoxu to avoid him, but after walking a few steps, he met another master of the local list

Zuo Zhou was a little impatient and pulled Liu Sheng Piaoxu to change direction, but he was still a master of the local rankings before going far

Zuo Zhou understands, the co-authored and missing items on the list have all come to this island, right?
There was a loud noise from the coast, looking at the direction Zuo Zhou was 100% sure that the strong man had landed.

The fact is the same. After the strong man landed, he suddenly let go of his breath, and the strong people on the ground list quickly gathered to the strong man from all over the island like black ants.

And the leader is Jue Wushen, whom Zuo Zhou couldn't find!

"Senior brother has been missing for a while, but I didn't expect you to be able to get out of trouble."

Absolutely Wushen's tone was gloomy and cruel, and it didn't seem like there was any brotherly love at all.

And the strong man called Senior Brother laughed loudly, "Jue Wushen, your Wushen Jue Palace has been completely turned into ruins, and all the soldiers you used to fulfill your ambitions have also been reduced to meat, what do you have?" Easy to say?"

Absolutely Wushen's eyes suddenly sharpened, he stared at the strong man and suddenly smiled, "Kuan Dao God, I know you too well, the moment I saw you come out, I knew there would be nothing wrong with Wushen Jue Palace." It's a good end, but if you say that you can kill all the people in my Wushenjue Palace with your own ability, and even demolish my Wushenjue Palace, you are too overestimated."

The burly man known as the God of Boxing had a ferocious face, and his eyes were full of ridicule, "Hahaha, you are absolutely godless and full of evil, so naturally other enemies will attack you."

Jue Wushen looked at him as if he had already guessed who did it, and the anger in his eyes seemed to have gradually subsided, which surprised the kung fu god. Could it be that the person who did it could make Jue Wushen feel cowardly?
Jue Wushen looked at Boxing God again, "Brother came all the way from thousands of miles to take revenge on me, right?"

The master of boxing sneered, "I would also like to thank my brother for showing off before, otherwise how would I know that there is such a wonderful spirit treasure as Longyuan in the world."

Jue Wushen remained silent, but a figure turned from the forest behind him, "Since this friend's goal is also Long Yuan, we might as well cooperate to temporarily forget the hatred."

The boxing god turned his head and glanced at the person who walked out. He was dressed in Onmyoji equipment, but he was not just a crow planning a series of conspiracies.

The kung fu god sneered, "Just relying on these so-called masters with vain realms, why should they share the dragon source with me?"

The crow waved his hand, and those defective items on the ground list hid in the forest one after another, but there were a few figures walking slowly, "Since we are preparing to slay the dragon, then naturally there must be masters in charge."

(End of this chapter)

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