Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 767 Zuo Xuansha

Chapter 767 Zuo Xuansha

Jian Xin was very anxious, and left in a hurry with her people. Zuo Zhou didn't know what she was planning, but judging from the situation, the result might not be very good.

Of course, Zuo Zhou was not idle either, after all he also needed to find out how long it had been.It's just that compared to Jianxin, he believes that someone will take the initiative to report everything to him.

There was nothing wrong with Zuo Zhou's predictions, everyone booked a restaurant, and after nightfall, a beautiful figure slipped into Zuo Zhou's arms with a fragrant wind, with tears in her eyes, those who didn't know thought she had suffered some kind of grievance Woolen cloth!

"My lord, you are finally back, Yuyan misses you!"

It was so straightforward that Zuo Zhou couldn't laugh or cry. He reached out and wiped Jiang Yuyan's eyes, "Yuyan, your acting skills have regressed, and you don't even have tears!"

Jiang Yuyan cast a coquettish look, "Scumbag! It's been 15 years since I left him, are you not afraid that he will run away with other men?"


Zuo Zhou was stunned for a while, 15 years!For 15 years, I knew that the soul of the boa constrictor god was kept, and let him go through the torture of hell a hundred times a hundred times!

Reluctantly, Jiang Yuyan twisted Zuo Zhou's back, "Why are you in a daze, I'm talking to you!"

Zuo Zhou came back to his senses, and his eyes instantly turned lewd, "Hmph, bastard, I don't believe you will defend me for 15 years! Unless, you let me try to see if your shape has changed!"

Maybe it's because no one has said these love words to her for many years, and she didn't get used to it for a while, and when she regained her senses, there was nothing left on her body.

This is destined to be a sleepless night, a content that cannot be watched without spending money. The battle lasted until the early morning of the next day. Seeing that the sky was already slightly bright, Zuo Zhou put his arms around the limp Jiang Yuyan to give his evaluation.

"The technology has not progressed, but has regressed, but the flirting stage is more pure. What is your situation? Could it be that you often flirt with others but have no actual progress?"

Jiang Yuyan's delicate body trembled, Zuo Zhou obviously just said it casually, but he felt that Jiang Yuyan's reaction was suddenly a bit inexplicable.

I just heard Jiang Yuyan arch into his arms pretending to be wronged, "You have been away for 15 years, and he has no backing. Naturally, he needs to be scrupled a lot. There are many people who covet his beauty, so he must be vain. It's all your fault!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, Jiang Yuyan's character will suffer from this?However, it did not expose her. After trying it with live ammunition, it was indeed found that the internal parts of this murder weapon had not been replaced due to long-term use. At most, it can only be said that someone has been maintaining the appearance of the murder weapon during this period of time.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou got excited again, turned around and continued to enter the second fierce battle, but this time Jiang Yuyan quickly threw away his helmet and armor.When the sun was high, he rubbed his head full of fragrant sweat on his chest, "Okay, it has always been yours, but don't you want to hear about the changes in the past 15 years?"

Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and hugged Jiang Yuyan tighter, "Tell me, how far has the Azure Dragon Society developed?"

Jiang Yuyan leaned on Zuo Zhou's arm lightly, with her arms around her waist, "Yuyan doesn't dare to develop the Blue Dragon Club too blatantly without your lord. But Yuyan remembers what your lord once ordered, so she dispatched Qing and Chaos The strength of the domain, fully infiltrate the Tang country."

"How's the result?"

"Now 30.00% of the middle and low-level officials in the Tang Kingdom are our people. I remember that the adults said that the high-level officials in the Tang Kingdom are all people in the Shinto, so we are all just scratching the surface, and there is no deep meaning."

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed when he heard the words, Jiang Yuyan's ability did not disappoint him.

Then she said again: "During the past 15 years, the vicinity of Jinshan Temple has become a martial arts restricted zone. Some people once thought of entering it to find out what happened, but no one was able to come out. As time passed, no one took any risks."

Zuo Zhou nodded. There was nothing surprising about it. After all, it was the consciousness space formed by the integration of the Shanhe Sheji Map and the Ksitigarbha's soul. If he hadn't used the destructive energy, it might not be so easy to get out smoothly.

"Ximenxiang and Qingping were also going to rush into Jinshan Temple, but they were stopped by Zhang Junbao. He said that you are not in any danger, so don't worry."

Zuo Zhou nodded clearly. With Zhang Junbao's perception ability, he should have seen through the weirdness of the consciousness space, so he stopped him, "By the way, how have they been doing in the past 15 years?"

Jiang Yuyan arched her body sourly, "It's been pretty good, the three of them are now the masters of the human list, and they will be promoted to the local list at some point."

Zuo Zhou said happily: "This kind of thing is uncertain. Some people have spent their entire lives in the consummation state. Well, what about the others?"

Jiang Yuyan said again: "Zhang Junbao became the national teacher of the Republic of China, and Zhu ignored him very much."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "It's so rare, it seems that finally an emperor has discovered the extraordinaryness of Junbao!"

"The lives of the rest of the people don't seem to have changed much, at least I haven't seen it. The situation today is a bit complicated."

"Tell me."

Jiang Yuyan's expression was a little solemn, she got up and said: "The Qing Dynasty has no emperor, and there have been many princes vying for the great treasure. The Qing Dynasty, which had internal and external troubles, was shattered. There is also a realm of chaos. Without the support of decisive forces, all parties resisted and were overthrown. Today's chaotic domain has really become a place where no one cares, no one cares, and the chaos is invisible."

Jiang Yuyan looked down at Zuo Zhou as she spoke, only to find that he was staring at her white carcass exposed by the quilt slipping off, "Oh, I'm telling you something serious!"

Zuo Zhou was wronged, "I have heard, that is, the Qing Dynasty and the Chaos Domain have been removed, um, you should have meddled in this matter!"

Jiang Yuyan fell down again helplessly, "I didn't get involved this time, but Zhao Min did."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised. Zhao Min still had this obsession with revitalizing the family and the country, but based on the cards in her hand, the result might not be very good.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuyan sighed: "Minmin is too persistent, she thinks this is an opportunity to rise up, so she actively participated in the civil strife in the Qing Dynasty, but she obviously forgot that the emperors of other countries would also participate. "

Zuo Zhou is not surprised at all. Everyone needs time to develop. Daqin, Tang, and Ming can tacitly agree with each other, but they will not allow another country to rise or even compete with them for the final victory during this period.

"Several countries each chose a prince to support. The civil war quickly wiped out the potential of the Qing Dynasty. Afterwards, they took a lot of things from the Qing Dynasty, and then abandoned the prince they had supported. Among them, Minmin got nothing. There are not many, and even many mines need to be stationed for a long time and involve troops. In addition, the people of the Qing Dynasty are struggling to survive, and it takes a lot of energy just to escort them. If the only good thing that can be said is that the surrounding areas of the Yuan Kingdom will no longer be threatened by the Qing Dynasty. gone."

Zuo Zhou could feel a little helplessness from Jiang Yuyan's tone, and after thinking about it, he understood that without the threat of the Qing Dynasty, there would still be the Ming Dynasty. When the Qing Dynasty was there, the Ming Dynasty might not want to take care of you.Now that the Qing Dynasty is gone, then Zhu Wushi will increase the threat level of the Yuan Dynasty a little bit. Although it may not use force, other restrictions on you are also enough.

But Zuo Zhou immediately thought of his son, the Son of Heaven, "How is the child?"

Jiang Yuyan looked at him meaningfully, stretched out her finger and began to poke his Adam's apple, "You still care about the child? Could it be the child's fucking body? Why didn't you enjoy it that time?"

"Zhao Min is not as good as you, but after all, he is my own, so you should always pay attention to it. Well, I have been trapped for 15 years, so the child doesn't even know who his father is?" Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly Well, that woman Zhao Min can do such a thing.

"Minmin does have this idea. She wants to make the child pay more attention to the status of the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom, seems that the education results are not ideal. Well, it may also be because it has entered the rebellious period."

"How to say?"

"The child's name is Xuansha, which was named by Minmin and I. He is 15 years old now. He has received an elite education since he was a child. Minmin originally wanted him to inherit the throne, but this kid seems to be more yearning for the world. Live freely."

"Xuan Sha? Xuan is magical, Sha...his father is a boat in the desert, so you named him Sha Zi, so why can't you read more books and come up with a nice name?" Zuo Zhou lazily complained.

"I miss you!" Jiang Yuyan rubbed against Zuo Zhou again with a charming face, fully prepared for another fight.

But Zuo Zhou didn't move, he was thinking about one thing, that Zuo Xuansha is the son of Heavenly Dao, whatever he wants to do is influenced by Heavenly Dao, if education can turn it around, it's called hell.

However, we can also infer Tiandao’s intentions from Zuo Xuansha’s behavior. Since he has no interest in the throne and governing the country, it means that Tiandao doesn’t care who will rule the world in the end. His birth shows that Tiandao is different. the goal of.

what is it then?

Zuo Zhou couldn't think of it for a while, but suddenly felt that something was being held down below, and he couldn't help saying: "I don't know the heights of the sky, but I dare to provoke you! See how I subdue you, little fairy!"


A dense forest, an official road, and a carriage. Usually, when this kind of scene appears, robbers will come out to pick up lunch.But the reality is not acting, this time it is a teenager who fainted in the middle of the officialdom.

"Miss, a person has fainted, do you want to push him over?" The carriage driver looked indifferent.

"Is it from Pingci?" A soft voice came from the carriage, which sounded quite lively.

"Probably not."

"You are already on the list, what are you afraid of, you can't just ignore death."

The coachman got out of the carriage helplessly, stretched out his hand, lifted the boy and threw him into the carriage.

Three days later, the young man woke up Youyou, only to feel his body drifting and jolting, and then he realized that he was in a carriage.

Slightly turning his head to look around, his bright eyes are like hibiscus in distant mountains, that girl who is all over the world makes the boy's heart skip a beat in an instant.

The girl seemed to have gotten used to this kind of look for a long time, she didn't smile, for fear that the boy in front of her would be overwhelmed by the stimulation and die, she just asked, "Why did you pass out on the road?"

The boy quickly regained his composure, and instead of answering, he asked, "Where am I?"

"It's still thirty miles away from the Great Qin Emperor's Capital."

"Great Qin Emperor Capital? I want to go to Ming Kingdom!"

The girl wanted to laugh but held back, "What's your name?"

"My name aunt calls me Sand Sculpture! What about you?"


(End of this chapter)

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