Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 768 Some Expectations and Unexpected Changes

Chapter 768 Some Expected and Unexpected Changes

Jiang Yuyan would not go back to the Ming Dynasty with Zuo Zhou. To put it bluntly, Jiang Yuyan has more business to deal with than Zuo Zhou now.

Duanlang had already left when Zuo Zhou was fighting Jiang Yuyan, and Liu Sheng Piaoxu naturally had to wait, although she didn't know who was in the room, but she didn't know what to do now except wait.

Ruthlessly stayed, Zuo Zhou didn't expect this. After all, Zhuge Zheng and I were all in Daqin, so even if she wanted to go, she should go to Daqin. There was no reason to go back to Ming Kingdom with Zuo Zhou.

"So, you haven't put down your hatred yet?"

Towards evening, Zuo Zhou finally came out of the room, his refreshed appearance made Liu Sheng Piaoxu very curious, he couldn't help looking into the room, but unfortunately, Jiang Yuyan had already left.

Zuo Zhou didn't pay attention to Liu Sheng Piaoxu's small movements, but was a little curious looking at Wuqing.

Wuqing paused and replied: "Tianya is dead, I still have to thank you, otherwise he wouldn't even have the chance to be reincarnated. I know that a large part of all this is because he did it himself, but... in the end It was still because of the hatred at the beginning. The hatred in my family has become clear now or long ago, but because of King Xian’s previous status, he has been let go to a certain extent. If it weren’t for this kind of let go, my younger brother might not necessarily have to kill himself Revenge, there won't be so many things between you and me!"

Zuo Zhou opened his mouth slightly but couldn't say anything, no matter how great a person is, he is only a human being, not a god!
Human beings will be affected by the seven emotions and six desires. Qin Huang was a great man in those days, but he still hesitated and hesitated when encountering family affection. But sometimes, once he hesitated, it would cause irreparable losses.

Take the case of the Sheng family back then, obviously all the clues are ready, but these courtiers may not have considered the identity of the person involved in the case, but this hesitation will give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, resulting in a tragedy.

Zuo Zhou felt that Di Renjie should have regretted it very much at the beginning, otherwise he would not have exposed the matter of Zhao Ji and Lao Ai, embarrassing Qin Huang, himself and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.He had never been so rude, that time, he was really cornered!

"You really don't need to go back to Daqin to have a look? Zhuge Zheng, I and others are...not to mention that most of the people involved in the past are gone now."

"But Daqin is still there, isn't it? The reason Mr. Zhuge went to Tang was because Song couldn't support him, and my father followed him to Daqin, but he didn't want to, so he lost his life. Besides, I went to Ming. The matter cannot be hidden from the Demon Sect, if they want to see me, they can come to Ming Kingdom."

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to express his understanding, "Okay, don't gossip, let's go!"

Even though it was approaching dusk, everyone didn't intend to stay for another night. Anyway, they were all masters, so they just took a walk at night. The moon is bright and the stars are few, so it's better to appreciate the moonlight.

Two snake demons were driving the cart in front as coachmen, and the four horses pulling the cart were trembling with fright.

Zuo Zhou and Wuqing Liusheng Piaoxu sat in the carriage, opened the curtains, stared at the moonlight and took a sip of wine from time to time, the cool night wind blowing into the carriage was quite refreshing.

Liusheng Piaoxu is very obedient, and behaves like a quail in front of Zuo Zhou and Wuqing. After all, one is the lord and the other is a dragon, and she is pitiful, weak and helpless.

Zuo Zhou looked at Wuqing and suddenly became happy, "Let's discuss something with you, I haven't shown up for 15 years, I guess the new generation of masters have forgotten how strong I am, why don't we make a debut? "

Looking at him ruthlessly and strangely, "What kind of shiny method do you want?"

Zuo Zhou discussed cheerfully: "When you are about to arrive at the capital, you will turn into Jackie Chan, and then we will fly into the city together and go straight to my backyard, with the posture of '15 years has come, the Dragon King returns'!"

Wuqing frowned slightly, " are just looking for an opportunity to ride a dragon, I won't..."

"Hey, what is riding or not? It's not that there is something new if you haven't ridden before. I just want everyone to pay attention to it. Besides, you are such a big master and entering the capital will definitely make people nervous. You don't want to You will always be harassed afterwards!"

"In the future, if you open your mouth and say whether you can ride or not, I will..." Wuqing wanted to fight, but suddenly remembered that he couldn't fight, "I'll go!"

"Oh, I won't mention it if I don't mention it." Zuo Zhou waved his hand casually, "But you are such a beautiful woman with meritorious fortune, so it is inevitable that you will not be coveted. Let alone whether I ride or not, I am afraid there will be many People want to ride you!"

Wuqing was very angry, "So if I go to the city with you, it's equivalent to branding myself with your brand, so that no one will harass you, right?"

"Isn't that good? Besides, there are quite a few people who know about our relationship. Nie Fengbu Jingyun and the others were all there at the time, and Zuo Yaoqing is now Bu Jingyun's woman, and she is not a strict-mouthed girl." Son, if she knows it, it means that many people know it."

He stared ruthlessly, "Our relationship? What relationship do we have?"

"Huh? You don't want a name, do you?"

"..." He rolled his eyes ruthlessly.

"I can't give you the title. Because of that idiot Hu Hai, I said that I would not marry a wife. As for us, it is no problem to say that we are comrades-in-arms!"

Wuqing leaned against the side of the carriage and closed his eyes, not wanting to talk to him, but Liu Shengpiaoxu understood, anyway, the adults are very scumbags, and they are greedy for the body of the dragon girl, and they seem to have succeeded before, um, such a complicated relationship.

The two snake demons outside the car looked at each other and began to communicate silently.

'That man seems to be greedy for the elder sister's body, what should I do? '

'I can't beat it, it seems that he can fly, but he can't run! '

'What if I want to be eaten? '

'Don't panic, the eldest sister is so big, he should be full after eating, and won't eat us anymore! '

'That makes sense...but isn't it good for us to think so? '

'It should be nothing, I don't think the eldest sister seems to refuse to be eaten! '

'You must have read it wrong, um, but the elder sister does look more lively than before. '

'Could it be that after turning into a dragon, my temperament changed, just like I used to like to eat mice, but later I liked to eat wild boars. '

'It makes sense, but who likes to be eaten? '


Ruthless along the way, Ruthless finally compromised, leaving two snake monsters and Liu Sheng Piaoxu driving into the city, and the two of them flew in from the top of the city.

On that day, the people in the entire capital were dumbfounded, the sky and the earth changed color, and a white-clothed immortal stepped on a golden dragon descended from the sky and entered Li's mansion.

Speaking of this Li's mansion, it's amazing. It was originally the residence of Li Yuanfang, the general of the Qin State. Later, when Li Yuanfang disappeared, many people became concerned. Many ministers in the court were always looking for trouble, saying that they couldn't do anything. Boring excuses like special.

Some people even boldly visited Li's house at night, and then this matter became a big deal, because there is more than one master in the Li's house!
At that time, an old man beat up from the east of the city to the south gate of the city in a fit of anger, and even ran into the Forbidden Army camp to make a fuss. Afterwards, His Majesty couldn't help but not pursue it, and even took the opportunity to clean up a group of generals who had nothing to do, and people stopped Quite a few, and the Li Mansion has become a legend in the market.

Of course, anyone with a heart can more or less understand that it is very likely that Zhu ignored the use of people from the Li House to clean up some stubborn forces left by the Ming Dynasty in the past.

Don't you see that the government and the opposition are full of fresh blood, and the Ming Dynasty has never been so full of vigor as it is now!
It is precisely because of this that many people think that the Li Mansion is not important, but that Zhu Wushi is behind it.From the beginning, now Yilong went in so blatantly by himself, this...

"Hmph, you still know how to come back, I might as well remarry!"

Ximen Xiang turned around and wiped away her tears, crying arrogantly.

Zuo Zhou smiled and patted her buttocks, "Tonight, everyone, let's talk about how I miss you for my father!"

"As soon as I come back, I want to be slept with, you are so beautiful!" Ximenxiang refused with a back view.

Qingping smiled and said, "I don't know who was crying and laughing the day before yesterday?"

Zuo Zhou was surprised when he heard the words: "The day before yesterday? Didn't I just come out of the map of Shanhe Sheji? How do you know?"

"Ah Xiang said you used the Wangchuan River."

Zuo Zhou suddenly realized that he had taught Ximen Xiangminghe swordsmanship, let her use the Wangchuan River to comprehend the natural power of the water system, and even mobilized the Wangchuan River, so she could feel it.

Qingping looked at Wuqing as she said, and nodded with a smile. She was there when Zuo Zhou had a relationship with Wuqing. sisters.It's just that too many things happened later, Ruthless disappeared, but he didn't expect to come back with Zuo Zhou at this time, and... what was that dragon just now?
Zuo Zhou hugged Zhan Qiqi with one arm and Ximen Xiang with the other, and it took him a long time to comfort him, but his eyes were on Zhou Tong.

'Trouble taking care of the old man these years. '

'Hi, you're welcome! 'Zhou Tong is still as bold as before, and his body is at the top of the list, and he has not aged in only 15 years.

"Father, I don't ask you to kowtow a few times as soon as you come back, but at least you should say a few words 'children are not filial' with tears in your eyes! In the end, you forget your father when you have a daughter-in-law. It's really... a waste of money!"

Zuo Zhou let go of the two girls, and followed a sour voice, "Who is this old man, why did he pretend to be my father? My father is not so sour!"

The old man Zuo's face twitched, he lowered his head and said something.

"What are you looking for?"

"See if there are any bricks!"

Zuo Zhou laughed shyly, "Where's Chuchu? Daddy is back, let him give you a hug, and see if he's grown crooked!"

"Stop shouting, Chuchu isn't here." Qingping patted him angrily, "They're all in their 30s, and they're not in good shape!"

Zuo Zhou's "collapse" is 30 years old, it's been stolen for a long time, woo woo woo!

"Oh? Where did Chuchu go?"

"Chu Chu's child has a very good understanding, but her talent is so poor that she can't practice any martial arts. Later, when Concubine Xiao took her to Daqin to play, she worshiped Gong Shuchou as her teacher and learned mechanism skills. It happened to be a while ago. She ends her day off to go to class."

Zuo Zhou wasn't surprised at all, Chu Chu's mechanical talent must be high, "Well, I'll go to Daqin to see her in a few days."

"Don't worry, a new round of decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City is about to begin." Qingping said suddenly.

Zuo Zhou was shocked, "Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng are going to fight again? How many times have they fought in the past ten years?"

Qingping shook her head and said: "It's not them, it's their original agreement, let future generations decide the outcome!"

(End of this chapter)

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