Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 779 We all have plans

Chapter 779 We all have plans
"So, my son disappeared with Chuchu?" Shangguan Haitang remained expressionless and didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's not accurate to say that she disappeared. Zuo Xuansha also disappeared with her. This should not be as simple as disappearance. It could be that she ran away from home!" Xiao Concubine snorted, his eyes were rather unkind.

My family, Chuchu, was the most obedient before. She would never do things like run away from home. It must have been hooked up by that bastard in your family!
It was amazing that Shangguan Haitang understood Prince Xiao's meaning in an instant, maybe this was the tacit understanding between the parents.But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed the style of your own bastard.

Ximen Wu doesn't have so much flirtatiousness, "Do you have any clues to know which direction they are going?"

Concubine Xiao and He Ran looked at each other, and a bad premonition arose in both of them.They know Chu Chuke too well, even if the idea of ​​running away from home is from Ye Yujing, Chu Chu must be the one who made the final decision, because she is a girl with a lot of ideas. It's not easy to fool her.

And since Chuchu agreed, it's easy to guess where they want to go. I'm afraid this girl is chasing her master!

"Ah Choo!" Ye Yujing rubbed his nose, "It must be Concubine Xiao and the others who are nagging us."

Chu Chu curled her lips, "Are you still afraid of nagging? Tell me, you are the one with the most experience of running away from home here."

Zuo Xuansha, who was not talking much, looked at Ye Yujing with curiosity. How many times has this person run away from home?

Ye Yujing wisely didn't answer the question, and just pointed to a tailor shop on the side of the road, "Let me tell you, if you want to run away from home smoothly, you must pretend. The three of us are either rich or rich at first glance. Expensive, too easy to be found, and too easy to track."

Chu Chu and Zuo Xuansha looked at each other, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Ye Yujing then proudly said: "It's not over yet, you all know how powerful our family is, not to mention that there may be spies from the Great Qin Demon Sect coming over. So we still have to disguise our identities, um, it's best if we have a good relationship with each other." It is easy to muddle through all kinds of relationships."

Chu Chu pointed to herself, "How about sister and two younger brothers?"

Ye Yujing stared, "Why, you two are sisters and brothers, what does it have to do with me? Why don't you still be husband and wife, Xuansha will treat it as..."

"Okay, I treat you like a brother, but you actually want to sleep with me!" Chu Chu stared, Zuo Xuansha also raised his vigilance.

Ye Yujing snorted in disgust, "Sister, you misunderstood, I'm not interested in you, I just want to avoid people's eyes and ears, if you want, you two can pretend."

"I'm so beautiful, how dare you say you're not interested in me?"

Ye Yujing didn't know what to do, "Then what are you going to do? Sisters and brothers are far less common than husband and wife. After all, we are not alike at all. It would be a little deceiving to say that we are sisters and brothers."

"It doesn't matter, as long as our speed is fast, they won't be able to catch up with us. Not everyone can fly." Chu Chu waved her hands carelessly, and was about to enter the tailor shop to choose clothes.

"Okay, if we don't want to get along, we need a fake name. Whatever we call us along the way, we need to have a fake name when staying in an inn, otherwise it's easy to be seen."

Chu Chu thought for a while, "This is a good way. Traveling the rivers and lakes is not for the purpose of becoming famous, so having a pseudonym is definitely standard."

Ye Yujing happily pointed at Zuo Xuansha, "Sha Lao San, simple and easy to remember."

Zuo Xuansha frowned and reminded: "I seem to be older than you, and I should be ranked second."

Ye Yujing scolded, "How grown-up are you, still fighting over this kind of thing?"

Zuo Xuansha was helpless, "So what about you? Boss Chu, Second Ye?"

"Of course I am Jingyu."


Chu Chu slapped him on the back of the neck, "The two of us are Chu Boss and Sha Lao San, so you just use a pseudonym?"

"Sister, you are not so childish, are you? It's just a name."

"It's so naive~! Besides, how many times have you used that name, people will know it's you as soon as they hear Jingyu. Either call it Ye Laoer, or change your name!"

Ye Yujing waved his hand impatiently, "It's so troublesome, then just pick any word, Sedum will be fine."

"Sedum? Why not Jingtian?"

"I'm not a woman."

"You can dress up as a man!"


Zuo Xuansha suddenly had an idea, is there a possibility that Chu Chu is the one who has the most experience in running away from home?
The three of them stopped talking nonsense, and changed into a very rustic cloth skirt from a tailor shop, but it was a pity that the three of them had fair and delicate skin, and they didn't look like low-level people at all.

The three of Chuchu walked very fast. In order to avoid being chased, they didn't ride a horse, so they ran with lightness skills and puppets.Another town was not reached until dusk.

Then they intentionally slowed down, "Let's stop for a while, Lord Di's team is in this town, we just follow, we can't overtake."

Chuchu walked into the inn and asked for three rooms. Ye Yujing was a little curious, "How did you track down Lord Di and the others? As far as I know, their lineup is impossible to give you a chance to follow. Could it be that you put them in their luggage?" A Gu worm or an organ man?"

"Don't be stupid, there are so many masters on the ground list, you can find Gu worms as soon as you open your perception. Is there any Gu worm that can hide from my master? Naive!"

"then you……"

Chu Chu stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky, Ye Yujing raised her head and vaguely saw a black spot in the clouds.

"My puppet sword is invisible. At this time, it has been disguised as an eagle hiding in the clouds. It will share information with me in real time."

Zuo Xuansha frowned slightly, "It's not that easy. Masters on the ground list are very sensitive to surveillance. If you, a puppet, stare at them blatantly, you will probably be discovered soon."

"Don't worry, I found out before that after Di Renjie left the imperial capital, there were many spies from unknown forces following them along the way. So they are under surveillance all the time and won't find us."

Zuo Xuansha showed a dazed expression, but Ye Yujing remained skeptical, "To be honest, even if we can avoid their sensory search, but... have you ever thought that if Master Di and the others are in danger, we What's the use of going?"

Chuchu rolled her eyes and kicked Ye Yujing's ass directly, "I didn't ask you to come with me, you can go back now!"

Zuo Xuansha and Ye Yujing shook their heads unanimously when they heard the words, "I'm not going back, counting the time, my family may soon come after me."

"I'm not going back either, the Queen Mother of Daqin will definitely inform my mother."

Chu Chu gave them a white look, "You two think very clearly, you really didn't want to be greedy for my body?"

Ye Yujing: "...Eldest sister, you are so confident, did you learn from Uncle Li?"

Zuo Xuansha: "..."


"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've come to the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and the weather is really good."

Zuo Zhou and Wu Qing walked down the street holding hands, and Wu Qing tried fifteen times to withdraw his hand. Zuo Zhou found fifteen reasons to stop all this from happening.So yeah, it turns out that at some point men had a higher IQ than Einstein.

"Are you here to find someone or to spoil me?" Wuqing stared, seeming a little angry.

Well, since it is 'seems', it can basically be regarded as not.Zuo Zhou smiled and pointed to the street in front of him. At the end of the street was the city gate, where a veiled and slim girl was entering the city step by step.

This girl's attire is very strange, a blue, white and purple skirt, Zuo Zhou suddenly thinks of Miaoyu in the Dream of the Red Chamber, but what is surprising is that she is actually leaning on a nine-ringed tin staff!
"Hey, you're going to a show, you're dressed very avant-garde!" Zuo Zhou complained, but he didn't actually lean up to talk to Xiaochan, because he only needed to raise his head slightly, and he could see Jianxin standing on the roof.

Zuo Zhou laughed and got up and floated to Jianxin's side. While watching Xiaochan walking along the street, he said with a smile, "You came out to escort him yourself? I didn't expect that."

Jianxin smiled and said lightly: "General Li's strength is already unrivaled in the world, why bother to get involved in this matter, you will definitely have a place in the heaven in the future."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "But I'm not interested in the Lord of Heaven!"


The two Solanum nigrum behind Jianxin rolled their eyes at the same time, you are really shameless, who said you are going to be the lord of the heaven?

Of course, this sentence can also be understood as, why should I listen to the orders of the Heavenly Court?
Jianxin obviously got this meaning, "Human beings need to be in awe, the place of heaven is what everyone expects, isn't it?"

"Humans really need to be in awe, but it doesn't mean that it is heaven that needs to be in awe, my lord, you don't seem to understand human beings!"

Jian Xin was surprised, it was the first time someone told her that, she suddenly thought it was a bit funny, but Zuo Zhou looked extremely serious.

Zuo Zhou didn't talk nonsense, there was a saying in his previous life that he said, "Kishimoto, ahem, Oda is a manga artist, he knows what a shitty One Piece!" ', this sentence can actually be given to Jianxin.

"Are you confident to stop me and Lu Dongbin?"

Jianxin asked a very straightforward question. The truth is only within the range of the cannon. It is not that people in the Shinto cannot reason, but they cannot reason with the weak.

"Are you and Lu Dongbin confident of defeating me?"


Silence, always silence.

Jianxin let out a long sigh, but his helplessness seemed to have disturbed the people within a dozen kilometers nearby, making them all mourn.

"After the great changes in the way of heaven, martial arts should flourish, but the power of martial arts is limited after all. After reaching a certain level, it will be difficult for each other to separate each other."

Zuo Zhou smiled, but he didn't mind having a chat with Jian Xin, and continued: "That's because after the two heavens and ways merged into one, the rules between heaven and earth became stronger, and they were not as easy to be used as in the past. Because of the comprehension of the rules in the past, it has already started from the starting line one step ahead of schedule.”

"But those rules are backward and have been changed after all. If they practice on the basis of those rules, their final achievements will inevitably be limited. Even if they practice the same rules again, they will be easily affected by the stereotyped thinking of the past , so it’s better to study the many new roads that have emerged.”

Zuo Zhou said lightly, "I know that. Mechanism, you see, you are the body of a puppet mechanism, and you are already at the forefront of the world."

"In that case, do you think you can defeat me? Can you defeat an enemy who can freely manipulate the laws of the past and deeply study the new laws?"

Zuo Zhou glanced at her with a smile, "If it's conventional power, it's hard to say, um, I'm willing to try. But you seem to have forgotten that although I'm not familiar with organ skills, I also have super-level means. "

Jian Xin's pupils condensed slightly, and recalled that destructive aura in her mind, which definitely should not exist in this world, and made her dare not underestimate the existence of Qifeng.

"If I'm right, that kind of destructive energy can only exist in the space of consciousness."

"I can't guarantee that." Zuo Zhou stretched out his fist, and a dark and deep coldness appeared on the surface of the fist, and the violent energy reaction made Lan Kui Hong Kui behind him easily deterred.

"Slaying Fist, a kind of martial art that can attach any true meaning of martial arts, um, thanks to the people of the Ten Killing Sect, if they didn't mess around, I still can't find this kind of kung fu."

Jian Xin stared at the fist for a long time and was speechless. She couldn't understand that kind of destructive spirit. To put it bluntly, it didn't match his major.

"How much can you attach?"

"Then how much attachment do you think can defeat your puppet body?"


Lan Kui and Hong Kui are a little impatient behind, what are you two doing with this ink, won't you fight first?At that time, whoever wins will listen to whoever!
Zuo Zhou and Jian Xin watch Xiao Chan walk out of the town and gradually disappear into the distance.

Jianxin finally said: "Why don't I make a bet, you say I don't understand human beings, so let's see how human beings will do in the face of the heaven that is about to be born."

"Hoho, I'm so good, if I just defend against you, I'll be at a loss. Why don't you call Lu Dongbin over, the three of us have a drink and watch a show, how happy we are!"

Jianxin said happily: "You have confidence in human beings, I can promise you for him, and none of the three of us will do anything."

"It's a word."

Zuo Zhou didn't play high-five swear tricks with Jian Xin, Zuo Zhou didn't believe it, and Jian Xin didn't think the so-called swearing to the sky was easy to use after thinking about the terrifying aura of destroying the world.

I just informed Lu Dongbin to come over quickly.

It didn't take long before a figure stepped on a sword from the sky. Although he was young, his goatee really gave him the temperament of an outsider.

This was also the first time Zuo Zhou met Lu Dongbin. The other party looked expressionless, but Zuo Zhou didn't feel any hostility from him.

"It's just right, I just told my empress that no one will get involved, just see what humans will do."

Lu Dongbin was startled, and then he held back his smile and remained silent. This Li Yuanfang is really waterproof, and he is not afraid that everyone will see that he is with us.The only people who are threatening in the eyes of the Shinto people are our own people, and now we still say "everyone doesn't care". With the scale of our preparations for 15 years, isn't this just lying down and winning, ha ha!

Lu Dongbin quickly answered, "Since General Li has such elegance, let's see the excitement over there."

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Jin Chan had returned, huh?What is she going to do?
This action was not in Lu Dongbin's plan, Zuo Zhou almost couldn't hold back, just now he swore that this slap in the face was a bit fast.

I saw Jin Chan enter the post station, and then said something to the shopkeeper, and then saw her lead a horse out, then turned on the horse and went out of the city again.




The scene was silent for a long time, Zuo Zhou couldn't help but be amused, "So I'm tired, and I want to buy a horse. By the way, you can pick and choose, and you don't even know how to give me a means of transportation?"

Lu Dongbin was a little embarrassed, "Of course there is a mount, but it will only appear when she finds the Buddha's relic."

"So that's the case, then your arrangements are really thorough." Zuo Zhou said sarcastic words, turned around and left, he took Wuqing and the green snake and white snake to the sky, and the huge sword seemed to be pressed in the sky. Chair, just sit on it.

"You came here to negotiate with them?" Wuqing frowned, looking at Jin Chan who was dangling on the horse below, a little eager to try.

"What? Are you trying to kill me?"

"As long as she is killed, the court's plan will not succeed." The ruthless thinking pointed to the key point.

Zuo Zhou shook his head and smiled, "Let's not say it won't be that easy, even if you really succeed, then they can still attract silver cicadas and copper cicadas, just a tool man with two legs, everywhere."

"I thought Jin Chan was special."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou said coldly: "It can only be said that Jin Chan is the best choice now, but it is not the only choice."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember Ksitigarbha? How did you say that the purple gold bowl in his hand came from? Did he steal it from someone in the Shinto before he left? The purple gold bowl is not strong at all, and it has no special function. Stealing that? The only explanation is death, their first candidate was Jizo, but he didn’t want to do it, that’s why the later things happened.”

Ruthlessly glanced at Jin Chan below again, "Why would Ji Zang not want to?"

Zuo Zhou paused and continued: "Do you still remember the results of other people who instilled rules in the way of heaven? Qin Huang transformed into a dragon to join the way, and after the failure of the Ten Kill Gates, he died and lost his soul. Matters related to the rules of the way of heaven, In fact, just like a catastrophe, the fate of those who respond to the catastrophe may not be good!"

"So, you won't let me kill her? But the people in the Shinto have been preparing for 15 years. If you don't intervene, wouldn't the establishment of the Heavenly Court be a foregone conclusion?" Ruthless Liu raised his eyebrows.

Zuo Zhou understood what she was worried about almost instantly in the blink of an eye. Zhuge Zhengwo was also in Di Renjie's plan. With Zhuge Zhengwo's stubbornness, it was impossible to pull him back even if he opened his mouth ruthlessly.

"Well, just give me a kiss, and I'll tell you a secret."

"Do you like to talk or not!" Wuqing turned her head and was about to leave.

Zuo Zhou hurriedly pulled him back, as if he was at a disadvantage, "Okay, okay, then I will kiss you, and then I will tell you this secret, this secret is really important!"

Two puffs of white smoke spewed out of the ruthless nose, angrily staring at Zuo Zhou.

"Hey, is this the talent of a dragon? Can you still breathe fire from your mouth!"

"You can try!"

"Then let me try to see if this snuff is hot!" He said and moved his head towards it.

Wuqing didn't react at all and was kissed by Zuo Zhou firmly, Wuqing was stunned, although the two of them had a lot of postures at the beginning, but in that environment, who would kiss, isn't that a waste of time, it's shameful of!

However, Zuo Zhou's experience is quite rich, as if he was going to bite his mouth so viciously that it would deform him.

The stunned eyeballs of the green and white snakes beside them turned into vertical pupils, and a forked tongue hissed and spat out, looking cute and cute.

"I'm going, you really burned me with fire!"

Zuo Zhou leaned back violently, a wisp of sparks overflowed from the edge of his ruthless lips.The look of staring at Zuo Zhou is murderous.

Zuo Zhou was very single, "Okay, since I've kissed you before, I'll tell you, come on, come over with your ears, you two little girls don't listen!"

Ruthlessly endured his anger and knew that this guy must have no good intentions. Although he poked his head over, he covered his cheeks and hair with flames. If you dare to kiss again, I will burn your mouth!

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "The most poisonous woman's heart, even a female dragon is no exception."

"Nonsense, hurry up!"

Zuo Zhou didn't delay any longer, and when the flames reached his limit, he said, "Actually, Jin Chan... is mine!"

The ruthless eyes suddenly widened, and the whole person was dumbfounded. People in the Shinto have been planning for 15 years, but you are now pulling out the bottom line?No, he made this layout 15 years ago?How do you know this?
Wuqing came back to his senses and was about to ask again, but suddenly realized that when his waist rope was untied!
At this moment, Zuo Zhou's hand was half inserted into her skirt...

"Oh, don't be impulsive, let's talk if we have something to say, impulsiveness is the devil!"

Jin Chan, who was swaying on the horse's back underneath, raised his head strangely. Why was there thunder in the clouds?Is it going to rain?This is not good, I have to find a place to shelter from the rain, this damn nine-ring tin stick is too inconvenient, but I can't throw it away, tsk.

The sky was getting dark, and Jin Chan didn't wait for the heavy rain, but it was obviously too late to stay overnight, so he could only find a ruined temple to live in.

Strange to say, although the ruined temple looks shabby on the outside, it is considered neat and orderly on the inside.

Jin Chan thought for a while, and she had to do a full set of things. She found a broom and cleaned the ruined temple from the inside to the outside. After seeing that it was completely dark, she took out the oil lamp and Buddhist scriptures to study.

Jian Xin and Lu Dongbin watched quietly, they didn't need to stay here all the time, but they couldn't leave without Zuo Zhou.

But saw Zuo Zhou approaching with a big jump, "There is a ghostly aura in the radius of a hundred miles. There should be ghosts. Well, it would be a good choice to start with some ghosts."

"General Li has won the award." Lu Dongbin smiled and nodded.

While talking, there really was a ghost below who forcibly broke into the temple to kill Jin Chan, but Jin Chan was also very strong, at least a mere evil ghost couldn't beat her, and she was wiped out with a few punches.

Zuo Zhou watched amusedly as she took out a book from her bag, which seemed to record the itinerary, "Well, the next stop is Shaolin Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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