Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 780 Variables first appear

Chapter 780 Variables first appear
The Shaolin Temple had been rebuilt when Zuo Zhou was trapped in the Shanhe Sheji Tuli, and many monks from the past returned because of this.And after 15 years of development, although it may not have the same weather as before, it can be regarded as on the right track. If it is changed from the previous life, it is ready to go public.

Zuo Zhou hadn't communicated with Master Jian Chi since he came out of the map of Shanhe Sheji, but he didn't expect that this time he would be included in the plan of a person in the Shinto. Well, could it be that this old man also took refuge in the Shinto?
This idea was vetoed in Zuo Zhou's mind for a moment, and there was no other reason. Master Jian Chi's request was different from that of people in the Shinto.

"Shaolin Temple, you guys are really good at making arrangements." Zuo Zhou said with a smile on his face, and his eyes fell on the book in Jin Chan's hand. There were many place names densely recorded on it. Obviously, this time the itinerary was completely It was carefully planned.It's a pity that there are only place names on it but no specific plan.

"General Li has won the prize. After all, we haven't got the Buddha's relic. If there are too many catastrophes, we won't be able to justify it. Therefore, we will not cause harm to anyone before we reach the Western Regions." There was a trace of comfort in Lu Dongbin's eyes, don't worry, Knowing that you have friendship with Jian Chi, we will not hurt him.

Zuo Zhou didn't say much, but shifted his gaze slightly to the town not far away. There were many residents in this town, but it seemed quite deserted. People's eyes were full of vigilance, as if they didn't trust anyone, and they kept their eyes on each other. The look of the distance.

Zuo Zhou thought for a while and suddenly said: "So this is just a road show, the protagonist is Jin Chan, the villain is those ghosts from last night, and the main purpose of the promotion is God loves the world?"

Lu Dongbin smiled faintly, "The government is incompetent, unable to drive out evil spirits and protect the people, so we must let these people have faith and continue to live."

Jian Xin didn't speak, as if what happened below had nothing to do with him.

Zuo Zhou didn't refute anything, and even said, "It makes sense."

Lu Dongbin was very satisfied when he heard the words, and began to laugh at Di Renjie and the others in his heart. Although he didn't know what the plans of those ants were, Li Yuanfang, who was coveted by them, was actually ours, so why should they fight?

Zuo Zhou looked down quietly, watching Jin Chan enter the town, after lunch he 'unintentionally' talked about killing a ghost, and was immediately surrounded by the people, who grabbed Jin Chan with tears in their eyes If you don't let go, you have a sense of sight that you want to catch your son-in-law.

And things went as Lu Dongbin expected, the beliefs of the villagers quickly changed, and there were signs of believing in Shinto.

Of course, it is enough to have a sign of such a thing as belief, and then arrange a person in the Shinto to hide around and strengthen the belief if you ask for it.When the people in this village have firm beliefs, they can leave to spread the faith.

A very rude and straightforward method is enough to deal with these uneducated villagers.

After Zuo Zhou figured it out, he sighed calmly. He had no room to manipulate this matter. This matter was very troublesome, and it couldn't be solved by just any expert.

First of all, this village is not far from the border between Tang and Daqin, and it belongs to the buffer zone of the two countries. It is not suitable for the army to meddle in their own business here, which makes them unable to act rashly even if they know that there are ghosts here.

In addition, the concepts of these people are also very old, and they have not received much education, and they don't think about why ghosts haunt you ordinary people who don't have much money.Not to mention why there were people in the martial arts who passed by in the past to exorcise ghosts, but they all failed.

"Well, with such empty words, are there still a few evil spirits who will come to harass the village in broad daylight?"

Zuo Zhou guessed the plot right, and Lu Dongbin next to him really smiled and said: "These villagers are not smart, but they are not stupid either. We must let them see the strong and fear the strong, so that they will know how to live."

As soon as the words fell, a dark cloud gathered together from the west, slowly covering the sun.

Jin Chan, who was dealing with enthusiastic people, immediately discovered the dark cloud that was wrong. A huge shadow completely enveloped the entire village, and at the same time, fierce ghosts came and went in and out of the dark cloud with claws and teeth.


The villagers rushed away, but Jin Chan was very excited, and she was not stupid, so she could see that this should be arranged by a person in the Shinto. After all, how could a group of evil spirits have the ability to summon dark clouds to cover the sun?
Jin Chan stamped with his hands, a golden light bloomed, and at the same time, he sang loudly, which seemed to be some kind of Buddhist scriptures. Zuo Zhou didn't continue to listen, he just watched Jin Chan, who was killing all directions, and then...


A big wave that was [-]% similar to Kamepai Qigong blasted into the dark clouds, and those fierce ghosts who were still baring their teeth and claws just now were all scattered before they even figured out what was going on.

The sun shines all over the earth, and after being baptized by the yang energy, all the eerie and ghost energy will be invisible.

The common people were stunned for a while, and glanced at Jin Chan who had withdrawn angrily, and then walked towards the newly appeared figures.

Those are more than a dozen masters, or to be more precise, they are defective products!
Jianxin: "..."

Lu Dongbin: "..."

Zuo Zhou: "Uh, in a positive light, at least we now know some hidden dangers, and we can make corresponding adjustments in our future plans, hehehe!"

Zuo Zhou seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and he didn't know whether it was a reminder or dissatisfaction. Anyway, Lu Dongbin's expression was very ugly, while Jian Xin's eyes were a little helpless.

Sometimes, surprises always come unexpectedly.

Because of the map of Shanhe Sheji, both Zuo Zhou and Jian Xin lost the time to plan, so Jian Xin had no choice but to stand on the side of Shinto. Even Zuo Zhou felt that it was meaningless for them to take action now if they just relied on the layout. We can only place our hopes on Di Renjie and others.

But they all overlooked a problem, there are hundreds of thousands of defective products liberated along with the Shanhe Sheji map!

Although these defective products are not worth mentioning in the eyes of orthodox ground rankings and Shinto people, but this kind of large-scale ground rankings spread around the world can form an unimaginable suppression of middle and low-level martial arts people force.

It's just that because of the deaths of Dizang, Kangxi, Song Zhixi and others, the defective members of the dibang lost their leadership and were scattered, so they were not valued by the Shinto people, but they didn't expect that the first step of their plan would change.

"People, the ghosts have been wiped out by us, and you can live in peace from now on!"

A defective member of the local list waved his hands and said loudly, he looks handsome and his clothes are of excellent quality, if Jin Chan is not also a big beauty, she might have already been compared.

The common people had already forgotten their enthusiasm for Jin Chan just now, and turned to surround the defective products on the list, expressing their thanks with snot and tears.

And these inferior products on the local list obviously know how to show off and appease the people better than Jin Chan. They are approachable and support the old people in the village, shake hands with the young people, and caress the tops of the children affectionately. The leaders of the middle and lower grassroots inspections.

"Haven't you taught Jinchan how to get along with the common people before?"


Lu Dongbin was silent. They knew how to mingle with the common people. According to their thinking, the common people are ignorant. They just need to show their strength and then give some benefits. Isn’t this the same way of spreading beliefs since ancient times?

When Zuo Zhou saw Lu Dongbin's appearance, he knew what the biggest loophole in the Shinto man's plan was, exile!
Yes, that's the problem. If there are only former natives in this world, then there is no problem, but don't forget that there are also a lot of exiles, accounting for nearly 50.00% of the world's total population.If you want to keep the Heavenly Court alive, you must also get the support of the exiles.And if you want to attract exiles, you can't use this kind of trick to fool the ignorant people.

Hehe, at the beginning they suspected that the rampant monsters on the earth had something to do with Ultraman.Now that you make a ghost and want them to change their beliefs, that's a bit naive!
Zuo Zhou was watching the excitement on the top, while Jin Chan left in disgrace below, while those defective products on the local list were still chatting and laughing with the common people, as if they were going to start a sect nearby.

Jian Xin, who has been silent all this time, said slowly: "This place was chosen very carefully. It is a buffer zone between two countries, and the armies of both sides are unwilling to take care of it. And these people are also very dull, and they don't understand the principle of moving the dead and the living. .These defective products of the local list only need to build a cottage nearby, and they don’t need to do anything, and the people will automatically attach themselves. It seems that these defective products of the local list are very smart.”

Zuo Zhou glanced at Jianxin, and said with a smile: "They are not dull, nor do they understand the principle of moving trees to move the dead and the living. It's just that they have burdens and are reluctant to part with this piece of land."

Zuo Zhou paused and continued: "Food is the most important thing for the people, and the people's attachment to the land is unimaginable for people in the Shinto. And the burdens of wives, old people and children make them dare not go out and work hard, so even if there is trouble here, Li Gui, but as long as they can live in peace, they are not willing to move away easily."

" you think the people really don't understand the problem? A village that is often haunted by ghosts can still have so many people alive. What are these ghosts doing? Are they responsible for scaring children?"

"It's just that they felt that they had nothing to plot against, so they chose to lie flat!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, made some conclusions and left, leaving only Lu Dongbin and Jian Xin thinking.Zuo Zhou didn't think about relying on these people to arouse the other party's sympathy, but to let the people in the Shinto pay attention to these defective products and many exiles, and let them not use all their strength to carry out the plan , This will also make Di Renjie's plan smoother.

As for the defective products on the list just now, there is a high probability that people in the Shinto will kill them. History tells us that the war for robbing faith has always been bloody!
(End of this chapter)

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