Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 798 I am the one who walks the path for heaven

Chapter 798 I am the one who walks the path for heaven

Tang Jun fell into a disadvantage! ?

This is quite a puzzling matter, at least it makes people in the heavenly Shinto despise it!
The number is not less than the Ming army, the strength is not weaker than others, and the surprise attack was successful, but now the Tang army is not dominant in the scene, and even a small part of them are suppressed by the enemy. This is so believable!

However, this scene was understood by Zuo Zhou. According to the information sent by Jiang Yuyan and the Demon Gate, although the Tang Kingdom has not clearly stated that it has become a religion-based kingdom of God in the past 15 years, it is also true. The people have been brainwashed for a long time, imprinting this set similar to the Heavenly Court in the minds of the people.

So on the surface, it seems that the people of Tang country have no problems, but if they really live in Tang country for a long time, it will make foreigners very uncomfortable.

However, these people on the border of the Western Regions were an exception. They spent a lot of time fighting against monsters, and didn't have that much time to be brainwashed.Second, they spent 15 years with the Ming army and the Daqin army. It is absolutely false to say that they have no feelings.

Because of this, when they learned that they were going to attack the Ming army, they had a rebellious heart in their hearts. It was just that the thought of loyalty planted since childhood made them pick up the sword, but how could this fighting spirit be compared with Ming who fought back with anger? Compared with the army? ,

In such a battle between the two armies, even though the Tang army had such a big advantage at the beginning, on the scene, they became less and less willing to fight.

Li Guangbi didn't seem to be surprised by the behavior of the soldiers, he rushed to Li Rusong immediately with his personal guards.

Li Rusong's personal guard battalion failed to reach the general at the first time, they were scattered and could not even maintain their formation, but what they lacked was never the will to fight bravely, from all angles, they have been constantly The impact of the encirclement of the Tang army.

However, ordinary Tang army soldiers were easy to deal with, but Li Guangbi's personal soldiers had already formed a formation, and there was no way to rely on their scattered attack.

But in the siege, what Li Rusong faced was the killing formation formed by Li Guangbi and his own soldiers.

"Oh, I'm still wondering what kind of treacherous means Shinto will arrange for me. After all, the old lady and the others were poisoned, but I didn't. Is this looking down on Li? But it turned out that he was planning to use it on me on the battlefield. Tripper, hey!"

Li Rusong's eyes were about to overflow with murderous intent, and his bearded face was twitching. In comparison, Li Guangbi was a lot more refined. If he didn't know the cause and effect, there might be a lot of sales in comparison. People will regard Li Rusong as a big villain.

"Everyone is their master, don't blame me. Kill!"

Li Guangbi knew that the situation of the battle was changing rapidly, and he didn't have much time to act emotionally, so he ordered the surrounding soldiers to form a formation and kill Li Rusong.

The yellow sand was rolled up in a small area, and the steps of the guards were free and special. Li Rusong felt quite stressed when Pu touched it.

ding ding dong!
Li Rusong was in the army before, and he never thought that he would charge into battle today, so the weapons in his hands were still close-fitting swords, at most counting the bow and arrow hanging behind his back now.The weapons of the soldiers are mostly long spears, and it is difficult to approach the past to fight with swords in combination with the formation.Especially when Li Guangbi also integrated into the formation, he fell into a kind of suppression of long weapons against short weapons.

Li Rusong is a top player in the personal list, but compared to Zhang Han and She Taijun, his strength is more than a notch inferior, and now he is surrounded by heavy siege, and it is dangerous for a while.

The soldiers of the Ming army on the periphery saw this even more frantic attack formation, and the madness with red eyes even caused Li Guangbi's personal soldiers to almost collapse the formation.

At the same time, this scene also made Li Guangbi attack more tightly. A long spear was wielded like a snake, cunning and ruthless. Sometimes it turned into a big python to suppress people together with his own soldiers, and sometimes he led a group of snakes to bite the opponent madly. In just a moment, The attacks of the two styles were changed more than ten times, and the wounds on Li Rusong's body were also added more than ten times.

"Li Rusong won't last long, do you need help?" He Ran asked.

Zuo Zhou's silence already explained his decision. In fact, his previous reminders were superfluous. After all, he couldn't be sure if there were any Shinto spies around, so he absolutely couldn't help unless he had decided to tear his face apart. Go desperately with Jianxin Lu Dongbin.

However, Li Rusong may not be dead at this time, because Fusu and Baiqi are still here!

This battle is like a game of cards, whoever has the most cards will have the upper hand.Now that the monsters were blocked by the Daqin soldiers who were fighting to the death, Li Rusong's place was full of dangers, and it was their turn to play their cards.

Two colorful cannonballs blasted into the encirclement formed by Li Guangbi and his soldiers. Li Guangbi immediately reminded everyone to keep their breath.

In fact, he did the right thing. Two of the soldiers did not have time, and their eyes were congested and blind in just a few seconds. At the same time, their throats seemed to be scalded by something.

"Blow away the poisonous smoke with true energy!"

What Li Guangbi did was the most common way for people in the world to use poison, and the poisonous smoke was indeed removed, but two slender figures suddenly jumped in and stopped them.

Yin Man and Di Que, the two women who originally wanted to stop the Beast King, now stood in front of Li Guangbi.

Both the Shinto camp and Zuo Zhou were a little surprised by the sudden change. The former thought they could catch Fu Su or Bai Qi, but who knew it was these two women.

Zuo Zhou, on the other hand, looked into the checkpoint in surprise, and he understood Fusu's meaning in just a moment.

Fusu asked the two of them to come over to help, obviously to keep them away from the beast king. After all, he knew that the two women had a lot of affection for Xian Wang, so it was hard to say whether they would release water in the process.

And the two girls came out so happily, I am afraid they also understand themselves, if they really meet the beast king, they may not be able to do it.

But... Zuo Zhou shook his head and sighed, this is a stupid move!
Sure enough, two people from the Shinto descended with two beeps. The two of them made a magnificent appearance. The situation changed and they landed with the sound of golden lightning pia. Zuo Zhou was worried whether their two knees could withstand such a heavy pressure. .

"The evildoers and zombies abandoned by the heavens, I will do justice for the heavens today! Li Rusong, as a general of the Ming Dynasty, you have joined forces with the evildoers, and you soldiers will not follow me to kill relatives!"

Monsters and zombies are not good words to hear. If it was the high-tech era of the previous life, the first thing people would do would be to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and post them on Moments to show off.But people in this world are still quite secretive. They believe in the existence of gods, and they also believe in the existence of demons and ghosts.Although gods are not necessarily good, demons and ghosts are bad in the eyes of most people!
So the hearts of the soldiers were shaken for a moment, and Li Guangbi was very good at seizing the opportunity, pointing his spear at the sky, with a dignified face, "Soldiers, Li Rusong colluded with evil spirits to subvert the world, follow me to do justice for the sky!"

People are such complicated things sometimes, even if there is no evidence for this reason, even if this reason sounds a bit nonsense, as long as his superficial logic is established, it will make people ignore the mistakes they made before.

The soldiers of the Tang State were like this. The reason of "So we attacked the Ming army because Li Rusong colluded with the evildoers" covered up the guilt in their hearts just now. Let them temporarily forget the conscience in their hearts. Similar reasons include 'freedom', 'democracy' and so on.

However, this kind of excuse is nothing to the soldiers of the Ming army. They are "wronged" people themselves. Hands were tied, and the two sides began to fight fiercely.

But it was Li Rusong who was even more angry, damn it!Splash dirty water on me, right?
"Li Guangbi, it turns out that you conspired with monsters to attack humans. Hmph, don't think that these two monsters can hide from everyone by wearing human skin. I'm as smart as a monkey!"


Fuck!This guy still has this kind of flirty operation?

Zuo Zhou had a face full of surprise, his eyes were full of appreciation, his mouth was fine!
Yin Man and Di Que slowly turned their heads to glance at Li Rusong, and then turned around at the same time, "That's right, how could such a beautiful and lovely girl like us be evildoers and zombies? But you, if you are capable, you will be exposed for a while. Use those weird and weird moves!"


It's a mess, Zuo Zhou covered his face, he didn't see it at all!
No logic to no logic, shameless to shameless, sometimes it doesn't mean that magic can definitely defeat magic!
That's all for Yin Man, it's really the shape of a beautiful girl, and it's not easy to see it with zombies.But Di Que is a person who is abandoned by heaven, and will be hated by others in terms of innate senses, just like He Ran in the past, only people above the list of people can block this kind of influence.

So as soon as the words came out, the soldiers looked at Di Que and felt that although this girl was very beautiful, why did she look so disgusting when she looked wrong?
Tangled, all the soldiers are tangled, all the soldiers from Tang and Ming are tangled, no one looks like a good bird?
This time, the soldiers on both sides lost their fighting spirit, this time it was good, they stopped fighting desperately, and even Li Rusong's soldiers were no longer in a hurry to break through to save the general.

To be honest, Li Rusong didn't expect this situation. He looked at the two girls with a strange face, which side are you on?

Neither of the two girls moved, um, careless!But it doesn't matter, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

But thick-skinned is a talent, not everyone can treat it as nothing happened, so that everyone will not be embarrassed to be short of a smoke bomb, and for those formations whose skill is not too high, this kind of large-scale poison is most effective.

Li Guangbi stared at him with a disdainful sneer, "Qian donkey is so poor that it will definitely lose! Blow it away!"

His personal soldiers lined up in a row and began to erupt with true energy, and the toxins were quickly blown away by a series of cyclones. However, just when they were disdainful, a figure suddenly jumped out of the smoke, swish, and tore the poison with sharp claws. The wind, countless blood splashes, and the dazzling Limang are followed by the passing of life.


Li Guangbi's spear broke, but also because of this timely reaction, he finally escaped Yin Man's decisive blow.

Too fast, everything too fast!
Yinman and Dique have a mutual understanding of each other's relationship, and they cooperate incomparably tacitly. Dique uses poison, and Yinman uses poison as a cover to block his sight. In addition, zombies are almost immune to most poisons, and zombies are A master of body training, he almost pays attention to a quick kill when dealing with the enemy!


A person in Shinto was furious. They were careless, and they were killed so many by the enemy in just such a chance of negligence.

Of course, they don't care about the lives of these Tang soldiers. What they care about is shame. The enemy killed their people in front of them. Can this be tolerated?
It's okay if you can't bear it, Yinman and Dique don't seem to be particularly capable characters, maybe Yinman is not afraid, and the Shinto people who started to lead Dique and Li Rusong to play the two rankings may be a little powerless.

So they play very conservatively, or in other words, they are playing guerrilla. With all kinds of poisons that are very wicked, it will make the brains of the Shinto people buzzing, annoying!

The two Shinto people became more and more irritable as they fought, but at this time everyone's attention was no longer on them.

To put it bluntly, they are just a little episode, and the key to victory this time depends on whether the Beastmaster can pass the checkpoint!

At this time, the Beastmaster finally moved.

Gravel flew all over the sky, and soldiers including monsters were knocked down to the ground, and a huge figure jumped out from the sand dunes.

His height was almost as tall as that of an Arhat, and his ferocious animal pupils kept trembling, staring at everyone as if someone owed him millions.

He wiped the gravel off his body calmly, the iron-blue skin seemed to be composed of countless wounds, and the faint metallic luster made everyone gasp.

Wang Jian took a step forward slowly with a long halberd in his hand, and the wind pressure around him formed a vortex and began to spread outwards in the blink of an eye, suppressing the commotion caused by the Beastmaster's appearance in the blink of an eye.

"King Xian, let me set you free today!"

Speaking of it, Wang Jian and Xian Wang are old acquaintances, although they don't have much friendship, but when the Great Qin swept the world, the two had cooperated and they were considered comrades-in-arms.

Now, after all, the two have embarked on different paths. Their gazes meet in the air, but there is no spark, but the fighting spirit has already shocked the gods in the sky.

"We can't let the Beastmaster spend all his strength on Wang Jian, let's take action!" Abe Nakamaro said and waved his hands, and the three of Jiaosu, Kangsu, and Xinsu fell directly towards Wang Jian. They were still wearing the Tang Dynasty military general's uniform The appearance of the armor now looks like the people of the Tang Dynasty really joined forces with the monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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