Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 799

Chapter 799
"You are wearing the armor of a general...does it mean that the Tang Kingdom is going to war with Daqin?"

Wang Jian was stopped, but he didn't act immediately, but looked at the three people in front of him and slowly asked this sentence.

The three of Xinsu, Kangsu, and Jiaosu hesitated for a moment. They were destined not to be able to answer this matter, because a war at the national level could not be resolved by simply colliding two armies. It involved all aspects of society.

Before the arrival of the exiles, various countries didn't pay much attention to it. There was a feeling that whoever was lucky enough to give birth to a few strong men would be strong.

But after the arrival of the exiles, the theoretical knowledge about the prosperity of the country has been improved a lot, and it has also made people understand that many seemingly insignificant details can affect the prosperity of a country.

However, at this time, the embarrassment of the Tang State was reflected. The national people's thinking based on religion was bound to be in conflict with the freedom-based thinking. Among other things, the Tang State had abnormal development in terms of strengthening the army.

In the final analysis, it is because people in Shinto need to accumulate resources if they want to improve their strength, and they need resources more than indigenous people and exiles.Because Shinto people often have a lot of rules and spells in their memory, as long as they have enough resources, they can quickly form combat power.

This kind of problem has formed an irreversible result. Today's Tang State's armed forces are severely polarized. There are many people in the Shinto who are weighbridge-level masters, and there are many low-level soldiers, but there is an extreme shortage of middle-level strongmen.

Because the resources needed by the soldiers are not the same as those needed by the Shinto people, and because of this, the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has gradually been called "militarism" by scholars from all over the world!

Under normal circumstances, militarism will make the surrounding countries feel threatened. After all, you keep developing the military, even disregarding the lives of the people in your own country. What do you want to do?Supplement itself by plundering resources from other countries?
Therefore, in the past 15 years, although Ming and Daqin have not had any conflicts with Tang on the military level, they will have some restrictions in other respects.As the Tang State developed more militarily, the two countries imposed stricter restrictions in various aspects.

Zuo Zhou hadn't been involved in it for 15 years, and he didn't know the specific things, but in his mind, if it wasn't for the layout of Di Renjie and others, he would never believe it.

However, it seems that the people in Shinto didn't take Tang country too seriously, otherwise they wouldn't let the situation in Tang country get worse and worse, but they would still expand their armaments in an orderly manner and implement it according to the plan.

Sure enough, Sansu only hesitated for a moment before starting to strike. Jiaosu's weapon is a long rattan whip, and the whole whip is full of thorns. It is afraid that there will be bloodstains after rubbing, which is even more worrying. It's because there is a budding flower on the tip of the whip, and I don't know what's hidden in it.

Kang Su's weapon is very strange, it is a steelyard, the kind used by aunts and uncles in the vegetable market, the pole glows with a dark golden light, the weight is flying up and down as if it were used as a meteor hammer, and the weighing pan can be enlarged to form a The shield gave Zuo Zhou the illusion of a golden holy cloth of the constellation Libra.

And Xinsu's weapon is quite regular, it is a spear with two pointed ends, and the slender shaft of the spear seems to follow the light and agile route.

The true qi of the three of them bloomed at the same time, and the aura of the ground board intertwined with each other to form an unpredictable field, in which the qi and blood surged, noises buzzed in the ears, and chaos arose in the mind.

Wang Jian also didn't expect it, so he could only suppress the chaos with his true energy.

"Three-on-one and still use this kind of ghost trick?" Wang Jian suddenly relaxed, and thought a little badass, could it be that my reputation, Wang Jian, is so bad that I let these bastards not hesitate to use a three-person formation, and even A spiritual attack was used.

Sansu was silent in response, but the weapons in his hands had already greeted Wang Jian. To some extent, they had already acquiesced.Although they were very unwilling, they had to admit that Wang Jian's achievements since he led the army were really staggering, and as a master who achieved the top level with the general route, his own understanding of fighting must be extraordinary.Now that the law of heaven has changed, methods such as spells have been weakened by many means. In terms of martial arts alone, the three of them may not be able to surpass Wang Jian, so they had to come up with this strategy.

Kang Su raised the weighing pan as a huge shield to cover his whole body, his legs were charged and his whole body rushed towards Wang Jian like a cannonball. According to his thinking, Wang Jian would definitely dodge and at the same time the two accomplices around him would take the opportunity to attack. What surprised him was that Wang Jian seemed to be planning to go through the world recklessly, he stuck the halberd upside down without dodging or evading, and then when Kang Su bumped into him, he made a move of Thang Long from bottom to top, flipping Kang Su and the weighing pan all over. flew out.

Kang Su only felt dizzy and the whole person fell into a daze. He didn't react until his head was stuck upside down in the sand. This is too exaggerated. How can someone be so reckless? His move can smash even a mountain. Blockbuster too!
If this is a one-on-one match, I am afraid that he is dead now. Xinsu and Jiaoxu made up for Wang Jian in time and did not give Wang Jian a chance to make up the knife. The air wave mixed and rolled up the infinite mad sandbag, covering his head and face, and slapped Wang Jian.

Wang Jian's fighting spirit is more and more courageous as he fights, and he seems to want to use magic to defeat magic. A big halberd drives his whole body to swing, and a storm forms around him as the big halberd circles, and then Wang Jian suddenly jumps up and crashes into the The storm full of tearing marks.

Boom, the two storms collided together and blasted ripples all over the sky. At this time, Wang Jian's halberd was stuck upside down and stopped three inches in front of Jiao Xu. Fork
Wang Jian sneered, turned the blade of the halberd upside down, and the twisted rattan whip came out of Jiao Xu's hand.

It's terrible, with just one move, the previously arrogant Shinto man was robbed of his weapon!
However, when Wang Jian looked back, he didn't see any frustration on Jiao Xu's face, and there was even a faint hint of surprise and triumph in the trickery's success in his eyes.
Wang Jian instantly understood that the enemy had a back move. Sure enough, the vine whip that he threw aside just now came alive and shot at Wang Jian's neck from an extremely tricky angle. A golden hair suddenly bloomed at the tip of the vine whip. Jump out of it.

A long weapon like a long halberd must not be able to return to defense and rescue. Just when Jiao Xu thought he had succeeded, Wang Jian turned his head slightly and opened his mouth to spit out a sound wave, roar, and the sound wave condensed into a ring-shaped sound wave that was almost visible to the naked eye. And the golden hair were all included, and the speed that was originally so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen was slowly paused under the cover of sound waves. Only then did countless people realize that it was not a golden hair, but a finger-length, Gu worms as slender as hair!
Don't underestimate this Gu worm, Wang Jian is at the pound level now, if this lion's roar is roaring in the ears of others, it is enough to blow the opponent's brains, or is the Gu worm still in the air and keeps gathering strength to move forward? move little by little
Wang Jian frowned and swung his long halberd to slap the golden hair out of Sansu's territory. The soldiers who had fought with Wang Jian for 15 years immediately went up and stuck the golden hair-like Gu worm with their swords.

The Gu worm was still struggling like this, but since it was used by Spica as a surprise attack method, it probably lacked in strength and was completely unable to escape after being held up by many soldiers.

At this moment, he saw the vine whip automatically swim out of the field and shoot at the soldiers. Wang Jian was shocked. It turned out that not only the golden hair was a Gu worm, but the vine whip was also alive!

Wang Jian turned around to rescue him, but there was a sudden attack by his side, so he had to turn around to meet him, seeing the shadows of spears all over the sky.

Sure enough, the attacking methods of those who used conventional weapons were also similar to conventional ones. Xinsu's spears were fast and dense like a storm, absorbing all of Wang Jian's energy in an instant.

Seeing that the vine whip was about to break into the crowd of soldiers, I didn't know what harm it would cause. At the very moment, a black shadow fell from the sky like a thunderbolt, and stuck the vine whip firmly in the sand.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help looking curiously at the black figure finally showing its true colors. It was straight, winding and solemn, with a lifelike dragon shadow stretching its teeth and claws on it, with a dragon head and a cane!
This is Taijun She's protective magic weapon, which was given by the emperor when the general of the Yang family was still the pillar of the Song Dynasty. Originally, this leading crutch also had a bit of luck, but with the collapse of the Song Dynasty, the luck disappeared. , but did not expect that now there is Longying Feiteng again. Obviously She Taijun has been deeply bound with Daqin

"Do you think that a mere strong poison can harm your old body?"

Taijun She's armor was stained with blood, and her gaze swept across Sansu and the clouds in the sky. At this time, the person in the Shinto is nothing more than a villain in her eyes

"Hehe, the old lady is always strong and strong, the boy is convinced!"

Standing up slowly beside Madam She, it was Zhang Han who was also knocked down by the toxin outbreak just now.

Wang Jian grinned at the corner of his mouth, and finally he was able to turn his head and concentrate on dealing with the siege.

The Shinto people in the sky were in an uproar, and all cast their eyes on Abe Nakamaro, the corners of his hind legs twitched but he still pretended to be calm: "Don't panic, didn't you see the blood on that She Taijun's body? It's all them." I vomited on my own, the two of them are just supporting their bodies, I'm afraid they won't be able to exert their strength at the top of the list."

A person next to him reminded: "Then shall we assign a person to deal with the two of them?"

Abe Nakamaro only thought for three seconds before shaking his head and said: "No, Bai Qi and Fusu are too strong, dozens of us must all deal with them, as for Taijun She and Zhang Han, let the Beast King deal with it himself, I believe that with his strength It is still possible to deal with two people who can't show their full strength with strength."

At the same time, Zuo Zhou in the other cloud also had a serious face, but compared with others, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. He believed that Madam She and Zhang Han could survive the toxin outbreak, but you have to say that these two people are in their current state. It is a bit whimsical to be able to stop the beast king at the top level.

It can be said bluntly, if you stop, you will die!
"I saw that Wang Jian seems to have the upper hand. He should be able to deal with those three people in the divine way soon and help Madam She, right?"

Ruthless said not too sure, looked at Zuo Zhou with big eyes and seemed to want to get a positive answer, but it was a pity that Zuo Zhou shook his head, "No, Wang Jian's strength is very strong, and his original style is not all like this. Di Mang looks like he is piercing through everything, but the mental attack is too powerful and will affect him. If he uses skillful and precise counterattacks, he will inevitably lose sight of the other, so most of his energy is now used to resist the mental attack, dealing with those three guys We have to adopt a strategy of suppressing with force. But those three people are not stupid, you see Xinsu's overwhelming spears are just to draw his energy and put Wang Jian in a dilemma."

Wu Qing was a little anxious when he heard the words, "Then use up the hole cards you prepared!"

"Don't worry, so many people in the divine way haven't done anything yet. Besides, this is also the choice of Madam She and Zhang Han. I can't do anything in this regard."

If there is a choice, Zuo Zhou doesn't want any friend to be hurt, but reality is so cruel, some sacrifices you can't stop, it has nothing to do with ability, it just depends on whether the other party wants to live

Zuo Zhou sighed to himself, the battlefield below has changed drastically, two masters with earth-shattering aura finally entered the field, one fell like a missile to the ground and blasted countless wild sand, trampled to death the Gu worm with golden hair stretched out his hand and pulled it After breaking off the spiked cane whip, it was the God of War who was so overbearing.

One shot straight into the sky and slammed into the camp of the gods in the air. Countless storms gathered and dissipated, then gathered and exploded, and the gods who were caught off guard and did not expect the other party to provoke them were scattered on the battlefield. It was Fusu who was already burning with anger.

The initiative of Fusu and Baiqi is actually full of sadness. They can wait for a more suitable time to make a move. However, they have already understood the decision of Madam She and Zhang Han. Decision is already their greatest tenderness
The Shinto people scattered all over the battlefield began to fight back. Since they had just recovered and attracted too much hatred from the frontal face-slapping, they all tried their best to Fusu. Martial arts, if not all of them were in human form, it would even be true for Li Rusong's nonsense just now that they colluded with monsters.

Fu Su was not afraid, he spread his arms, turned upside down, and finally said word by word: "Samsara Festival Breaking Heaven and Earth!"

When fighting, reading the moves not only looks very compelling, but also attracts hatred. However, the hatred of the people in the Shinto did not improve their combat effectiveness, and each of them seemed to have entered some special field. Control crashed into his companion on the other side.

Seeing this, Abe Nakamaro shouted at the back: "It's the Emperor's Book of Heaven, and the people of the Five Poisons Sect once mentioned that you should not go together when you use the wheel to fight."

Zuo Zhou in the sky raised his brows and looked excited. Speaking of which, he was quite impressed with these moves when he was watching the puppet show, especially the Imperial Classics. He doesn't believe in the kung fu moves of strength and strength, but it seems to be different in this world. It may also be that Fusu itself contains luck and has broken through the realm through the elixir refined by monsters, so there is a hidden duality between life and death in this body move. A blend of different breaths.

(End of this chapter)

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