Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 807 She doesn't understand human beings

Chapter 807 She doesn't understand human beings

If the roar of the unicorn comes from the ancient prehistoric times, then the sound wave falling from the sky at this time is the sound of the times.

Above the clouds, two dots of light lit up, and the golden animal eyes glowed with anger, and all the creatures in the world seemed to worship under its gaze at this moment.

The wind is rolling and the clouds are calming, it slowly reveals its true colors, a head, a lion's head, a lion's head that occupies the entire cloud!

The sound waves hit Qilin's body abruptly, and the storm and flames that originally lingered on Qilin's body were overwhelmed and dissipated in an instant.

The four hooves softened, and Qilin almost fell to his knees. At that moment, it seemed that the dignity of the divine beast was challenged.

Lu Junyi, swinging his stick sideways, wisely stopped chasing the red sunflower and blue sunflower, his front hooves raised into the sky, and the storm and flames reappeared.The take-off that contains huge strength exploded in the blink of an eye, but the unicorn's majestic posture was a little bit unable to rush up in mid-air, and the continuous sound waves seemed to never end, and the lion hidden in the clouds even increased its output , The sound wave is fierce and wide, like a sound column that lifts the sky.

"No, go back!"

The faces of Hong Kui and Lan Kui changed drastically, and they ran towards the distance with all their strength, but the ground collapsed and cracked in the next moment due to the long-term shock.

The violent earthquake spread far away, the soil was flying, the vegetation was toppled, and landslides and mountain torrents followed.

The eyes of the red sunflower and the blue sunflower are getting more and more dignified. This is the real duel of the masters, and it is the kind of combat power that a master should have from the basics to the acquired step by step.Every move contains the profound true meaning of martial arts, and every blow contains unparalleled power.

Hongkui and Lankui didn't know who the person who came to rescue them was, but they knew that this person must be a veteran and strong man, otherwise even ordinary top players would not be able to fight against Lu Junyi.

Hongkui and Lankui couldn't think of each other's identity for a while, and they were also trapped in the map of mountains, rivers and land for 15 years with Jianxin and Li Yuanfang. Obviously, they couldn't think of any masters rising outside these 15 years.

Lu Junyi was also thinking about the same problem. At first he thought that this lion was also a kind of dharma, and that the roar of the beast king, who could possess such power, might have been a master of the monster race.

But the closer he got, the more he understood that the master who appeared in the clouds did not use a magic appearance, but a supernatural power derived from the evolution of martial arts!
The so-called supernatural powers are actually a manifestation of the laws of heaven and earth. In the past, they were mostly derived from spells, which are one level higher than spell-related abilities.

It's just that after the great changes in the world, the power of spells has been weakened, and the power of martial arts has risen, so the power of supernatural powers is naturally no longer what it used to be.

But here comes the question, what if this supernatural power is derived from martial arts?What power would that be?
Lu Junyi was a little worried, and his sudden approach seemed a bit reckless.It's a pity that it was already too late when the intention to retreat came out, the lion's head suddenly came out of the clouds, and opened its deep and huge mouth to swallow him!
The unicorn raised its head and roared furiously. The unicorn's horns on the top of its head touched the upper teeth of the lion's mouth, and its front hooves stretched to block the lower teeth. The two giant beasts formed a stalemate in the air!

The most shocking thing at this moment was the red sunflower and the blue sunflower. They didn't have Lu Junyi's knowledge of supernatural powers, and they thought that the lion was also a Dharma figure.But looking at it now, where is the dharma appearance? After all, the dharma appearance is complete, and where is it just a lion's head?

Yes, only one head poked out of the clouds, and when the power of the stalemate spread and blew away the clouds, a picture of a person holding a giant lion's head appeared in front of his eyes.

The flying blond hair and beard are similar to the lion head in front of you, the stern and sharp facial curves, and the pair of eyes that are not angry and majestic, even Lu Junyi was stunned for a moment, are you sure you were not A lion spirit?
Behind him is a giant sword with a wide blade, just floating in the air, there is hidden sword intent overflowing in it.

Lu Junyi met his eyes, and a cut was made on his left shoulder in the next second. This was because he even dodged!
"What a fast sword, what a sharp sword intent!" Lu Junyi blurted out, and the opponent's sword light really pierced through his dharma form, turning the dharma form that was able to resist the red sunflower arrow into a toy.

"Who is coming!"

Lu Junyi used a stick instead of a sword to stab the immortal pointing the way. It seemed that it was pointing to the void, but when he exhausted his strength, he precisely landed on the tip of the sword.

"Xie Xun!"

Perhaps it was at this time that Lu Junyi's strength was truly recognized. Xie Xun was very satisfied with this stick, and while announcing his name, he chopped his body into the Qilin with the giant sword.

Boom, the huge dharma image was bitten into two by the lion's head, and the shattered air wave exploded to form a small sun.The dazzling light made Hongkui and Lankui feel like being pricked by needles.

However, their bodies are puppets. Although they have feelings, they should not be affected like this. It can only be said that this attack method is very close to the natural force of heaven, so it will resonate with their souls.Just like the reincarnation of the six realms in the past and the hell realm of Zuozhou today, as long as your soul is exposed to the air, there will inevitably be some attraction to it.

Lu Junyi didn't panic because of the explosion of the Dharma image, he let his body fall, and the wind whistling in his ears could only remind him to concentrate on it.When he realized that Xie Xun's attack method was supernatural powers, he already knew that Faxiang would not be able to withstand it for long, but sometimes victory is not a simple confrontation.

Xie Xun also didn't feel complacent because the first move had the upper hand, he calmly fell with Lu Junyi, waving the giant sword in the air, the giant sword technique taught by Yan Nantian at the beginning has been different after 15 years of polishing, although it is not pure sword intent, but From a certain point of view, the brilliant atmosphere and the voice of the beast king in the lion's roar match very well, which also gave him a qualitative leap in strength.

To put it simply, Xie Xun got the most suitable martial arts for him, and Jin Fengyulu wins as soon as they meet, but there are countless people in the world!


Slashing with the giant sword, there is a 40-meter sword light at hand.

Dang ang!A contest of sticks and swords begins in the air.

Just as soon as they fought, the two sides already understood that the opponent was a master of this weapon.

Chopping, swiping, poking, and teasing, all kinds of basic movements of cudgel techniques are at hand. Lu Junyi didn't control his body to fly, and used his strength to cast shadows of sticks in mid-air with the wind.

The giant sword should obviously be a heavy weapon that can crush people with force, but when mixed in the wind, it actually walks in the shadow of the stick like a spirit snake. It is obvious that the unicorn is the most capable of flying clouds and fog, but now it makes everyone The lion is as flexible as a swimming fish.

The shock in Lu Junyi's heart couldn't be overstated. An ordinary person like a swordsmanship master is lucky to see one of them, but who knows that he met two of them today.And the two styles are completely different!

Lan Kui's swordsmanship lies in the word 'miscellaneous', but this word is not a derogatory term, but means that she knows a lot and can master it.

And Xie Xun's key word is specialization, only study giant sword swordsmanship, walk out of his own style, walk out of his own way, comprehend his own martial arts, and create his own genre.Today's Xie Xun is such a figure at the level of a great master!
In Lu Junyi's mind, there are only two people who can achieve this achievement. One is Zhang Junbao. This person was mentioned emphatically by the empress. His martial arts are very special, which is no longer understood by Lu Junyi.The second one is Jian Chi. The man who rebuilt the Shaolin Temple did not pass on his martial arts to any monks. He seems to be extremely loyal to Buddhism, but no one can clearly understand what the Zen in his heart is. .

Lu Junyi already has a hint of retreat, he is a little unconfident, if he can have 15 years, then he feels that he will definitely teach Xie Xun how to be a man, but now, hmph, God damn Ksitigarbha wasted his 15 years. The time of the year!
When singing!

The nimble swimming fish seemed to have turned into a giant kun all of a sudden, and its strength was unimaginable to Lu Junyi, which made his falling speed suddenly increase, and he crashed into the ground with a bang.

Lu Junyi frowned slightly. There was no problem with the protection of true energy on his back, but his offensive inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

"Your mind is disturbed, are you thinking of running away?" Xie Xun's voice was suddenly full of murderous intent.

Lu Junyi was startled, and said coldly: "You are not here to rescue, but to kill!"

Xie Xun smiled, "You just understand!"

"It's impossible. How could you know my whereabouts? All these actions were improvised by me." Lu Junyi was a little dazed, had he been calculated?How did you do it?It can't be through some fortune teller, the masters of the local list will feel it when they are calculated, and I don't feel it at all.

"Who are you?"

Xie Xun danced the huge sword into a whirlwind, followed the sword but could stop and attack the gap at any time, as if inertia did not exist for him.

The ground was cracked in many places, and explosions spewed out from the ground. With the fighting between the two, the place was riddled with holes. It would be a stinky ditch whenever it rained.

"Di Renjie has appeared in the Shaolin Temple, you should have sent people there, and the rest of the masters are also in the Great Qin and Ming Kingdoms. Do you think that the enemy is open and we are dark, and you have a great advantage!"

Xie Xun's ridicule made Lu Junyi shudder, when?When did there actually be another force besides the two of them?What is the purpose of this force, and which side does it belong to?

These questions flashed through Lu Junyi's mind, but then he affirmed: "So you are from Di Renjie? He deliberately exposed himself to create opportunities for you! But how do you know my whereabouts?"

Xie Xun sneered, and the giant sword in his hand tightened a bit, and the surrounding soil and sand had a tendency to be drawn and dance with it.

"Is this...gravity? What is your relationship with Li Yuanfang?"

"I was lucky enough to see the move of Qingchengzhilian back then, but I yearned for it, but I had no choice but to scratch the surface, but it was enough for an expert to appreciate it!"


The giant sword was already heavy, but now under the blessing of gravity, it was like swinging a mountain, and it hit Lu Junyi's stick fiercely.

A layman watching the fun, an insider looking at the doorway, maybe this blow seemed commonplace to Lengtouqing, who had just entered the rivers and lakes, but only Lu Junyi knew that the stick was not only heavy with a giant sword, but also supported by gravity, and even more wholesome. The oppression of the land!
That was too much for Lu Junyi to bear. Cracks appeared on the surface of the long stick, and he was terrified when he saw it. It was the unicorn horn of the peak period, and it would be smashed?
However, the huge force had not yet come to an end, pushing the stick hard and landed on Lu Junyi's side abdomen, the sound of cracking bones was extremely cruel.

Lu Junyi's body was blown out of the ground, and Xie Xun followed closely, and the huge sword slashed down in the air. This overwhelming sword caused the entire space to collapse, and countless twists squeezed towards Lu Junyi alone.

This sword cannot be received!

He has been firmly locked. At this time, any light work and footwork have become a joke. Lu Junyi was quick-witted and hammered the ground with a stick to enter the ground again. Neither was a smart decision to look at.

But Lu Junyi had his own considerations, he just wanted to artificially lengthen the distance between the two, so that Xie Xun's stamina would be exhausted because of the distance.

Lu Junyi's move did give Xie Xun some trouble, because those twists and gravity couldn't break through the barrier of the earth. Although he can control sand, gravel and soil, it doesn't mean that he really has the ability to make the earth open.

He slammed into the ground with a heavy force, caught up with Lu Junyi, and made his chest suffocate and spit out a mouthful of blood, but he smiled, yes, his plan succeeded, and this blow really lost the power of just now...

Lu Junyi looked down at the arrow on his chest in disbelief. It was Hongkui's arrow, which he had seen just now.

As a former sword spirit, the red sunflower and blue sunflower are too sensitive to the perception of sword intent. Xie Xun's sword intent can be clearly sensed when it explodes underground. It's like someone using laser guidance.

At the same time, Lu Junyi's eyesight and hearing were greatly restricted underground.The battle with Xie Xun was more due to the perception of the true meaning of martial arts, which is also the habit of most of the top players. After all, attacks that do not contain the true meaning of martial arts basically pose no threat to them.

However, the archery taught by Zuo Zhou is a kung fu that only requires the body, not the true meaning of martial arts!
Therefore, the special environment, the special opportunity, the right time, the right place and the right people are all on Hongkui's side. For Lu Junyi, this invisible arrow hit his chest as a matter of course!

Cough cough poof!
The arrow pierced through Lu Junyi's lungs, making him weak and difficult to breathe, and what he coughed up was blood foam.

Roar!The lion-head supernatural power appeared again, biting the dirt, gravel and Lu Junyi into his mouth, and then threw it to the ground.

Bang, there was a trace of dilapidation on Lu Junyi's body, his hands and feet had been crushed by the lion's head just now, he understood that there was no reason to be unlucky today.

"I... I want to know, how did you figure out my... whereabouts..."

Lu Junyi straightened up his upper body with difficulty, Xie Xun frowned when he saw this, but he didn't kill them all immediately, maybe this was a battle of sympathy.

"It has been said that Jianxin doesn't understand human feelings. Although she has never treated her subordinates harshly, she has never paid attention to the emotional changes of the red sunflower and the blue sunflower. Ye Yujing..."

(End of this chapter)

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