Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 808 You don't want to be slept with by your brothers!

Chapter 808 You don't want to be slept with by your brothers!
"I saw you meeting that holy lady that day, what? Is she going to bribe you?"

Ximen Wu sat in the carriage and asked casually while fiddling with the Buddha's relics. Ye Yujing yawned. According to this speed, he should have arrived at the Great Qin Emperor's Capital tomorrow morning, but now he looked outside and saw dense jungles.

"Those two girls, hey, do you have to tell me about your past life? Am I the kind of person who can't let go?" Ye Yujing said with a look of disdain.

However, when Jin Chan heard this, she became interested. After all, she also had memories of her previous life, so she was very interested in such things.

"Tell me, let's have fun."

They were already getting to know each other well, Ye Yujing immediately became interested, sat up and said: "They said that I was their elder brother in the previous life, and I committed suicide because of them, and they have been looking for me in this world for decades."

Ye Yujing spread his hands as he spoke, "I thought about it at the time, I don't know where this female liar came from, and I don't have any memories of my previous life, so why don't they just say what they want?"

"Then how did you send them away?" Zuo Xuansha asked curiously.

Ye Yujing laughed obscenely, "I asked them, how do you plan to repay your kindness? As a result, they couldn't say anything for a long time, so I pointed them out, and I can repay you with kindness!"

Zuo Xuansha was speechless when he heard the words, and sighed: "You are really... so they ran away in anger?"

Ye Yujing's eyes widened, "That's the problem, they really agreed, and they were very happy. At that time, I was so happy. After living for so many years, it was the first time that someone threw themselves into their arms. Two, and twins, this is double the joy!"

Jin Chan frowned, "With your status, shouldn't there be many women in your arms?"

Ximen Wu answered for him: "Uncle Ye is very strict. If any woman in Baiyun City dares to interfere with his sword practice, he will be kicked out at least, or beheaded at worst."

Zuo Xuansha patted Ye Yujing's shoulder sympathetically, "I understand you, my mother was like this when I was in Yuan Kingdom, if any court lady dared to seduce me, she would definitely disappear the next day."

Ye Yujing looked moved, "Brother, you understand me", and then said: "I was naturally happy at the time, and then I carried them into the house, but just as I took off my coat, I found that they turned out to be puppets..."

Ye Yujing's face was full of disappointment, Zuo Xuansha couldn't help laughing, "Then, you kicked them out? This is too shocking."

Ye Yujing said solemnly: "How could I do such a gentle and hot thing? I stripped them off and put them on again. Then I asked them if they felt the difference between me and my previous life?"

Ximen Wu snorted softly, "If you guide your thinking skills, you will work hard on these trivial skills."

Ye Yujing rolled his eyes, "I told them that the previous life is the previous life, and this life is the present life. Even if they look the same, they are just two similar flowers in the world. I feel your love for my brother today, even though I am not him , but also thank you for him, live well!"

Jin Chan let out a snort, "You're such a cheap player, your father really shouldn't have scolded you."

Ye Yujing ignored her, but Ximen Wu said, "I remember Chuchu once said that the puppet made by the life mechanism technique has the same sense of touch except that it can't give birth to a real person. Can……"

Ye Yujing was dazed, " that so?" Thinking back to the lovely face of red sunflower and blue sunflower, as well as the double happiness, his eyes became confused for a moment.

Zuo Xuansha patted him on the shoulder again, not knowing how to comfort him, "At least, you left a good impression on them."

"Boy, come out and talk."

There was an extra voice calling from outside the carriage, Ye Yujing regained his composure, and poked his head out curiously, "General Wang, is there something wrong?"

Wang Jian drove his horse and followed beside the carriage, "I heard that you don't want to practice sword?"

Ye Yujing's expression was awkward. Did his reputation no longer exist? "Uncle, if you have nothing to do, I'll go back. I'm tired and want to sleep!"

"Young man, how do you sleep?" Wang Jian said with emotion, "Look at the peers around you, one who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Shinto at a young age, and one who is the prince of a country can To speak out for the common people and rewrite the rules of the Dao of Heaven is to pass on merits and virtues. A master of swordsmanship has the air of the next generation of sword masters! Tell me, how do you sleep?"

Ye Yujing had no choice but to push Jian Wuxing aside, sat in the driver's seat and said, "Because they are so strong, since I only need to hug my thighs, shouldn't I sleep better?"

Wang Jian shook his head, "That's not how things are calculated. You have to understand that maybe you can live a safe life as long as you hold your thighs well. But when you are with them, you are a foil. If there are good things, they will pick them first." , if there are good-looking girls, they are the first to shoot, the parents' praise is for them, and the people's worship also belongs to them, you can only make a background board, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Yujing was stunned for a moment, and thought about it seriously, "I feel okay. I don't need money or magic weapons, so I don't have any idea about good things. As for pretty girls, you won't believe me if I tell you. The former sternly rejected the two beauties who threw themselves into his arms, hmph!"

Ye Yujing wisely didn't mention the latter, after all, parents' praise is probably forgotten in this life, and the worship of the common people is of no use to him.

Wang Jian frowned, and glanced into the carriage, "Do you think Ximen Wu is pretty?"

"It's pretty, but I've known her since I was a child, so I'm used to it." Ye Yujing hummed nonchalantly.

Wang Jian asked again: "Would you like to be your wife?"

"I don't want to."

"Then if I give it to you in vain, you don't have to be responsible, are you willing?"

"Who doesn't come in Baishang!" Ye Yujing had an expression of "Do you think I look like a fool?"

"But just because you're not strong enough, people won't give you the chance for nothing. Do you feel uncomfortable?"


Ye Yujing hesitated, if Jiang was old and hot, Wang Jian immediately took a fancy to Ye Yujing's essence.

Ye Yujing was also thinking, although she said that she was as familiar with Ximen Wu as a buddy, but Ximen Wu is indeed a big beauty, if she can be irresponsible, it would be perfect!
"Well, so what?"

"The old man has been fighting for a long time and it's time to disarm and return to the field. After solving some things, he plans to go home and enjoy the blessings. He has not found a successor for this ability. I wonder if you are interested in inheriting the old man's mantle?"


To be honest, Ye Yujing was a little taken aback, who is Wang Jian?He is the strongest among the five great generals of the Great Qin Dynasty except Li Yuanfang, and he has a wide network of contacts in the army and is good at using soldiers. If news is released that Wang Jian wants to recruit disciples, all the families of the countries may flock to him.

"Why did you charge me?"

"I see that you are pleasing to the eye, and you practice the invincible magic of Vajra, which matches my battlefield martial arts. A pure man needs a hard steel front, and any light skills are scraps!"

Ye Yujing blinked and thought carefully, "It seems that there are only advantages and no disadvantages."


"Master, you drink."


Wang Jian looked at Ye Yujing, who was smiling and handing over the wine gourd, and also lamented how quickly this kid changed his face.

Seeing that Wang Jian had taken it, Ye Yujing happily turned around and announced, "I have a master now!"

A footprint landed on Ye Yujing's face, kicking him off the carriage, and then the horse's hooves stepped on it, the wheels ran over, and the sword returned to the groom's position invisible, without caring about where the person just now went.

"I treat you like a brother, yet you want to sleep with me!" Ximen Wu put on a cold face, if Zuo Xuansha and Jin Chan hadn't stopped him, he would have just struck him with a sword.

Wang Jian helped up Ye Yujing, who was golden all over, "Why did you accidentally fall off the car?"

Ye Yujing rubbed her nose, "Master, I've changed my mind, this woman is not a good person, even if I don't have to be responsible, I won't sleep."



At the same time, in the apse of the imperial palace in the Tang Kingdom, Jian Xin slowly opened his eyes and waved two maids out. After a short while, he summoned a woman, Qu Xiuyun, the leader of the Five Poison Sect.

"Lu Junyi is dead, you go to meet your mother, maybe the enemy will also attack her."

Qu Xiuyun scratched the back of her head, "Enemy? But according to our information, whether it is Daqin or Mingguo, or people from Demon Sect and Tianzun are already preparing for the next game at this time, who will intercept it?" Kill Lu Junyi?"

Jian Xin replied: "Before he died, Lu Junyi sent the enemy's name through the voice transmission of his soul."

"Oh? Do you have any other information?" Qu Xiuyun asked again.

"No, after his death, his soul was quickly taken into reincarnation. Now that the realm of hell is in Li Yuanfang's hands, there won't be so many coincidences. So even if it wasn't his fault, he knew and prepared for it in advance."

Qu Xiuyun suddenly said, "In that case, we can start to investigate from him. By the way, what's the killer's name?"

"Xie Xun!"

Qu Xiuyun thought for a while, "It should be the golden lion king taught by Zeng Jinming, but he has never fought against him. It should be very powerful to kill Lu Junyi."

Jianxin looked at Qu Xiuyun, who was eager to try, and persuaded: "Don't take it too seriously. Although exiles have three lives, once the heavenly court is established, it is very likely to further promote the perfection of the way of heaven. When the time comes, the welfare of the exiles will be improved." It will be cancelled, and you may not have the chance of three lives. Your whole body is poisonous, and you have been trapped in Shanheshejitu with me for 15 years. You cannot be Xie Xun's opponent, so don't act rashly."

Qu Xiuyun nodded but did not leave.

"Anything else?"

Qu Xiuyun asked: "Your Majesty, if you find the enemy, will you avenge Lu Junyi?"

Jian Xin looked at her, "If there is a chance, I will."

Qu Xiuyun nodded, turned and left, while Jianxin re-entered the state of meditation.

Lu Junyi didn't say the most important thing in Xie Xun's words, Jianxin didn't understand people's hearts.

Of course, no one in the world dares to say that he must understand people's hearts, and the same thing and the same answer may have different feelings in different people's ears.

Taking Jianxin's answer as an example, all the people in the Shinto and the Yaozu knew the identity of Jianxin, so they were willing to pay the utmost respect to Jianxin.In the past, Huo Qilin was willing to sacrifice himself for Jianxin, but now Lu Junyi would be very grateful if he heard this answer, which shows that he still has status in Jianxin's heart.

However, it was unacceptable to Qu Xiuyun's ears, and what she hoped to hear was the word 'Yes! ' But the phrase 'if there is a chance' means that there is a possibility of not taking revenge.

Qu Xiuyun is too familiar with this, the earth next door is far more developed than this world, and people are too familiar with the way those politicians do things.Once there is a balance of interests, whether to take revenge or not becomes an optional option.

Even in an era when the red flag is flying, it is impossible for everyone to have a high level of consciousness. With sufficient interests involved, even the revenge of killing the father can be forgotten, let alone the death of a subordinate?
In fact, Qu Xiuyun didn't feel chilled, after all, she joined Jianxin's camp only for the sake of the holy aunt.It's just that after this battle, she might not dare to be more sincere in the future.

"Master, what are your orders?"

A man wearing Miao costumes appeared in front of Qu Xiuyun. Speaking of which, this man can be regarded as an acquaintance of Zuo Zhou and the others. He was also there when they killed Jinyin and the teacher. Shugel A.

"Help me contact Zuo Yaoqing in Zuiyuelou, I want to talk to her."

Shu Geer frowned slightly, "Master, Zuo Yaoqing and Fengyun were trapped in the Shanhe Sheji map for 15 years before, and the power of Zuiyuelou was completely taken over by her subordinate Guan Shanhai. The competition, I heard that the curtain has just come to an end recently."

"Oh? Who won?"

Shu Gejia said: "Zuo Yaoqing still won, and Guan Shanhai was killed."

"Guan Shanhai has been a deputy for many years, so he shouldn't be easily defeated by Zuo Yaoqing. Even if Zuo Yaoqing has Fengyun as his assistant, Guan Shanhai has cooperated a lot with Daqin's government for so many years, so it doesn't make sense to lose at the expert level. What's more, Fengyun has also been trapped for 15 years, and now I'm afraid he is no longer a great master!"

Shu Gejia smiled and said: "The leader's prediction is correct. The two sides have been in a stalemate, but because there is a traitor in Guan Shanhai, it's a loss!"


"Yes, there is a woman named Xu Jiaqi who was hiding in Guan Shanhai's team. She stabbed her at a critical moment."

Qu Xiuyun was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this Xu Jiaqi the former Su Ying? Wasn't she killed... Oh yes, it's been 15 years, hehe, she's been found again."

Although Qu Xiuyun knew them well, just like Liu Liqin, she looked down on them very much.But Liu Liqin stayed in the Ming country all year round, and she couldn't borrow her strength.

"Please help me contact Zuo Yaoqing, no matter how busy she is, she will come to see me!"

 46th Anniversary of Taejo's Death
(End of this chapter)

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