Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 817 My teacher greets you

Chapter 817 My teacher greets you
"Why do you know Tianshuang Fist?"

Bu Jingyun was a little frightened and angry. In his mind, there were more than a dozen versions of the PY transaction between Li Yuanfang and Xiongba in an instant. In his concept, neither Zhanshiqi nor Ximenxiang must be at a different level from Xiongba, so The only thing that can make Xiongba give him all his money must be because of Li Yuanfang's face.

Looking at the seniority on Bu Jingyun's face, Zhan Shiqi easily thought of something, and couldn't help being amused, "There are quite a few people who know how to palm the cloud!"

Bu Jingyun was stunned, Zuo Yaoqing suddenly appeared in his mind, speaking of which, he also taught Zuo Yaoqing martial arts.Not only him, Nie Feng also taught False Mingyue.Thinking about it this way, the person who knows Tianshuang Fist may not necessarily be Xiongba...

"Big Brother? Impossible, he was with us not long ago, how could he teach you Tianshuang Fist to deal with me?"

Zhan Shiqi sneered, "Then I have to ask you two good seniors, do you respect him as your own senior?"

In fact, Qin Shuang's reason for doing this was too simple. Normally, he wouldn't mind tolerant of his two younger brothers. However, when Xu Jiaqi helped Zuo Yaoqing take back Zuiyue Tower, everything was different.

Back then, the fake Mingyue and the fake Su Ying tortured and killed Kong Ci, and when Kong Ci was dying, he used one hand to make Qin Shuang remember her for the rest of his life. Similarly, this hatred was unprecedentedly unforgettable.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng let it go easily, they thought Qin Shuang would let it go too, but it's a pity that they will never understand what a man who is affectionate all his life will do.

Qin Shuang never let go of the investigation of the murderer. Although various clues showed that it was the fake Mingyue and the fake Su Ying who did it, there was no real evidence to say anything.Over the years, he had been in contact with Bao Zheng, Di Renjie and others, and had secretly consulted on this matter.

The two masters in solving the case also basically agreed on the answer, but the problem is that there is not enough evidence, which makes it impossible for them to really help Qin Shuang.Fortunately, Qin Shuang is not a member of the government, and the Jianghu is a Jianghu business!

So he has been waiting for the opportunity, the fake Mingyue is dead, and his soul is gone.But the fake Su Ying has been missing, and there are signs that she may have offended someone and was killed.But for the group of exiles, death is never the end, so he has been waiting, waiting for the fake Su Ying to come back to find Zuo Yaoqing.

This opportunity came, before the fake Su Ying stabbed Guan Shanhai in the back to help Zuo Yaoqing regain the Zuiyue Tower, he had doubts at that time.Afterwards, he actively and secretly contacted Qingping and others, and confirmed the identity of the fake Su Ying from Liu Liqin's mouth, which was Xu Jiaqi.

In this way, the revenge plan was put on the agenda, and he also knew that Ping Bu Jingyun's virtue would definitely stop him, so it was necessary for someone who knew Tianshuang Fist to hold him back.

Zhan Shiqi is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. With Zhou Tong's precepts and deeds, he has profound attainments in boxing.

But now Qin Shuang and Liu Sheng Piaoxu officially stepped into the Zuiyue Tower, just blocking Zuo Yaoqing and Xu Jiaqi who were about to go out.

"Oh? So it's Big Brother Qin. We're going out just now. If there's anything we can talk about when we come back." Zuo Yaoqing keenly sensed something wrong with Qin Shuang's expression, not to mention that Liu Sheng Piaoxu was with him.

Qin Shuang ignored her, but slowly looked at Xu Jiaqi, "It's been almost 20 years, do you still remember the name Kong Ci?"

Xu Jiaqi froze for a moment, Kong Ci?I forgot so long ago, not to mention that she is just a passer-by in reality, even in the TV series, she is just a trick. You told me that the name is to... He wouldn't know it, we shouldn't have shown our flaws at the beginning!

"Who is Kong Ci Brother Qin is talking about? We have never heard of it."

Qin Shuang sneered, "Really? Since you don't remember, it doesn't matter, anyway, all I want to do is kill you."

"Brother Qin, is there some misunderstanding between us?" Zuo Yaoqing looked aggrieved.

Qin Shuang glanced back in the direction of the palace, and then replied: "The misunderstanding is that it's not time to kill you, but I think you didn't do it directly when you tortured and killed Kong Ci!"

Zuo Yaoqing's face turned cold when she heard the words. She glared at Xu Jiaqi with some impatience. She told you not to act too radically, but you still act without beginning and end, which made people catch the handle, but now it is delayed. event.

Xu Jiaqi was a little helpless, "He must have no evidence!"

"People from the rivers and lakes, what evidence do you want?" Zuo Yaoqing turned her wrist as she said, and she was the first to attack, but her target was not Qin Shuang, but Liu Sheng Piaoxu who had been silent beside her.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu joined Zuo Zhou's big family as a concubine, and her status was considered the lowest in this family, but it didn't mean that she was not strong enough.

His sister Liu Shengxueji's talent is naturally incomparable, but her own strength should not be underestimated. After all, Liu Shengxueji has taught this sister everything.Therefore, the first trick of Liusheng Piaoxu is Xuepiaorenjian, which can be regarded as the most representative move of the Liusheng family in Dongying.

The splendor and lethality are almost full at the same time, and the sky is full of colorful sword intent like snow!
Zuo Yaoqing seems to have been prepared for a long time. The high speed brought by Fengshen legs made her look like a drifting sports car. Her body almost moved around in a big circle. The storm surrounded her body and accurately swayed all the snowflakes away. It kicked Liu Sheng Piaoxu in the back of the head.

However, this kick was obviously about to hit, but he didn't dare to kick it down, because a knife light stabbed towards his foot. What's even more awkward is that Liu Shengpuxu is still maintaining the posture of putting the knife into the sheath, with a serious look on his face. The look of strength.

Don't even want to save your life?And the sudden appearance of the knife light...

Zuo Yaoqing was frightened, she backed up, and almost at the moment she backed up, a blade of light cut across the air, causing a tearing vision to form in the midair, a thin pale line slanting across On the right, the scenery on the left and right was dislocated for a moment!
The crisis is not over yet, Liu Sheng Fiaoxu has already fully charged, and a Juhe Slash combines the profound meaning of the Killing God Sword Slash towards her!

Zuo Yaoqing was in a hurry, stretched out her finger and pointed forward, the three-pointed finger formed by the fusion of three natural forces seemed to be no better than Xiongba, but it was a pity, if she hadn't been trapped in the picture of Shanhe Sheji In 15 years, it may be said that at this time, the strength is already able to break the wrist with Xiongba.

So this move was actually at a disadvantage when it was slashed against Shangshashen!

The scream was a bit shrill, a finger fell to the ground with a click, and Liu Sheng Piaoxu's knife power was at its limit.However, her heart was as still as water, and it seemed that she was not shocked by the bloody smell from the severed finger, and she put the knife back into the sheath and started accumulating power again.

Zuo Yaoqing was a little out of breath, why does this person want to rely on one trick to eat all over the world?

However, when she looked up at the beautiful snow-white knife floating beside Liu Sheng Piaoxu, she knew that it should be the legendary magic weapon transformed by Liu Sheng Xue Ji, if she didn't trap it, she really had no choice Close to Willow catkins.

Zuo Yaoqing helplessly turned her head to look at the other side, where Qin Shuang was almost beating Xu Jiaqi, which was not unexpected, because Xu Jiaqi died once before, and now she is only 17 years old after she came back to life. The strength or something has not been retrained yet.

Zuo Yaoqing struggled, a ruthless look flashed in her eyes, and a ray of golden light shot out from the palm of her hand as she waved her hand. The golden light suddenly covered the magic weapon floating in the air, and Liu Shengxueji really stopped moving.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was taken aback, but saw a golden lotus emerging from Zuo Yaoqing's hand, this lotus was holy but domineering, as soon as Pu appeared, he trapped Liu Shengxueji.

"Sister!" Liu Sheng Piaoxu was in a hurry, and the Killing God, who was originally charged, slashed directly at the lotus in the air.

When singing!

The sound wave was like a bell like a drum, and the lotus flower just flickered and then stabilized after being hit hard.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu felt the huge shock force, and at the same time the situation around him was changing, but it was Zuo Yaoqing who took advantage of the situation to attack.

But this time Zuo Yaoqing failed again, because Qin Shuang, who had been pestering her all this time, suddenly abandoned Xu Jiaqi and came to deal with her.

This is something Zuo Yaoqing didn't expect, the hatred that was so vowed before, now just give up if you say give up?

boom!Tianshuangquan vs. three-point magic finger, who will win?
It's a pity that Tianshuangquan was born out of the three-pointed finger after all, and it was very suppressed innately. It can restrain the Fengshen leg and the cloud-dispelling palm, but it can't restrain the three-pointed finger.

The ice and snow melted, the ice shattered, and the layers of vigor shattered, including the sleeves on Qin Shuang's arms, spreading towards his neck little by little. If the strength was too strong, it might break his neck.

However, since Qin Shuang came here, he was naturally fully prepared. He had never underestimated any exile, after all, the most powerful person in the world today is the exile!

"I caught her, do it!"

Qin Shuang roared, and a piece of darkness fell from the sky, like the Milky Way hanging upside down.

Zuo Yaoqing was terrified, and the familiar aura seemed to see Li Yuanfang who had terrified her once again.However, he came back to his senses in an instant, Li Yuanfang didn't have the ability to teleport in Ming Dynasty.

All the darkness turned into a big river and began to wash away everything nearby, Zuiyuelou, Zuo Yaoqing, Xu Jiaqi and even the lotus floating in the air.

The Zuiyue Tower collapsed, and then merged into the darkness without leaving any traces.

Xu Jiaqi was already out of her wits before she could even scream, and Zuo Yaoqing was not so stupid as to use her three-pointed finger to fight against this incomprehensible attack. Xue Ji was also kicked out.

Rumble boom!

The darkness gradually turned into mist and dispersed, and Ximen Xiang showed her beautiful and sassy back, wearing a black dress that would look as cool as it should.

"I came just in time!"

Ximen Xiang glanced at the relieved Qin Shuang, then at Liu Sheng Piaoxu, who was exhaling the magic weapon, and finally at Zuo Yaoqing, "When the wind and the clouds merged, there was a golden lotus of merit, but in the end But it was snatched away by a mysterious person. Although that person pretended to be Su Ying's face, we knew it wasn't her."

Zuo Yaoqing's expression changed, and he said coldly: "Since you are so sure, I am afraid that you were the ones who killed Su Ying in the first place!"

Ximen Xiang curled her lips, "Although we didn't kill him, the person who did it told the truth. What's's meaningless to say these things now, didn't you realize that I just killed the fake Su Ying, The kind that cannot be reincarnated!"

Zuo Yaoqing's heart trembled, "You are so cruel, you don't even give the chance to reincarnate?"

"If you want to blame you, blame Heaven. Why did you give you three lives? We don't want to be stabbed by someone who doesn't know where." Ximen Xiang took it for granted.

But Zuo Yaoqing didn't waver because of this awe-inspiring killing intent, and said with a sneer, "You think you are sure of winning? Since you know that this thing is a golden lotus of merit, you should also know that it cannot be broken."

Ximen Xiang laughed (with arms akimbo) "At the beginning, my man said that the Buddha didn't make any substantial contributions to the world. You can say that he has luck, but it's nonsense to say that he has merit. And this golden lotus of merit is not something made with merit, at best it is something that suppresses luck, do you really feel invincible?"

Zuo Yaoqing was flustered but not flustered. Although she didn't know any merits, she had studied luck.

"Hmph, I've said so much, no matter if it's luck or merit, you can't break it anyway. The move just now should be your strongest attack, isn't it also broken?"

Ximen Xiang stared, hey, I have a bad temper, well, you are really right, I really can't break it.

"Since it was made by luck, it can be broken with a magic weapon that contains luck." Liu Sheng Piaoxu answered, and then pointed to the magic weapon floating next to it, "My sister said it."

Ximen Xiang pouted, hmph, I don't know something, but Liu Shengxueji knows, it must be that stinky man who communicated deeply with Liu Shengxueji in the dream space, bitch!Don't even spare a knife?

Zuo Yaoqing sneered when she heard the words, "Hmph, although there is nothing wrong with saying that, don't forget. Both the meritorious bamboo pieces and the emperor's sword are now in the palace. It is too late to protect the future empress. I will bring the divine soldiers here."

Ximen Xiang frowned, his eyes suddenly turned, and he said happily, "Actually, I want to tell you that the magic weapons with luck are not just the Bamboo Slips of Merit and the Sword of the Son of Heaven!"

Zuo Yaoqing's heart was shocked, and she hurriedly looked back, a woman with a charming face was standing at the corner of the street, she seemed to have made a move, but Zuo Yaoqing didn't see any attack.

Her throat hurt, she lowered her head slightly, blood had already soaked the chest of her skirt, and a blood hole the size of a palm appeared so abruptly, she turned her head with difficulty and saw a small knife nailed to the wall, which seemed to be something burin.


"My concubine is Li Xunhuan, my teacher Li Yuanfang sends you my greetings, you can meet in hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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