Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 818

Chapter 818
"Where is this place?"

Eyes full of blood, cold frost mist diffused from the mouth, Zuo Yaoqing took a step, but felt the pain under his feet.

thorns?No, it was man-made iron thorns, densely packed far away, reaching the top of the distant mountain, and the farther away, the taller it was. At the back, every step she took, she might have to shuttle through the forest of knives.

Zuo Yaoqing suddenly thought of a place, Daoshan!
"Li Yuanfang! I know you are here, don't hide and keep quiet, come out!"

"I thought everyone could get together and get separated. Although there is no affection for acquaintance, Liu Liqin still begged for you after all."

Zuo Zhou's voice sounded slowly, there was no need to hide, he had already secured the victory, but it was not yet time for him to make a move, he was just waiting.

Zuo Yaoqing turned around, this slight movement had already soaked her feet with blood, and the pain penetrated into the marrow of her bones.

"Didn't Liuliqin beg for mercy for me after being possessed by the Dao of Heaven?"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows casually. He wasn't interested in seeing people tortured. He just smiled and said, "Since you know that Liu Liqin is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, why did you choose Xiang Yu instead of her?"

"One is Xiang Yu, who is destined by destiny, and the other is a salted fish who has achieved nothing. Who would you choose instead?"

There was nothing unexpected about Zuo Yaoqing's answer, after all, she was able to abandon a lot for the benefit, and she has always been this character.

However, Zuo Zhou still pointed out her deeper support, "What's more... an exile has three lives, even if he chooses wrongly, he will have a chance to start again in the future, won't he?"

"So you're waiting here?" Zuo Yaoqing's eyes were shaken for a moment.

Zuo Zhou didn't say much, just waved a rock and landed at the entrance of the hell way, and wrote a few big words "pass the hell way or give up the system"!
Zuo Yaoqing's pupils quivered in an instant, "You did a great job! If I hadn't known that you and Liu Liqin were in the same gang, I would have even thought you and Xiang Yu were accomplices!"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows and smiled sinisterly. After all, the three lives are for the benefit of the exiles, and this system is a gift from the Heavenly Dao on the next-door Earth. People can easily think that Zuo Zhou and the local Heavenly Dao belong together.

In addition, not everyone knew that Zuo Zhou himself was an exile.

"I have moved the trajectory of hell, and stopped it before reincarnation. All the exiles who died today will pass through hell, otherwise they will not be able to enter reincarnation. In other words, the exiles who died today will completely lose A bug with three lives, reincarnation is a native.”

Zuo Yaoqing sternly said, "Aren't you afraid of harming your virtue?"

Zuo Zhou looked surprised, and replied with a strange expression: "You should be clear about it. This hell is established by the local heaven, and its main function now is to monitor me. What does it have to do with me?"

Zuo Yaoqing was confused, is this... so sinister?Putting the matter of harming Yin and virtue on Xiang Yu's body, he himself had another chance to weaken the group of exiles!

For a moment, she felt a sense of helplessness, a feeling that the enemy's family had no intention of doing anything.

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "Actually, you don't need to be so pessimistic. Do you know why the exiles haven't produced a few masters in the local rankings? It's because of systematic constraints. Simply put, no matter which ability of heaven is incompatible Today’s world is constantly changing. In other words, the limit given by the system to the exiles is the Great Perfection of the Renbang Grandmaster. Either you use other powers to break through, or you give up the system, that’s all.”

"Hehe, I still have to thank you for that!" Zuo Yaoqing sneered.

Zuo Zhou didn't care, "You and I don't have any grudges, and I don't intend to kill you, but I don't want to be entangled endlessly by hatred. So you, like those exiles who are about to come, can make a choice, or go away If you enter reincarnation in hell, or you voluntarily give up the system and enter reincarnation, you will not remember anything in your next life, and of course you will not come to trouble me."

Zuo Yaoqing frowned, "What did you do? Don't forget, you are also an exile, are you trying to harm your compatriots?"

Zuo Zhou was happy, "It's not the first time I've heard about the kidnapping of morality. Sometimes, man's work is a disaster, and even the heavens of the earth have abandoned you. Do you think I will have any psychological burden?"

"In that case, why are you telling me these things? Laugh at my incompetence!"

Zuo Zhou smiled and stepped on the ground, "Telling you is purely evil, just to let you experience the feeling of powerlessness without choice. As the saying goes, the most painful thing is that you are the most proud of being trampled under your feet. You are the best at calculating , now it’s nothing to count, isn’t it very uncomfortable!”

Zuo Yaoqing's face was slightly cold, "No, you are not such a boring person, there must be many purposes in your actions that I don't know about."

Zuo Zhou's smile became more and more intense, "Yes, it has some effect, but I just won't tell you, if you have the ability, go to hell and guess, if you guess right, I will let you go Reincarnation!"

Speaking of a kick on Zuo Yaoqing's chest, the dirty footprints looked clear and maddening, Zuo Yaoqing's whole body flew upside down uncontrollably, and then crashed into the oil pan.

The shrill screams resounded through hell in an instant, and she managed to crawl out, her body was already burned badly, let alone guessing the answer, she couldn't even think about it.

Zuo Zhou didn't talk to her anymore. When the six realms were established, the hell realms were designed so that no one could pass through them.It can be said that she has only one choice, which is to give up the system and forget everything, and then have a bright future in her next life.

"This...where is this place?"

At the entrance of the hell way, souls fell one by one. They looked around in a daze and soon found the stone tablet that Zuo Zhou had just dropped, "Didn't we just fight against the people in the divine way? Why did we come to the hell way in the blink of an eye?"

"It must be illusion, it's all illusion, it can't scare me!"

"Hmph, what kind of hell, I just don't leave!"

"Try to trick us into giving up the system, stop dreaming."


More and more souls fell, and the exiles shouted loudly, the master of this hell realm seemed to have become something heinous.

Zuo Zhou didn't mind hiding in the dark, and the ground of the hell road started to move automatically, easily sending them to Tongue Pulling Hell.

"Well, I have a bit of singing talent, but not much." Zuo Zhou commented boredly, but withdrew from the space of consciousness.


In the Ming Dynasty, Zuo Zhou was still by Lu Dongbin's side. Not far away, the attacks of Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, and Cao Zhengchun had already fallen into anxiety. The long-term battle made them inevitably a little tired.

However, at this moment, something went wrong in the palace. After a loud noise, the soaring vigor pierced through the clouds, twisting the clouds into a mess.

"Zhang Junbao! Really amazing!"

Zuo Zhou could see through the mystery of this energy almost at a glance. The foundation of the formation that Pudu Cihang set up just now was pulled to the sky by a mysterious energy, so he broke the formation with a clever force , making Pudu Cihang finally exposed in front of Zhu Wushi and others.

"Damn it, Lu Dongbin come and help me!"

Pudu Cihang began to ask for help, and he had no intention of keeping them secret. Hearing this, Lu Dongbin was furious, but he also understood that relying on Pudu Cihang's ability, there was no way to fight against Zhu Wushi and Shangguan Jinhong.

But just when he was about to make a move, Zhang Junbao had already stopped them.

Lu Dongbin was shocked, and his expression immediately became solemn. Li Yuanfang spoke highly of this Zhang Junbao, and the other party was the master of the Ming Dynasty, so Lu Dongbin had also known this opponent in advance.

Very strong, this is Lu Dongbin's understanding of Zhang Junbao, but that's all.In his heart, there are not many people in this world who can fight against him.

But before he could make a move, Zuo Zhou had already stretched out his hand to stop him, and looked at Zhang Junbao seriously, "Junbao, Brother Yiyi, do me a favor, go home, and act as if nothing happened."

Zhang Junbao had a serious and serious face, and just put on the posture of a wild horse with a mane, "I'm afraid you have never regarded me as a brother!"

Zuo Zhou sighed, why bother?Fists and palms intersected before the words were finished, but Zhang Sanfeng's ability to unload force was unparalleled, and he threw Zuo Zhou's strength to other directions in a few strokes.

"Hmph, this is your own Taijiquan? Don't forget, I can do it too!"

As Zuo Zhou spoke, he also started to put on a Taijiquan posture. Zhang Junbao immediately lost his temper when he saw it, and started to retreat as if no one else was there.

Lu Dongbin next to him couldn't say anything for a while, and he could see that Taijiquan was a big move, and it would be good if Li Yuanfang went up to try it out.

Just as he was thinking this way, suddenly a disciple of the Divine Sword anxiously sent a piece of information.

As soon as Lu Dongbin opened it, he became anxious, "Emperor Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty colluded with outsiders and launched a coup, and now countless people in the Shinto have made a killing." '

"What's going on? Could it be that the strength of their land list can't deal with those human ants?"

The incoming disciple of the Divine Knife said helplessly: "The enemies are all exiles, and many of them are defective products from those places that existed in the past. Due to the large number, our team was dispersed."

"What! Why are there so many defective products?"

Lu Dongbin was shocked, what do you mean?
I am here to kill Liu Liqin, but someone is stealing the house on the other side!
Lu Dongbin was about to leave immediately, but suddenly he twisted his body, boom, the violent air wave radiated far away in the blink of an eye, and he was stopped smoothly when he was about to leave.

"Did I let you go?"

He Ran was dressed in a dusty gown, which looked inconspicuous, but the abnormal heat around his body made Lu Dongbin feel parched.

"People who are abandoned by heaven? Hehe, I have thought about many possibilities, but I never thought that you would make a move. Don't forget, you were abandoned by heaven, and now you still want to help her?"

"You're wrong, I didn't help her." He Ran raised his eyebrows, and his figure moved Lingbo microsteps to the extreme, and afterimages began to circle around Lu Dongbin, punching at the same time, and the fiery attack traveled a huge distance in an instant The air pressure suddenly fell on Lu Dongbin's shoulders, making his body stiff.

"Don't underestimate me!"

When Lu Dongbin waved his hand, countless phantom whiskers exploded, and then the silver threads on the whisk suddenly exploded towards the surroundings, as if a huge silkworm baby had cocooned.

The shadow of the fist collided with the silver silk cocoon, and the huge explosive force instantly demolished Liuliqin's small courtyard into ruins.

On the other side, Zuo Zhou is still pushing hands with Zhang Junbao...

In the capital city of the Tang Dynasty, dense crowds of people gathered, and the atmosphere that belonged to the local list spread all over the streets.And the leader is an old acquaintance of Zuo Zhou, rigorous!

Many people have already forgotten him. Speaking of which, since his heart was changed to a zombie heart, he has gradually faded out of many people's sight. As a result, the zombie body has been cast aside by the world, and it is not so easy to continue to practice. Side effects have also become a subject for him all the time.

Coincidentally, two experts in this area have just learned about the affairs of the border of the Western Regions and came back. In addition, Yin Man was born as an exile, so they have a common topic, and it is easy to find them with the promise of heaven to give us a chance. his help.

Yan Jing used to be a member of Zuiyuelou, and he was quite a small leader with unique skills, so he has accumulated a lot of contacts over the years, and secretly used the information system of Zuiyuelou to contact many defective floor products that are living in the world.

What is moving is always the benefit. It is useless to rely on the relationship of the exiles. In fact, the defective products on the ground list also have the same problems as those who are abandoned by heaven. , that kind of method is a bit like grabbing life with the way of heaven, how can it be tolerated like this.So their realm has basically been locked. If you want to crack it, you must first please Tiandao.

After that, Yinman found them under the recommendation of the eyes, and their similar predicament deepened their mutual trust, so these defective products on the local list were put together with Yan Jing, Yinman and others, and in Li Zhi's combination of inside and outside easily divided the battlefield and ambushed countless people in the Shinto.

"These inferior products on the ground list don't seem to be the opponents of the people in the divine way." Xie Xun frowned, watching the three defective products beating a person in the divine way not far away but fell into a disadvantage.

Jiang Yuyan snorted coldly, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if anyone of them dies, your lord is already waiting on the other side of the hell way, all the Shinto people and exiles who died will go to the hell way, when the time comes, because of the hell way And the resentment generated will be faithfully fed back to the incarnation of heaven in this world, this is our task."

Xie Xun nodded, looking at the once luxurious streets, he suddenly felt emotional, "I heard Shi Zhixuan and Di Renjie describe how luxurious the Tang Dynasty is, but now it is such a depressed scene, I don't know how they feel when they see it."

Jiang Yuyan was also quite embarrassed, but she was more looking forward to it, "Don't worry, Li Zhi is also a talented person. When he judges the chaos, he will definitely strengthen economic construction and restore Tang to prosperity. But it's a pity ... The monster of the Western Regions has been pacified, and he doesn't have 15 years to develop."

(End of this chapter)

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