Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1 To the Cucumber Garden

Chapter 1 Back to the Cucumber Garden

clang clang-

clang clang-

1991, late August.

Jinling, outside the cucumber garden, a blue-and-white, round "Fatty Iron" slowly stopped, and the conductor behind him stretched his arm out of the car window and knocked on the iron sheet a few times, shouting, "Stop, step aside."

The bicycles that were about to lean on Fatty Tie scattered all of a sudden.

The conductor shouted again, "The cucumber garden is here!"

Yu Dong squeezed out of the bus with a large denim bag on his back. As soon as he got off the bus, a gust of wind blew through, causing every cell in his body to bloom, breathing fresh air greedily.

In autumn, the sun has just appeared, and the sun is still in the sky. On the bus ride, people are crowded into cans of sardines, and sweat has long soaked clothes.

Bang bang bang, the "sardine can" behind him started driving again.

Compared with Yanjing, the traffic in Jinling is far behind. Now the main public transportation on Jinling Street relies on this big blue and white fat man.

The locals like to call it a big braid, because it has two wires dragged on its head, which looks like two braids when viewed from a distance.

The bus conductor is not an easy job. There are so many people going up and down along the way. They have to remember who has bought a ticket and who has not, and who should get off at which stop. Cars, don't let anyone get a bargain.

After bypassing the bus station, Yu Dong looked at the gate of Jinling Art Academy not far away, which was the destination of his trip.

Unexpectedly, after going around, decades later, he returned to this place where he had taught for more than ten years.

More than two months ago, Yu Dong was reborn.

At the end of 2019, Yu Dong, who had been fighting against the disease for more than ten years, finally closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes again, what he faced was neither heaven nor hell, but the real and unreal early 90s.

Now he has just graduated from the Chinese Department of Yanjing Normal University and has been assigned to the Jinling Academy of Arts as an instructor of the Department of Arts and Crafts.Originally, he was going to report to the unit two months ago, but he took the initiative to ask for leave and went back to his hometown in Shanghai for two months.

At that time, his thoughts were very simple. Even if it was a dream, he wanted to spend more time with his parents in the dream, and to do the filial piety that he had never been able to do.

Two months later, before he woke up from the dream, he rushed to Jin Yilai to report.

If you don't come to Jinyi, it will explode. During this time, the school is urging a telegram on the left and a telegram on the right. In the end, Yanshi University also began to urge.

"Yu Dong, you are too outrageous. Jin Yi is about to start school, and you, the counselor, are not yet in place. It was you who let you go to Jinling when you didn't want to stay in school. What do you mean now? You regret it? It's too late! Give you two days, hurry up and go to Jinyi for me, or don't go!"

On the phone, Yu Dong's mentor, Hu Yueming, jumped to his feet with anger and scolded Yu Dong.

However, Hu Yueming's scolding also made Yu Dong gradually have a real feeling, feeling that he really returned to 1991.

At this time, the entrance of Jinyi was very lively. Although the check-in time was only tomorrow, many students had already arrived at the school.There are many banners at the door with words like "Welcome to the 1991 class of freshmen".

The outer wall of the school has a row of large characters painted in white lime.

【Facing modernization, facing the world, facing the future】

"Brother, which department are you from?"

Yu Dong was staring at the school gate in a daze, not knowing when two girls stood in front of him.Unlike the other people I saw along the way, the two girls in front of me were dressed in a lot of fashion.

One has shoulder-length hair, a v-neck shirt on the upper body, a long navy blue skirt on the lower body, and a pair of small sandals with heels, which is very refreshing.

The other has long fluffy hair and is matched with a floral dress with a waist. The breeze caressed the skirt, and the flowers on it danced with it, and even the surrounding air became fresh.

After listening to their question, Yu Dong knew that he had been mistaken for a student. He was about to explain when a middle-aged man rushed over in three steps.

"You are Comrade Yu Dong."

The visitor was in his 30s. Although the weather was still relatively hot, he was wearing a black Chinese tunic suit.

This middle-aged man Yu Dong knew. This is Liu Changmin, his colleague who has worked with him for more than ten years, and a teacher in the Department of Arts and Crafts.

Yu Dong looked at Liu Changmin with mixed feelings.

After many years of separation, now that the old people are reunited, Yu Dong has the urge to go up and hug each other, but he resists it.

Because for Liu Changmin, they were just meeting for the first time.

"You are Mr. Liu, right?" Yu Dong smiled naturally and shook hands with Liu Changmin: "Excuse me if you come out to pick me up."

Liu Changmin did not expect Yu Dong to be so enthusiastic. When he took the initiative to receive the new colleagues, Principal Wu specially warned: The new teacher Yu is a boring gourd. As an old man in the school, you should take good care of him so that he can adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.

It seems that President Wu does not know much about the new comrades.

Liu Changmin noticed the two girls next to him with a surprised expression: "He Yuanxiao, Fu Qinghuan, what are you two doing here?"

"Hello Mr. Liu." The long-haired girl made a report gesture, "I came out with a smile to welcome the new student."

Saying that, she turned her eyes to the east.

Seeing her gaze, Liu Changmin laughed: "This is Teacher Yu, a new counselor from your Arts and Crafts Department, not a freshman."

The two girls looked surprised.

"Wow, Mr. Yu is good. Which class is Mr. Yu taking? Is he taking our class?"

Liu Changmin waved his hand: "What teacher is there in your class, isn't it welcoming the new students, what are you doing here with a pestle?"

After being taught by Liu Changmin, the two girls laughed and waved goodbye to Yu Dong and the others: "Mr. Liu, Teacher Yu, goodbye."

"They are third-year art and craft students." Liu Changmin explained, and then added, "The two of them escape a bit, other students don't. And you are a freshman, so freshmen should be better."

He was afraid that these two girls who escaped would frighten the new teacher Yu.

Yu Dong smiled nonchalantly, but he was quite surprised. Although these two girls were not brought by him, he had no impression of such a prominent style.

It seems that in his previous life, he was indeed too indifferent to this world.

"It's getting late, I'll take you to school. You don't know, you haven't come, and Principal Wu's hair has turned white. There are already students in your class reporting today, and I'll have someone arrange them. Go and see and get to know them."

Yu Dong nodded: "It's hard work."


"Our school is not big, and it is definitely not comparable to your Yanshi University. The two teaching buildings in front..."

Liu Changmin walked inside with Yu Dong and introduced the situation of the school.

Yu Dong has been familiar with this place for a long time, but he can always see some things that surprise him.

For example, the broken stone at the entrance of the library is said to have been there since the school moved to the cucumber orchard. I don’t know since when there is a legend that as long as you touch the stone three times and make a wish when the moon is in the sky, your wish will come true.

Jin Yi's students have countless wishes. Almost everyone has touched the stone. Over the years, the stone has become more and more round.

But next year, the stone will be removed when the school builds a new gate.

Yu Dong still remembers that when the stone was removed in his previous life, many devout students came to give it away.

Now that I see it again after a lifetime, it adds to Yu Dong's heart a feeling of revisiting the old place.

 Meng new one, please give more advice, this article is purely fictitious and has nothing to do with reality
(End of this chapter)

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