Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 2 I feel different from the teacher

Chapter 2 Feeling different from the teacher

Jin Yi's campus is really not big, and the two of them arrived at the staff dormitory after a while.

A small yard surrounded by three floors, in the middle of the yard is a well-kept vegetable garden, and a hand-pressed well stands beside the vegetable garden.

Jinyi's staff dormitory is in poor condition, and there is no running water. Teachers usually rely on a well to kill the water if they want to use it, or go to the government office building in front to get the running water.

When it comes to meal time or peak bath time, there is always a queue at the side of the kill well.

"Your dormitory is here."

The two walked across the yard and walked to the door of a room in the southeast corner of the first floor.This is a single room, and it has been swept clean inside. Only the white and gray walls can see the traces of many pictorials that have been nailed before.

The furniture in the house is also very simple, a single bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a surface shelf.

Except for the surface frame, which is bright red paint, the other pieces can be seen as old things.

Yu Dong put the denim schoolbag on the table and began to look at the room. The room was not much different from what he had imagined, but at this time, it felt much worn out.

Liu Changmin watched Yidong for a while, raised his watch and said, "Mr. Yu, put down your bag and I'll take you to collect the supplies."

He took out a pair of locks from the drawer of the desk and handed it to Yu Dong: "There are no miscellaneous people in the dormitory area, but it is still safe to lock the door."


There are not many materials distributed by the school, two sets of bedding, an enamel washbasin, two enamel water cups, a roll of mat, a notebook, and a pen.

Yu Dong spread the quilt and mat, and tidy up the room briefly.

Go to the cafeteria for a meal first, then go straight to the boys' dormitory.

The boys' dormitory is at the northwest corner. If you just arrived at Jinyi, it might not be easy to find, but Yu Dong is familiar with the road and will be there soon.

Go up the stairs on the west side and turn a corner to the 202 dormitory.

Liu Changmin told Yu Dong that there were three new students in engineering and beauty, and they were all arranged in 202.

The door of the dormitory was left open, and Yu Dong was about to push the door in, when he heard a high-pitched voice from inside.

"Classmates and comrades, I am very excited to announce a piece of good news to you. In May of this year, the World Science Fiction Association held its annual meeting in Rongcheng, hosted by the China Science Fiction Association and undertaken by the "Science Literature and Art" magazine. At the meeting, the World Science Fiction Association awarded the best journal to "Science Literature and Art". Do you know what this means? It means that the trough period of our Chinese science fiction will pass, and a new and booming science fiction world will be in our unfolding before us, all of us will be witnesses to history..."

Yu Dong, who was standing outside, could imagine how excited the owner of the voice was at this time.

He has already recognized who the owner of the voice is. As the first class of students he took, 1991 students of the 23 class of arts and crafts, he was deeply impressed by each of them.

And the master of this voice, Qu Aiguo, is the most escaped among the 23 people.

Yu Dong slowly pushed open the door of the dormitory. The burly Qu Aiguo was wearing only a pair of red triangle trousers, and was standing on the upper right bunk with a stack of newspapers in his hands.

Qu Aiguo was announcing the good news to the other two roommates with a blushing face when he suddenly heard the sound of the door being pushed.

After making sure that he was covering his body, he turned to look at the door.

Seeing it was a man, Qu Aiguo breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Dude, come in and knock on the door first, you are trying to scare someone to death!"

Yu Dong glanced at him and said nothing, then looked at the other two.

Unlike Qu Aiguo's "disorderly clothes", Li Huixiang and Wang Jin were neatly dressed and sat on the bottom bunk.

Looking at the ground again, Li Dong looked very messy, and Yu Dong frowned, and the counselor suddenly showed his style, and said sternly: "It's just the first day here, and the dormitory is so messed up, If I give you four years, will it become a pig's nest?"

Qu Aiguo and the three of them stared blankly at Yu Dong, wondering what the origin of this handsome guy who looked similar to them was.

Little fat man Li Huixiang asked with concern: "Are you our senior?"

Yu Dong directly revealed his identity: "I am your counselor Yu Dong."

When he heard that it was a counselor, Qu Aiguo, who was on the upper bunk, was startled, and he didn't care to expose his body, so he crawled down.

Three times five and two, the luggage placed under his bed was packed clean.

After finishing the job, the guy had a flattering smile on his face: "Hello Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu is here, the 202 dormitory is full of brilliance!"

After all, Wang Jin and Li Huixiang were a step behind, but they both got up and packed up.

The two of them were not as smooth as Qu Aiguo. After packing their luggage, they stood obediently and their faces were flushed. They probably felt a little embarrassed that the counselor had taken care of the hygiene on the first day.

Yu Dong didn't really want to reprimand them, he meant to make fun of them.At this time, seeing that Wang Jin and Li Huixiang were too frightened to speak, they stopped teasing them.

With a kind smile, he sat down on the empty bed next to him, and beckoned to the three of them again: "You all sit too... Also, Qu Aiguo, put on your clothes."

Qu Aiguo smiled, "Mr. Yu, I am the year of birth this year."

"I see."

"Hey, I think you are younger than me."

Yu Dongyi glanced at him, "What, do you mean I have to call you brother?"

Qu Aiguo waved his hands again and again: "Don't dare, don't dare, I just want to say that you are young and promising, Teacher Yu."

"Don't be flattering, put your clothes on quickly."

"As ordered."

After Qu Aiguo put on his clothes, Yu Dong said again, "I heard someone giving an impassioned speech outside just now, is that you?"

"I'm talking, it's not even a speech..." Qu Aiguo touched his head, "Just to share the good news with the new classmates."

Yu Dong asked again, "Do you like science fiction?"

Qu Aiguo shrank his neck, "Mr. Yu, can't you read extracurricular books after going to college?"

Yu Dong was amused by his strange appearance, "Did I say that, I just asked, do you like science fiction?"

"Of course I like it, and it's not just me, you ask Lao Wang and Huixiang, they both like it too."

Yu Dong looked at Li Huixiang and the others, and the two nodded.

Seeing them nodding, Yu Dong felt a little remorse in his heart.In the last life, he served as their counselor for four years, and he didn't know that they liked to read science fiction.

But he was also lucky. God gave him another chance to discover it again.

"What are your favorite science fiction novels?"

"Mr. Yu, my favorite is Zheng Wenguang's "Flying to Sagittarius", and "Star Camp" is also very good..."

Speaking of his favorite novels, Qu Aiguo opened the conversation.Even the shy Wang Jin and Li Huixiang became enthusiastic and participated in the discussion.

When talking about the future, Qu Aiguo suddenly asked Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, what do you think the world will be like in a few decades? Will it be like in science fiction?"

Qu Aiguo just said it casually, but Yu Dong thought about it seriously.

For others, the problem requires imagination, but for him, it only requires memory.

It was the life he had experienced, the real pictures that existed in his mind.

After pondering for a while, he slowly said: "Life after 30 or [-] years may not be as good as science fiction, or it may exceed science fiction. The distance between people will be getting closer and closer, and even a small glass plate can achieve it." Face-to-face communication, cars are everywhere on the road, and day and night are not as distinct as they are now, because the lights will become brightly lit at night. You don’t need to carry a wallet when you go out, just brush your face..."

"Mr. Yu, you can definitely brush your face, we probably won't." Qu Aiguo said with a smile.

"Yeah, Teacher Yu, you are so handsome, there must have been many female classmates chasing you before."

"of course."

The other two also laughed in agreement.

Yu Dong shook his head, the three of them misunderstood the meaning of brushing their faces.

Qu Aiguo added: "Mr. Yu, if you write science fiction novels, you must be very good. If you say it is true, I almost believe it."

Hearing Qu Aiguo's words, Wang Jin quickly poked his arm.

Qu Aiguo looked back at Wang Jin, not knowing what Wang Jin meant, Wang Jin just shook his head.

Yu Dong noticed their little gestures, but didn't say anything. Looking at the time, he got up and said, "It's getting late, you rest early, remember to gather at the entrance of the Administration Building at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Mr. Yu, walk slowly."

After Yu Dong walked away, Qu Aiguo asked Wang Jin, "Why did you poke me just now?"

Wang Jinhou glanced at him, "You, you are talking nonsense. Teacher Yu graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Yanshi University. I heard that he had published an article in "Harvest" before. How could he write a science fiction novel."

"Why can't you——" Halfway through, Qu Aiguo suddenly became discouraged.

In recent years, science fiction has a bad reputation in China, and writers and scholars are reluctant to get involved.

"I always feel different from the teacher." Qu Aiguo muttered unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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