Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1001 Presenting Awards to You

Chapter 1001 Presenting Awards to You

Li Kunyao rubbed his hands and said to Andy Rubin, "Does Mr. Rubin have time to visit our BenQ Mobile recently?"

Andy Rubin glanced at Yu Dong first, then responded with a smile, "I should have nothing else to do before the conference."

"Haha, it doesn't matter if there is anything else. We are close anyway. If there is something to do, we can just come here. I run back and forth every day." Li Kunyao added some to Andy Rubin's cup with a smile. Tea, and continued, "I don't know much about the technology of smart phones, and I need you to communicate with our engineers more."

Andy Rubin nodded, "No problem."

Yu Dong said with a smile beside him, "Mr. Li, it's not for nothing that such a great god invites you to help you. Their current research and development plan on Android requires a lot of joint experiments, and a lot of equipment and consumables."

Li Kunyao immediately raised his hand and said, "Boss, don't tell me, I understand, I understand, as long as Mr. Lu Bin can solve our troubles, equipment and so on, it doesn't matter if we BenQ Mobile include him... a part of it."

Yu Dong smiled, Li Kunyao changed his words in time, and he didn't talk too much. After all, he didn't know how much the equipment and consumables needed by the Android company cost.

In fact, it doesn’t need much money. Most of the current research and development funds of Android companies are spent on personnel salaries and daily expenses. The cost of equipment and consumables is also concentrated on the robot project. The Android smartphone system basically has no equipment. The cost of consumables, because it has not reached that step yet, and even if it reaches that step, the cost in this area will not be much, which is related to the attributes of the project.

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "Old Li, you don't see rabbits and don't spread eagles. That's fine. Let Andy go and have a look with you. If you think it's appropriate, we can talk about in-depth cooperation. Let me tell you, It's not easy for Andy, he runs the company by himself, and there are many places to spend money, if it can help you, you can't be stingy."

Li Kunyao laughed and said, "I understand, I understand, boss, don't worry, I will never let Mr. Lubin suffer."

Yu Dong nodded, "In this case, Andy, you and Mr. Li can go to BenQ Mobile to have a look. I don't have anything to do here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me."

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems, Mr. Lubin, let's go." Li Kunyao went up and grabbed Andy Rubin's arm enthusiastically, "It happens to be almost dinner time, and there is a very authentic restaurant downstairs in our company I’ll take you to a local restaurant, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Seeing the two walking out with their arms together, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red. He is notoriously tough, assertive, and meticulous when communicating with others.

But since BenQ was acquired by Deep Space Corporation, Li Kunyao has undergone some changes, becoming warmer and smoother, and more and more like Jimmy.

Li Kunyao may not have really changed from the inside out, or he may have deliberately made changes to adapt to the new environment of the deep space system. After all, the corporate culture of the deep space company is "death is not worth life".


Andy Rubin went to BenQ Mobile for a visit, and directly conquered Li Kunyao and the company's R&D personnel.

In fact, he has a specialization in the technology industry, and Andy Rubin is not proficient in all aspects of mobile phone manufacturing, but he has a unique understanding of the development of smartphones and has practical experience, so when talking with the R&D personnel of BenQ Mobile When communicating together, one sentence can often make them suddenly enlightened.

Some things are like this. If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless. Once the direction is right, even if the process is a bit difficult, you can finally reach the end.

Just like the Deep Space Company, not every step of the Deep Space Company has been perfect for so many years, but no matter which industry the Deep Space Company enters, the strategic direction is basically correct.

Andy Rubin can not only inspire those R&D personnel of BenQ Mobile in the research and development of smartphones, but also give many very useful suggestions from the perspective of the operating system.

No matter how good the mobile phone is, the soul still lies in the system. The soul of the smart phone they will make after BenQ Mobile is the Android system, so Andy Rubin's suggestion is very effective for them.

Seeing that Andy Rubin is so powerful, Li Kunyao didn't dare to procrastinate any longer. He made an agreement with Andy Rubin on the spot that BenQ Mobile will establish a research and development center with Android Company. Partial R&D funding provided.

Li Kunyao is a very adventurous person, so he was able to make a decision on the matter when he met Andy Rubin on the first day, and his instinct also told him that this Android company must not be missed.

Especially when Li Kunyao heard about the Android smartphone system that their Android company was developing, he was even more moved, thinking that he could use the Android system on their BenQ Mobile smartphones in the future.

More than three years ago, Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson, Mitsubishi and psion jointly invested and established Symbian in London, hoping to take down the smartphone market through an alliance. Now the Symbian system is very famous. On the one hand, this Compared with other mobile operating systems, the system is more mature. It has been applied to several real machines, and the performance is very good. On the other hand, this system is backed by several major manufacturers such as Nokia, and its development potential must be optimistic. .

In fact, Symbian has always adhered to the concept of openness. Any organization or individual can develop software for it. Such a feature also allows Symbian to have more developers and a larger market. Many companies are thinking of entering their alliance.

However, the alliance formed by these companies is not indestructible. In the first few years when Symbian was established, it has not been able to launch a real product, so several giants have maintained a laissez-faire attitude towards this company. manner.

However, since the year before last, after the fifth-generation Symbian system came out, several Symbian mobile phones have appeared on the market one after another. At first, it was because Ericsson and Motorola competed for the title of "the world's first smartphone".

Ericsson was the first to put the product on the market in a hurry regardless of the early bugs in the Symbian system. This is also the first market-oriented Symbian system mobile phone in history.

This alliance is so unstable, so even if Yu Dong didn't say anything, Li Kunyao didn't want Mingji Mobile to join the Saipan family.

In addition, Microsoft also announced that their company is about to release its own mobile operating system.

As the leader in the operating system industry, Microsoft's move at this time is considered by many to be a dimensionality reduction blow. After the launch of Windows mobile, it will definitely sweep the mobile operating system market like Microsoft did in the PC field.

Li Kunyao's idea is that if there is no other better choice in the future, maybe they can choose to use Microsoft's operating system.

But now that there is an Android company, it can be used as an important option.

Because of this, Li Kunyao's offer was very generous. Andy Rubin didn't expect much at first, but when he heard that Li Kunyao's offer was very good, he agreed with a smile.

After finishing the preliminary discussion on cooperation, Li Kunyao looked at his watch, smiled and said to Andy Rubin, "It's almost five o'clock, let's go to the cafeteria and have a meal together, I'll call and ask if there are any boxes in the cafeteria. "

After that, Li Kunyao called the Deep Space Cafeteria to inquire about the situation of the boxes, but unfortunately, all the boxes in the front were sold out.

This result was actually expected by Li Kunyao. During the annual meeting, it is basically impossible to book a box in the Deep Space Canteen.

Since the boxes in the cafeteria were gone, it stands to reason that Li Kunyao would just take Andy Rubin to a restaurant outside to eat, but Li Kunyao always felt that it would be a pity not to eat in the cafeteria on such a happy day.

Li Kun turned around with dazzling eyes, and made another call.

Soon Yu Dong's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, "Hello, Lao Li."

"Boss, Andy and I have finished shopping." Li Kunyao said with a smile.

"Well, how did the conversation go?"

"Very good, we have initially reached a cooperation, but..."

"But what?"

"Isn't it time for dinner? I haven't found a place to eat yet. I called the cafeteria just now, and they said that the boxes are all booked. Alas, it's a pity. I still want to take Andy to try our cafeteria's specialties. "

As soon as Yu Dong heard this, he knew what Li Kunyao meant. He smiled and said, "Old Li, you are still playing around with me, just tell me directly. Box [-] is also empty tonight, I asked them to keep it for you .”

"Then thank you boss, but..."

"what happened again?"

"Andy doesn't know if he's used to drinking white wine, but he can't buy any good red wine right now."

Yu Dong sighed slightly, "Understood, I will send you a bottle of Kanti, the year will definitely not be old, you just drink it."

Li Kunyao laughed and said, "If you don't pay attention, if you don't pay attention, then I will thank the boss on behalf of Andy."

"Well, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Li Kunyao looked at Andy Rubin and said with a smile, "Andy, you are so proud of yourself. The boss not only reserved the first box for us, but also took out his wine for a while. bottle."

There is a No. [-] box in the Deep Space Cafeteria. The standard inside is particularly high. Usually, reservations are not reserved for Yu Dong. That's why Li Kunyao called Yu Dong.

As for Tibetan wine, Yu Dong’s wine collection is scary. The most baijiu in Dongtun is Moutai and Wuliangye, and he is not only a village, but also their ration wine. Before Yu Hua and the others clamored for Yu Dong’s The wine was finished, but more and more.

Yudong loves Romanée-Conti red wine. Basically, he buys more than a dozen bottles every year. Some of the older ones are also available. For example, there are three bottles of Romanée-Conti in 1945 before Yudong. It is said that these three bottles spent 15 years in Yudong. million dollars.

The reason why I say "before" is because there are only two bottles left.

When Yu Dong bought these three bottles of wine, many people thought that Yu Dong would keep them and maybe sell them in the future, but no one thought that on Yu Dong's daughter Yu's first birthday, Yu Dong would actually Opened a bottle straight away.

When Jimmy and the others learned that they were drinking Romanee-Conti in 1945, they were too shocked to take a big gulp.

A bottle of $50 wine is actually nothing to Jimmy, but a bottle of red wine with a history of more than 1945 years has a completely different meaning. Moreover, [-] was a small year for wine, and only [-] bottles of wine were produced that year. After decades of wear and tear, how much is left is unknown.

It can be said that the value of this kind of wine is definitely higher than that of drinking, but Yu Dongzhen opened it and drank it.

However, after this incident, many collectors came to buy the remaining two bottles of wine, and the direct price doubled, willing to buy them at a price of 20 US dollars for a bottle. That is to say, although Yu Dong and the others drank a bottle, the value of the wine in his hand has increased.

If it weren't for Yu Dong's disdain for tens of thousands of dollars at all, Jimmy would have wondered if Yu Dong did this on purpose, just to increase the price of his collection.

Anyway, this matter is quite famous. Everyone knows that Yu Dong likes to collect wine, and he is more casual about the wines in his collection. No matter how precious the wine is, he may drink it at any time.It was also because of this that Li Kunyao asked Yu Dong for wine in a roundabout way, and he also knew that Yu Dong had a lot of good wine in the cafeteria.

Li Kunyao happily took Andy Rubin to the cafeteria for dinner. After eating and drinking, he saw that the lights in Yu Dong's office were still on, so he suggested to Andy Rubin to visit Yu Dong's office.

The two went up to the top floor, and before reaching Yu Dong's office, they ran into Jimmy.

Li Kunyao greeted Jimmy with a smile, "Mr. Ji, you're not off work yet."

Jimmy looked at Li Kunyao with a smile, "Have you been drinking?"

"It's not because there are distinguished guests and the boss provides good wine, so I drank two more glasses."

Jimmy nodded and asked, "Who is this?"

Li Kunyao introduced, "This is Andy Rubin from Android."

Jimmy suddenly said, "You are Andy Rubin, I heard YU mention you before, very happy to meet you."

Li Kunyao told Jimmy about the cooperation between BenQ Mobile and Android. After listening, Jimmy said with a smile, "Old Li, you are very courageous, and you are also very supportive of your brother companies."

"My own brother company?" Li Kunyao was taken aback for a moment, "Mr. Ji, what do you mean by that?"

Jimmy laughed, "Don't you know, the boss of Android Company is Yu Dong."


Jimmy patted Li Kunyao on the shoulder: "Great job, keep it up, and help brother companies a lot, don't be like other companies who ask the group for money every day, and give you an award later."

(End of this chapter)

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