Chapter 1002 Access
After patting Li Kunyao on the shoulder, Jimmy nodded to Andy Rubin with a smile, and turned back to his office.

Li Kunyao turned his head and looked at Andy Rubin dully: "Andy, is the boss of your Android really YU?"

Andy Rubin showed a harmless expression: "Don't you know about this? I thought you knew it all the time, so I didn't say it."


Of course Li Kunyao didn't know, if he knew, would he be so eager to ask for high terms to seek cooperation with Android company?
If he knew that the Android company belonged to Yu Dong, he would naturally be able to figure out what the ecology Yu Dong told him before, and he would also know that Android is a very important part of this ecology.

They BenQ Mobile will definitely cooperate with Android in the future. They don't need to be so proactive. He is now "trapped" by Andy Rubin and Yu Dong.

In fact, it's not enough to say that it's a pit, because even if he doesn't take the initiative to ask for conditions, as long as Yu Dong asks, he will still give the conditions that should be given.

Smiling and shaking his head, Li Kunyao said, "Let's go, I'm going to complain to the boss."


Li Kunyao and the others left without staying in Yu Dong's office for a long time, because Yu Dong had to meet a guest soon.

Yu Dongjian's guest was Motorola's vice president, Colvin, and the reason why the appointment was so late was because the meeting was a temporary appointment.

Yu Dong would generally not agree to such a temporary appointment, but Ke Wen had a strong will and said a lot of good things, so Yu Dong reluctantly agreed.

Colvin was Motorola's representative in the Asian region before, and was transferred to the headquarters as a vice president last year, and the Asia-Pacific region was under his control.

It was about eight o'clock, and Colvin didn't open the door of Yudong's office until seven fifty-nine o'clock.

Seeing the dusty Corvin, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I thought you wouldn't come."

Colvin said embarrassingly, "I'm really sorry, there was a little delay on the road, and I was a little late."

"It's not too late." Yu Dong smiled, picked up the phone and asked for a cup of coffee.

Hearing that Yu Dong asked for coffee, Ke Wen said with a smile, "I came here just to ask for a cup of good tea. You can't even satisfy me with this wish."

Yu Dong glanced at Ke Wen and said with a smile, "Long time no see, your Chinese speech has deteriorated a lot, I thought you didn't even drink tea anymore."

Colvin waved his hands again and again, "No, no, although I have not been in China during this time, tea has always been my favorite, just like my love for Chinese culture."

Yu Dong nodded, then called the secretary department to ask them to come over for a cup of tea, and then he invited Colvin to sit down.

"This year's annual meeting, you Motorola also sent people this time. I was quite surprised that it wasn't you."

"I was supposed to be sent here, but there are a lot of things going on in the company recently, and I can't get away for a while. You should also understand the situation."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "Then you overestimate me. I really don't know much about the current situation in the mobile phone market. Except for BenQ Mobile, I rarely pay attention to other mobile phone brands, including your Motorola."

Colvin smiled, "During this period of time, everyone was fighting for the smartphone market. Several of our mobile phone manufacturers were fighting fiercely. BenQ Dentsu was originally our foundry, but after BenQ moved out, the two of us This is a big blow to us, and we lost our competitiveness when competing with other manufacturers."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Kervin, don't make the matter so serious, as if we are sorry for you, BenQ Dentsu is just doing OEM for you, there is no technical content, you want to find a substitute The factory is not difficult. Moreover, your production base in Tianjin has developed very well in the past few years. After ending the cooperation with BenQ, your output has not decreased in any way. This is proof. Moreover, even if BenQ does not take the initiative to terminate the cooperation with you, In the future, you will also reduce orders from BenQ, and it will be BenQ who will be injured."

"It's impossible. Based on the relationship between our two companies, it's impossible to reduce the order volume at BenQ."

Ke Wen could say such a scene, but Yu Dong couldn't believe it.

Yu Dong looked at Ke Wen and said, "You should have an advantage in terms of smartphones. The several mobile phones you have cooperated with us before are very popular among young people. You have also maintained the leading position in the mobile phone market over the years. s position."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the muscles on Ke Wen's face couldn't help twitching.

Motorola has indeed been the leader in the mobile phone industry in the past few years. Even when it encountered such a strong opponent as Nokia after the 90s, it has always withstood the pressure and did not let Nokia surpass them.

But just last year, that is, in 2001, Nokia's sales officially surpassed Motorola and became the world's number one.

There are three reasons for this situation. On the one hand, Nokia itself is developing very well, and its sales are increasing every year. On the other hand, Motorola’s own sales have entered a stage of stagnation, and the follow-up development is boring. Third, Now there are more powerful competitors like BenQ Mobile, making the market competition more intense.

In fact, the latter two situations can be regarded as one situation. The development of Motorola stagnated because Deep Space Company gave up cooperation with them and turned to manufacture its own mobile phones.The development of BenQ Mobile has accelerated the defeat of the relatively weak Motorola in the competition of the leader, because the market that BenQ Mobile first grabbed was actually the weaker side.

If it hadn't been for several years of cooperation with Deep Space, Nokia wouldn't have to wait until last year to surpass Motorola in sales. They could have done it a few years ago.

At this moment, the secretary brought the tea in, and Colvin took the teacup and said thank you, and then said to Dong, "I'm here this time because I have a business to talk to you about."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "For business matters, why don't you ask Jimmy?"

"Because this time it's related to BenQ Mobile."

BenQ Mobile belongs to Deep Space China, and many people think that Deep Space China Yudong is the major shareholder, and Deep Space America Jimmy is the major shareholder, so Colvin said so.

Yu Dong didn't refute Colvin, but just asked with great interest, "What business do you want to discuss with me?"

"I'm not going to play around with you, that's how it is. We at Motorola hope to cooperate with BenQ stores."

"How to cooperate?" Yu Dong asked.

"We hope to produce a mobile phone that can connect to your BenQ store."

Yu Dong looked surprised, "Are you sure?"

Colvin nodded, "Of course I'm sure."

"your selves……"

Yu Dong originally wanted to ask Colvin why Motorola didn't build a Motorola music store, but he didn't say it when he got to his lips, because he suddenly realized that Motorola didn't have this technical ability at all.

The BenQ store can’t be created casually, otherwise, it wouldn’t be only the BenQ store and Apple’s music store that came out, and the traffic of these two store software is not as good as the former. One-fifth is equivalent to saying that BenQ stores outshine others.

Besides, Motorola's core network technology has serious shortcomings, and it is impossible to make a reliable and easy-to-use store.

Moreover, even if they have this technology, it is very difficult to do this store now, let alone catch up with the BenQ store, even if it is impossible to catch up with the Apple Music store.

After thinking for a while, Yu Dong asked, "If, let me say, if we really cooperate and you release a mobile phone that can connect to the BenQ store, then the BenQ store is still called the BenQ store?"

"It is possible to add moto behind BenQ to form a BenQ-moto store. We are willing to put the name behind."

Yu Dong laughed, "But we don't want to."

Colvin took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "You might as well listen to my conditions first, everyone is vying for the smartphone market now, and you BenQ Mobile don't have any technology and experience in this area, but I know, you must If you are unwilling to give up this market, we can help you with this matter.”

"How can I help?" Yu Dong asked.

"We can help you join the Saipan family, and then assist you in developing smartphones."

"How to help? To put it bluntly, your own smartphones are not very good now. Is there any technology that can help us? Are you willing to share all your technologies with us?"

"Of course it's impossible, but some technologies are still available for you to use."

"No charge?"

"There must be an appropriate charge."

Yu Dong laughed, "It turned out that it was to make us money, but it's nothing. If there is any technology that we can use, we are willing to pay for it, but it is not negotiable to let you access the BenQ store. The BenQ store can only access BenQ products. Of course, if you want to get a software similar to the BenQ store, we can help you, and even set it up for free.”

"Free?" Colvin looked surprised, and then asked vigilantly, "What are the conditions?"

"There are no special conditions, but the songs you use in this store in the future must be transferred from the BenQ store, and we will take 80.00% of each song."

"80.00%! This is impossible!" Colvin said excitedly.

It's no wonder that Colvin was excited. If he really wanted to follow the plan Yu Dong said, then Motorola would be working for Deep Space Corporation from now on.

Although Motorola's sales are not as good as Nokia's now, their sales are still very high, and the music store will definitely not be low, but no matter how much they sell, they will give Deep Space 80.00% of the commission, and they only have 20.00%. of being squeezed.

Motorola has always been the only one who squeezed others. When have they been squeezed by others?
Yu Dong said with a smile, "Don't be anxious, calm down and think about my plan carefully. Don't think that the commission is high just after hearing 80.00%. The music that can be distributed to your platform is bought by our company Copyright, the money to buy copyright is also spent on our side, you don’t have to pay a penny. In other words, it’s not us who smoke you 80.00%, but you who smoke us 20.00% without doing anything.”

"But these users are all ours, and you are the ones who enjoy the benefits."

"Users are yours, but without this platform, these users won't make you a dime, and with this platform, you will retain more users, otherwise your users will not stop. If you think about it carefully, is this the reason? Let’s go back to the original question. According to the plan you proposed at the beginning, if you want to connect your mobile phone to our BenQ store, if your mobile phone users are in You bought music in the BenQ store, you should ask us for money, but whether you give it or not depends on our mood, even if you give it, you won’t give too much, what is your psychological expectation at the beginning?"


"Is there 20.00%? This is impossible, because the platform itself does not draw much money. So, my plan can make you worry less, earn more money, and let you have your own platform, and No need to put your name after BenQ."

Colvin always felt that something was wrong, but no matter how he thought about it, he felt that what Yu Dong said made sense.

Compared with their previous proposals, Yu Dong's proposal has obvious advantages, and after listening to his explanation, 20.00% commission does not seem to be high. After all, Deep Space has already borne the cost of music copyright in advance. up.

Colvin has also heard about the ratio of the BenQ store to major record companies. Usually, a song sells for one dollar. If the song comes from a mainstream record company, the BenQ store will give the record company 30.00 cents , which is equal to 65%, if the song comes from an independent record company, then the BenQ store will give the other party 35 cents to 40.00 cents, which is equal to [-] to [-]%.

According to this ratio, BenQ store can get more than [-]% commission in the cooperation with Motorola, which is much lower than the money earned by Motorola.

Thinking of this, Colvin was silent. He knew that if such a cooperation were really made, Deep Space would definitely be the biggest winner, even though it would not earn as much as Motorolado, because they only needed to build another store and transplant the songs from the BenQ store. You can harvest Motorola users.

But as Yu Dong said, without this platform, Motorola would have no way to earn a dime from users on music.And with this platform, it can also retain many users for them, effectively preventing the loss of users.

Obviously, this is a win-win plan, one that they will find hard to refuse.

But Colvin still hesitated, because the current situation of their company is more complicated. When encountering such a major choice, it is easy to plunge the company into civil war.

(End of this chapter)

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