Chapter 1003
Motorola is now facing internal and external troubles. Not only has the sales of mobile phones just been surpassed by Nokia, but their proud semiconductor business has also plummeted, and their market share is getting lower and lower. Fully overtaken by Texas Instruments.

Looking at it comprehensively, Motorola is still in the mobile phone market, and it has just been surpassed by Nokia, and it is still at the forefront of the market.Several other businesses have basically been completely thrown away, and I am afraid that it is impossible to reproduce the previous glory.

One more thing that has a big impact on Motorola's current situation is their Iridium program.

In the mid-to-late 80s, Motorola began to plan the Iridium project. In 1997, the Iridium project began to deploy stars. In the middle of 1998, all the star deployment tasks were completed. In November of the same year, the Iridium project began to officially provide communication services. This plan is quite good. There was a sensation, the Vice President of the United States made a symbolic Iridium call in the Rose Garden of the White House that day.

The so-called Iridium Project is a global mobile communication system. Its sky part is satellites running on 7 orbits, and 11 satellites are evenly distributed on each orbit, forming a complete constellation.

They look like 77 electrons orbiting around the nucleus of the chemical element iridium, hence the name of the project. Although it was later recalculated and only needed 66 satellites in six orbits, the name of the Iridium project has not changed.

Compared with ordinary communication methods, the Iridium satellite project has two advantages. The first is that the orbit is low, the transmission speed is fast, and the information loss is small, so the call quality is higher. The second is that the Iridium satellite system does not require a special ground At the receiving station, every Iridium satellite phone can directly communicate with the satellite, so that any place on the earth can complete the communication.

Many people thought that the Iridium project was about to reach glory, but what people didn't expect was that it ended quickly.

The telephones used in the Iridium project cost three thousand dollars each, and the call fee per minute is as high as three to eight dollars. Such a high price is simply unaffordable for ordinary people. After five months, the entire system has no Only 1 users.Even these 1 users don't usually use the phone for too long. It can be said that the 66 satellites in the Iridium system have not been fully utilized at all.

This is also impossible. After all, the way of using the Iridium phone is quite special. Generally, people who do not have special communication needs will not buy it at all. After buying it, they will not use it unless they are in a specific scene.

The number of users is far below expectations, and the monthly bill income is very bleak, which makes the company lose money and cannot make a profit at all. At the same time, the interest on the loan of Iridium is as high as 4000 million US dollars every month, so their debts Roll higher and higher.

In this way, it was delayed until March 1999. After defaulting on a huge loan of 15 billion U.S. dollars, Iridium Corporation filed for bankruptcy protection. At this time, it was less than half a year before the Iridium Project was officially commercialized. .

Because the company did not find a qualified buyer, they finally decided to push the 66 satellites in the Iridium system out of orbit and let them burn when they entered the earth's atmosphere, and the cost of burning the satellites was between 3000 million and 5000 million US dollars.

Only some time ago, Iridium star company completely burned their 66 satellites.

A plan that has been planned for many years and spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources finally ended in such a dismal end, which is a blow to Motorola.

In just a few years, the company had a series of problems, and the position of Chris Calvin as CEO was in jeopardy.

If it weren't for the fact that the Calvin family is of great significance to Motorola, Chris Calvin might not be able to stay in the position of CEO long ago, but no matter how different the Calvin family is to Motorola, now the company has Chris Calvin The voice of stepping down is also getting louder.

Colvin was single-handedly promoted by Chris Calvin. Whether he likes it or not, he is a "royalist" in the eyes of others. He has been tied to the Calvin family. If Chris Calvin steps down as CEO , then Colvin's position as president will not be long.

From Colvin's point of view, he had to help Chris Calvin stand his ground, and he had been in China for many years, so the first thing he thought of was Deep Space Corporation.

This time, Colvin came to find Deep Space Corporation, mainly because he wanted to repair the relationship with Deep Space Corporation and consolidate Chris Calvin's position.

After pondering for a while, Colvin said, "I need to talk to Chris about this."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, this matter is not particularly urgent, in fact, you don't need to make a special trip, just call me from the United States, why waste travel expenses."

Colvin said very seriously, "Because only in this way can we show our sincerity, and our attitude towards Deep Space Corporation has always been sincere."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You know, we don't care about these nonsense."

Colvin smiled. He didn't even believe the punctuation marks in Yu Dong's words. He knew very well that if he didn't come in person today, let alone a cooperation agreement, he might not even be able to call Yu Dong's office.

Just like when he came in just now, Yu Dong spoke with a stick in his arms, obviously because Motorola didn't pay enough attention to them before.

After thinking about it, Colvin said something for his boss, "Actually, Chris wants to come over, but there are too many things in the United States, and he can't spare the time for a while."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I heard that Chris is very interested in Huawei recently?"

Colvin's pupils shrank, and then he said calmly, "Is there such a thing, I haven't heard of it, why is Chris interested in Huawei?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You are asking the question knowingly. Your core network technical shortcomings are very serious, but Huawei can just make up for your shortcomings. You have been in China for so many years, and you will not be unaware of this matter."

"I really don't know much about Huawei. When I was in China, I didn't care much about technology, basically I was in charge of sales." Colvin smiled and said, "But I heard that Huawei has recently Life is not easy, and there is a possibility of being sued by Cisco, and if Cisco succeeds, Huawei will suffer a major blow in the U.S. market, and it will not seem to be of much use to us.”

Although Colvin did not admit that they wanted to acquire Huawei, both inside and outside the words showed that they were paying attention to Huawei, otherwise they would not have known that Cisco wanted to sue Huawei.

What Colvin said is of course a lie. Motorola's acquisition of Huawei should be based on two points. One is that the acquisition of Huawei can help them develop the Chinese market. The second point is that they need Huawei's core network technology. As for the patents in Cisco's lawsuit, It doesn't matter at all.

In fact, even if Motorola wants to acquire Huawei, Huawei probably won't agree to it, because Huawei's current development is not bad, and there is no need to sell itself.

However, Yu Dong knows that Huawei will soon have problems, because Huawei has bet on new technologies and missed the market trend in the past few years. Its share in the domestic communication market will be hit by ZTE and Starcom. It's really possible to sell yourself.

There is another thing, which is also a big trouble for Huawei.Huawei’s youngest executive vice president before, Li Yinan, nicknamed Ren Zhengfei’s godson, founded a new company called Harbor Network at the end of last year with 1000 million yuan obtained from Huawei’s equity settlement and dividends.

This company is a high-level distributor of Huawei, mainly selling Huawei products for a living, but just this year, Li Yinan did not abide by the agreement, frantically poached Huawei's technical personnel and launched his own routers and switches.

Their products are selling well, and the company has also received more than 1 million US dollars in investment, and has become a strong competitor of Huawei.

The key is that there are many Huawei employees in Harbor Network, so they have an advantage in fighting with Huawei. After all, they are very familiar with Huawei's technology and market layout.

Why does Yu Dong know these things, because he has been paying attention to Huawei.

In the last life, Motorola did not acquire Huawei due to various reasons, but it is hard to say in this life. The situation is completely different from the previous life. Motorola has extended its glory in the mobile communication sector for two or three years because of its cooperation with Deep Space Corporation. , who knows if the extra two or three years of glory will affect this acquisition?
If Motorola really wants to acquire Huawei this time, Yu Dong will definitely make a move.

It is not too difficult for Deep Space to stop this matter. Why did Huawei sell itself? It is because the business is hindered and the funds are insufficient. If they can sell to Motorola, they can naturally sell to Deep Space, which is not the case. Can't afford the money.

In fact, Yu Dong is not only thinking about preventing Huawei from being bought by Motorola, he is even thinking about Motorola.

If Motorola has not turned around in the past few years, then they should still be split and acquired like the last generation.

What Motorola attracted Yu Dong was nothing more than the patents in their hands. If they could get Motorola's patents, it would definitely be even more powerful for Deep Space.

If you just buy patents, they will definitely not sell them. Yu Dong has already thought about it. If there is such an opportunity, he will spend money to buy Motorola first, then keep Motorola's patents, and then sell other patents at a discount. sell to others.

Of course, all of this can only be imagined now, and the future of Motorola is still unclear.Maybe Motorola did not fail in the end in this life, and it is not impossible to make a comeback.


The next morning, Colvin came to Yu Dong again, expressing his willingness to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, and the conditions proposed by Yu Dong before were no problem.After returning from Yu Dong's place last night, he must have contacted the headquarters.

When Colvin said that Chris Calvin had no objection to the terms, Yu Dong was actually quite surprised. It’s not that the terms he raised last night were too harsh for Motorola, it’s just business, no matter what. He always tried to bargain the price. He originally thought that Motorola would probably increase the percentage to 20.00%.

In fact, if they really want to talk, 20.00% Wu Yudong will definitely not agree, but raising it to 20.00% can still be considered.

It seems that Chris Calvin's situation in the company is indeed not very good, otherwise he would not be so eager to reach this cooperation. He probably wants to use this cooperation to recover his disadvantages.

Since there is no problem with Motorola, there is naturally no problem with Deep Space Company. The cooperation process has entered the fast lane directly, and the contract details have been studied that day.


Jimmy didn't know about it until the next morning. His guess was the same as Yu Dong's, and he also believed that Chris Calvin wanted to use this cooperation to save his position.

"Chris is fighting with his back this time, but I think this cooperation is very difficult to help him. Have you ever thought that if Chris steps down after our cooperation is reached, his successor will continue to support this Do you want to cooperate?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Our contract has been signed for three years, and there are at least two models. Even if a successor comes up, there is no way to terminate the cooperation immediately, otherwise they will have to pay liquidated damages, which are not much. It’s only [-] million U.S. dollars, but I don’t think his successor will be willing to give us [-] million U.S. dollars.”

"That can only last for three years."

Yu Dong smiled, "Three years is enough. After three years, they may not be the ones who want to end the cooperation."

Jimmy narrowed his eyes and looked at Yu Dong, and suddenly said with a smile, "You have some malicious intentions."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I really want to reach this cooperation. After all, it won't do us any harm, but if they want to terminate the cooperation, we don't need to worry about it."

"I even feel that you really want Chris to step down, and then the successor will take the initiative to terminate the cooperation." Jimmy said.

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "Don't think of me as bad."

"In any case, we are the biggest winners from this cooperation."

Yu Dong nodded. The biggest benefit of this cooperation is not that they can earn a commission from it, but that they can use Motorola to cultivate user habits and expand their publicity.

In the future, if Motorola really terminates its cooperation with them, a large number of users will definitely be brought to the BenQ store, because these users have become accustomed to using the store.

Habit is a terrible thing, once formed, it is difficult to change. Motorola users are used to using the same things as the BenQ store, but suddenly they are not allowed to use them. Some people will definitely switch to BenQ mobile phones.

Even if only one out of ten people chooses a BenQ mobile phone, it is still very impressive given the huge base.

(End of this chapter)

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