Chris Calvin may not be unaware of Yu Dong's thoughts, so there is a stipulation in the contract that after the three-year contract period expires, Motorola has the initiative to renew the contract, that is to say, as long as Motorola is willing, their cooperation will be It is still established, and BenQ Mobile still provides technical support for Motorola stores.

As long as Chris Calvin can stay in the position of Motorola CEO, the cooperation between them will be relatively stable, but once Chris Calvin leaves Motorola, everything is not easy to say.

Jimmy chatted with Yu Dong for a while, and he suddenly opened the folder in his hand and said with a smile, "I have something for you."

It was a blue greeting card, at least that's how it looked from the east. It looked a bit like a greeting card that the Deep Space Company had released before, and the outer shell had a starry sky feel.

Jimmy didn't say what it was, Yu Dong took the greeting card in doubt, and when he opened it, he was stunned.

I saw a line of English written on the first page: our wedding invitation.

Below the English are Chinese characters: Presented in Dongtaiqi, we are pleased to hold a wedding ceremony for Jimmy and Shangguan Tiantian on July 2002, 7 in the Gregorian calendar...

Yu Dong looked up at Jimmy, pointed at the word Shangguan Tiantian, and widened his eyes, "This is Britney?"

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, "Otherwise? Who else could it be? It's not like you don't know her. Her nickname is Xiao Tiantian. The Chinese name Tiantian is not too much."

"Then why is her surname Shangguan?"

"Didn't our company release an idol drama some time ago, and the ratings in Europe and the United States are not bad. Britney also watched it."

Yu Dong frowned, "Which one?"

Some time ago, they did release a few domestic TV series, and the ratings in Europe were not bad.The purely domestic dramas they released before were not very popular after they came out of Asia, but they have been getting better.This year suddenly broke out, and the performance of several dramas was much better than the previous ones.

"It's the one starring Gu Tianle and Chen Hao, in which the heroine's surname is Shangguan, and Britney likes it so much, she insists on letting her surname be Shangguan." Jimmy smiled, "It's a matter of naming. , mainly because I am happy, since she wanted to name it, I didn't stop her."

Yu Dong curled his lips, "But your marriage is quite sudden. What are you going to do? Do you want to make it public? Now that Britney's career is on the rise, announcing the news of the marriage will definitely affect her career."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Of course we know this. My opinion is not to make it public. It's fine for us to have a meal together if we know each other well, but she doesn't want to. She wants a grand wedding. I can't refuse her request. "

Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong quickly changed the subject, "Actually, Britney is a singer, and she relies on her work for a living. The relationship news will not affect her career. Since she is going to have a grand wedding, let her do it, don't worry. At that time, the brothers will help you manage it."

Jimmy stared at Yu Dong, blinking his eyes, "Don't just say nice things, did you forget something?"

Yu Dong wondered, "What did I forget?"

Jimmy curled his lips very speechlessly, "Since you forgot, let me remind you, you told me before that if I marry Britney, you will give me a big gift."

"Oh." Yu Dong patted his forehead, "Indeed, there was such a thing, I completely forgot."

"As long as you don't play tricks." Jimmy smiled and reached out his hand towards Yu Dong, "Now you have all the wedding invitations in your hands, where are my presents?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's not the time for the wedding yet. I'll give you the gift on the wedding day."

Jimmy shook his head helplessly, "That's fine, I'll wait until the wedding, but don't forget, I will remind you when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it. I'll tell Xiao Jiang later and ask him to put this in my schedule and remind me regularly. That's fine."

Jimmy nodded with a smile, "Well, that's pretty much the same. It's a big gift. If you fool me then, I'm going to turn against you."

"I won't give you a chance to turn your face." Yu Dong smiled, read the invitation from the beginning to the end again, and then asked, "You didn't write the wedding location on it, where are you going to do it? China or the United States? "

"I'm about to discuss this matter with you. We're planning to get engaged in Las Vegas. We'll make it simple at that time. Please invite some people who have a better relationship to have a meal together. The main reason is that Britney likes Las Vegas very much. Si, when we get engaged, we will play there for a period of time, and it will be an early honeymoon. The wedding is in Jinling, and the wedding room will be in my suite in the deep space park. But according to the Chinese process, we need to first Pick up the bride from her natal home. I want to ask you if you can pick her up from Luoyuan."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "I think it's something that needs to be discussed with me. Just tell me about it. Is there any disagreement? This matter mainly depends on Britney's side. According to the Chinese style The process, his parents will definitely get involved when the time comes, have you coordinated everything?"

"Her parents are divorced and are currently in a lawsuit, but it shouldn't be a problem to give them some benefits and let them cooperate with the process."

Yu Dong smiled, "You can handle this matter well."

I have to say that Britney and Jimmy are a perfect match.

Britney is the kind of girl who looks smart on the surface but has no scheming at all. At home, she listens to whatever her parents say, and she can't play with them at all.

But Jimmy is different. Jimmy is an old man who plays with people's hearts. Since he met Britney's parents, he directly gave Britney's parents a trick of Infernal Affairs.

Now Britney's parents like Jimmy very much, but they can't understand each other. They all want to win over their daughter and son-in-law. After all, the daughter and son-in-law are indeed rich.

Jimmy took advantage of this to make Britney's parents compete for favor. Now their family is divided into several camps, but Jimmy is the best at speaking in their family. If Britney had to deal with it by herself, I'm afraid she would have been played to death long ago.

Moreover, Jimmy looks enthusiastic on the outside, but he is scary when he is cruel. Britney's parents also know that if they don't treat Britney well, Jimmy will not give them good fruit to eat.

Sometimes Yu Dong thinks that Jimmy and Britney can make an idol drama in which a pop queen falls in love with a domineering president.Whether it is the popularity of the pop queen or the richness of the president, they are not inferior to those TV dramas. In fact, even in TV dramas, there are very few rich people of Jimmy's level.

Now the rich people in idol dramas, if they are more courageous, they only want to have a net worth of more than one billion.

Yu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "In Luoyuan, apart from the single house where Mr. Cheng and I live, there are two single houses, one of which is near the back, and no one usually lives in it. When I get married, I will let you After you get married, you can live in that building. In China, if Britney quarrels with you, there will always be a family home to go back to.”

Jimmy rolled his eyes angrily, "Can you think of me a little better? You're not married yet, so you expect us to quarrel?"

Yu Dong teased, "I'm just saying it casually, why are you so excited, you usually quarrel, don't you?"

"I... you fart." Jimmy stood up directly, "I still have things to do, let's go."


February 2002, 2 was the last day of the Deep Space Annual Conference.

Although the ceremony of the annual meeting started in the afternoon, the Deep Space Park was already crowded with people in the morning, not only inside the park, but also outside the park.

A new red carpet was laid between the south gate of the park and the main building of Deep Space. All tourists could only enter through other gates on that day, and the area around the south gate was completely surrounded.

A new transparent glass roof was also installed above the red carpet, but today's weather is particularly good, the sun is shining brightly, making people lazy, so this glass roof has not come in handy.

There are also positions drawn on both sides of the red carpet. Only the invited media can get a position next to the red carpet, and their positions are fixed. Before noon, reporters from various media came over in advance to set up the opportunity. Waiting for the start of the afternoon ceremony.

"Southern Metropolis Daily" reporter Hong Wenxue didn't rush to the Deep Space Park until noon, because their location was similar to last year, so he and the photographer quickly found their "Southern Metropolis Daily" location.

After setting up the seat, Hong Wenxue looked to the left first. It was the position of "Xin'an Evening News".

"Xin'an Evening News" was also in this position last year. Hong Wenxue was not surprised at all, but looking at the right side, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The right side had a new face this year, and it turned out to be the seat of "Wall Street Journal".

It seems that the "Wall Street Journal" has performed well this year. Otherwise, the camera seats would not be so far forward. In Hong Wenxue's impression, the "Wall Street Journal" was relatively far behind last year.

There is only one standard for Deep Space Company to arrange seats, and that is relationship. Whichever newspaper has a good relationship with Deep Space, they can put the seats in a better position. Whoever has a bad relationship with them may not be able to get in. Come on, if you can come in, it won't be in a good position.

Moreover, they only look at relationships and don't look at fame at all. For example, the "Wall Street Journal" has published many articles that are unfavorable to Deep Space Corporation. How much is the sales volume and how famous is the financial circle.

The key point is that when Deep Space Corporation does this, few media really dare to provoke them. Now that we have entered the Internet age, and in the Internet age, the propaganda power of Deep Space Corporation is incomparable to that of ordinary media.

To put it simply, the "Wall Street Journal" has an official website on Deep Space Tribes, and they have more than 5 fans, but these 5 fans are obtained through very hard work.

They attach great importance to the development on the Internet. In order to gain fans, they even invited some well-known figures to help promote them. They also shared in paper newspapers how to log in to the Deep Space Tribal Network to follow their accounts.

But no matter how much they advertise, the traffic just cannot go up. For this reason, the "Wall Street Journal" even publicly questioned whether it was the deep space company that restricted the flow of their accounts. For this question, the deep space company did not give any response .

And since The Wall Street Journal has done better, their exposure has increased a lot.

The "Wall Street Journal" probably knows that it can't do Deep Space Corporation on the Internet, so when it encounters articles related to Deep Space Corporation later, it has to think carefully about publishing them.

Don't say it's just a compliment, at least they won't spread rumors.

Hong Wenxue and the others went to eat after setting up the seats, and when they came back after eating, reporters from the "Wall Street Journal" and "Xin'an Evening News" had already come.

"Old Liu, you are here again this year." Hong Wenxue greeted the reporter of "Xin'an Evening News" first, and they met last year.

Seeing Hong Wenxue, Lao Liu said with a smile, "I've been here on the first day, and I haven't seen you for so many days. Why, your "Southern Metropolis Daily" has no shortage of news recently. Can you come?"

"Isn't there an adjustment in the agency? Originally, two young men were sent here, but they were fine. After they came, they were busy playing. The material was not shot well, and the manuscript was not well written. Recently, we have been reposting other people's articles. .”

"Reprinting is also very good. It saves trouble. You can distribute the news while sitting at home. Who wants to suffer this. Fortunately, the weather is good today, otherwise you will freeze to death."

"People haven't come yet, and when there are more people in the afternoon, it will be even warmer. I don't feel like suffering. It's good to go out to play, but it's boring to stay at home every day."

"This is also..."

After chatting for a few words, Hong Wenxue looked at the reporter of the "Wall Street Journal" next to him, a thin man who looked to be in his 40s, but with all white hair, and he said something to him in English, "Dude, this year's position is pretty good. ah."

The foreigner looked over with a smile, and said in quite standard Mandarin, "Well, we have made great progress this year. Last year we were 40 meters away from here."

Seeing that the foreigner's Chinese level is quite high, Hong Wenxue said with a smile, "Are you resident here?"

The foreigner waved his hand, "No, I can only speak Mandarin well, so I am often sent here, and I am not considered a permanent resident. I come here two or three times a year, maybe once a week."

"The frequency is quite high. Did you learn Chinese in China?"

"When I was in college, I had a good friend who was Chinese. I learned a few words from him, and hired a teacher after work."

Hong Wenxue looked at the foreigner with great interest, "You hired a teacher to learn Chinese, what do you think?"

"Because I learned some from my classmates before, I always felt that it would be a waste if I didn't learn more, and I think learning Chinese is quite cost-effective, and it is very helpful for my work." (End of this chapter)

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