Chapter 1005 Super Offensive
Hong Wenxue chatted with the other party for a while before remembering to ask the other party, "What's your name, buddy?"

The foreigner replied, "My Chinese name is Hong Miao, Hong for the flood, and Miao for the three waters."

Hong Wenxue raised his eyebrows, "Hey, we are still in the same family, and my surname is Hong. Did you come up with your own name? There is too much water here."

Hong Miao said with a smile, "I didn't call it that before. Later, when I went to Jiuhua Mountain to play, someone told my fortune, saying that I lacked water in my life, so I changed myself to a name with plenty of water. Said, it is really useful, it has been much smoother in the past few years."

Hong Wenxue curled his lips. In this world, it is not uncommon for foreigners to speak Chinese. He even met a fortune teller who changed his name.

He himself doesn't believe in metaphysics, and thinks that the psychological effect is more important, but he didn't say anything after hearing what Hong Miao said, and changed the subject again, "I'm curious that a financial newspaper like yours came to the scene , What kind of content do you capture? When those film and television stars pass by, do you shoot or not, or do you only shoot the rich and powerful?"

Hong Miao said with a smile, "Shoot, why not shoot? They are not only film and television stars, but also multi-millionaires. Most of them have financial management, or they themselves can cause economic changes. Back off Wanbu said that even if we don’t need these photos and videos, we can sell them to others, so as long as we come, the shutter will not stop.”

"You guys who are engaged in financial news must know a lot about finance and economics, right? I heard that Deep Space Corporation has been buying stocks of Internet technology companies for more than a year. Can you understand why?"

The corner of Hong Miao's mouth twitched. He wondered if Hong Wenxue asked this question on purpose to embarrass him.

Deep Space Corporation has been acquiring the stocks of major Internet companies for a long time, and they not only buy stocks, but also go to shareholders to buy their shares if they have the opportunity.

There are many shareholders of companies with not-so-good stocks, holding a lot of shares in their hands, and looking forward to Deep Space Company going to take over the order every day.

Anyway, there are already many public acquisitions, and it is estimated that there are still many undisclosed acquisitions.

The industry has different opinions on the acquisition of shares of major Internet technology companies by Deep Space Corporation.

The most fundamental logic for Deep Space Corporation to do this is that Deep Space Corporation must be very optimistic about Internet technology companies, at least those Internet technology companies that he bought shares in, otherwise they will not be able to spend tens of billions of dollars to play.

But the problem is that no one dares to say for sure where the future of Internet technology is. People who were confident before have lost confidence after the Internet bubble burst.

Hong Miao is just an expatriate reporter, how can he see through Deep Space's operations in the stock market?Not to mention him, even the columnists of their newspaper cannot see through.

"Deep Space's operation in the stock market is also a subject of research by financial experts. In my opinion, Deep Space's operation is a bit of a gamble. If the bet loses, it will still have a great impact on them."

Hong Wenxue said with a smile, "Since it's a bet, there is a possibility of winning the bet. If the bet wins, the Deep Space Company will make a lot of money."

"If the bet wins, then of course Deep Space Corporation will make a lot of money, but the key issue is that Deep Space Corporation is developing so well now that there is absolutely no need to take risks to gamble. If you win the bet, you can indeed make a lot of money and take the company to a higher level. It's all possible, but the risk is relatively high, and as long as they develop steadily and steadily, they will have no problem at all to reach a higher level."

Hong Wenxue didn't know much about finance and economics, nor did he know much about foreign stock markets, so he didn't have any specific feelings about what Hong Miao said.

But in his opinion, it is impossible for Deep Space Company to gamble. Since Deep Space Company did it, it must be no problem.

Over the years, what the Deep Space Company has done gives people the feeling that everything can be done, and Hong Miao believes that this time will be no exception.When Hong Wenxue inquired about this, he was actually thinking about buying some with Shen Kong Company, maybe he could really make money in the future, but he didn't understand these things, and he didn't even know how to buy them.

While the two were chatting, there were more and more media workers beside the red carpet, and more and more tourists in the park. Everyone was waiting for the red carpet ceremony to begin.


Until four o'clock in the afternoon, the red carpet officially began.

When the time came, a Hongqi ca74670l slowly drove up to the door.

When they saw this Hongqi ca74670l, the reporters on the scene were quite surprised. They recognized this car as Yu Dong's special car.

Yu Dong has a lot of private cars, and this extended red flag concierge car is only available on formal occasions, and everyone remembers the license plate number.

The car door opened, Yu Dong got out of the car first, and then helped Cheng Yanqiu, who was wearing a formal dress, out of the car.

After getting off the car, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It's not as cold outside as I imagined, I thought I was going to freeze to death."

Cheng Yanqiu wore a light-colored silk dress, which was smudged with Chinese-style ink flowers, making her look graceful.Apart from the lack of sleeves, this suit basically has nothing to show.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I told you to wear a down jacket, but you won't do it."

"Let's wear the down jacket when I'm older. Wear some beautiful clothes while I can still resist the frost. Let's go quickly and walk warmer."

Yu Dong smiled, took Cheng Yanqiu's hand and walked towards the main building.

While they were talking, the reporters had already taken countless photos. Many people thought that the one who appeared first today would not be a big name, but they didn't expect that Yu Dong himself would come out first. This is completely different from previous years. different.

Because they were the first pair to appear on the stage, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were not in a hurry. They stopped after taking two steps to take pictures, and even chatted with reporters when they saw familiar reporters.

They only walked a distance of ten meters, and the second pair appeared, Gu Tianle and Aniston, these two were old partners.

Then Gu Tianlei and the others did not leave Jimmy, and the third pair appeared, Spielberg and Scorsese...

Because there are too many people walking on the red carpet this year, the density of the red carpet is very high.

Because it was the annual meeting in 2001, the length of the red carpet was 2001 meters and the width was 2001 centimeters, but half of the red carpet was actually inside the building, and the red carpet that really needed to be photographed was less than 100 meters.

The distance is less than 100 meters. Before Yu Dong finished walking, thirty or forty guests had already arrived, and the luxury cars that sent the guests to the door were one after another, without any gap at all.

This exhausted the reporters. As soon as they finished filming a guest getting off the car, they had to continue filming the next guest getting off the car. The intensity was very high. There is no less famous one.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were also quite tired. Although the red carpet was less than 100 meters away, they walked for more than 10 minutes.

When they walked to the entrance of the main building, the two looked back and saw the densely packed guests. Yu Dong joked, "Next year, we might as well build an electric red carpet in the park, and when the guests come over, they can stand directly on the electric red carpet without moving." , the red carpet moves by itself, leading the guests around the park, satisfying the reporters and the audience, and keeping the guests from getting too tired."

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "You might as well don't come here, let someone make you a wax figure, and then let someone carry it over and put it on the red carpet for a circle."

"It's not impossible."


"What did you say? YU has already passed by?"

Linda just went out to throw out a piece of rubbish and bought two bottles of beer. When she came back, she heard the bad news. Yu had already walked the red carpet, and she was still walking with Cheng.

"I'm also very surprised. I didn't expect him to leave so early this year."

Linda scratched her head and said angrily, "You should call me and ask me to come back soon."

Serena shrugged, "I called, but you didn't have your number."

Linda touched her pocket, the phone was indeed not there, and then she saw the phone lying on the table.

She didn't suspect that Serena lied to her, because the host in the live broadcast room just now said that Yu had just walked over and discussed the long ink dress that Cheng wore, and praised that long dress to be the best in the world, causing trouble. Linda felt itchy in her heart, she just wanted to see how pretty Cheng's dress was.

"It's a pity." Linda rubbed her hair again, "YU hasn't walked the red carpet with Cheng in the past two years, and this year we walked together, and I didn't even see it."

Serena comforted her, "It's okay, the recorded video will be available on the website tomorrow."

For more than a week, because of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, "Pop Idol" has not been broadcast. Linda and Serena can only rely on the live broadcast of the Deep Space Annual Meeting every day to relieve boredom.

The time difference between Jinling and London is actually quite friendly. At least they won’t miss too many exciting parts after they wake up normally. For example, today, the ceremony started at [-]:[-] p.m. in Jinling, and it happened to be [-]:[-] in the morning on their side. It's not hard to get up.

But for them, the time difference is not the biggest enemy, but the current limit in the live broadcast room is.

In order to be able to watch the live broadcast smoothly this morning, their computers have not been connected last night, and their accounts have not been withdrawn, and they have been in the live broadcast room.

Facts have proved that their strategy is correct.

This morning, they got up at six o'clock. When Linda visited the tribe, she saw many people complaining that the live broadcast of the deep space annual meeting was impossible to enter. Once she entered the website, she was prompted to queue up. There was no queue until after seven o'clock.

In fact, the ceremony on the last day is not only broadcast live on the web, but also on ABC. If you can’t access the webcast, you can also turn on the TV to watch the live broadcast. Anyway, the progress of the live broadcast on both sides is exactly the same.

But even though the resolution of watching live broadcast on the website is much lower than that of watching TV, many people still prefer to watch live broadcast on the website. On the one hand, the method of live broadcast on the website is relatively new. On the one hand, watching the live broadcast on the website can directly participate in the discussion. Below the live video is the comment area.

Linda and Serena made two-handed preparations. They not only turned on the TV, but also turned on the computer.

At this time, the host Huo Tlang in the live broadcast room laughed, "We can see that this year's red carpet is very dense. Even though the width of the red carpet is 20 meters, it still looks quite dense. If it weren't for Manchester United players We are eager to go back to prepare for the league, and there must be more people walking on the red carpet today."

Another host, Rivers, followed up, "In fact, there are many guests who are unwilling to go on the red carpet, especially some writers, who go directly to the auditorium."

"Yes, there are relatively few great and lively writers like Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu. For example, Patrick Modiano seems to rarely appear."

"Modiano is rarely even seen as a newspaper reporter, let alone on the red carpet. Many viewers may not know what Modiano looks like."

"This is normal, so every time a writer appears, I will introduce a few more words, hoping that everyone can learn more about it. The reason why the Deep Space Annual Conference is attractive is that you can not only see those writers here. The glamorous film and television stars can also meet those writers who have written great works, we can not only delight the body and mind through simple entertainment, but also cleanse the soul through those works with deep thoughts."

"That's right, I've talked to a lot of young people, and they really started to read those traditional works because of Deep Space Corporation, and many people also started to understand writers because of Deep Space Corporation."

Hearing the host's conversation, Linda and Serena in front of the computer couldn't help nodding, because that's how they were.

Linda and Serena used to love watching TV dramas, and later they especially loved watching TV dramas and variety shows. However, with the continuous promotion of Deep Space Company, they also began to try to read novels by those famous authors.

Although they don't spend a lot of time reading every day, they can occasionally read a book for an hour or two in a row, and sometimes they can even hold a book and read for half a day.

Deep Space Corporation's promotion of literature is almost pervasive. Basically, anything related to deep space may be recommended by literature books.

Including the Deep Space Tribe, they can often see some high-quality book reviews on the homepage, or some reading activities that are relatively close to them.

Two days ago, Linda saw a reading event in London, which was not small, and the two planned to go and see it together.

There is also a BenQ store, if you open the song list recommendation, you may see a book list similar to "read a book, listen to a song". This kind of book list is not made without brains, books and songs are related linked.

Some are directly related, such as "The Martian", and the music in the movie will be recommended.

Others are indirectly related, a certain type of work matches a certain type of music.

In addition, the TV series produced by Deep Space Company also highly respect reading, such as the Chinese idol drama that was very popular in Europe and the United States for a short time, in which Gu Tianle played a family heir.

In the play, the male protagonist spends most of his time working in the study, and his study has a lot of books, showing off his wealth does not depend on gold, silver, jewelry, cars and BMWs.

Under such an offensive, many people were "unwilling" and went to bookstores to buy books or placed orders directly on Amazon.

(End of this chapter)

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