Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1006 Data and things other than data

Regarding the promotion of reading by Deep Space Company, in November, the official account of UNESCO in Deep Space Tribes also released a tribe, which highly praised Deep Space Company for promoting more people to read and write. effort.

The most important thing is that Deep Space Company not only does publicity, but also distributes books to impoverished areas for free, and it is not limited to China.

However, there are also people who question Deep Space Corporation, because the books they promote and donate are all signed with Deep Space Corporation, and they have selfish intentions.Deep Space Company doesn't care about this kind of remarks. Not only do they promote books signed with their company, but the proportion of books written by Chinese authors is obviously higher.

Linda looked at Gu Tianle and Aniston who appeared in the live broadcast, and suddenly said: "Didn't Gu and Jennifer make a movie? Why hasn't it been released yet? I heard about it last year."

Serena thought for a while, and said, "You are talking about "Source Code", the script is the one written by YU. I heard that it will be released this year, and "Pirates of the Caribbean", there are many in deep space this year." Movies, like Spider-Man."

Linda nodded, looked at the picture on the TV, and said, "It looks like Gu and Aniston are quite a couple. I hope they can have more cooperation."

"Why didn't the heroine of "One Day in a Dream" come? I thought she would walk the red carpet with Gu."

Linda shook her head, "I don't know, I heard that the heroine is a student of YU, so she definitely won't miss an occasion like today."

"Is YU still teaching the students now?" Serena asked.

Linda shook her head again, and said, "I don't know, I should still be there. Anyway, Cheng must be teaching students every day. I pay more attention to Cheng's dynamics."

"That's right, as Jay Chou said last time, he sometimes goes to Cheng's place to give lessons. I saw photos of Cheng's piano room posted on his tribe before."

"Wow, Jay Chou's piano is so handsome, did he learn it from Cheng?"

"No, Jay seems to learn pop singing from her... But Jay's piano is really handsome, and this concert will be able to see his performance live."

Speaking of the concert, Linda's eyes lit up, "I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm going to make a signed album then."

Serena has a Jay Chou signed album, Linda has always been very envious.

In two weeks, Jay Chou's world tour concert will come to London. The two of them started grabbing tickets very early, and even got tickets, waiting for him to come.

"Haha, signed albums are not so good. I usually don't have a chance to get a signed album when I go to a concert." Serena laughed, "It's a pity that I couldn't go to the deep space annual meeting this year. I heard that there are music theme days every year. They will sign a lot of albums. Many people in our Dongdong group got their signature albums during the meeting last year. Jay worked very hard on the music theme day, even more than when he held signing meetings in other cities Work harder, even signings on music themed days are free."

There is a special organization for Jay Chou fans, called Jay Chou Global Support Club. They also have a branch here in London, and Serena joined it. They also have many Dongdong groups, and they will be notified when there are any activities.

At first, Serena thought that this global support club was a group where everyone discussed Jay Chou, but later found that this organization was more powerful than she imagined, with a very strict organizational structure, and a branch of them could even organize some large-scale activities.

For example, the global tour concert two weeks later, when the concert was first decided, the group began to organize the purchase of concert tickets, and two months ago began to prepare for the pick-up and other matters.

Moreover, their branch can still contact Jay Chou himself, and can get some signed albums, signed posters and even signed T-shirts.

Even recently, the president of the branch and others have been planning to discuss with Jay Chou, and leave half a day after the concert to hold a book signing in London.


After the red carpet was over, the live broadcast camera shifted to the auditorium, where most of the guests had already taken their seats.

This year's warm-up program is relatively long, with a total of more than 40 minutes. Except for a few stage plays, the others are singing and dancing, including songs from "Shrek", "Harry Potter" and "Lord of the Rings".

After the warm-up program ended, special guests from all walks of life came to speak on stage, including the leaders of the Olympic Organizing Committee and Writers Association, as well as representatives of some major partners, such as Disney and Warner.

The speeches of these people are not long, short one minute, long no more than 1 minutes, this process ended in more than 3 minutes.

After all the special guests finished speaking on stage, it was the last part of the final annual meeting. Jimmy and Yu Dong were about to speak on stage.

Although the previous song and dance performance was very good-looking, whether it is the ordinary audience watching the live broadcast or the guests who came to the scene, this part is what everyone looks forward to the most.

Every year at this session, Jimmy and Yu Dong will give everyone some surprises, especially the content of Yu Dong's speech, which can very well represent the development direction of Deep Space Corporation in the next year.

Jimmy wore a red Tang suit again this year, but unlike previous years, there are many small characters on this Tang suit today, which can't be seen clearly from a distance, but the characters "囍" can be seen when you get closer.

However, these 囍 characters are placed on this red Tang suit, and they don't look particularly conspicuous. Even if others notice it, they probably won't think that he is getting married.

This year's Jimmy is a little thinner than last year, and his belly has already gone down. It is said that Britney stared at him every day to exercise, which made him achieve such results.

I have to say that love really nourishes people, especially when the partner is still young. Jimmy now looks more energetic than before, and he looks like a guy in his 30s.

After taking the stage, Jimmy said with a smile, "It's time to hand in homework again. Every year at this time, I am both happy and nervous. First of all, I would like to talk about our company's achievements in the book market. Compared with 2000, In 2001, our total sales revenue in the book market increased by eight percent, totaling RMB 157.4 billion."

As soon as this number came out, there was a burst of discussion at the scene.

Not only the scene, but the audience who were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV and computer also reacted strongly.

[157 billion RMB, who can tell me how much it is in US dollars? 】

[Right now the USD/RMB ratio seems to be 20:[-], which is about [-] billion U.S. dollars. 】

[How about this result?I don't know much about the book market. 】

[Let’s put it this way, Bestman Group’s annual report released in the middle of last year showed that their Random House had a total sales revenue of [-] billion U.S. dollars in the previous year, and Deep Space Company was even bigger than them. A few hundred million dollars more. 】

[Oh, I've heard of Random House, and it's quite powerful. 】

【Then, deep space is already stronger than Random House? 】

[It’s not easy to compare like this, and Deep Space Company is not comparing with Random House, but with Bestman Group. 】

[Death is hard to compare. Just talking about the book section, Deep Space Company is more comprehensive, unlike Random House, which mainly publishes. 】

[Indeed, there are many authors under the Deep Space Company. Their books are not self-published, but their sales are also counted in the total sales, mainly due to algorithm problems, and for this part of the books, they only take 5.00% to 20.00%... The more famous the author, the lower the commission, so the profit category should not be as good as that of Random House. 】

[There will be more and more, their copyrights are stronger than Random House, and the growth rate will definitely be faster than Random House. 】

[It’s like this, don’t look at 20 billion US dollars a year, I’m not surprised if this number reaches 50 billion or even 100 billion in a few years. 】

[Indeed, how much sales does YU alone have to contribute each year? 】

【Last year, YU seems to have sold more than 1 million copies alone, and the sales amounted to several hundred million US dollars. 】

Jimmy stood on the stage, smiled, and continued: "60.00% of the five's share is in North America, the second largest market is composed of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, with a share of 15.00%, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are sold The amount is 5.00%, Spanish sales are 2000%, Chinese sales are 2001%, and others are 2001%. This data is actually from July [-], [-] to June [-] On the [-]th, from [-] to the present, this figure has increased a lot in the past half a year, and it is expected that the growth rate in the new year will exceed ten percent."

"There must be a reason for the increase in the data. I have to talk about the film and television industry sector. Everyone knows that we have released a lot of movies this year, and several of them performed well at the box office. It is also because of the The box office is booming, which drives the sales of books."

Hearing what Jimmy said, the guests in the audience burst into laughter. Everyone knows that Jimmy looks humble, but he is actually acting aggressive.

The box office of these films of Deep Space Company this year is not only doing well, but also blowing up the sky.

"This year, our company has participated in the production and production of 23 films. As of yesterday, the total box office was 31 billion US dollars."

Many people are very surprised to hear that Deep Space has participated in the production and production of 23 films this year, because they only know a few of them.

In fact, Deep Space Corporation makes many movies every year, but many niche films are not known to the public. Everyone only knows that Deep Space Corporation made those movies with sky-high box office.

In fact, every big film company is like this, such as Warner, they produce forty or fifty films every year, but only four or five films are known to the public at most.

At this time, there was another quarrel on the Internet, and many people were asking what the concept of 31 billion US dollars was.

[31 billion US dollars, do you still need to ask, it basically dominates this year. 】

[Last year, the global film market was more than 140 billion US dollars, and Deep Space Film and Television alone accounted for more than 20.00%. 】

[Actually, it’s not a big deal. Last year’s result was about the same. In the past two years, Deep Space Company has been a bit domineering. 】

[Last year, "The Martian" was already worth [-] billion US dollars. Of course, their annual box office is high. 】

[It may be even higher next year, let's wait and see. 】

[Looking at it this way, "Titanic" is really powerful. One movie has one-eighth of the total box office. 】

[Not only that, when "Titanic" was released, the global film market did not have more than 140 billion US dollars, it was less. 】

[Deep Space Films can earn one billion dollars a year. 】

[There must be, this is just the box office, and there are other income, such as selling video tapes, CDs, etc. 】

[It's too exaggerated, Deep Space Books and Deep Space Film and Television are simply money-making machines. 】

[You are still too young. In a few years, I am afraid that books and film and television will be reduced to a small section of Deep Space. At least in terms of profitability, it must not be comparable to other sections. 】

[In a few years, I feel that the game section of Deep Space Corporation is already more profitable than the book section. 】

[The profit is hard to say, but the revenue of the game section should exceed the book section. A "Plants vs. Zombies" seems to have sold more than 2000 million sales. The recently released "Minecraft" has only been a few days. Well, sales are in the tens of millions. 】

[I think you're saying it the wrong way. The revenue of the game section may not be as good as that of the book section, but the profit must be higher. The game is simply huge profits, okay?How Much Does Deep Space Corporation Make From a Book?Except for the platform share, the rest of a game is pure profit. 】

[Fart, game development doesn’t cost money. 】

[How much is game development worth? 】

[Don't talk nonsense, game development is very expensive, such as "Plants vs. Zombies", it seems that YU has to pay copyright fees because he participated in the design. 】

[This is true. There are several games in Deep Space that have to pay YU. It can be said that YU can live happily all his life by relying on these games. 】

[What are you thinking, YU needs to live on these games?What book of his can't make him happy all his life?And he is a shareholder of Deep Space. 】

[Compared with the game section, I am still more optimistic about Dongdong, Deep Space Tribe and PayPal, which will be the sharp tools for making money in the future. 】

[It goes without saying that Dongdong is already the instant messaging software with the most users in the world. This software alone is already able to hit the game section, and there is no need for Deep Space Tribe and PayPal to intervene. 】

[The Internet industry still has risks. In my opinion, BenQ Dentsu has the best prospects. How good are BenQ mobile phones? 】

[Doesn't it mean that Ji Mobile is still losing money? 】

[A loss is a loss, a prospect is a prospect, a loss is due to high investment, and there will be a harvest day sooner or later. 】


Jimmy finished talking about movies, and then started talking about TV series, variety shows, and music...

After talking about all the business, he said with a smile, "Before I wanted to list less boring data, but later I found that it is simpler and more direct to list data. But there are many things that cannot be reflected in the data. , Next, I will tell you something other than data." (End of this chapter)

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