Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1007 Two New Games and Online Games

Chapter 1007 Two New Games and Online Games
In fact, Jimmy does not think that there is anything in this world that cannot be reflected by data. Everything the company operates can be reflected by data. If the data cannot be reflected, it can only be said that the data is not accurate or detailed enough.

The reason why Jimmy said this is because some data cannot be told to others.

Next, Jimmy talked about some problems encountered in the company's operation, as well as the company's business strategy and adjustments in the implementation process.

After everything about the company's management was finished, Jimmy put down the document in his hand and said with a smile, "The past is almost the same, let's talk about the future, now you can use your applause to invite Yudong to come up." , I think you should have been waiting for a long time."

After he finished speaking, there was loud applause from below. Yu Dong was waiting at the side of the stage just now. When the applause sounded, he lifted his feet and walked onto the stage.

After Yu Dong came on stage, Jimmy didn't leave, and the staff handed Yu Dong another microphone.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yu Dong. Next, I will come with Mr. Ji to tell you about our deep space company's plan in 2002. We will try our best to take care of everything. I can only say sorry."

Jimmy said with a smile, "Where do you want to start?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's start with what everyone cares about the most."

"Oh? What is everyone most concerned about?"

Yu Dong raised his hand, and a fan-shaped picture appeared on the big screen behind them, "According to the polls on the Internet, what netizens are most concerned about is which movies our company will release next year, and 30.00% of them five Netizens voted for this one."

Jimmy laughed, "That's all? In fact, many people should know which movies our company will release next year. "Source Code" has been delayed for a year, and it will definitely be released in the new year. "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Spider-Man" "These two are basically settled, and the other one is "X-Men", oh, and "Heartbeat."

In fact, the two films "Source Code" and "Heartbeat" were supposed to meet the audience in 2001 according to the plan, but after the filming was completed, many things happened again, which caused the two films to skip tickets It can only be postponed later.

The movie skipped tickets, and the original novel of the movie naturally skipped tickets. Many fans were quite resentful. At the end of December, these fans complained under the official tribe of Deep Space Company. Why are they all at the end of the year? "Source Code "Neither "Pounding Heart" was released... Although Deep Space had said before that it would be postponed, fans didn't listen at all.

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Aren't "Pounding Heartbeat" and "Source Code" both movies that will be released in 2001, but now they are included in the 2002 plan. This is a bit confusing to the audience."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the audience watching the live broadcast nodded frantically.

[My God, Yu understands us, shouldn't this be a debt repayment, how can it be counted in the 2002 plan, it's not bad if I don't continue to get angry with you. 】

[If you remove these two movies, there are not many movies left. 】

[Your requirements are too high, "Spider-Man" and "X-Men" can't satisfy you, and there is "Pirates of the Caribbean", anyway, I have already satisfied. 】

[I have a hunch that the 2002 box office will still be dominated by Deep Space. 】

[Will you give other movie companies a living? 】

[Warner: I have no objection, anyway, we collaborated with Deep Space on "Harry Potter". 】

[Disney: I have no objection either, we have "Pirates of the Caribbean". 】

【Twentieth Century Fox: ...】

[I heard that the X-Men is also cooperating with Disney this time, and Disney won. 】

[You guys are so naive, maybe these movies will also skip tickets this year, I don’t believe it until the release date is announced. 】

【Me too, maybe the ticket will be skipped again. I heard that there are many movies in deep space that are being planned. No one knows if other movies will be released first. 】

[It's not just planning, they have several films that have already been filmed and may be released at any time. 】

[That doesn't matter, as long as there is a movie to watch, it doesn't matter which one it is. 】

[It doesn't matter, "Pounding Heartbeat" and "Source Code" both have novels published at the same time. If the tickets are delayed, the novels will also be delayed, and we will suffer. 】

[Oh yes, forget about this, then "Pounding Heart" and "Source Code" come out soon. 】

【No more this year, I'm going to the state court to sue you. 】


On the stage at this time, Jimmy said with a smile, "In addition to these few movies, there are also a series of wonderful movies this year such as "A Game of Cat and Mouse" and "The End of Happiness". Oh, yes, "Lord of the Rings 2" "It is very likely that I will meet you at the end of the year."

When the audience heard "A Game of Cat and Mouse" and "The End of Happiness", they didn't react much, but when they heard that "Lord of the Rings 2" was coming out, they were all excited.

【So fast?It's amazing. 】

[Yeah, I just finished watching the movie two days ago, is the second part coming soon? 】

[A movie with such a big scene can come out so soon? 】

[It should have been filmed, and it is now in post-production. 】

[That's right, this movie is a trilogy, and it was shot in one go, and now only the post-production work is left. 】

[Trilogy, amazing. 】

【Harry Potter, where is the follow-up? I still want to watch Harry Potter. 】

【Harry Potter doesn't know, maybe not so fast. 】

[I feel that it is coming soon, because Warner has been promoting the second part some time ago, and I even saw the poster of the second part. 】

[The poster of the second part, it's impossible, right? 】

[The poster of the second part is easier to make, anyway, the actors are the same. 】

[Oh, don't change actors, I love Lily to death. 】

[I used to be a fan of Phil, but now I am a fan of Lily. 】

[Who is Phil?Why mention him? 】

【Phil Collins, top singer, Lily's father, don't you know about this? 】

[I don’t know, Phil must be a handsome guy, Lily is so pretty. 】

[It is recommended that you do not search for his current photos. 】

[I just searched... Lily must be like her mother. 】

[I have inside information, Harry Potter 2 may also be released at the end of this year, and it has already been filmed. 】

[Four novels have been published, and the movies should hurry up to catch up. 】

[I am more concerned about how many more Harry Potter novels are left. When will the next one be released? 】

[I heard that it will be released next year, I don't know if it is true or not. 】

[It's true, I'm Rowling's pen. 】

[I also proved it is true, I am the table of Rowling's family. 】


Jimmy seemed to know what the audience was thinking, and then added, "Of course, the second part of "Harry Potter" may also meet you at the end of the year. In addition to these few movies, our company is in 2002 There are still many excellent works that will meet with you this year. If there is no accident, there will be more than [-]. Of course, not every movie will be released globally. However, even those movies that cannot be released globally, you can Stay informed through our company website, and our official tribes will also be updated."

Yu Dong nodded, "According to the votes of netizens, besides movies, what everyone wants to know most is news related to games. 20.00% of the netizens voted for this item. Let me talk about this matter." Right. As you all know, Xueleshan has just released a new game "My World", which is now selling well on the space platform. "My World" will be our key development game in 2002. You can pay more attention to it, and it will be There are many activities related to the game, including the Game Architecture Grand Prix announced when the game was released. Of course, I know that everyone must want to know whether there will be new games released in 2002, and the answer is yes.”

Jimmy joked, "Wouldn't it be "Lianliankan 3" or "Xiaoxiaole 2"?"

"Of course "Lianliankan 3" and "Xiaoxiaole 2" will also be released, but today I'm going to talk about two new games."

Jimmy pretended to be surprised, "Are there two types?"

Yu Dong nodded, "The first one is "Warcraft 3."

""Warcraft 3"? Isn't that also a sequel, what can I say?"

Jimmy’s words are also what the audience wants to ask. It’s just the sequel of "Warcraft". I've played them all, and it's not really a new game.

["Warcraft 3", there is nothing to look forward to. 】

[I'm still looking forward to it. The graphics of "Warcraft 2" are already lagging behind, so it should be updated. 】

[Well, it's been almost six years since "The Gate of Darkness", right? 】

[Anyway, I really like playing "Warcraft", and I hope this game will become better and better. 】

[It has nothing to do with me, I only play "StarCraft". 】


"Although it is a sequel, the new generation of "Warcraft" will be very different from the previous generation. Not only the game screen will be upgraded, but the entire gameplay will be greatly changed. After today's annual meeting, Blizzard If you are interested, you can check it out. If everyone likes this game, maybe you will see the "Warcraft" project in this year's WCG competition."

Without waiting for Jimmy to speak, Yu Dong continued, "There may be another game released in 2002. This game is also related to "Warcraft", but it is completely different. The name of this game is "dota". More players are needed, and a game requires ten players. Therefore, compared to other games, the game "dota" takes both competitive and social aspects into account."

Yu Dong's words seemed to answer the question, but in fact it raised more questions. Now many netizens are asking what is the difference between the two games.

It's a pity that today is not the press conference of these two games. The purpose of Yu Dong's mention of these two games is also to arouse everyone's attention and curiosity, and let them pay attention to these two games.

Therefore, when it came to this, he didn't continue to talk about these two games, and of course Jimmy didn't ask further.

At this time, Yu Dong changed the subject and said, "Speaking of sociality, I think the sociability of online games is incomparable. In recent years, there have been many massively multiplayer online role-playing games in China. The performance is very good. We are not far behind and hope to release an online game. Therefore, next, Blizzard will develop an online game. This online game will take the plot of "Warcraft" as the historical background and rely on " The historical events and heroes of Warcraft."

The online game Yu Dong mentioned is "World of Warcraft". In fact, Blizzard has been developing "World of Warcraft". Almost there.

When Mike Mohan was working on "Warcraft 3", he had the idea of ​​making an online game version of "Warcraft", but at that time "Warcraft 3" was still in an important stage of development, and they didn't have the time and energy to do it. Make an online game version.

After chatting with Yu Dong at that time, Mike Mohan accelerated the progress of this matter, and started to develop it after returning home.

The point is that after Deep Space Corporation took over, Blizzard's financial situation and office politics are much better, and many things can be done freely.

No matter who managed them before, they always hoped to get some money from them, and would dictate their development. Many of Mike Mohan's ideas could not be implemented.

But Deep Space Corporation doesn't seem to care whether they can bring income to the group in a short period of time. Not only does it not want to get money from them, but it also actively encourages them to invest money in new plans.

And after following the Deep Space Company, Blizzard's games will be promoted more, and the profits will naturally become more.

With more income and fewer submissions, the company's development speed will naturally increase.

In addition, Deep Space can provide more resources for Blizzard to call. Deep Space has a top special effects team, screenwriter team, and design team. These technical strengths can be used in game development to speed up game development.

Others don’t know that Blizzard has been secretly developing “World of Warcraft” for a long time, and they think they are just planning to do this, and they don’t pay much attention to it. Many people even feel that it’s too late to start doing this now , because there are many popular online games coming out now.

It takes a lot of time to make a large-scale online game. Even if Blizzard starts to make it now, will it be possible to make the game in three or four years?Three or four years is not enough. If there is any trouble, it may take seven or eight years to develop a game. The key point is that Blizzard has no experience in making online games, so it may not be good.

Many people didn't realize what Yu Dong's words today represented in the online game industry.

(End of this chapter)

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