Chapter 1008
The guests at the scene were not very interested in online games, but the ordinary audience in front of the TV and computers were very interested in it, so they would not consider whether it was too late for Deep Space Corporation to make online games at this time, they just I know that products produced by deep space must be high-quality products.

Especially the players of "Warcraft", they are already imagining what it will be like to turn "Warcraft" into an online game.

[I don't know if the background will change, but I still like the background story of "Warcraft" very much. 】

[Yeah, I hope there will be time in the future to make "Warcraft" into a movie. 】

[Haha, those who want to watch movies should pay attention. I heard that in June, Jay Chou has a song that lasts more than ten minutes. The mv is the scene of "Warcraft". 】

[That should be a collection of some game screens, I don't think it's worth seeing. 】

[You are wrong, the director of this mv is LVX. 】

[Just ask if you don’t understand, who is lvx? 】

[lvx's Chinese name is Lu Xi, he is a student of YU, and the assistant director of "The Martian", but he is a real director with a professional background. 】

[His first work is the short film "Bring Her Eyes", which is very beautiful, and won the prize of the Deep Space Short Film Festival. 】

[I've watched lvx's short film collection, it's very powerful, if the mv is really filmed by him, we can look forward to it. 】

[Of course you can look forward to it, and the script was written by lvx himself. 】

[Ten minutes is still a bit short, it would be nice if there was an hour. 】

[You are crazy, the mv of a song takes more than an hour, how is it possible, ten minutes is already very long. 】

[Haha, just kidding, I hope the mv will look good. 】

【Jaychou will come to our London concert next month, but unfortunately we didn't get a ticket. 】

[You bought it too late. When the tickets started to go on sale, many people had already bought tickets at the box office. 】

【It was only later that I learned that Ticket Office released tickets so early and so many. 】

【Haha, I have two tickets, but I want to go see it with my boyfriend. 】

[I bought it late, I thought he was coming to London for a concert, and there weren't many people going to see it. 】

[Not many... He can sell a few more shows, people are really crazy. 】

[A lot of people from France, Germany, and Italy came to grab tickets from us, which makes people angry! 】

[He came to Paris for a concert before, didn't a bunch of British guys come to grab our place? 】



After talking about the game, Yu Dong and the others talked about other industries in Deep Space, including PayPal payment,, Amazon, pets and other industries.

In the end, they talked about BenQ Mobile.

"BenQ Mobile's new product launch event will be held on March [-]th. At that time, you can pay attention to this year's new products. There will definitely be surprises."

After warming up for the new product launch, Yu Dong continued, "Before the new product launch, the BenQ store will also have a relatively large update. In addition to making some changes to the page, this update will also add some New kinetic energy. In addition, I would like to tell you a piece of news that our Deep Space Group will cooperate with Motorola to develop an electronic music store software for them that is the same as the BenQ store. Within three months, the Motorola store will be able to match the Let's meet."

In fact, Yu Dong did not intend to announce this news today, because the cooperation between them and Motorola has just been negotiated, but Motorola is in a hurry.

The reason why Chris Calvin wants to reach this cooperation with Deep Space Corporation is to win some bargaining chips for himself to stay in the company, so for him, the sooner the news of the cooperation between the two parties spreads, the faster it spreads. The wider the better, in Chris Calvin's view, there is no better opportunity than the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

It was also because of this that Colvin came in such a hurry before.

Yu Dong also agreed to Chris Calvin's request. After all, in this cooperation, Deep Space is the one that takes advantage, and Motorola's offer is very good.

And Chris Calvin's prediction was also very correct. When Yu Dong said that Deep Space Company was going to build a music store for Motorola, the whole auditorium became lively.

In the eyes of most people, the cooperation between Deep Space and Motorola is more like a signal to the outside world, especially in this period, when everyone is more sensitive to such things.

Before the development of Deep Space Corporation, the cooperation between them and Motorola was very close.

The cooperation between the two parties began with the movie "Second World". At that time, Motorola bought many of Yu Dong's designs. Later, Deep Space Company also designed several popular models for Motorola, consolidating Motorola's status in the world.

But as the development of Deep Space Company got better and better, and its business became wider and wider, Deep Space Company and Motorola went further and further, and even became rivals.

But now, the two sides are suddenly going to join hands again, which is naturally beyond the expectations of many people.

Especially those who were paying attention to other mobile phone manufacturers at the Deep Space Annual Conference, their hearts sank when they heard what Yu Dong said. The cooperation between Deep Space and Motorola is not a good thing for other mobile phone manufacturers.

And what Yu Dong said next made their hearts sink even deeper.

"All the functions available in the BenQ store will also be available in the Motorola store, and the copyrights of the two stores will be fully shared. Songs purchased in the BenQ store can also be purchased in the Motorola store, including the live songs of the players in "Pop Idol" , and users can also vote for their favorite players in the Motorola store."

In fact, the BenQ store is basically the same as the Motorola store, except that the name has been changed, and the appearance of the homepage will also be changed briefly, so that the user experience is basically the same.

But after all, it is two kinds of software, and the things purchased in the two stores cannot be used universally.

In fact, Yu Dong has already thought about it. In the future, Motorola will not cooperate with Shenkong Company. Shenkong can also give Motorola a trick to get rid of the salary, and directly let Motorola users transfer to BenQ for free. BenQ Store is still available.

Spielberg in the audience looked at Li Kunyao next to him, and said with a smile, "You have done a big thing quietly, now Nokia and Ericsson are going to get nervous."

Li Kunyao said with a smile, "Isn't it just a small cooperation, so it won't make them nervous."

"I dare say that the mobile phone companies will hold emergency meetings at dawn. I have to say that Chris Calvin's move is really good. Some time ago, I heard that Chris Calvin's position was not guaranteed. Now it seems that he should be able to keep it for a while, and with this wave of cooperation with you, there will be no problem with his position for at least a year."

Li Kunyao was not surprised that Spielberg was so interested in business, and it was not the first time they had contacted each other, so Li Kunyao knew that Spielberg was a very business-minded person.

"Chris Calvin is also betting that cooperating with our company may not be able to stop Motorola's current decline."

Spielberg nodded, "With this level of cooperation, there is no way to save Motorola. Their company has many problems, and it is very difficult to change them, unless you both carry out deeper cooperation, especially in semiconductors. , if you can help save them again, it’s still possible.”

Li Kunyao smiled, "Take your time."

He knew that Deep Space would never have more in-depth cooperation with Motorola, but in the face of Spielberg's inquiries, he was unwilling to reveal too much.

Spielberg didn't care, and said with a smile, "Remember to give me a new generation of BenQ mobile phone later, so I can feel it."

"No problem, I'll send you a few copies in a while."


Regarding the cooperation between Deep Space and Motorola, netizens are more intense, especially those Motorola users.

【Thank goodness, Motorola's managers finally made the right decision. I've been coveting BenQ stores for a long time. 】

[Excuse me, after the Motorola store is launched, can all Motorola mobile phones be connected? 】

[It shouldn't work, the old mobile phone can't connect either. 】

[A new mobile phone is also good, I just want to change my mobile phone. 】

[Why don't you just change your phone to a BenQ S2? 】

[I'm used to using Motorola, I don't want to change to other mobile phones, it's an old brand after all. 】

[BenQ phones are too trendy and not suitable for us. 】

[BenQ mobile phone stores are still not as many as those old brands such as Motorola. 】

[Yes, Motorola's accessories are at least a little bit easier to buy, and they are everywhere. 】

[It doesn't matter, as more and more users of BenQ mobile phones will become more and more convenient in this regard. 】

[Then I will buy it when it is really convenient. 】

【Haha, I can finally vote for my favorite player. I was still hesitating whether to buy a BenQ phone some time ago. 】

[I already bought it, but the phone works really well. 】

[It would be great if the songs of the two softwares can be used in common, so I don’t have to worry about changing phones in the future. 】

【I’m a Nokia mobile phone. Recently, I’m considering whether to change my mobile phone. Because I really want to listen to music, I’m considering whether to buy a BenQ mobile phone. Now it seems that I can also consider Motorola. 】

[I hope that there will be more cooperation between the two parties, which is a good thing for our users. 】

[Can Nokia cooperate with Deep Space to build a Nokia store? 】

[Why are there so many stores? I think it’s better to add all mobile phones to the BenQ store, so that everyone can listen to music. 】

[Haha, other phones definitely won't do it. 】


Chris Calvin watched Yu Dong on TV, raised his red wine glass in the air, and waited for this moment, he didn't sleep all night, and almost finished a bottle of red wine.

Now, those people on the company's board of directors should not put pressure on him anymore, at least a few months' delay is no problem.

Chris Calvin's next step is to acquire Huawei to increase the technology of their company's core network. He has already sent someone to contact Huawei, but the other party did not directly reject it, but proposed an unreasonable price of 95 billion dollars.

The price is too outrageous, of course, Motorola can not agree.

And even if they can really agree to such an outrageous price, there is no way to pay it. Huawei is not a listed company, so it cannot be traded in the form of stock replacement, and can only pay in cash. That is 95 billion US dollars in cash. How can Motorola make up for it now? out.

Looking around the world, there are not many companies that can make up $95 billion in a short period of time.

So now Chris Calvin is also waiting, waiting for a turnaround. If there is no turnaround after half a year, he may change his target and find another company.


At this time, Ren Zhengfei, the boss of Huawei, was also paying attention to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. When he saw Yu Dong announcing that he would cooperate with Motorola, he narrowed his eyes. Apart from a slight surprise, his eyes were neither happy nor happy. No worries.

Motorola sent people to contact him, hoping to acquire Huawei, and he also opened his mouth and asked the other party for 95 billion US dollars. Maybe the other party thought he didn't want to sell it, so he didn't contact him for a while.

But in fact, he really wanted to sell, but he just asked the price first and waited for the other party to pay back the money.

Many people may not have imagined that he would actually sell Huawei, but in fact, the "Huawei Winter" he spoke at the company's internal meeting eleven months ago has already explained the problem.

People may wonder, Huawei is now clearly spring and summer, how could it be winter? They only achieved sales of more than 220 billion this year and a profit of 29 billion, which can be described as booming.

But Ren Zhengfei knows that the immediate victory is only temporary, and Huawei's future is still at a loss, which stems from the company's successive strategic mistakes.

Huawei established the terminal project in 1994, and rose to the terminal business department in 1996. It developed a series of products such as telephones, cordless telephones, telephones with recording functions, etc., but all ended in failure.

The so-called fear of well ropes once bitten by a snake for ten years, since then Ren Zhengfei has vowed that Huawei will never engage in terminals again.

In 1997, the Ministry of Information Industry took the initiative to invite Huawei to do mobile phone business, and even issued them a mobile phone license, which many companies wanted but could not get, but Huawei refused.

But now, the Chinese mobile phone market is booming, especially BenQ Mobile, which suddenly ran out like a super dark horse. Last year, the sales of BenQ S1 alone reached 23 billion US dollars, which does not include the sales of BenQ stores.

Even if you don’t explain the dark horse of Base Mobile, just talk about TCL, they only use OEM production and licensing. In 2001, their sales in the mobile phone market reached 90 billion yuan, and the profit was close to 15 billion, which was equal to Huawei’s profit. half.

Although some other domestic mobile phone manufacturers are not as good as TCL and BenQ, they are also developing very well, which makes Ren Zhengfei feel regretful. If they are only in urgent need of terminals, they will naturally have a piece of the huge market now.

(End of this chapter)

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