Huawei's main business has always been switches, and the customers for switches are actually B-ends, that is, various enterprise users, and the purchasers are basically big customers.

Huawei used to deal with corporate customers, and its usual marketing activities revolved around big customers. However, terminal business such as mobile phones is aimed at individual consumers.

The number of individual consumers is huge, and the quantity of each order is relatively small.

In the past, when Huawei was doing marketing, it basically focused on corporate customers, mainly to maintain customer relationships.However, in the mobile phone business, it is impossible to maintain customer relationships as before when doing marketing. What is more important is to invest in advertising and build brand effects. Huawei’s team has little experience in this regard. Things can't be sold.

Missing the mobile phone market, in addition to making less money, also caused Huawei to encounter some resistance in the development of its own technology.

When Huawei tested wcdma 3g system equipment, because there was no corresponding model on the market, the test of network equipment was very passive. In order to meet the test, Huawei even used a computer to make a virtual 3g mobile phone. The mobile phone runs the protocol and conducts the test of the 3G base station.

In 2000, Huawei established Yumeng Communications with Panasonic, nec and other companies. They wanted to exchange technology through the market. They hoped to obtain terminal technology from Neon manufacturers.

But the dream is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. How can the Neon people be so kind? They want the market, but they are not willing to invest their core technology in the joint venture company. Investment was also in vain.

Ren Zhengfei's main energy is actually on the gsm business, so they also missed the cdma and PHS business, but Ren Zhengfei believes that China Telecom and China Unicom will use gsm, but China Telecom chose PHS, and China Unicom chose cdma.

The development of Huawei's gsm business is also very difficult. Ren Zhengfei did not expect that the price reduction of gsm equipment in Europe is so outrageous.

Ren Zhengfei's idea is to unite Europe to fight against the United States, but manufacturers such as Ericsson, in order to fight against the cdma technology of the United States, deliberately use ultra-low prices to expand market share.

In order to fight a price war, Huawei can't beat manufacturers such as Ericsson and Nokia, because Ericsson can use the profits from mobile phones to make up for the loss of network equipment, but Huawei does not have a mobile phone business.

Europe has accumulated 20 years of GSM technology in the past, and Huawei is simply unable to fight the price war.

The current domestic market is also very loose, and there are no restrictions on foreign investment. As long as you set up factories in China, you can get the same treatment in China. Therefore, Ericsson and Nokia have set up factories in China. In this way, Huawei can only operate in some remote areas. The layout in rural areas cannot enter the mainstream market in big cities.

Ren Zhengfei knows that the current Huawei is booming, but they are walking on thin ice every step of the way, and they may fall to the bottom of the lake at any time. They have missed many good opportunities in the past few years.

During this period, he felt for the first time that he was an old man who was almost 60 years old, and his hair was getting more and more gray.

Watching Yu Dong on TV, Ren Zhengfei sighed slightly. He couldn't predict how Shenkong's re-cooperation with Motorola would affect Motorola's acquisition of them.

The live broadcast of the annual meeting was not over yet. Ren Zhengfei turned off the TV, turned around and walked back to his desk. He has been delayed for too long today and still has a lot of work to do.


A few hours later, Ren Zhengfei received a call suddenly, and after talking to the other end of the phone, he put down the phone with a frown.

The call just now was from the administration department. The administration department reported to him that Cisco contacted him. Next week, they will send someone to Pengcheng to negotiate with them on IP intellectual property issues.

Ren Zhengfei was not particularly surprised by this, because there were rumors that Cisco was very dissatisfied with Huawei's low price in the United States to steal their market, and believed that Huawei had infringed their intellectual property rights, and some even said that Cisco would sue Huawei.

What should come is still here, and now they have to face this matter formally.

Will Cisco Sue Huawei?Ren Zhengfei thinks that the possibility is not high. At most, the two parties need to communicate and coordinate after meeting. Even if there are some problems, they can be dealt with flexibly.

In Ren Zhengfei's view, it is definitely impossible for Cisco to sue. Doing so will only consume each other's time and energy.


On Jinling's side, the annual meeting is over, halfway through the dinner, Yu Dong is chatting with Colvin from Motorola.

"The news of the cooperation has been announced as you wish, so hurry up and make the phone, don't waste time."

Colvin is of course very happy that things have progressed like this. He raised his glass and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Boss Yu, we are even more anxious than you, and we will have a press conference next month."

Yu Dong nodded. In fact, what Motorola has to do is not very troublesome. They only need to make some modifications on the original model so that the mobile phone can be connected to the Motorola store.

"You guys have caught up with the good times too. "Pop Idol" will be entering the final stage after a while."

Colvin smiled, they came here on purpose.

Not only "Pop Idol", but the same program "American Idol" is also in a mess. Recently, "Pop Idol" is about to enter the finals, and the city competition of "American Idol" is about to end. After a while, The canvassing of the competition will be very crazy, and the popularity of the BenQ store will also be very crazy.

Next, there will be a series of programs such as "Dutch Idol", "Spanish Idol", which will make their users all over the world want to participate in it.

Also, in May and June, a large number of singers will release new songs, which will also drive sales in music stores.

"We can sponsor the next season of American Idol," Colvin said with a smile.

Before coming, Chris Calvin told Colvin about this and asked him to mention the sponsorship with Yu Dong and the others when he came over.

Jimmy smiled beside him, "I have a new variety show to recommend to you."

Colvin asked suspiciously, "Are you talking about "Talent Show"? Hasn't this show already signed up? Haven't the sponsorship been completed yet?"

Jimmy shook his head, ""The Got Talent" is about to start filming, of course the sponsorship has already been arranged, I'm talking about another show that we are preparing, it has something to do with entrepreneurship, if you are interested, look for someone later You can talk to Canxing when you have time."

Deep Space Company has recently been preparing two variety shows related to entrepreneurship, which imitate "The Apprentice" and "Win in China" respectively, and Jimmy is talking about the imitation of "Win in China".

The name of this program has been determined to be "The Last Winner". The program is divided into eight stages. The first stage is the audition. The competition committee will select a certain number of contestants from the registered contestant database to enter the interview session. As for The number depends on the final number of applicants, but the upper limit is [-].

The second stage is the interview. The judging committee will select about [-] contestants from [-] contestants to enter the next stage.

The third stage is the preliminary competition. At that time, 32 contestants will be selected through the economic training camp, and four Internet popular contestants will enter the next stage together.

The fourth stage is the rematch. Ten contestants and two popular contestants enter the final stage. After that, the finals will go to five out of twelve, two out of five, and the finals.

After a while, registration for this program will start, because the program is open to the whole world, and the rewards are very generous, so Jimmy and the others are not worried that the number of applicants will be low at all.

Originally, Jimmy was considering sponsorship, but now Colvin said that he would sponsor "American Idol", just giving them a chance.As for another competition that imitates "The Apprentice", Yunchi or BenQ can sponsor it at that time.

Colvin nodded and said, "No problem, I'll go to Fowler in a while and talk to him about the sponsorship."

"Be careful when you approach him, he is very bold in asking for sponsorship fees."

"Haha, I'm mentally prepared, and a good program deserves more sponsorship fees."

"It's good to be mentally prepared. Xingcan is very serious about this show. If you can become sponsors, it will be your blessing." Jimmy smiled, and then said, "Oh, yes, I heard Is there such a thing as saying that you want to acquire Huawei recently?"

Colvin couldn't help but glanced at Yu Dong, and then said with a smile, "We just pay attention to them. As for whether to buy them, I don't know. I'm afraid I'm going to ask Chris, but you, Deep Space, seem to care a lot. This matter."

Jimmy smiled and said, "A transaction worth tens of billions of dollars not only pays attention to us, but also Huawei is a Chinese company, right in front of our eyes, it's hard not to pay attention. Huang Renxun from Nvidia saw me just now When it comes to this matter, he even suspects that we are also involved. After all, we just announced the cooperation with you. You said, in this case, can I not pay attention? If we don’t pay attention, others think we are involved, then we Definitely something to keep an eye on.”

Colvin did not doubt the authenticity of what Jimmy said. It is normal for Huang Renxun to pay attention to this matter. He can only say that there are internal problems in their company. Some things spread so quickly. The acquisition of Huawei has not yet been written off. The whole world knows about this.

Confidentiality can lead to harm. Colvin has worked and lived in China for so many years, so he naturally knows this proverb, so when he saw the news of the acquisition flying all over the sky, he had a bad feeling. He always felt that the acquisition was not good enough. possible.

The attitude of Deep Space Corporation is also very strange, and it seems that they don't want them to complete this acquisition.

The attitude of Deep Space Company can directly affect this acquisition.

If Deep Space really wants to get involved in this acquisition, then their Motorola basically has no hope.

First of all, they are inferior to Deep Space Corporation in terms of cash. In this world, there are not many companies that can raise billions of dollars at once, and Deep Space Corporation is one of them. Nowadays, Deep Space Corporation is under pressure every quarter. The sum of payments to the downstream reaches 30 billion U.S. dollars.

In addition, Deep Space Company has a strong Chinese background after all, and it is easier to talk to Huawei. Maybe the negotiated price can be lower, or it can negotiate with Huawei for installment payment, and then Deep Space Company will have no pressure.

More importantly, the leadership of Deep Space Corporation is relatively simple, no matter how big it is, basically as long as Jimmy and Yu Dong agree, it will be fine, but Motorola is different, Chris Calvin can't do it alone People decide this matter, maybe it will be a waste of work in the end.

Thinking of this, Colvin also made up his mind that he will report this matter to Chris Calvin when he returns tonight, so that he can make an early plan.

In Colvin's view, if Deep Space really wanted Huawei, Motorola would just let it go. Anyway, they can't grab it, and if they let go early, they can sell their favor to Deep Space.Don't wait until that time, you didn't rob Huawei, and you ended up offending Deep Space Corporation.

Now that they have just reconnected with the Deep Space Corporation, it is completely unnecessary to mess up the relationship because of this matter.

However, the premise is that Deep Space is indeed interested in Huawei. If Deep Space is not interested in Huawei, then naturally it doesn't matter.

"Actually, I think that Huawei is a good match for your deep space company. If you can take Huawei down, your business will be more comprehensive, and Huawei can also provide good services for BenQ Dentsu. Your company is not Have you always wanted to improve China's Internet speed, and with Huawei, you can better achieve your goals."

Yu Dong squinted and smiled, of course he knew that Colvin was trying to test their ideas, he shook his head and said, "We really want what you said, but we don't need to buy Huawei, we just need to cooperate with them Yes. Besides, there are many companies we can cooperate with, such as Cisco is also a good choice, isn’t it? There are also Nokia and Ericsson, they all have what we need.”

Hearing Nokia and Ericsson, Colvin squinted his eyes. Yu Dong's words seemed unintentional, but they seemed to be reminding him of something.

"That's right, that's right, there are always a lot of options for deep space. We Motorola are also very happy to be one of the choices for deep space, and we hope that we can always be the choice for deep space. Chris also called me in the morning. Call, let me tell you that besides the current cooperation, I hope that the two of us can have more cooperation in the future. If there is anything in deep space that requires the cooperation of our company, we will definitely do our best to cooperate."

Jimmy smiled and said, "In business, you can't say who cooperates with whom unilaterally. We can only go on because of mutual benefit." (End of this chapter)

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