Chapter 101
The three of them ate something casually near the train station, then went to the hotel first, and after a little refreshment, the three of them rushed to Ditan Park, where Yu Hua and Shi Tiesheng were waiting for them.

Shi Tiesheng used to live in the depths of the alley. Later, considering his inconvenient travel, the street transferred him to a bungalow facing the street. From his house, he could see the south gate of Ditan Park.

At this time, Shi Tiesheng was already well-known, and many people knew about his situation and came to see him specially. He was very disturbed, but he couldn't refuse, so he would often go to the altar to hide.

When Yu Dong saw Shi Tiesheng and Yu Hua, they were reading newspapers under the big cypress tree in the southeast corner of the park.

Shi Tiesheng was sitting in a wheelchair, and Yu Hua was sitting on the stone steps opposite him, with a cigarette in their hands.

Ditan Park is not far from Yan Normal University, but Yu Dong seldom comes here. The main reason is that there is nothing to see here now. It looks like an unmanaged wild land, and few people come here to play. Most of them pass here to take a shortcut.

Mo Yan walked up behind Shi Tiesheng with a smile, put his hands on his shoulders, and stretched his head to look: "What are you looking at?"

Facing the sudden appearance of Mo Yan, Shi Tiesheng was not frightened at all. He smiled and turned the wheelchair and turned around.

"Su Tong, you are here."

Yu Hua also put down the magazine in her hand, stood up and looked at Su Tong and the others.

"Didn't you say you'll be there in the morning?" Yu Hua asked.

Su Tong replied with a smile, "I didn't let me drive the train, otherwise I would have arrived in the morning."

Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong again: "Who is this?"

"My junior brother, Yu Dong."

Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong with an exaggerated expression: "This doesn't look like a lesbian either."

Before Su Tong told Yu Hua that Yu Dong was a woman, but Yu Hua didn't believe it. Now that he saw the real person, he couldn't help but tease him.

Mo Yan didn't know the story, so he asked suspiciously, "What lesbian?"

Yu Hua told the story of Su Tong lying to him at that time again, and then said bitterly: "I just said that this guy Su Tong didn't tell the truth."

After speaking, he walked up to Yu Dong again, smiled at him and said, "I am Yu Hua, and he is Shi Tiesheng."

Yu Hua and Shi Tiesheng give people a very different impression, the former is direct and sharp, while the latter is generous and restrained.

Of course, the difference between them was not only caused by a wheelchair, the age difference between the two was also nearly ten years.

Among the few present, Shi Tiesheng was the oldest, in his early forties, followed by 37-year-old Mo Yan.Su Tong 29, Yu Hua 32.

After getting to know each other, the four of Yu Dong and the others sat in a row on the stone steps, facing Shi Tiesheng face to face.

After sitting down, the four elder brothers each had a cigarette in their hands, which seemed out of place in Yu Dong.However, all four of them agreed with Yu Dong not smoking.While talking about how bad cigarettes are, they couldn't help but want to smoke.

Several people chatted casually, Shi Tiesheng was still looking at the publications in his hand, and occasionally said a few words when he heard something interesting.

Although he has been sitting in a wheelchair all year round, Shi Tiesheng does not look weak. Instead, because he has to move the wheelchair frequently, his upper limbs appear strong.His hands are broad and powerful, and the cigarette held between his fingers looks extremely secure.

He also has a habit of smoking. After taking a few puffs, he presses on the car pipe to extinguish the cigarette, and then lights it up again after a while.

Among them, Mo Yan was the one who talked the most. He looked simple and honest, but when talking about it, the others had no choice but to bow down.He has worked as a political instructor and propaganda officer, so it is reasonable to be able to say a little bit.

Although Yu Hua doesn't talk much, but a sentence that comes out of nowhere often hits the point.

After chatting for a while, Yu Hua suddenly suggested, "Let's just sit around, it's so boring, let's go play football."

Yu Dong froze when he heard his words, then looked at Shi Tiesheng, thinking that Yu Hua's proposal was a bit ill-considered.

But what Yu Dong never expected was that Shi Tiesheng was the first to respond after Yu Hua made this suggestion.

Shi Tiesheng clapped his big hand on the armrest of the wheelchair: "Let's go, let's go to Yanshi University, you are all familiar with it."

Just do it, Yu Hua pushed Shi Tiesheng, and several people rushed towards Yan Normal University.

After arriving at Yan Normal University, some students were playing in the playground.

Mo Yan, who often works as a trainer, did his part and went to negotiate with the students on behalf of a few of them.

He also issued a military order: "Don't worry, I will definitely have no problem going out."

The students negotiating with Mo Yan were reluctant to see Shi Tiesheng sitting in a wheelchair from a distance, but suddenly someone saw Yu Dong and ran over excitedly: "Senior, why are you back?"

Yu Dong looked at the young man in front of him, but couldn't remember who he was for a while.

Seeing Yu Dong's puzzled expression, the young man smiled and said, "Senior, I'm Zhang Hong, a junior in our Chinese Department. We met several times in Teacher Hu's office before."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong was somewhat impressed, and replied with a smile: "I came back to participate in an event, and I just wanted to play football with my friends."

"No problem." Zhang Hong patted his chest and said, "I'll arrange it."

After Zhang Hong finished speaking, he waved to the students on the field: "Come on, let's add a few people."

Seeing this situation, Mo Yan ran back in disgrace. Yu Hua pushed him back, "Haha, your clever mouth is not as effective as Yu Dong's face."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I'm lucky, I happen to have a junior I know."

After Zhang Hong arranged the matter, he brought the group of students over and introduced them proudly: "The boss of our Chinese department, Senior Yu Dong."

When Yu Dong heard this, he didn't dare to respond, and quickly pointed to several other people and said, "These are the big bosses."

Then, Su Tong and the others were introduced one by one.

After listening to Yu Dong's introduction, all the students were dumbfounded.

Hey boy, what day is it today, why are these big bosses gathered here?
The student who was negotiating with Mo Yan said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Teacher Mo Yan, I didn't recognize you just now."

At this moment, Mo Yan has earned back the face he lost just now, and waved his hands with a smile, "It's okay, I'm not a famous person, I don't know normal people."

Then everyone started to divide into groups. There were few people on Yu Dong's side, so the students evenly divided them into two teams.

At this time, Yu Hua came up with another "poisonous plan". He arranged for Shi Tiesheng to be the goalkeeper and let him sit in a wheelchair to block the door.

Because it is a small field, the so-called door is just a small space created by two shoes, and the total length is only more than one meter.

Originally facing a group of well-known writers, the students were embarrassed to use their full strength, but now that Shi Tiesheng blocked the door, the students were even more embarrassed to shoot.

Mo Yan gave Yu Hua a thumbs up: "Shameless."

 Thank you [Book Friend 160817091132751] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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