Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 102 What else to change

Chapter 102 What else to change

On the writers team, except for a few students who were "assigned", the others were not very good at the game, so Yu Dong was able to keep up with a little rhythm because of his youth.

Su Tong and Yu Hua are diehard fans of the South American star Maradona, but their playing styles are far from those of South American players. If I have to say, their playing style is more like that of British rough brothers.

After the whole match, Mo Yan should be the most excited.

When Mo Yan played football with Yu Hua and the others, they often played the role of goalkeeper, and they were often nicknamed "Big Brother Goalkeeper".

But with Shi Tiesheng on the field today, he was transferred from the goalkeeper position to the striker position, so he is naturally full of energy.

It's just that energy alone is useless. As a lone striker, he failed to score a single goal.

The final score was locked at [-]-[-], ending with a complete victory for the Writers' team.

It is worth mentioning that these eight goals were all scored by the writers' team, and the "one" was an own goal scored by Su Tong.

For this reason, Yu Hua also teased Su Tong: "If you want to play football, you are still good. There are so many young guys on the other side who want to break through Tie Sheng's gate, but they have no chance. You are lucky, and you hit it with one blow."

Su Tong couldn't refute Yu Hua's sarcasm, even he himself couldn't understand how the own goal was scored.

After playing football, a few clever students rushed back to the dormitory. When they came back, they already had various magazines in their hands for Yu Dong and the others to sign for them.

Regarding the matter of signing, Yu Dong and the others have nothing to do. As long as the students come with pens and magazines, they will help to sign their names.

After receiving the signed magazines, these students couldn't help but sigh with emotion. After a game of patience, their work was finally not in vain.

Since Zhang Hong had met Yu Dong and was Hu Yueming's student, he chatted with Yu Dongduo for a while.

From Zhang Hong's mouth, Yu Dong learned that he was relatively popular in the Chinese Department recently, and Hu Yueming was always proud to share his works with those students.

Yu Dong was originally going to visit Hu Yueming when he came back this time, but he was not prepared today, and he was with Su Tong and the others, so it was not easy to leave alone.

After leaving Yan Normal University, they originally planned to find a restaurant outside, but Shi Tiesheng warmly invited them to his house for dinner.

A few people couldn't hold back, so they had to follow him.

Shi Tiesheng lives in a one-story house next to the Lama Temple, and a notice saying "Pray for care, politely refuse" is pasted on the door.

This is because there are a lot of people who visit at ordinary times, and he has no time to deal with it, so he made such a bad move and posted a note refusing customers.

But according to Shi Tiesheng, this note is of little use, and the number of visitors is increasing day by day.

Seeing guests coming to the house, Shi Tiesheng's father and wife were very enthusiastic, and he also introduced to Yu Dong and the others showing off that his father's braised pork was far and wide.

His wife, Chen Ximi, is ten years younger than him and has a disability in her legs, but she is gentle and sunny.

She was busy and didn't talk much, but Shi Tiesheng's eyes were on her all the time, Yu Dong and the others smiled knowingly, Shi Tiesheng's love for Chen Ximi was undisguised.

After dinner at Shi Tiesheng's house, the four of Yu Dong and the others sat down for a while, and then they said goodbye together.

After coming out, Yu Hua bid farewell to the three of them.

Looking at Yu Hua's back, Mo Yan said with emotion, "Yu Hua's life is also very difficult recently. I went to see his residence. He and Chen Hong are crowded in a small room of a few square meters."

Su Tong took out a cigarette and handed it to Mo Yan, and said with a smile, "But you also need to know that "Shouting in the Drizzle" was created in this small room of a few square meters."

Mo Yan nodded, and thought of himself again: "I haven't settled down in Yanjing yet, when will I talk about him."

"Don't you live in the army?"

"Who can guarantee that I will be able to live in the army for the rest of my life? Maybe I will have to change jobs in two years, and I don't know where I will live at that time. Living in Chang'an is not easy." Mo Yan sighed and pulled Lasu with a smile Tong's sleeve, "Go, I'll go with you tonight."

"No problem." Su Tong smiled.

Mo Yan is still in the army, and it is not convenient for him to go back to sleep now, he has to live with Su Tong and the others at night.The good thing is that Dong and Su Tong have two rooms, so there will be no situation where three people squeeze into one room.

Yu Dong can understand Mo Yan's living in a house.Mo Yan's past two years have been the trough period after the big hit, and he didn't receive much royalties before.

When his "Red Sorghum" was adapted, it did not bring him much copyright income.

At that time, the state stipulated that only [-] yuan of royalties could be paid for the use of literary works in filming.Later, Mo Yan worked as a screenwriter for Zhang Yimou, and the country stipulated that the screenwriter's fee could not exceed [-].At that time, there were three screenwriters, and Mo Yan only allocated one thousand and two screenwriters.

So his novel was adapted into a movie, and he only earned [-] yuan after working hard.


After returning to the hotel, Yu Dong sat in Su Tong's room for a while, and then went back to his own room.He is currently revising the manuscript that he showed to Su Tong before, and he brought it to Yanjing this time, just because he didn't want to waste time.

Less than 10 minutes after Yu Dong sat down, he heard someone knock on his door.

At first he thought it was Su Tong and the others, but when he opened the door and saw Cheng Yongxing standing at the door, he showed a surprised expression: "Editor Cheng, why are you here?"

"Why, you are allowed to come, and I am not allowed to come?" Cheng Yongxing said with a chuckle: "I was also invited to this expo. I made an appointment with Su Tong on the phone before to stay in this hotel. He left a note To the front desk, don't you know?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "I really didn't notice."

Hearing what Cheng Yongxing said now, Yu Dong recalled that when he left the hotel to go to Ditan Park in the afternoon, Su Tong did tell the receptionist something, and he really didn't pay attention to whether he handed the note or not.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Cheng Yongxing smiled at the door.

"Oh, I'm sorry, please come inside." Yu Dong hurriedly stepped aside and asked Cheng Yongxing to enter.

Entering the room, Cheng Yongxing looked around the room casually.He didn't want to look for anything, but when he saw a stack of manuscripts on the table, his eyes immediately shone strangely.

"Do you have a new draft recently?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "I wrote it before and am revising it."

"Can I take a look?" Cheng Yongxing was asking, but he had already walked to the table involuntarily.

"Of course no problem." Yu Dong said, "I also hope that more people will give me advice, especially professionals like you, editor-in-chief Cheng."

While Yu Dong was speaking, Cheng Yongxing had already picked up the manuscript.

As a result, Yu Dong's revision of the manuscript could only be shelved temporarily. He tidied up the manuscript he was revising, and then sat on the bed and waited for Cheng Yongxing to read the manuscript.

Even Cheng Yongxing couldn't finish reading the [-] to [-]-word manuscript.

After waiting for an hour, Cheng Yongxing put down the manuscript with excitement on his face, and said to Dong: "If there is anything else to change, it can be published now, and you don't need to bother, just this time I will take it home, and the next issue can be published. "

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(End of this chapter)

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