For the construction of Hexi, some people even specially wrote to the government department, hoping that the government will spend more money on the renovation of the main urban area and people's livelihood.

However, those who complained before have stopped complaining in the past two years, because with the gradual development of the Hexi area, people have discovered that this area really needs such a wide road, especially when it comes to the deep space annual meeting. There are so many. If the road had not been widened in advance, I am afraid it would have started to be blocked by now.

On the other hand, other places in Jinling, regardless of whether they are old or new, have extremely heavy traffic pressure during the days of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, and there will often be congestion. There is no need to go through the downtown area from the train station or the bus station to the deep space park, and the traffic situation behind will be much better.

In the past few years, the area of ​​Hexi has left Jinling with high-end talents, how many labor forces it has provided, and how much financial revenue it has brought. The people of Jinling are all watching.

Now many parents in Jinling hope that their children can stay and work in Hexi after graduation.

"Urban planning, we can occasionally make suggestions, but we can't comment too much," Yu Dong said.

Jimmy nodded, "Of course I know this. In fact, the most brilliant suggestion is not to speak out, but to take action. Now that I have seen the construction of Qixia District, although the functions of the district are quite different from those in Hexi, the overall plan is With the shadow of Hexi, the functional departments naturally know what is good and what is bad. There is no need to say too much, as long as we do what we should do."

Speaking of this, Jimmy waved his hand again, "There is no rush to deal with the playground, we will talk about it later. There is nothing else to do in the afternoon, let's go home first, didn't we say we will hold a fried spring roll contest this afternoon?"

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "You're still thinking about this."

Jimmy laughed, "Of course, didn't Britney also sign up for the competition? I'm definitely going to watch the competition to see if she can get some rankings."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "If she can get the ranking, there must be something shady. He didn't even know what a spring roll is. Today, as long as she can make something in the shape of a spring roll, she will be considered a success."

Jimmy said sternly, "Don't say that in front of her. She is very competitive. She has made a lot of preparations for this competition, and it is not as bad as you said. I even tried it. It's not a good time now." standing in front of you?"

Yu Dong smiled, "Understood, understood."

Their family did have a deep-fried spring roll contest today. A few days ago, everyone discussed Xiaonian together, and it happened that Xiaonian and Lichun were on the same day this year. Wang Xiaobo casually said that it would be better to have a fried spring roll contest. They responded with great enthusiasm.

When Yu Dong heard about this, he thought they were just talking casually, but he didn't expect them to be serious. Not only did they set up a competition committee, but they also formulated the competition process.

There are a total of nine judges in this fried spring roll competition. The judges are mainly composed of the elderly group and the juvenile group. The elderly group is Cheng Yanqiu's grandparents, and the juvenile group is children like Yu Haiguo and Feng Changdi.

It is said that as of yesterday, thirteen people have signed up for this competition, including Britney Spears.


When Yu Dong and the others returned to Luoyuan, they saw a long red banner on the gate of Luoyuan from a distance, which read: Luoyuan's first fried spring roll contest.

Jimmy gasped, "Hey, I even got a banner. It's formal enough. The door is so high, so it's hard to hang it up. When we left in the morning, did you hang up the banner?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "I didn't notice."

"What about last night?" Jimmy asked again.

Yu Dong shook his head again, "Even if there was last night, it was already midnight when we came back, so we couldn't see it."

After getting off the car and getting closer, Yu Dong carefully looked at the words on the banner, and then couldn't help laughing.

Jimmy also laughed, "Haha, I didn't expect them to be quite formal, and even put up a banner."

Yu Dong didn't laugh at this, he pointed to the banner and said, "Look carefully at this word, doesn't it feel a little familiar?"

Jimmy looked at it with his chin up for a while, then nodded and said, "It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "This is my father-in-law's character. You can see that the dots on the right side of the fire character are connected with the herringbone characters. There is also the curly character, and the dots on the right side are also buried in it."

Jimmy looked stunned, "It's true when you say that. I really admire you in this regard. It seems that you can tell the characteristics of everyone's writing at a glance."

"It's not obvious at a glance, it's just that I usually pay more attention to these things, and the more I watch them, the more I'll be proficient." Afterwards, Yu Haiguo and the others shouted excitedly, "Uncle Dong, Uncle Ji is back. "

Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Haiguo, where are the others?"

Yu Haiguo rubbed his hands together and said, "They're all making spring rolls in the dining hall."

The dining hall is the first floor of the reception building, because the first floor is usually where everyone eats, so everyone likes to call it the big dining hall.

Jimmy looked in the direction of the dining hall, and then said, "Why aren't you watching from the side?"

Feng Changdi smiled stupidly, "My mother said, we won't go in now, we have to wait until we eat."

Yu Haiguo reached out and patted the tiger-head hat on Feng Changdi's head, "What to eat, that's called tasting, you know? We are all judges today, and according to the rules, we judges are not allowed to watch the food production process, otherwise we will all know about it." Whoever did it will not be objective enough when scoring later.”

Hearing what Yu Haiguo said so well, Jimmy was also amused, and he asked, "Judge Yu, today is the scoring system."

Yu Haiguo nodded seriously, "That's right, Uncle Ji, it's a scoring system, with a full score of [-], nine judges, the highest score is removed, the lowest score is removed, and the average score is calculated."

Jimmy smiled and said, "That's fine, you continue to play here. Uncle Dong and I are not judges, so there is no need to shy away from it. Now go in and have a look."

"Well, you go, I can't go."


When Yu Dong and the others entered the dining hall, they were shocked by the fiery scene in front of them. There were at least seventy or eighty people in the whole dining hall.

Wang Xiaobo was standing at the door, and when he saw Yu Dong and the others coming, he said with a smile, "You are done."

"I'm done." Yu Dong nodded, and then pouted forward, "What's the situation, why are there so many people? Didn't I remember that there were only thirteen people participating in the competition?"

Wang Xiaobo explained with a smile, "Originally, only thirteen people participated in the competition until yesterday morning, but yesterday Fu Jing told people about the Spring Roll Competition at school. Many teachers found it interesting and expressed their desire to participate. Seeing everyone's enthusiasm Gao, Fu Jing will ask your teacher, Mr. Cheng. With a wave of his hand, Mr. Cheng will not refuse anyone who comes. In one afternoon, the number of participants has increased from thirteen to fifty. In general, there are 31 groups, and some are Fight alone, and some fight in groups.”

Hearing Wang Xiaobo's words, Jimmy clapped his hands and shouted, "That's bad, now it's even more difficult for Britney to get the ranking."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Jimmy, you are wrong. The increase in the number of contestants is a good thing for your Britney. Think about it, as far as your Britney's level is concerned, not to mention ranking, as long as Thank goodness for not counting down. Now it’s alright, when there are more people, there will naturally be people who make up the number, so that if there are a few more people who perform worse than Britney, she will not look so bad.”

Jimmy couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "It's just farting."

Wang Xiaobo also waved his hands, "That's right, it stinks."

Yu Dong laughed, "I'm really looking forward to Britney's work now, but now there are so many contestants, and the nine judges can't eat it. If the judges tasted every work, one person would have to eat it 31 times. , who can bear it."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "It's already been arranged. When the time comes, the judges will be divided into three groups. Each group will taste the works of ten groups of contestants. It's not enough to eat a whole piece. It's fine to cut a piece and eat it. It's okay for one person to eat ten small pieces of spring rolls." hard."

Jimmy scratched his head, "During the banquet yesterday, I only drank and didn't care about eating. I didn't eat much at noon today. I thought about having a good meal in the evening. It's good now. I guess I don't have anything else to eat except spring rolls." gone."

As he was talking, Yu Hua came closer. He was wearing an apron, his face was covered with flour, his hair was messy, and he looked rather embarrassed.Their family, Chen Hong, also participated in the competition, and Yu Hua originally wanted to be a judge, but was pulled over to help him.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "You go to help Teacher Chen, what are you doing here?"

Wang Xiaobo had already grinned, and took out a pack of Ashima from his pocket, "One?"

Yu Hua chuckled, took Ashima and pulled out one from the middle, "Xiaobo still understands me, wait for Feiyu later, and he will come too."

Before he finished speaking, Bi Feiyu hurried over.

Bi Feiyu wore an apron like Yu Hua. Although there was no flour on her face, her hands and arms were covered with flour.Bi Feiyu is different from Yu Hua. Yu Hua is helping Chen Hong, but Bi Feiyu is a contestant. Both he and his wife Fu Jing are competitors.

When he got to him, he nodded with Yu Dong and Jimmy first, and then said to Yu Hua, "The guy came out without taking you?"

Yu Hua shook the cigarette in her hand, "Isn't there a guy here?"

Bi Feiyu pouted, and took out four chopsticks from the front pocket of the apron, "It's so cold, how can you smoke without chopsticks?"

Yu Hua nodded again and again, "You are still thoughtful."

Seeing that Bi Feiyu only had four chopsticks in his hands, Wang Xiaobo asked, "Where are mine?"

"Only these four. If you want, go out and find two branches later."

"I'll find branches for you to use..."

While talking, the three of them laughed and walked out of the dining hall and ran outside.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, Yu Dong couldn't help shaking his head, "These three smokers can't stand it for a moment."

"If you can hold back, you're no longer a smoker."

"Wang Xiaobo's problem is that he smokes a lot."

In fact, after being sent to the hospital in an emergency, Wang Xiaobo endured for a while without smoking, but after he recovered, he continued to smoke and drank a lot less alcohol.

Another biggest change is that he now basically has to go to the hospital for a physical examination every one or two months.He himself said, to believe in science, as long as there are no major problems in the medical examination report, then there is no problem.

In fact, since coming to Jinling, Wang Xiaobo's health has improved a lot, mainly because he sleeps and eats more regularly every day.When he was in Yanjing before, he didn't want to cook when he was alone at home, so he either fooled around or went out to drink and eat out with friends.If things go on like this, the body will naturally fail.

After arriving in Jinyi, he would occasionally go to Yu Dong and his family to eat, and even if he didn't eat, he could go to the school cafeteria to eat, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Sometimes Bi Feiyu and the others would take him to play health balls and run for a while. After a long time, his work and rest would naturally become more regular, so even though he hadn't completely quit smoking and alcohol, his physical condition was much better. .

Yu Dong and Jimmy walked towards the crowd. Everyone was busy. When they saw the two coming, they all greeted each other and went away.

Turning around, Yu Dong really opened his eyes. Today he saw the diversity of spring rolls.

The first is the stuffing of the spring rolls. There are meaty ones, vegetarian ones, sweet ones and salty ones. The most amazing one is made by He Yu’s wife. The fillings are mainly carrots, bean sprouts, shrimps and lard. It's normal, but the key is that she boils lard and brown sugar together. Although she has never eaten it before, he can't bear the thought of putting lard and brown sugar together.

He couldn't stand a person from Shanghai, let alone a person from Jinling.

Besides, the shape and skin of the pie, in Yu Dong’s knowledge, the spring rolls are made of dough, in a long strip shape, but today Yu Dong has seen many other shapes, the most outrageous one is made by Liu Changmin’s family, which is made of beans Carambola shape made of skin.According to Liu Changmin, in order to keep the shape of the carambola in the work, they used many long fish bones to fix it, and they were afraid that the fish bones would hurt people, so they processed the fish bones repeatedly to make fried fish bones, which can be eaten. To use bean curd, on the one hand, because they think that the bean curd tastes better, and on the other hand, the bean curd has better light transmission after frying, and the color of the filling can be seen, which is more beautiful...

I have to say that everyone is really serious about this game.

Jimmy followed Yu Dong around for half a circle, and then ran to his wife Britney to show courteousness.

Among other things, Britney's outfit is quite professional. She is the only contestant wearing a chef's hat in the entire dining hall, and she also has professional tools such as weighing pans and measuring cups. The kitchen is more like doing experiments in a chemical laboratory. (end of this chapter)

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