Ren Zhenfei was not surprised when he heard the offer of 55 billion US dollars, because this was a normal offer.

Although they quoted a sky-high price of US$95 billion to Motorola before, that offer was very watery. In Ren Zhenfei's mind, if someone wanted to buy Huawei, the price should be between US$65 billion and US$80 billion. The lowest price in his mind was US$65 billion, and he would not sell it any lower.

Jimmy reported 55 billion US dollars, which proves that they still have room for negotiation.

However, since it is a business, it is naturally impossible to explain the reserve price in his heart all at once. Ren Zhenfei said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, your price doesn't show me any sincerity. You also know that Motorola will accept Huawei some time ago, so what do you think the price is?"

Jimmy pretended not to know, and asked, "How much?"

"95 billion US dollars." Ren Zhenfei said.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Mr. Ren, although I am a foreigner, my Chinese level is not bad. The quotation you mentioned should be your quotation for Motorola."

Ren Zhenfei didn't expect to fool Jimmy with words. He also laughed, "95 billion US dollars is indeed the price we called, but Motorola didn't hesitate because of this price. I think we can talk on the basis of 95 billion US dollars. More than 80 billion US dollars can always be negotiated, which is much more than the 55 billion US dollars you offered. If you can only offer such a price, it will be difficult for us to proceed."

Jimmy on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "Mr. Ren, as I said, with the current situation of Motorola, they can't afford you at all, let alone 80 billion US dollars. Even if you lower the price to 50 billion US dollars, they still can't afford it. If you think 55 billion US dollars is less, we can discuss it. If you think we can continue to chat, we will meet tomorrow morning. I have booked a suite in Shangri-La."

It's Shangri-La again... Ren Zhenfei doesn't know whether Jimmy set the meeting place at Shangri-La unintentionally or on purpose.

"Since Mr. Ji is so sincere, I will wait for you in Pengcheng. I don't know when you will arrive? Should I treat you to breakfast or lunch?"

"Doesn't Pengcheng have the habit of having morning tea? Let's meet at ten o'clock and have morning tea together. I'll pick you up when you arrive tomorrow."

"No problem, see you tomorrow morning."


The next morning, Ren Zhenfei woke up early.

He usually wakes up early, but after waking up today, he has been staring at the phone, waiting for a call to come in. Naturally, he was waiting for Jimmy's call.

If Deep Space is really willing to take over Huawei at this time, he can relax a bit. Selling the company to a foreign company will have a completely different impact from selling to Deep Space.

If Huawei really wanted to sell to Motorola, some radicals would even call Ren Zhenfei a traitor.

At almost nine o'clock, Ren Zhenfei received a call, and Jimmy had already arrived at the hotel.

After hanging up the phone, Ren Zhenfei took his assistant to the Shangri-La Hotel, the room that Jimmy had reserved.

After finding the room, Ren Zhenfei knocked on the door, and after a while, the door opened, and it was a tall young man who opened the door.

The young man was wearing a red sweater and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking like a trendy boy.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Ren Zhenfei was stunned twice in a short time.He was stunned for the first time because it was not Jimmy who opened the door, but a young man, and the second time was because the young man in front of him looked so familiar.

Before Ren Zhenfei came back to his senses, the young man stretched out his hand, "President Ren, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Ren Zhenfei held the young man's hand unconsciously, "Hello... Yu... Zong."

The person in front of him was none other than the Yu Dong he saw on TV a few days ago. In fact, Ren Zhenfei's first reaction was to call Yu Dong Teacher Yu, but thinking of today's occasion, he changed his name to Mr. Yu.

Yu Dong gave way with a smile, "Jimmy is in the bathroom in the back room, you two come in first."

Inviting Ren Zhenfei and the others to the living room of the suite, Yu Dong poured them two more glasses of water, "It's better to be warmer here in Pengcheng, and it's enough to wear a sweater in the morning."

Ren Zhenfei took the water glass and said with a smile, "Pengcheng is not usually so warm. Maybe it's because of the presence of noble people today that it's so spring and peaceful. Mr. Ji called yesterday, but he didn't mention Mr. Yu that you're coming too. This is a big surprise."

"I originally planned to come to Pengcheng again in May and June, but things changed. Jimmy decided to come on the spur of the moment, and he didn't tell me in advance. He called me after talking with you on the phone. Originally, I was going back to Shanghai today. It looks like it's going to be the Lantern Festival, and I haven't gone to Shanghai yet."

Ren Zhenfei shook his head and sighed, "At first, I also wanted to have a safe first month, but some people didn't want us to have our wish. You know about Cisco, and now the company is busy with this matter from top to bottom."

Yu Dong took a sip of water and said with a smile, "The sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Sometimes encountering difficulties is not necessarily a bad thing for the company. Just like people, companies can grow only when they encounter difficulties and solve them."

"What Mr. Yu said makes sense, Mr. Ren has been taught."

In fact, what Yu Dong said is just the simplest and most basic chicken soup, but what Yu Dong said makes sense.

Of course, Yu Dong doesn't just know how to make chicken soup. He brings money and methods to help Huawei solve problems.

It’s just that we are here in Pengcheng, Yu Dong and the others are not in a hurry. He looked at his watch and said, “It’s almost 09:30, why don’t Mr. Ren take us to experience the morning tea culture of Pengcheng first, and wait until we have morning tea?”

Ren Zhenfei squinted his eyes and smiled. Of course he hoped to give the matter a direction right away, but since Yu Dong said so, he could only smile and say, "No problem, I know a morning tea shop that tastes good, and there are not many people there, so there is no need to queue for a seat at this time."

Yu Dong nodded, and shouted to the back room, "Jimmy, hurry up, we're going to eat."


The morning tea shop that Ren Zhenfei took them to was located in a remote place, and it took four to five ten minutes to arrive from the Shangri-La Hotel.

In fact, it’s not really a shop, it’s just a small farmyard. There is a wooden sign at the entrance of the courtyard, which says “Morning Tea with Chariots, Horses and Cannons”.

There were four or five square tables in the yard, and three or four tables in the house. When they arrived, there was only one table left inside and outside the house.

After sitting down, Ren Zhenfei said with a smile, "Although the morning tea here in Pengcheng has the same food as that in Yangcheng, the atmosphere is completely different. Morning tea here is usually served after ten o'clock, which is basically lunch, and it is not as leisurely as that in Yangcheng. There are more young people here, and the pace of life is faster, and the food is faster. This morning tea shop, because the location is not prosperous, and there are more elderly people, so the pace is slower than the morning tea shop in the urban area. And here, it is more convenient for the general public."

The reason why Ren Zhenfei chose this morning tea shop was more because Yu Dong also came. Compared with them, Yu Dong's reputation is too great, and the possibility of being recognized by people on the road is even greater.

This morning tea shop with chariots and horses is located in a remote location, with few people, and most of them are elderly people, so there are relatively few people who know Yu Dong.

Yu Dong didn't do any exaggerated disguise, he only wore a black peaked cap, but his attire was quite deceptive. If you don't look at his face, he looks like a college student in his early 20s.

Jimmy patted Yu Dong's shoulder and said with a smile, "He is dressed so tenderly today, and it's hard to be recognized. Actually, I didn't want to bring him here. After all, he is too easy to be recognized. If he is recognized, the news that we appeared in Pengcheng to meet you will spread, and then all kinds of rumors will come out, which will be bad."

Ren Zhenfei smiled, he didn't see that Jimmy was worried at all.

He saw Yu Dong before because of this reason, Yu Dong's target was too big, too easy to be recognized.

During the conversation, their morning tea had been served on the table. Jimmy said while eating the shrimp dumplings, "Shrimp dumplings should be eaten here. The shrimp dumplings made by Jinling Hotel look similar to this one, but the taste is not good. Yu Dong, you think so."

Yu Dong nodded, "You can consider the introduction of technology and launch this shrimp dumpling in your teahouse."

"Your proposal is very good and worth considering." Jimmy nodded, "But for shrimp dumplings, Spielberg and the others prefer tomato sauce."

At this point, Jimmy suddenly changed the subject, "Mr. Ren, do you think it is important to insist on Chinese tastes or cater to the local tastes when opening a Chinese restaurant in the United States?"

Hearing what Jimmy said, Ren Zhenfei naturally took it seriously. He thought for a while and said, "Adhere to the original taste or cater to the taste of the locals. This first depends on the purpose of opening the restaurant. If the restaurant is opened to promote Chinese food, it must not be too much to cater to the taste of the locals and lose the original flavor. But if it is just for making money, the taste of customers must be the first priority."

Jimmy nodded, "President Ren is right, but what if I want to promote Chinese food and make money at the same time? What should I do?"

Ren Zhenfei frowned, "Mr. Ji please enlighten me."

Jimmy smiled and waved his hands, "Taste is a very subjective thing, something that has been gradually cultivated since childhood. Even in China, when the cuisines of various places are not suitable for other places, why do you expect orthodox Chinese cuisine to conquer the taste buds of foreigners thousands of miles away? If you want to do this, there is only one possibility...let them eat Chinese food since childhood. But why do they eat Chinese food? Is it cheaper? Is it more nutritious? Or is it easier to make?"

"I opened a teahouse in Manhattan. There is a dish on the menu called Crystal, which is actually pork and corn dumplings. A plate of 29 is priced at [-] dollars. This price is not cheap even in Manhattan, but the best-selling dish in the teahouse is this dish, which has caused the teahouse to gradually attract more people. I am considering whether to raise the price of this dish, but I am afraid that more people will come after I mention it."

Ren Zhenfei nodded, "It is indeed possible. Most of the time, the low price is the product's advantage, but sometimes, the high price can also be the product's advantage. Of course, I believe Mr. Ji's teahouse must have something special, otherwise so many people would not go to the teahouse to eat dumplings, even though it has a nice name, called crystal."

"My teahouse has two advantages. One is that it is big. In a similar location, it is difficult to find such a big teahouse. The second is that the environment is good. I have spent a lot of effort and money on decoration. But my teahouse has another disadvantage, that is, everything is expensive. In my teahouse, dumplings are considered cheap. It is normal for a cup of ordinary tea to cost tens of hundreds of dollars, and the price of vegetables is the same. So if you want to have a full meal in my teahouse, ordering a dumpling is the most cost-effective."

"It seems that eating in your teahouse is still a good deal. You can enjoy a high-end environment and service for only $29. The dumplings may taste good, but the guests are paying for things other than food."

Jimmy nodded, "So, it's actually very simple to get them to eat something. Now many Chinese people like to go to western restaurants to eat steaks. Are the inferior steaks in those western restaurants really delicious? I think it's not as good as the fried beef in some stalls, and the price is very low, but the inferior ingredients can be sold at high prices. They don't spend money on the steak itself, but on other things that are added to Western food. Put on a suit and eat a steak. It is real estate, but the merchant will tell you that it comes from a well-known foreign winery. When you take a sip, you feel bitter and astringent, but you still lie to yourself that high-end red wine is like this. Therefore, the technology and quality of the product are very important, but the added value of the product is the most important. And our deep space company has always been doing one thing, adding more value to the product. "

"To achieve high added value, there are other ways besides cutting-edge technology. For example, BenQ Mobile's mobile phone, is BenQ Mobile's technology high? Of course not, it uses the most common things on the market, but so many people are willing to pay for it, because the added value of BenQ mobile phones is higher for the same value of parts. And its added value is provided by its advanced assembly ideas on the one hand, and on the other hand by the BenQ store."

Hearing this, Ren Zhenfei basically understood what Jimmy meant, and he couldn't help laughing. Jimmy and the others clearly agreed to only eat and not discuss business, but they were already haggling over the price. (end of this chapter)

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