If Deep Space can really take down Huawei this time, Jimmy’s transformation of Huawei is not just adding a reward option system, he is also planning to introduce the deep space company’s secretarial system and advanced financial management models to Huawei.

Of course, as Ren Zhenfei said, this is all for later, and the most urgent task is to take down Huawei.

The conditions put forward by the Deep Space Company have basically met Ren Zhenfei's psychological expectations, but it is impossible for him to make such a big deal so soon, and he still wants the Deep Space Company to raise the price even higher.If you can ask for hundreds of millions of dollars, or even tens of millions of dollars, it is not a small sum of money.

"Huawei's scale is not small. If it really wants to sell, there are still a lot of things to count. How about this, give us two months, we will carry out a detailed inventory of the company's assets, and then we will talk about the price."

Jimmy and Yu Dong glanced at each other. If according to what Ren Zhenfei said, they were given two months to conduct an internal asset inventory before formally launching the M&A negotiations. Even if the negotiations were done relatively quickly, it would not take a month or two.

The addition of these two stages can take as little as a quarter and as much as half a year.Over time, accidents are prone to happen. Jimmy and Yu Dong don't want any troubles to appear in the middle.

Jimmy said with a smile, "Mr. Ren, I can understand that you want to do an inventory, but I think you should have done a general inventory before, otherwise you would not be able to open your mouth to quote a price with Motorola. There is no need to do a detailed inventory later. Will one more computer be counted and one less table be counted, will it affect our transaction? I don't think this is the case. We talk while you count.

Yu Dong took over the words and said, "Mr. Ren, you also know that Deep Space Corporation still has some power in the United States. If we can settle the matter before responding to the lawsuit, we can use some of our relationships in the United States to help Huawei respond to the lawsuit. In this way, Huawei is more likely to win the lawsuit, don't you think?"

Jimmy and Yu Dong are not fooling Ren Zhenfei. They really think so. A lawsuit is not just about laws and regulations. It will be very beneficial to Huawei if a large American company comes out to speak for Huawei.

To give an extreme example, if Huawei can now find [-] large companies in the United States to claim that they have all cooperated with Huawei, and that Huawei has performed very well during the cooperation process, not only has the spirit of contract, but also attaches great importance to intellectual property rights, and will never do anything that infringes on other people's intellectual property rights.

Intellectual property infringement is a matter of blurred boundaries. With a hundred companies helping to speak out, the court will basically not judge infringement.

Of course, it is impossible for Deep Space Company to help Huawei find a hundred big companies to speak for them, but it is very easy to find a few well-known companies to cooperate with.

In fact, the acquisition of Huawei by Deep Space Corporation is beneficial to Huawei in responding to the lawsuit.

Ren Zhenfei also knew that what they said was right, they were still better at deep space in the United States than they were, and the announcement of the acquisition of Huawei by Deep Space would give them a favorable position in this lawsuit.

After pondering for a moment, Ren Zhenfei nodded and said, "Then follow what you said, while starting the M&A negotiations, we will count the assets. I will hold a meeting at the company tomorrow to form a M&A negotiation team."

Jimmy waved his hand, "Don't wait for tomorrow, let's do it today. It's noon now, you take a break, and in the afternoon, notify the staff to hold a meeting to form a negotiation team. Our negotiation team has already been established, and I will notify them to come to Pengcheng in a short while, and the teams from both sides will meet tomorrow to start formal negotiations."

"It also……"

Ren Zhenfei wanted to say that this was too fast, but he still didn't say it after thinking about it. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll have a meeting when I get back in the afternoon, but you are in Pengcheng..."

Jimmy waved his hands and smiled, "You don't have to worry about us. In the afternoon, I will go to Xohua Electronics with Yu Dong to have a look."

"Okay, then I'll have someone send you off."

Jimmy didn't refuse, nodded and said, "Then I'll take care of it."


After leaving the hotel, Ren Zhenfei hurried back to the company with his assistant, regardless of whether it was lunch break or not, he directly called a meeting with the management staff to formally form a merger negotiation team.

Here Ren Zhenfei is busy with the meeting, Yu Dong and Jimmy are not in a hurry, the two of them rested in the hotel for a while, and then let Ren Zhenfei's people send them to Xohua Electronics at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Going to Xohua Electronics was just a drop-in. The main reason is that Qi Chenggong, the general manager of Xohua Electronics, called Yu Dong and Jimmy and invited them to visit Xohua Electronics. This time, he came to Pengcheng and stopped by.

The reason why Qi Chenggong wanted Yu Dong and Jimmy to visit their company was of course for a purpose. Recently, the main business of Xoceco Electronics has not been developing very well. Except for BenQ Mobile, which cooperates with BenQ Dentsu, the performance of several business segments has been very poor. The difference between different segments is that they are losing more and less.

Yu Yu had previously suggested to Xoceco Electronics that they could acquire part of the BenQ Mobile shares held by Xoceco Electronics. After all, Xoceco Electronics is really short of money now, and the most valuable in their hands is the BenQ Mobile shares.

The remaining bid is very high, willing to spend 15.00 million yuan to buy [-]% of the shares of BenQ Mobile held by Xoceco Electronics.

Xoceco owns a total of 30.00% of BenQ Mobile’s shares. When BenQ Mobile was established, they only invested 5000 million RMB. If calculated this way, the price of their shares has increased by [-] times. They must have made a lot of money by selling them now. Moreover, XoChina is very short of money now. If they can get the [-] million RMB, they can solve their urgent needs.

But XoChina Electronics does not want to sell. After all, BenQ Mobile is very strong now. If it continues like this, they can earn more money with their 30.00% shares.

In fact, Primoceca also hopes that BenQ Mobile can go public, so that they can get a lot of money out, definitely more than 30.00 million yuan.Someone valued BenQ Mobile Communications Company at US$[-] million to US$[-] million. If calculated in this way, the [-]% stake in their hands is worth about US$[-] million, which is more than the current price given by Deep Space.

If they hadn’t signed a repurchase agreement with BenQ Dentsu before, unless the price was higher than 60.00% of BenQ Mobile, otherwise their shares could not be sold to others, and they could also find other buyers. Now there are quite a lot of people interested in BenQ Mobile shares. Over the past six months, more than a dozen companies have asked them about buying BenQ Mobile shares.

But when they heard the price, these people were scared back. According to the repurchase agreement signed by Xoceco Electronics and BenQ Dentsu, now BenQ Dentsu has to pay 15.00 million yuan to buy 5.00% of the shares held by Xoceco Electronics, and others will pay more than [-] million yuan to buy the [-]% shares, which is [-] million yuan more than BenQ Dentsu.

Not to mention how many companies have this strength, the extra money alone is enough to dissuade most people from leaving.

Besides, this is just the beginning. Even if someone is really willing to spend 15.00 million yuan to buy [-]% of BenQ Mobile shares, then BenQ Dentsu can raise the price a little more.

In the bidding process, BenQ Dentsu has an absolute advantage, because for every 1000 million increase in their price, others will pay 600 million more. Who can bear it?

Taking a step back, some people are really optimistic about BenQ Mobile and are willing to spend a lot of money to buy the shares of BenQ Mobile. BenQ Dentsu is not afraid, because BenQ Store is actually in the hands of BenQ Dentsu itself, and BenQ Mobile's business can be transferred at any time.

But the reason for doing this is to prevent this move.

Because of these circumstances, the shares held by Xoceco Electronics can basically only be sold to BenQ Dentsu.


After seeing Jimmy and Yu Dong, Qi Chenggong was very happy, took them around the company, and kept introducing Xoceco's glorious past and technological advantages.

Of course, Jimmy and Yu Dong were very supportive, always praising their good development and strong technology of Xohua Electronics, but once Qi succeeded in bringing the topic to the deep space investment in Xohua Electronics, the two of them began to play dumb.

In fact, they also knew that not only did Qi Chenggong not want to sell the shares, but he also wanted to pry some investment from the Deep Space Corporation.

But now the Deep Space Company has no money to pry them. Basically, the money that can be mobilized is collected and prepared to be used to acquire Huawei, and even if they have money on hand, they will not invest in Primaec.

It is basically impossible for Xohua Electronics to reappear in the past. From Jimmy and Yu Dong’s point of view, the best way out for Xoceco Electronics is to shut down all the businesses that consume a lot of the company, try to pack as lightly as possible, and then wait for BenQ Mobile to develop and grow, and just give them a share of the money.

But this is obviously impossible. Xohua Electronics is already deeply rooted, and the company is deeply intertwined. If Qi Chenggong really wants to shut down those business sectors of the company, a bunch of people must come to fight him.

The company has fewer business segments, which means that the company needs fewer people, and a large number of people will definitely be laid off from top to bottom. Just relocating these people is enough to successfully drink a pot.

Vigorous reform means quick death, but if no changes are made, it will be slow death. Anyway, at this point, both left and right are dead.

What Deep Space Corporation has done is considered as benevolent, otherwise, they would not be willing to bid 15.00 million yuan to buy their 30.00% shares. They can definitely use their means to spend [-] to [-] million yuan to directly take over the [-]% shares held by Xohua Electronics.

Yu Dong and Jimmy stayed in Xohua Electronics for an afternoon, and in the evening they had dinner together. At first, Qi Chenggong spared no effort in promoting Xohua Electronics to them, but later he also realized that today's matter could not be done, so he simply didn't talk about it anymore, and accompanied Yu Dong and the others for a meal.

After drinking and eating, Jimmy said goodbye to Yu Dong.

Not long after they left, Yu Yu received a call from Qi Chenggong, expressing his willingness to sell 15.00% of the shares at a price of [-] million yuan.

They chatted for about half an hour, and after agreeing to talk in detail tomorrow, they hung up the phone.

After Yu Yu hung up, he called Jimmy and told him about Qi Chenggong asking him to sell his shares.

After hearing this, Jimmy was not surprised at all. "We took a stroll around Prima Electronics today and found that this company is hopeless. Since Qi Chenggong and the others don't want strong men to cut off their wrists, they can only die slowly. With the 15.00 million yuan, if they manage it carefully, they can at least last their company for a few years. When they can no longer survive, they can buy back the other [-]% of the shares."

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Actually, if we work harder, we will be able to buy back another 15.00% of the shares this time."

Jimmy said with a smile, "It's not necessary, let them earn more money. It's a good thing for us if they earn money. Well, when we send people over to discuss the acquisition with Huawei this time, let them sign the contract of Xohua Electronics by the way."

"Ok, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Jimmy said to Dong, "There are too many companies like Xoceco in China now, Xoceco is lucky, at least they still have shares in BenQ Mobile, and there is still hope, but other companies don't have such good luck, and now we can only wait for death slowly in this situation."

"Big waves wash the sand, this is history..."

In the middle of Yu Dong's words, Jimmy's phone rang again, and it was still from the spare time.

Jimmy thought that Xohua Electronics had something to say, but he hurriedly said after the call was connected, "Mr. Ji, boss, the news about your meeting with Mr. Ren was reported."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Dong, "Did you hear that?"

Yu Dong nodded, and said into the phone, "How did you report it, and who reported it?"

"It was reported by "Pengcheng Life". They posted a photo of you having morning tea together on the official tribe."

"Is there an accompanying text?"

"The accompanying text is very simple, morning in Pengcheng, welcome to Deep Space Company."

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's just a photo, it's nothing. Let's come to Pengcheng to have a morning tea with Mr. Ren, isn't it okay?"

"The accompanying text is really nothing, but some people speculated that you were going to acquire Huawei in the past. We checked the IP of the commenters, and they are the insiders of "Pengcheng Life". They obviously deliberately led netizens to speculate in this direction." (End of this chapter)

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