After hanging up the remaining number, Jimmy took out his computer and opened the Deep Space Tribes website.

There are no relevant popular searches on the homepage, which must be because the website has limited traffic.

The official account of Pengcheng Life has no restrictions, their account is still there, and the latest tribe can also be read normally.

Their latest tribe is mainly a picture, and the text on it is the one Yu Yu said: Morning in Pengcheng, welcome to Deep Space Company.

The photo they matched is very interesting. In the photo, there are four people eating around a small table. Three of them can clearly see their faces. They are Ren Zhenfei, Ren Zhenfei's assistant, Jimmy, and one person , turned sideways, only a little side face could be seen.

Jimmy looked at the picture and said with a smile, "Do you think the reporter from Pengcheng Life didn't take pictures of your face?"

"It must have been taken. If you look at this angle, you can take a picture of me with just a little more sideways, and the photo was taken so clearly, which shows that the conditions for taking pictures were not bad at that time. The reason why the photos are not released now is to let netizens first. Take a guess and wait until later."

Jimmy clicked on the comment, "As you said, many netizens have already guessed who this person is. Some people guessed it was you, but many people refuted that it was not. It should be that you are wearing too young and don't feel like it. Tsk tsk , This figure is indeed young."

"You are not young. I am only in my early thirties. I am already young."

"Then you have a lot of hair, you are almost 35, look, some people say that you are only [-] or [-] years old, and you are as old as two [-] or [-] years old."

Yu Dong went over to read the comments below, "Although the current is limited, there are still a lot of comments, more than 2000."

"I reckon that Pengcheng Life itself should have done some things to attract people, otherwise there would be so many comments. Look, there are a few hot comments below that are plausible, and this one should be the one Yu Yu said. , the ip is from Pengcheng Life Newspaper. What I am curious about is why Pengcheng Life News cited netizens on the matter of acquisition? Did they hear any news? Otherwise, they can guess for no reason so accurate?"

Yu Dong stared at Jimmy, "Are you suspicious of Ren Zhenfei?"

Jimmy nodded, "I have to suspect that the place where we had morning tea was taken by Ren Zhenfei, and the place so far away happened to be taken by a reporter...Look at the clarity and shooting technique of this photo, it must not be taken by ordinary passers-by Yes. Apart from you and me, we only know about the acquisition. Compared with the remaining amount, of course I doubt Ren Zhenfei."

Yu Dong agrees with Jimmy’s statement that the photo was taken by a reporter. The photo must have been taken by a professional. Let’s not say that the technique and equipment are more professional. Let’s just say that this era is no different than 20 years later. A person carrying filming equipment.

Moreover, the place where Ren Zhenfei took them to have morning tea was relatively remote, so it was even less likely that someone would bring a camera with them.

As for whether Ren Zhenfei did it, Yu Dong is not sure about it.

"If he did it, why do you think he did it?" Yu Dong asked.

"There are many possibilities. It may be that we hope that this matter will attract the attention of others. When we have competitors, we will naturally raise the conditions. There is also a possibility that they have no intention of selling the company to us. We just want to rely on us to improve their reputation and let them gain more leverage in the next lawsuit with Cisco." Having said this, Jimmy frowned, "If it's the previous situation, it doesn't matter, I'm afraid It's the second type, don't look back, we've been used by others, and we don't even know it."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Ren Zhenfei shouldn't be so short-sighted. Of course, no matter what, we must be cautious. What should we do in this situation?"

"Don't worry about it, just wait and see what happens. Huawei has to speed up the progress. We don't need to cover up when we go out for a stroll tomorrow. Let's show them openly. I will notify the margin later and ask him to release Pengcheng Life Official The current limit of the tribe."


In the next three days, Yu Dong and Jimmy visited many parks, even accompanied by local government staff. Pengcheng is developing at a high speed, and naturally hopes to attract Deep Space Company.

In fact, Deep Space Corporation also has a subsidiary here. The Tencent Computer Technology Company they acquired before took root in Pengcheng. However, most of Tencent's business is now abroad, and it has basically given up on the domestic market.

Some people say that Tencent is the number one thug under Deep Space. Every time, it breaks into the market like a stunned young man, and then rushes forward regardless, and finally smashes the market.

Deep Space’s Dongdong can successfully win the big markets in Europe and the United States. Tencent can be said to have contributed a lot. In just over two years, Tencent has released a total of seven instant messaging software, each of which features and services Every time these instant messaging software comes out, they are very popular, but basically they can't live for half a year.

In the eyes of many people who don't know the inside story, Tencent is purely a prodigal toy, and it makes money every day when it loses money.But in fact, Tencent doesn't care at all. If the software can't continue, it will change to another one and continue to do it. Sometimes they even work on several software at the same time.The key is that the cost of the things produced in this way is not high, because the functions are basically imitated by other instant messaging software.

Of course, Tencent is not as simple as thugs, they still have something.In other words, if they don't have anything of their own, they can't become the top thugs of Deep Space Corporation.

They are currently assisting Amazon to develop a cloud platform. In addition, a social networking site they are about to launch is quite interesting. It focuses on the campus network and focuses on student groups. The site provides students with photos to share.

This website is actually a part of the function of the deep space tribe, but this website will have a new function called drifting bottle, users can randomly send a photo on the website, and then this photo will be in the online world Floating inside, waiting for another user to pick it up, the whole process is like a drifting bottle, hence the name drifting bottle.

In fact, this thing was originally a project to be done by 163 Mailbox and Dongdong, but after internal discussions, this project was not implemented in the end.

But many people thought it would be a pity not to do this project, so they transferred this project to Tencent and let Tencent do it.

The reason why this project came out is actually because of Yu Dong. At that time, Yu Dong thought of this thing, and then let the deep space computer develop it, but when the deep space computer developed it, it was ready to be put into 163 mailbox and Dongdong. , but was stopped by Yu Dong again.

The reason why Yu Dong stopped was because of the possibility that the drifting bottle might spread obscene content.However, for Tencent, this kind of worry is much less, because their main business is abroad, and they are now launching a new website, and they also need this more attractive function to increase the number of customers.

Even if there were problems due to the dissemination of obscene content later, Tencent also attracted a large number of users at that time, and then just cut off the function.

After all, Dongdong and 163 have developed very maturely, and there is no need to take risks to attract customers in this way.

This time Yu Dong and Jimmy went to Pengcheng, and also went to Tencent's headquarters in Pengcheng, but there are relatively few people here, and the boss Ma Huateng took people to Cali Fauliya is preparing for the launch of the new website. Their new website will be launched in April.

The University of California is their first pilot university. After the website is launched, only students of the University of California can register at the beginning. After the number of users increases, it will be opened to more schools, and finally it will be gradually opened to everyone.


During these three days, Ren Zhenfei would contact Yu Dong and the others every day.

On the day when the incident of Pengcheng life came out, Ren Zhenfei called Yu Dong and Jimmy to apologize, saying that it was because of his negligence that people took photos, and said that he would speed up the company's inventory and negotiate the merger and acquisition as soon as possible.

What happened this time had nothing to do with Ren Zhenfei. The person who took the photo was an old local paparazzi in Pengcheng. Yu Dong and the others were discovered by him when they went to the Shangri-La Hotel. Afterwards, the paparazzi has been squatting around the Shangri-La Hotel.

Later, when Ren Zhenfei took them to have morning tea, the reporter followed behind and secretly took photos.

Although it wasn't Ren Zhenfei who did it, after the incident came out, Ren Zhenfei knew that he had no way to get rid of the responsibility, and also knew that Jimmy and the others would most likely doubt him.

He didn't rush to explain to Jimmy and the others, because he knew that any verbal explanation would be useless, and might even be counterproductive. What he has to do now is to push forward the merger and acquisition, and let the merger and acquisition be negotiated as soon as possible, as long as this matter is negotiated. , His suspicions are gone.

In other words, in the eyes of Jimmy and the others, as long as the result is good, nothing else matters.

So it is precisely because of the exposure of Pengcheng life that the speed of this merger has been accelerated.


The suspected acquisition of Huawei by Deep Space Corporation was quickly spread to the United States. Normally, the news between China and the United States does not spread so quickly, but it is different when it encounters news related to Deep Space Corporation.

All parties reacted differently to the news. Motorola was almost the first major European and American company to know the news. They were also interested in Huawei at first. Now that such news has spread, they can only wait and see. Now, they are not going to take food from the deep space company.

When Cisco heard the news, they immediately became nervous, because they knew that the news was not good for them. If Deep Space really bought Huawei, it would be difficult for them to sue Huawei. .

Except for these companies, there are not many people who care about this merger and acquisition. For most people, Huawei is just a small company that is not well-known. It's too ordinary.

Of course, if they knew that this transaction was worth 70 billion US dollars, they might pay attention.

About a week later, Jimmy received a call from Cisco CEO Chambers in New York from Silicon Valley.

Jimmy and Chambers are also old acquaintances. The two have met many times before, and the relationship is not bad.

Chambers did not directly ask about Huawei, but talked with Jimmy for a while, and also paid attention to BenQ Mobile's new product launch conference some time ago.

It was not until the end of the round of reminiscences that Chambers finally got into the subject.

"Jimmy, I heard that you are very interested in Huawei recently?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "Chambers, you probably want to ask me if I'm buying Huawei."

Chambers pondered for a moment and asked, "So, are you buying Huawei?"

"That's right, we are buying Huawei, and we're almost done negotiating, and we'll announce the news in a few days."

Chambers didn't expect Jimmy to be so frank, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he asked, "Then do you know that we are going to sue Huawei?"

"I heard, when are you going to formally sue?"

"We...Jimmy, I can't believe that Deep Space Corporation is interested in a company that doesn't respect intellectual property rights. We have enough evidence and the law will give us justice. When the time comes, you will be overwhelmed by this merger. Big loss."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Thank you for your reminder, Chambers, you are such a good man, I will consider your suggestion."

Chambers is not a fool, so he can naturally hear the perfunctory in Jimmy's tone, and he continued, "Or, after you accept Huawei, you can also take the initiative to remove all infringing products from the shelves. After that, we may still There are opportunities for cooperation."

"Chambers, maybe we can find a time to sit down and talk. If we can reconcile, I don't want to go to court, but you need to make some concessions on the conditions. Huawei is a deal. If we really want to go to court If not, we will fight you."

Hearing this, Chambers sighed slightly. This is the worst scenario he expected. If Deep Space Corporation really participated in the lawsuit, it would be too pessimistic for them.

Although Deep Space Corporation has been established for a short time, its relationship in the United States is particularly complicated, and it has cooperated with many large companies. The key is that they have mastered the world's largest social networking site and instant messaging software, and it is too easy to do anything.

Among other things, Chambers can predict that the direction of public opinion will definitely not be beneficial to their company.

He can be tough on Huawei, but he can't be tough on Deep Space Corporation. After all, many companies under the Deep Space Group are Cisco's target customers, and several companies use their products.

Now that Deep Space has acquired Huawei, those companies are likely to abandon Cisco and switch to Huawei.

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