Of course, Jimmy knew about Chambers' concerns. Cisco's main customers were Internet companies, and Chambers knew very well about Deep Space's influence in the Internet industry.

Several well-known Internet technology companies in the industry are more or less related to Deep Space Corporation. Needless to say, Amazon and Payal are all controlled by Deep Space Corporation. Companies such as Google, Apple, and ESPN are also controlled by Deep Space Corporation. They all hold a lot of shares, and there are some cutting-edge forces, such as pets after the reorganization. Although they are still secretive, everyone knows that it was made by Deep Space Corporation.

After the reorganization, pets performed very well. Before this website only provided cat food and dog food to users, it was not competitive enough and eventually had to face bankruptcy.But after being acquired and reorganized, the variety of products sold on their website has become very rich, and cat food and dog food are cheaper than before.

The biggest advantage of the new pets is that they cooperate with many chain pet stores. Website users can make reservations for pet store services online, buy coupons for pet stores, and try pet products on the pets website in pet stores before deciding whether to buy product.

These are the benefits for users, and for pets themselves, because they have many chain pet stores, and these pet stores can act as small transit warehouses in the logistics system.

If a user buys a box of dog food on pets, and there is a cat’s sky pet store nearby, and there happens to be this type of dog food in the store, he can transfer the goods directly from this cat’s sky pet store, greatly It shortens the time for users to get the goods, and also reduces the logistics cost of the company.

The reduction of logistics costs directly affects the price of products.

And now the cat food and dog food on the website are cheaper than before the reorganization not only because of the reduced logistics cost, but in fact the cat food and dog food sold on the website now have no profit or even a loss.

However, the website does not care about the loss of cat food and dog food now, because they mainly rely on other products to make profits, and those profitable products have a characteristic, that is, the price feeling is not strong.

Because they are not sensitive to the price of the product, users are willing to pay more for the product. Some supermarkets will lower the price of some price-sensitive products to attract customers, and then raise the price of the price-insensitive product to earn money. profit.

Therefore, people often see mineral water and Coke sold very cheaply in some stores, and even doubt whether the store is making money.

The routine of the new website is actually similar, and it turns out that this routine works very well.

The scale of pets is still expanding, and their pet stores will double every few months. In the next year, their cooperative pet stores around the world are expected to reach [-]. Among them, Mao’s Sky Pets The number of stores is expected to reach [-].

As for Box Office.com, which has become popular recently, the situation is similar. People in the industry basically know the relationship between this website and Deep Space Corporation.Boxhouse.com developed even better than pets. This website only sold movie tickets at the beginning, and later expanded to various performances such as concerts. To get cheaper tickets, and some theaters can choose seats, this feature is very popular among young people.

With so many Internet companies involved in deep space, Cisco certainly dare not offend.

Jimmy said with a smile, "Chambers, don't worry, even if we buy Huawei and you sue Huawei, it will not affect our cooperation. You should have confidence in your Cisco products, you guys It is the first choice for deep space and its partners.”

Hearing this, Chambers not only didn't feel a little relieved, but his heart sank. Jimmy's words didn't look like comfort at all, but like a threat.

If it was more than a year ago, Chambers would not have taken Jimmy's threat to heart.

Before the Internet bubble burst, Cisco's market value once exceeded 5000 billion U.S. dollars, approaching 6000 billion U.S. dollars.The trading volume of their company's stock exceeded that of the entire Shanghai stock market in one day, and that was when Chambers was in high spirits.

When the Internet was developing rapidly, Chambers gradually expanded Cisco through non-stop "buying, buying, buying". At its peak, Cisco's market share in network switches accounted for 70.00%, while in the market for network routers it accounted for 80.00%. Fifth, it has absolute dominance.

Microsoft's system, Intel's processor, and Cisco's network equipment are collectively called the Wintelco system, which represent the three major standards of software, hardware, and network, and can be said to be in the limelight.

At that time, let alone Deep Space, there were only a handful of companies that could compete with Cisco.

It's just that the times have changed and the situation is different now. There are more and more competitors who can threaten Cisco, and Chambers can't stand up in front of deep space.The market value of their company has also dropped directly from more than 700 billion U.S. dollars at that time to more than 600 billion U.S. dollars now, which is less than one-third of that at that time.

In April last year, in order to reverse the situation, Chambers violated his previous promise of never laying off employees, and directly laid off 18.00% of the workforce, as many as 500 people, and also wrote off the company's $22 billion inventory deal with.

In order to implement a large-scale salary reduction policy, Chambers himself took the lead in reducing his salary to one dollar, directly becoming the lowest-paid CEO in the world.Interestingly, before this, the CEO with the lowest salary in the world should be Jimmy, because Jimmy's salary is only 400 RMB per month.

Jimmy's salary was not bad before, definitely in the first echelon, but later Jimmy reduced his salary to 400 RMB for various reasons.

The reason why it has been reduced to this figure is also because Yu Dong's current monthly salary is 400 RMB, in other words, the salary of the two of them is the same.

Of course, whether it is Chambers or Jimmy, their main income is not based on wages.Especially Jimmy, he is the second shareholder of Deep Space.

After pondering for a while, Chambers said, "Do you have time these two days? Can we meet and chat?"

"See you..." Jimmy hummed for a long time, and finally said, "I only have one hour from three o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, otherwise I will have to wait until next week."

Chambers said with a smile, "I'm going to New York on a business trip the day after tomorrow, how about we meet at three o'clock the day after tomorrow? Shall I go directly to your company?"

Jimmy smiled, "No problem, come to Yiyi Teahouse. I have been working here recently. After I come, I will treat you to tea."

"Okay, no problem, then we'll see you the day after tomorrow." Chambers said.

After hanging up the phone, Jimmy showed a funny expression. Chambers said that he was going on a business trip to New York, which was an excuse. The reason why he said this was just not to make himself appear too urgent. too passive.

Then Jimmy checked the time and made another call.

This call was made to the Telecom Atlanta Secretariat, and an appointment had been made before.

As early as more than a month ago, Jimmy had already contacted Member Fellows of the Telecom Atlanta Secretariat and expressed his willingness to provide some sponsorship for the Telecom Atlanta.But at that time, he just mentioned a simple sentence, and didn't take it too seriously, and Ferros never asked about this matter.

Since it was a sponsorship, Fellowes was of course very happy to receive Jimmy's call. Before Jimmy could speak, Fellowes said with a smile, "Jimmy, I hope this call can hear some good news from you. I still remember what the two of us talked about last time."

Jimmy laughed, "I haven't forgotten either, isn't this just to fulfill the promise, Commissioner Fellowes, our company has passed a resolution to sponsor a welcome party and a garden reception for the exhibition in June, except for these two receptions In addition, we will also provide a complete set of live broadcast services for the exhibition. At that time, ordinary audiences can watch the exhibition site at home. The whole live broadcast, whether it is equipment or personnel, will be provided by us, and we will also provide you with Carry out a series of promotional activities."

On the other end of the phone, the smile on Fellowes' face became wider, and the three things Jimmy said were completely in his heart.

Their Atlanta telecom exhibition has a great reputation in the industry, but there have been no decent entertainment activities. If they can add links such as the welcome party and the garden reception, the activities will naturally be more abundant.

Some people may wonder, isn't it just two receptions, they can't afford such a big exhibition?

In fact, it is impossible to do it. First of all, the cost of holding two receptions is not low. They have had this kind of idea internally before, but in the end they probably have the final say. Just one garden reception may cost millions of dollars. If No matter how large the scale is, no matter how high the grade is, it is normal for the cost to double.

There is also a live broadcast service, which is no longer as simple as spending money. Now the best live broadcast service solution in the world is with Deep Space Corporation. It is of course better for them to provide the live broadcast service for the entire account. Hard to find.

The sum of these three sponsorships is estimated to exceed tens of millions of dollars, which is not something they can afford, and ordinary exhibitors will not be willing to pay this money.

Fellowes said with a smile, "Jimmy, don't worry, I will definitely tell everyone about your contributions to the exhibition, and let everyone know the generosity of Deep Space Corporation."

Jimmy said with a smile, "Commissioner Fellows, you know, I don't care about these things. Deep Space has always been a company with pursuit and ideals, and the significance of Telecom Atlanta to the telecom industry is extremely extraordinary. So it's an honor to be able to do something for you."

"Indeed, indeed, your company is really admirable." Fellowes complimented Jimmy, and then said, "But anyway, let us do something for Deep Space Corporation. We are about to let people like Deep Space In this way, companies that are willing to support our work will benefit, and more companies will be willing to support our work in the future. Therefore, doing something for you is also for our own good. Unsung heroes are of course worthy of respect, but if the hero is unknown, it is right an injury to justice."

Fellowes is also an old fritter. He doesn't believe the set of righteous statements in Jimmy's mouth. He believes that the Deep Space Corporation is willing to spend such a large price to sponsor them, and it must be asking for something.

If Jimmy really wanted nothing, Fellowes would not dare to accept this sponsorship.

Having said that, Jimmy stopped playing around with Fellowes. He said with a smile, "In that case, I'd like to ask your office to do us a little favor."

"Don't worry, just speak up, as long as it is within our ability, I will definitely not refuse." Ferros said very simply.

"It's like this. At the exhibition in June, there was a company called Huawei. I don't know if you have any impression." Jimmy said.

Fellowes said with a smile, "Of course, Huawei has performed very well in the market recently, and their products are also very competitive. And this is the first time their company participated in the exhibition. I am very impressed, because there are constantly powerful companies like Huawei." The company's participation in the exhibition made the exhibition better and better. I am also looking forward to Huawei's performance at this exhibition. But why did you mention Huawei? Your request has something to do with Huawei. Does it matter?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "I hope that at the exhibition in June, your office can make Huawei's booth bigger than the original one. Of course, it would be great if their booth can be adjusted to a better position." gone."

Fellowes raised his eyebrows. Of course, this request was not difficult for Fellowes. He can decide the location and size of the booths of all companies in the exhibition, but Fellowes was very surprised. He didn't understand why Jimmy used such a big favor on Huawei, and it is such a simple requirement.

The news that Deep Space Corporation may acquire Huawei has not yet reached Fellowes' ears. If he hears the news, he will not be surprised.

But although he was very curious, Fellowes didn't ask too much. He said with a smile, "No problem, I can meet your request. In fact, the booth we planned to arrange for Huawei was pretty good. But since you asked, I We can place their booths closer to the front and have a larger area, and we really should give more support to companies with potential like Huawei, so as to encourage more new companies.”

"Thank you very much. In the next two days, I will send someone to the exhibition site to communicate with you about the details of the two receptions and the live broadcast. The exhibition in June is not far away. Many things need to be prepared in advance."

Fellowes said, "Thank you again for your generosity. You are welcome to visit the exhibition. I will thank you face to face."

Jimmy responded with a smile, "I will definitely go to the event when the time comes."

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