Two days later, Jimmy and Chambers met at Yiyi Tea House.

It is not the first time for Chambers to come to Yiyi Teahouse. He once drank tea at Yiyi Teahouse when he came to New York last year, but Jimmy was not there at that time, so he drank here alone.

Now Satisfactory Tea House is doing a good business, there are many people no matter whether it is a meal or not, but the corner of the second floor by the window is Jimmy's exclusive location and it is not open to the public, so no matter what time of day there are no people there.

Seeing three or four tables of guests on the second floor, Chambers said with great emotion, "Your teahouse can even make a profit."

The reason why he said this was because he asserted when he first came that this teahouse was not profitable at all, and in his opinion, Jimmy's purpose of opening this teahouse was not to make a profit.It's just that I didn't expect that it didn't take long for the teahouse to be able to make a profit.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Recently, there are too many customers. I am going to raise the price again, especially the seat fee on the second floor. The previous price increase was too conservative. The people of Manhattan are really rich."

Chambers joked, "If the price goes up again, I won't be able to afford it next time I come here."

Jimmy laughed, "As long as you want to drink tea, Yiyi Teahouse is open to you at any time. You said you came to New York for a business trip, have you finished your business?"

"It's over." Chambers responded with a smile.

In fact, both of them knew very well that Chambers had no other business in coming to New York except to talk to Jimmy about Huawei.

Both know it, but they don't know it.

Jimmy said with a smile, "Since the matter is over, drink some tea here. This year's new green hasn't come up yet, so I made some black tea. But I have other things to do this evening, so I can't accompany you for dinner Now, if you're not in a hurry, you can stay here to eat by yourself, and I'll let the kitchen arrange it for you."

Chambers waved his hand, "Don't worry about eating, I will go back at five or six o'clock. Actually, I thought about the Huawei matter carefully later, and it's not that serious. There is still room for negotiation between the two sides. .”

When Jimmy said that he could not have dinner with Chambers, the implication was to tell him not to go around the corner. Everyone's time is precious. Of course Chambers understood, so he cut to the chase and talked about Huawei.

Hearing what Chambers said, Jimmy nodded and said, "Of course it's a good thing if you think this way. Litigation is a waste for both parties. We don't need to waste energy on this matter. Huawei's side Recently, in order to respond to the lawsuit, I have been very busy, simulating and arguing over and over again. It is not in vain. The result of the argument is still beneficial to them, and Huawei will cooperate with 3com recently. You should know what it means. But even if Huawei wins the lawsuit in the end, it may not be a good thing for them, so I think that if things can be reconciled, try to reconcile as much as possible.”

In fact, regarding the lawsuit, Yu Dong and Jimmy had different opinions.

Jimmy advocates that peace is the most important thing, and if there is no lawsuit, there may be a chance to cooperate with Cisco in the future.But Yu Dong believes that Cisco has now regarded Huawei as a strategic opponent, and it is very difficult to reconcile. In the end, if Huawei cannot accept the reconciliation conditions proposed by Cisco, it will definitely have to file a lawsuit.

Now their plan is to let Jimmy come to discuss the reconciliation with Cisco first. If it fails, they can only respond to the lawsuit.

In fact, the reason why Jimmy and Yu Dong have disagreements is because Yu Dong has experienced the lawsuit between Huawei and Cisco, but Jimmy has not.

Because of the experience, Yu Dong knew that in this lawsuit, although the process was very difficult for Huawei, the final result was still beneficial to them. Not only did Cisco's appeal not be achieved, but this battle made Huawei famous in Europe and the United States.

But Jimmy has never experienced it, so in Jimmy's view, the risk of this lawsuit against Huawei is relatively high.

Jimmy believes that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and he can avoid any risks as much as possible.


The communication between Jimmy and Chambers was still effective. Chambers decided to put the matter of suing Huawei aside. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two sides also discussed a few small cooperations.

By this time, Jimmy believed that his strategy had succeeded and that Huawei's crisis had been resolved.


After Yu Dong returned from Pengcheng, he went to Shanghai. Because he was delayed in Pengcheng for a few days, he could only reduce the itinerary to Shanghai to half of the original.

In the original plan, Yu Dong would stay in Shanghai for six days, of which four days he would visit relatives, and two days he would participate in an event organized by the Shanghai News Office and the Science and Technology Commission.

Now because of Pengcheng's affairs, he can only reduce the time to visit relatives to two days and the time to participate in activities to one day.

The relatives who have been away for two days seem to have finished a big battle. Although they are exhausted, Yu Dong still wants to participate in the activities.

In fact, this event was organized for Yu Dong. At the beginning, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission contacted Yu Dong, hoping to organize a science and education activity in Yu Dong's hometown for Yu Dong to participate in, but Yu Dong has never had time. , did not respond.

Later, the Shanghai Press Office also issued an invitation, and the press office actually wanted to help several colleges and universities in Shanghai to connect. After all, the universities in Jinling got a lot of credit from Shenkong Company, which made the major colleges and universities in Shanghai look very good. be envious.

After all, Yu Dong was born and bred in Shanghai, so he couldn't keep pushing this kind of invitation, so he took advantage of this year's time when he was going home to visit relatives to attend the event.

The theme of the event organized by the Press Office and the Science and Technology Commission this time is to enter high-tech disciplines. In addition to people from the Office, the Science and Technology Commission, and the Education Commission, there are also experts and scholars from major universities.

Before the event started, Xu Xin, director of the press office, introduced to Yu Dong the people who came to participate in the event one by one. At the end of the introduction, he introduced a young man named Chen Jin with special grandeur.

He is said to be a young man, but Chen Jin is actually in his thirties. He was born in 91, the same age as Yu Dong, and Chen Jin also graduated from a bachelor's degree in [-].

However, after Chen Jin graduated from Tongji University, he went to the United States for further studies, and successively obtained a master's degree and a doctorate degree in computer engineering from the University of Texas.

Hearing that the other party came back from the United States, Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Dr. Chen still has foresight to come back at this time, and the development of computer engineering in China is also very potential."

Before Chen Jin could speak, Xu Xin said with a smile, "Teacher Yu is right, especially that Deep Space Corporation is leading the world in the development of computers and networks, and they need and be able to digest talents like Dr. Chen. "

Hearing this, Chen Jin pushed his glasses and said, "Actually, my major has little to do with computer networks. My research direction is more inclined to hardware research and development, chip design and semiconductor manufacturing. Our current research center mainly uses digital The signal is the breakthrough for the development of the processor."

Xu Xin said: "The Hanxin-[-] researched by Dr. Chen is progressing very rapidly and has reached the final stage."

Hearing the words "Hanxin No. [-]", Yu Dong immediately narrowed his eyes. Just now he felt that the name Chen Jin was familiar, but now he finally remembered where he heard it.

During the entire development process of China's chips, China's chips suffered a heavy blow, which resulted in no development of the chip industry for many years. Enter.

Chen Jin's resume in the United States is very good. He has worked in IBM, Motorola and other large companies as a senior engineer and senior director, and has rich experience in the development of high-speed wireless communication chips and DSP core circuits.

With such a resume, he was naturally reused after returning to China.

Shanghai Jiaotong University established a chip and system research center for Chen Jin to develop a high-performance dsp chip project.

Later, Chen Jin developed Hanxin-0.18 in a short period of time, and the chip was certified by many professionals. The precision of the chip has reached [-] microns, which has reached the standards of Western countries.

Such achievements have naturally shocked the whole country. Many people believe that Chinese chips have finally developed, and they regard Chen Jin as the father of Chinese chips.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Jin successively claimed that he had researched Hanxin No. [-] and Hanxin No. [-]... But a few years later, someone posted a post on the Internet, saying that the so-called Hanxin No. [-] was a scam, and Chen Jin did not research it at all. Come out the chips.

With such rumors, it attracted the attention of relevant departments and began to investigate Hanxin-[-].

I don’t know if I don’t check it. I was shocked when I checked it. The things disclosed in the online post are basically true. The chip and system research center led by Chen Jin has no decent research results at all, and the Hanchip they showed No. [-] is naturally not their own product, but a chip that Chen Jin bought from Motorola through his younger brother's relationship, and then changed the logo on the outside. The source code of the chip was also downloaded from Motorola's website, but their People outside the website cannot view it.

Moreover, Chen Jin's resume was also falsified. When he worked in Motorola, he was actually a senior engineer, but when he arrived in China, he told others that he was a senior director of chip design before. The two positions are very different.

The reason why he was able to be deceived at that time was that on the one hand, it was really difficult to verify, and on the other hand, it was also the fault of the relevant units, who did not seriously investigate the matter.

After the incident happened, Chen Jin ran away with the money. According to the investigation, from the time he announced the development of Hanxin-11 until the incident was exposed, Chen Jin defrauded a total of [-] billion yuan in scientific research funding by relying on projects that did not exist.

This matter had a particularly great impact on the research and development of Chinese chips, so that when there were related projects later, all departments were cautious and did not dare to invest.

Moreover, from Chen Jin's announcement of the development of Hanxin-[-] to the disclosure of the matter, there were five years in between. During these five years, China's chip research can be said to have completely stagnated.

Even if there was a similar project research and development team before, after learning that Chen Jin's team had developed Hanxin-[-], they gave up the project research and development, because they all found that their research and development process was several grades behind Chen Jin's. , there is no need to continue.

In the past five years, it can be said that the research and development of Chinese chips has been blank.

Later, Chen Jin's incident was exposed, and no one picked up this kind of project again, so that for a long time, domestic chip research and development stagnated.

Chen Jin, who was once known as the father of China's chips, has no problem saying that he is a sinner in China's chip research and development.

Thinking of all this, Yu Dong's eyes staring at Chen Jin became a little cold.

Seeing the sudden change in the atmosphere, Xu Xin thought it was because Chen Jin said just now that his research direction was different from that of Deep Space Corporation, which displeased Yu Dong, so he hurriedly smoothed things over, "The so-called all roads lead to Rome, and the technologies are all connected. Moreover, Deep Space Corporation will definitely expand its business scope in the future, pay more attention to chips, and have the opportunity to cooperate with Dr. Chen."

Yu Dong glanced at Xu Xin who was trying to smooth things over, then looked at Chen Jin, and asked with a smile, "How is Dr. Chen's chip research and development going? Research in this area is not easy."

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Xu Xin helped and said, "Dr. Chen has rich project experience in this area. When the research center was established, he issued a military order to build Hanxin-[-] within four years. At that time, they all said Dr. Chen is too confident, but now the facts have proved that Dr. Chen has this ability. In just over a year, the project has made a major breakthrough, and I believe Hanxin-[-] will be able to meet you soon."

"It's only been a year?" Yu Dong nodded, "It seems that Dr. Chen's research on chips is indeed outstanding, and we in deep space are also very interested in chip research. Although we lack technical reserves in this area, But if Dr. Chen lacks some financial support, we can provide some. Our robotics department has also applied for project funding in this area before, which is about 2000 million US dollars, and we can allocate some to Dr. Chen. .”

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Xu Xin was overjoyed. The main reason they organized today's event was to help the major universities in Shanghai to get some funds or projects from the deep space. Now that Yu Dong took the initiative to propose investment, he Of course I am happy.

When Chen Jin heard the 2000 million US dollars, his eyes flashed a light, but he was very calm on the surface, and said calmly, "Our Hanxin No. [-] will be launched soon, and there is no shortage of funds. If you are interested, you can pay attention to Hanxin No. [-]."

Yu Dong feigned surprise and said, "Hanxin-[-] hasn't come out yet, are you already thinking about researching Hanxin-[-]?"

Chen Jin pushed his glasses and explained, "Technology research and development is also at the forefront. Hanxin-[-] was originally an upgraded version of Hanxin-[-], so Hanxin-[-] was developed during the development of Hanxin-[-]. It's normal." (End of this chapter)

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