Hearing Chen Jin's explanation, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I don't know much about technology, but seeing that Dr. Chen is so confident, I believe we will soon see the rise of domestic chips. When will Hanxin-[-] be made? Yes, you must let me know, so that I can also have the honor to witness history."

From Chen Jin and Xu Xin's ears, Yu Dong was not willing to support the project until he saw the results of Hanxin-[-].

Xu Xin nodded and said, "Teacher Yu, don't worry, the research center will definitely notify you when the project progresses."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Then I'll wait and see. The investment plan for the second half of the year has not yet been scheduled. If you can make the chip in the first half of the year, then we can allocate funds from July. Of course. Now, you don’t need to be in a hurry, it’s okay to be late, as long as the research and development of the chip has results, and our company has spare funds, we will definitely be able to support you.”

After chatting with Chen Jin and Xu Xin, Yu Dong went to find other guests.

After Yu Dong left, Xu Xin said with a smile, "Professor Chen, if Hanxin-[-] can be successfully developed, then your center will not be short of funds, and the research and development of Hanxin series will also be completed." It went well."

Chen Jin said with an unchanged expression, "If Hanxin-[-] can be successfully developed, I believe there will be many people willing to invest in it, and it may not be lack of funding from Deep Space Corporation."

Xu Xin waved his hand and said, "How can it be the same? Even if other companies can invest, they still focus on profits and patents, but Deep Space is different. Their support for major institutions of higher learning is very tolerant and selfless. And other Even if people give support, how much can they give? It’s enough to support you with millions of yuan. The research and development funds of deep space are hundreds of millions, and the unit is still US dollars. I heard that they develop an ordinary website, and the research and development funds are all It can reach tens of millions of dollars, and the robot research and development center in their hands, so far I don’t know how much money has been thrown into it, and I haven’t seen any results from them.”

Chen Jin nodded, "It is true that I have always heard that Deep Space Corporation is very generous and willing to invest a lot of money in research and development."

"The main reason is that Yu Dong and the others are willing to spend money. Do you know Yunchi Sports? The sports brand that has just emerged in the past two years, their football R&D center is set up in our Shanghai. This R&D center is only invested in football shoes. It reached [-]-[-] million RMB, and it is still investing. Although other items are less, they are much more than other sports brands, but because of too much investment in R&D and marketing, they have been losing money .”

Chen Jin smiled, "The loss on the books is not a loss. The development of Yunchi seems to be getting better and better in the past few years. I only learned about this brand this year, and people around me wear it more and more."

"Yunchi has indeed been made. Now the pirated Yunchi is basically the same as the pirated Nike and Adidas. I also bought their shoes for myself and my family. They are really good. Some shoes are not worse than Adidas."

Xu Xin's point of view is quite interesting, but it is also convincing. It is because of Yunchi's strong brand that there are so many pirated copies.Other domestic sports brands do not have so many pirated copies.


After the day's activities were over, Yu Dong asked someone to check Chen Jin's information, especially his overseas resume.

The people below were very efficient. It took only two days, before Yu Dongren returned to Jinling, he received information about Chen Jin's stay in the United States.

Chen Jin's resume in the United States is actually not bad. He has indeed worked in many large companies and his education background is correct, but his position is not real, and there are many fabricated elements.

In fact, when Yu Dong saw Chen Jin's resume, his first reaction was that it was a pity. After all, Chen Jin's resume is indeed good, and his professional level is definitely not bad. If he works steadily, he may not be able to make some achievements in the chip industry.

It is rumored that when he escaped, he only had [-] million RMB in his hand, which sounds like a lot, but if Chen Jin can work hard, he may earn more than this.

What Xu Xin said before is correct, Chen Jin is indeed the kind of talent that Deep Space Company needs now.It's a pity that the intention is not right, and there is no need for it.

Yu Dong didn't expose Chen Jin's deception immediately, but also wanted to collect the evidence first, and take it out together when the net is collected later.

The key is that Chen Jin has not announced that their research center has successfully developed Hanxin-[-], and there is little effort to sue the other party for fraud. , when Chen Jin wanted to quibble, there was nothing he could do.

So when Yu Dong was chatting with Chen Jin and the others before, he deliberately said that he wanted to sponsor, in order to guide Chen Jin to speed up the speed of "research and development".


Yu Dong's guidance was very useful. Less than two months after he returned to Jinling, Xu Xin, the head of the news office, called Yu Dong and excitedly shared a piece of good news with him.

"Mr. Yu, I just got the news that Hanxin-[-] has been successful, and the Jiaotong University is going to hold a press conference next Wednesday. I thought it would take a while, but I didn't expect it to be done so soon."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows while holding the phone. He knew that the fish had already entered the net.

He smiled and said, "Director Xu, this is good news. Has the performance of the chip been tested? There is no instability, right?"

"It has been tested, tested, and after many rounds of expert certification, it is confirmed that the performance of this chip is fully up to standard. The era of chips belonging to China is coming soon." Xu Xin said happily.

Although I didn't see Xu Xin, I could feel Xu Xin's excitement by hearing the voice.

It is completely understandable that Xu Xin is so excited. If Yu Dong didn't know that this is a scam, he would definitely be excited too, because this matter is really exciting.

When the deception was not exposed, all Chinese people regarded Chen Jin as the savior of Chinese chips, and his research and development speed was too fast, catching up with others' years or decades of hard work in a year or two. It is conceivable that, It won't take long, under the leadership of Chen Jin, the father of chips, China's chip technology will definitely surpass that of Europe and the United States.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. This scam has hurt the feelings of the Chinese people so much that in the future, as long as anyone in the country participates in the research and development of chips, they will be labeled as financial scammers.

"Where is the product, can you give us a finished product?" Yu Dong asked.

"The finished product... I think there should be no problem. I will communicate with Jiaotong University in a while and ask them to send you a finished product. I believe they will be happy." Xu Xin said.

Yu Dong smiled, and drew a cake for Xu Xin, "Well, as long as there is no problem with the product and the parameters can meet the targets, I can make the decision to invest 5000 million US dollars in subsequent research and development. This is just the beginning. If the follow-up Han If Xin No. [-] makes progress, it won’t be a problem to invest ten times more.”

If Jimmy heard this here, he would definitely laugh. Yu Dong usually doesn't brag, and if he brags, there must be special circumstances.

But Xu Xin didn't understand, he thought that what Yu Dong said was true, Xu Xin had even calculated it in his heart, 5000 million US dollars would be 40 million RMB, ten [-] million would be [-] billion RMB, it was worth it How much is it?
Shanghai Jiaotong University’s annual scientific research funding ranks among the top in the country, but last year, Shanghai Jiaotong University’s scientific research funding was only 6.3 million yuan, and the 6 million yuan was shared by more than 1500 projects. This project is only allocated 40 RMB, which is one ten thousandth of 40 billion RMB.

Such a comparison feels particularly exaggerated.

But Xu Xin thought about it again, it seems that [-] million US dollars is nothing to Deep Space Company, and they even earn more than this amount from making a movie.

Xu Xin didn't have anything else to say, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I'm going to communicate with Jiaotong University now, and let you get the finished product as soon as possible."

"Then I'll have to work." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Xu Xin was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, the press conference of Hanxin No. [-] is tentatively scheduled for next Thursday. At that time, Teacher Yu will appreciate it."

"Of course, as long as there are no special accidents, I will definitely go."

"That's good, let's say this first, and I will contact you after I have communicated with Jiaotong University."


Xu Xin's efficiency was quite high, and within 10 minutes he called Yu Dong again, telling Yu Dong that they had reached an agreement with Jiaotong University, and they would send a finished product of Hanxin-[-] to Deep Space Company. It will be there in two days.

There was a gap of one day, and on the morning of the third day, SJTU sent someone to deliver a Hanxin-[-] chip.

The chip is packaged very well, the outermost is a black leather box, inside is a glass box, and inside the glass box is a small box made of acrylic board, the chip is packed in the small box.

The person who sent the chip carefully took out the small box containing the chip, with a very solemn expression, "Mr. Yu, this is the Hanxin No. [-]."

Yu Dong went over to take a look. Hanxin No. [-] looks like an ordinary chip, but there is a special logo on it, as well as the words "Hanxin No. [-]" and "Shanghai Jiaotong University", which looks quite decent. of.

"Mr. Yu, don't look at the small size of this chip, but it has 250 million components inside and can perform high-speed calculations of [-] million times per second, which is already an international leading level." Maybe because Yu Dong's expression was too calm, The sender specially introduced the data of this chip to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong glanced at the other party, and then asked someone to accept the chip, "Take the chip to the laboratory."


In the following week, Deep Space conducted a series of tests on "Hanxin-[-]" and obtained a large amount of test data. Then they did nothing and directly sent the test data to Motorola.

After Motorola got the data, it didn't even take an hour to ask Deep Space why it sent them the data of their company's 56800 series dsp chip.

According to Motorola's technicians, the so-called "Hanxin-56800" chip is the same except that the words printed on the chip are different from the 56800 chip. If it is not a "coincidence", then this "Hanxin-[-]" "Number" is the word Hanxin No. [-] printed with a [-] chip.

If they guessed right, this is the 56800 chip, but the words on the original chip were polished off with sandpaper, and then the words "Hanxin No. [-]" were printed on it. No matter how difficult it is, some companies will customize chips with special appearance, and Motorola does the same.

At this time, there are only two days left before the official launch of Hanxin-[-].

Now that the evidence was available, Yu Dong didn't delay any longer, and directly called Secretary Hong in Shanghai to explain the scam of Hanxin-[-] to him.

Secretary Hong was quite happy when he first received Yu Dong's call, and exchanged pleasantries with Yu Dong, but after listening to Yu Dong's explanation, he was silent for a long time before he said, "Comrade Yu Dong, this matter is no small matter, you You can't be kidding."

The other party's reaction was within Dong's expectations, and Yu Dong said firmly, "If I hadn't already had tangible evidence, I wouldn't have made this call. According to the information we have, the so-called Hanxin No. 56800 is Motorola's [-] chip replacement. My suggestion is to first find an excuse to suspend the Hanxin No. [-] press conference, and then monitor Chen Jin’s whereabouts to prevent alarm. If he learns that the matter has been exposed, he will probably abscond abroad.”

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Secretary Hong sighed slightly. What Yu Dong said was very simple, but it is not a good decision to find an excuse to postpone the Hanxin No. [-] conference. After all, this matter has received a lot of social attention. Gao, all major media are now paying attention to this matter, and all parties involved in the press conference the day after tomorrow.

Secretary Hong was still unwilling to believe that Hanxin-[-] was a hoax. After all, the performance of Hanxin-[-] had been professionally demonstrated, so many experts didn’t realize that Hanxin-[-] used Motorola’s products?
But it was Yu Dong who called him, not an ordinary person. Can he ignore Yu Dong's words?Besides, if the matter is true, it is best to resolve it while the situation is still under control.

Secretary Hong also knows that if the press conference the day after tomorrow is successfully held, then Chen Jin will be famous all over the country. At that time, Chen Jin will not only receive various honors, but also receive a lot of scientific research funding. Did Chen Jin take away these scientific research funds?At that time, things will become serious, and the people who attended the press conference and the experts who demonstrated Hanxin-[-] will become a joke.

After pondering for a while, Secretary Hong said, "Okay, I'll let someone handle this matter. As for the investigation, I may need your Deep Space Company to help."

"No problem, I'll let someone bring the materials to Shanghai."

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