Chapter 1019
The information collected by Deep Space Corporation is very complete. Basically, Chen Jin has been checked thoroughly, including the ins and outs of "Hanxin-[-]".

After seeing so much information, Secretary Hong actually understood that this matter has basically been confirmed.

Secretary Hong was both surprised and sighed. The successful development of Hanxin-[-] was originally a very brilliant event in Shanghai, but it was reversed all of a sudden. If Yu Dong hadn't informed them of this in advance before the press conference, Looking back, Shanghai's face will be lost.

Of course, even in the current situation, Secretary Hong still has a headache. He doesn't know how to announce this matter to the public.After a long time of lively publicity, but in the end it was announced to others that it was false, Shanghai might be overwhelmed by the saliva of the masses.

After receiving Yu Dong's call, Secretary Hong had already secretly sent someone to monitor Chen Jin, and asked the comrades of economic investigation to pay attention to Chen Jin's financial situation, first to prevent Chen Jin from taking money and running away.After they have verified all the information in the deep space, they will take action against Chen Jin.

Afterwards, Secretary Hong set up an investigation team, and the information from the deep space was sent to the investigation team soon after.

The investigation team is well-equipped with not only experienced comrades in economic crimes, but also experts in scientific research.

What they have to do is very simple, just get the materials given to them by the Deep Space Corporation to verify it.

In fact, this matter is very well confirmed, especially the part of the resume cost.

On the official website of Shanghai Jiaotong University, there is Chen Jin's personal resume. His resume says "mainly engaged in the development of high-speed wireless communication chips and dsp core circuits", "responsible for the design and development of many major SoC system chips and Project leader" and "Senior Chief Engineer in Motorola" and other resume information.

This information is not difficult to check at all, just call the relevant unit to ask, this thing is not confidential information, no procedures are required, as long as you call to check, they will definitely let you know.

The investigation team quickly called several companies such as Motorola, and their replies were that Chen Jin had "never been engaged in the development of high-speed wireless communication chips and DSP core circuits" and "never been responsible for a number of major Soc system chip design and development and project leader", and only worked as a test engineer in Motorola.

In fact, if you know a little more about Motorola, you don't need to check it at all. You should be able to know that it is very moist just by looking at this resume.

Chen Jin received his Ph.D. in 1997, and only three or four years have passed since he returned to China more than a year ago.

Even if he has been working at Motorola for three or four years, it is basically impossible for him to be a senior engineer and chip design manager. Well, even if he counts the three years of his Ph.D., if he wants to be a senior director The position of engineer is also very difficult.

Moreover, Chen Jin’s doctoral dissertation can be found on the website of North American Ph.D. Dissertation Library. The content of his doctoral dissertation mainly elaborates on the testing technology related to chip design.

Even though chip design is related to chip testing to a certain extent, it is a bit suspicious that a person whose doctoral thesis is focused on chip testing turns his head and has made a lot of achievements in chip design. The basis of chip design and chip testing research is still different, isn't it? You can turn if you want.

If Chinese people know more about the chip industry, they can also know that it is almost impossible to make a high-end dsp chip in such a short period of time.

How long does it take to develop and design a chip? It’s hard to define. Some people are faster, some people are slower, but as a design team that is still in the process of being formed, it only took more than four months to complete the source code. It took less than [-] months for the "Hanxin-[-]" to be born. This speed is really astonishing.It would be even more incredible if the person in charge of the lead project was a test engineer before.

The reply given by Motorola stated that one month before returning to China, Chen Jin also studied analog circuit design for a month in the analog circuit design of Freescale's wireless communication division, and then returned to China to work in the Suzhou New District of Freescale China. The division organized an analog circuit design group.

Even if the previous people did not go to the United States to investigate, they only need to go to Freescale China’s Suzhou New District Branch to ask about Chen Jin’s general situation. Just ask, how could a senior chief engineer go to the branch to work as an analog circuit designer? team leader?And even for analog circuits, Chen Jin's foundation is very poor, so his team couldn't get the project at all when they were in Suzhou.

It was precisely because he could not get the project that Chen Jin had the idea of ​​leaving Freescale.

After Chen Jin left Freescale, Chen Jin wanted to go to Tongji University to catch up with Shanghai Jiaotong University, and he sent resumes to both schools.

In the earliest resume submitted to Tongji University, the information displayed above is also mainly reflected in the testing field.

However, such a Ph.D. who focuses on the testing field was introduced to Shanghai Jiaotong University, and a chip and system research center was established for him, and the research and development of the national 863 project Hanxin dsp chip was started.

If Chen Jin is a fish in a pond, then the pond has already rotted.

The further down the investigation, the more members of the team can feel the corruption of domestic academics. In this whole matter, as long as there is a link with stronger supervision, the current situation will not be caused.

The investigation team continues to conduct in-depth investigations to verify the information given to them by Deep Space Corporation. On the other hand, the press conference of Hanxin-[-] has also been postponed. The reason for the postponement is simple, because there are potential safety hazards in the venue where the conference will be held. Due to security issues, I decided to change the address to another place. As for where to change it, I will notify you later.

After this announcement came out, everyone felt quite strange. The Hanxin No. [-] conference has been planned for more than half a month. If there is a security problem in the venue, it should not be discovered until the day before the conference.

Moreover, the location of the Hanxin No. [-] press conference superstar is Shanghai Jinjiang Small Auditorium. A large-scale event was held in this place yesterday, and I haven’t heard of any safety issues. It's really weird.

But no matter how strange this matter is, since the official has already said it, everyone can’t make random guesses. Even if there are random guesses, it’s impossible to guess at the matter of academic fraud. Not mature enough for such an early release or something.

Chen Jin, the protagonist of this incident, was also very surprised when he learned that the press conference was postponed. He didn't believe that any venue had a safety hazard, so he ran to ask the professor who introduced him before, if the press conference was out what is the problem.

The professor who recommended him was a director of the Department of Computer Science. He has good network resources in the school.

"Director Liu, what is the specific situation of the postponement of Hanxin No. [-] press conference?"

"Didn't the school inform you that there is a safety hazard in the Jinjiang Auditorium, so the press conference will be postponed?"

"We only went to this small Jinjiang auditorium two days ago, so there is no safety hazard... Could it be that something happened to the school?"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't worry about what can happen in the school. When the project can be done, then do more. If it can't be done, then do less. Now that the chips have been made, You don't have to rush any more."

After chatting with Director Liu for a few more words, Chen Jin found that Director Liu didn't seem to know anything about this matter.

By this time, Chen Jin had already begun to feel that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, he found several people to ask about the situation, but they did not get an answer.

Although Chen Jin didn't know what went wrong, but in this situation, he decided to run away first.

He just went to the United States some time ago, and his visa is still valid.

But before he ran, he had to transfer the money out, but when he started to move the money, he found that all the money had been locked and could not be moved at all.

By this time, Chen Jin knew that his problems must have been exposed. Since the money could no longer be transferred, he could only run away alone, leaving the green hills and not afraid of running out of firewood.


At eight o'clock in the evening, the airport is still very lively, and some flight information is often broadcast on the radio. A young man wearing a hat stops in the crowd, holds the ticket in his hand, and stares at the information displayed on the big screen. A little restless.

The young man in the hat was Chen Jin who was about to abscond. He simply packed up, brought a few changes of clothes, took a car to the airport, and bought a plane ticket for the latest flight to the United States.

Fortunately for him, there are still tickets left on the flight to the United States tonight.

It is basically impossible to buy a ticket for the day at this time, especially for flights abroad. She has already made up her mind that if there is no ticket for the direct flight to the United States, she is going to transfer from another country and go there .

There are still two hours before the plane starts to fly, and in two more hours, Chen Jin will be able to leave China and go to the United States.

Although he failed to transfer a large amount of money, he has already earned 50 U.S. dollars in advance to a company in Baodao. When he goes to the United States, he can transfer the 50 U.S. dollars from Baodao to his American account.

As the check-in time was getting closer, Chen Jin's mood became more and more relaxed. Judging from the current situation, there should be no problem.

That's right, even if there is any problem, it is impossible for the relevant department to respond so quickly, it may just start an investigation.By the time they investigate something, he may have already guessed that his feet are on American soil.

It's just... which link is wrong?Why would anyone be following him?
Chen Jin thought about the whole thing from beginning to end, but he couldn't figure out where the problem was.

It's not that he didn't think about Deep Space Corporation, but it wasn't just Deep Space Corporation that got their chip, and Deep Space Corporation only got the chip last week. Even if they found any problems, they wouldn't say that they would take action so soon , if the relevant department hadn't already had some evidence, how could it be possible to lock his account?
Could it be Li Han?
Li Han is a member of their project team. After Chen Jin got the Motorola chip, he asked Li Han to find someone to polish it. The original characters were worn out, but it was inevitable that Li Han would think too much.

Hanxin's division of labor is actually very detailed, and they don't know each other's fields, so after Hanxin No. [-] was built, many people in the project team didn't know what was going on. They only knew that they had done something, and then The chip is done.

But Chen Jin gave Li Han ten chips, but in the end Li Han only handed in nine, saying that the other one was damaged during the polishing process, but Chen Jin didn't think much about it, after all, in polishing, there is loss in the middle. It's so normal.

But now that I think about it, maybe Li Han was already suspicious at that time, so he left a chip for investigation.

Moreover, Li Han actually knows Motorola's chips very well. Recently, Li Han's research and development project for a pda mobile phone is based on Motorola's Dragon Ball chip, so if Li Han can recognize that Hanxin One is a Motorola case The chip is also very normal.

Thinking of this, Chen Jin already decided that it was Li Han who reported him.

Time passed by, and the check-in time for Chen Jin's flight was getting closer and closer. Just as he was already queuing up to check-in, four people in black clothes suddenly appeared beside Chen Jin.

These four were tall and burly, and once they stood beside Chen Jin, they surrounded Chen Jin.

One of the men in black said with a smile, "Professor Chen, isn't there a Hanxin-[-] press conference these days? Why are you flying at this time? I'm not afraid of delaying the press conference."

Chen Jin said with a smile, "Sir, I'm afraid you don't know that the press conference of Hanxin No. [-] has been postponed, so I want to take advantage of this time to visit the United States. What are you guys looking for me for? So Big night."

The man in black looked at the time and said, "I'm sorry, Professor Chen, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. You won't be able to take the flight today. Regarding Hanxin-[-], there are some questions that need your explanation. Please come back with us now." One trip. As for the loss of the air ticket, after you explain the situation, we will compensate you, and it will be doubled."

Chen Jin frowned and said, "Double airfare? Do you think I'm short of this airfare?"

The man in black shrugged his shoulders, "You have to tell our leader about this."

After finishing speaking, the four of them pulled Chen Jin to another direction.

Along the way, Chen Jin was staring at the four people next to him. He was guessing which department these people belonged to, but these four people were all dressed in ordinary clothes, and there was nothing special about them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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