Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1020 Let's Take Over

Chen Jin pretended to be innocent along the way, and said that they must be held accountable, but when Feng Kai, the leader of the investigation team, put a stack of evidence in front of him, his arrogance disappeared.

He understood that it was useless for him to be stubborn, the other party had already found out the matter.

"Group leader Feng, I want to ask, how did you find out about this matter, did Li Han report it?"

"Li Han?" Feng Kai raised his eyebrows, and then said with a smile, "Oh, I remember that there is a person named Li Han in your research center. Although I don't know why you guessed that he reported you, I regret to tell you You, you guessed wrong, this matter has nothing to do with Li Han, we learned about it through other channels."

"Who does that have anything to do with it?" Chen Jin continued to ask, he really wanted to know who made him stumble.

Feng Kai shook his head, "I can't answer this question for you, and now is not the time for you to ask questions. Next, I will ask you to answer. I hope you can answer all the questions I asked."

Without waiting for Chen Jin to answer, Feng Kai asked, "Does the so-called Hanxin-[-] developed by your research center use Motorola's source code?"

Chen Jin nodded, "Yes, the source code of Motorola dsp56800e is used."

"How did you get Motorola's source code?" Feng Kai asked.

"I asked my former colleagues at Motorola to help me download it from Motorola's internal website."

"Did you buy the chip from Motorola?" Feng Kai asked.

"I entrusted my younger brother to purchase the chip from Motorola. It is a Motorola dsp56858 chip."

"Why is the word Hanxin No. [-] on it?"

"I asked someone to grind off the original characters, and then printed Hanxin No. [-] on it..."


For Feng Kai's interrogation, Chen Jin was very cooperative and basically did not hide anything.

Chen Jin is a smart person, he knows that it is useless for him to deny anything in this situation, but Chen Jin made some beautifications for himself as to why he was lying.

In Chen Jin’s confession, he said that when he first started doing chip research in the research center, he didn’t intend to deceive, nor did he think about changing positions. He really wanted to develop advanced chips that truly belonged to China.

However, in the process of research and development, the project has not progressed for a long time. When facing pressure from various aspects, he had the idea of ​​plagiarism.

Originally, he didn't think about using Motorola's chip directly, but thought about downloading the source code from Motorola, and then using Motorola's chip source code to design the chip.

But things are not as simple as he thought. Although there is Motorola's chip source code, because there is no IP module for the chip debugging interface, the designed chip is like a computer with only a host and a display screen, without a keyboard and mouse, and cannot be operated at all. , Naturally, there is no way to apply any system to the chip.

Originally, he wanted to procrastinate for a while, and try to borrow Motorola's source code to develop a chip, but the progress was very slow. At this time, he met Yu Dong again, and heard that Yu Dong wanted to invest in their research center. It is the project that must progress.

He had no choice but to ask his younger brother to buy a batch of Motorola chips to pretend to be Hanxin-[-], so as to defraud Deep Space Corporation of funds.

After getting the chip, he first rubbed off the original words on the surface of the chip with large coarse sandpaper, and then asked Li Han to find migrant workers to fine-grind the surface of the chip. He lied to Li Han that he wanted to remove the original words on the chip The words "Shanghai Chuangqi" were changed to "Shanghai Jiaotong University".

Chen Jin defended himself that he wanted to contribute to China's chip industry, and the reason why he changed positions was to make a transition and get the research and development funds first, so that the project could make more progress.He believes that although there are some problems with his approach, the purpose is good, and as long as they get funding, they will definitely produce results in the future. After a few years, the real chip is made, and the intermediate process is not important.

Feng Kai almost believed what he said, but the point is that he is a test engineer, but he wants to produce results in chip design, which is a very funny thing in itself.

The most important thing is that Chen Jin was not as selfless as he said in the process of operation, otherwise he would not have transferred 50 US dollars to a company in Baodao by fabricating false orders.


Chen Jin confessed to what he committed, but this matter has just begun, and there are still a lot of problems to face.

How to deal with Chen Jin, how should his behavior be defined?There are no such cases in China, and there are no relevant laws and regulations. Should it be handled according to the crime of fraud in the criminal law?Or is it as simple as simply recovering scientific research funding and going civil?
The personal punishment of Chen Jin is one aspect. Is it necessary to pursue other people's responsibility in this matter?In the whole incident, many people must have been at fault, such as the director of the School of Computer Science who recommended Chen Jin to Shanghai Jiaotong University, and the staff of the school who verified the information. How should these people be dealt with?

Are there any personnel similar to Chen Jin in the school, and are there any projects similar to the Hanxin project?Is there any corruption in the funds allocated to Jiaotong University by the state every year, and should these problems be strictly investigated to the end?

In addition, will the Hanxin-[-] project continue in the future?How to explain to the outside media?These are issues that need to be considered now.

The next morning, Secretary Hong called Yu Dong.

Briefly told Yu Dong about the process and results of the investigation, and then Secretary Hong said, "I also want to ask your opinion during this call. What do you think about Hanxin No. [-]? Hanxin No. [-] The number was originally supposed to be a shot in the arm for the domestic chip industry. If it is not handled well, it may become a reminder. Is it necessary to continue the project of the research center? If it is to continue, who should take it over? These issues should have been communicated with Jiaotong University, but now there are many problems with Jiaotong University, and you are too busy, so I came to ask you for advice."

Yu Dong pondered for a moment and asked, "I don't think it's that bad that the Hanxin-540 counterfeiting happened at this time. First of all, the time this time didn't cause much real impact, and the project funds didn't cost much. Some of them can also be recovered, and this chip counterfeiting incident has reminded us. With the country's strong support for scientific research, more and more funds are invested every year, and there must be many projects that are smuggling and stealing. Just talking about Shanghai Jiaotong University, the center of this incident, they had a total of [-] projects last year. Among these projects, are there any tricks in the application process of these projects? Are there any gangs among the personnel involved in the projects? Forming a party for personal gain?"

"There are so many professors and associate professors in the school. Are the resumes of these people true? Are all the papers written by themselves? Did they find someone to write for them? Is there any plagiarism? Some professors were originally A-type majors, but they repeatedly participated in B-type projects Is this kind of incident reasonable? The country has not yet issued relevant laws and regulations, how should we deal with misconduct in scientific research?"

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Secretary Hong was silent for a while. He originally just hoped that Yu Dong could help him with an idea... Maybe he had some selfish intentions, hoping that the Deep Space Company could take over Chen Jin's research center project team, so that Once it comes, the impact of this matter can be reduced.

Who knew that Yu Dong not only didn't think about reducing the impact of the incident, but also wanted to stir up waves, and wanted to fight corruption and counterfeiting in the academic world.

Do the things Yu Dong said exist?

It must exist, and it is serious, but now that the whole country is on the fast track of scientific research, the sudden anti-corruption of scientific research will discourage the enthusiasm of scientific researchers?Will it disrupt the originally intricate network of relationships in the scientific research community?How to deal with the nepotism in the school valve?

"This matter has to be planned in the long run..."

In the middle of Secretary Hong's speech, Yu Dong quickly said, "Shanghai is the vanguard of domestic economic development. In terms of scientific research reform, I think it should have the courage and determination to be the first, and this time the fraud happened in Shanghai. If only Thinking about turning major events into minor ones, how does this make outsiders view Shanghai? If this time they can learn the lessons of the fraud incident, further improve the supervision system from various aspects, and eradicate academic corruption, everyone will have a big respect for Shanghai. thumb."

Speaking of this, Yu Dong paused for a moment. He knew that just talking about these great righteousness might not be able to impress Secretary Hong, so he continued, "As a native of Shanghai, I definitely want to do something for my hometown. Our deep space We are willing to take over the project of Jiaotong University and continue the research of Hanxin, and we are also considering opening a factory of BenQ Mobile in Shanghai. In addition, we established two companies in New York some time ago, one for batteries and the other for motors. The two companies have reached a strategic cooperation with Columbia University, and now we are preparing to open a branch in China, and we are choosing the foothold of the company.”

Sure enough, after hearing these things, Secretary Hong became interested, "You are going to open a BenQ Mobile factory in Shanghai, how big is it? And those two companies, do you have a factory?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "BenQ Mobile's factory is preparing to make new products of BenQ next year. The scale, the annual output value should exceed 20 billion within three years, and exceed 40 billion within five years. As for those two companies, there is no factory for the time being, but they will definitely There will be."

Although he didn't have much contact with Yu Dong, Secretary Hong probably understood Yu Dong's style. Yu Dong generally didn't brag, and was even conservative. He said that the output value exceeded 20 billion in three years and more than 40 billion in five years, so there should be no problem.

"After you take over the research center of Hanxin, do you have any specific plans?" Secretary Hong asked again.

"In fact, we have already started the layout of the semiconductor industry before. The dsp chip is just a part of our semiconductor layout. Whether it was the acquisition of BenQ Dentsu before or the recent cooperation with Motorola, it is all for the layout of the semiconductor. Take over For Hanxin's research center, we need to see if there are any usable research results in this research center...I don't have any hope for this. If there are usable research results, Chen Jin doesn't have to do this. We have already searched for some dsp-related talents before, and after taking over the research center, I plan to change all the people."

In fact, Secretary Hong would like to hear how much money the Deep Space Company will invest in the research center after taking over the research center, but now Yu Dong's words have satisfied him, at least it can be seen that the Deep Space Company does have a plan, prepared.

As Yu Dong said, the actions of Deep Space Company in the past two years can indeed show that they want to enter the semiconductor industry.

At this time, Secretary Hong also expressed his opinion, "This Hanxin counterfeiting incident really needs to be dealt with seriously, and other people involved in the incident should not be easily let go. The seriousness and fairness of scientific research really need someone to protect it."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Then I will wait and see."


That is, in the evening of that day, Shanghai Jiaotong University held an urgent press conference, announcing to the media reporters that the original Hanxin-[-] conference was canceled because Chen Jin, the head of the original chip and system research and development center Suspected of falsifying resumes and forging scientific research results, he was dismissed for the first time by the school.The spokesperson said that the school has an unshirkable responsibility for this incident, and they will conduct a thorough self-examination in the next period of time to eliminate the school's unhealthy tendencies.

The original Hanxin No. [-] press conference suddenly became a "crime order" by Shanghai Jiaotong University, and the media reporters exploded.

After Huang Wenhu, the spokesperson and vice-president of Jiaotong University, finished speaking, a reporter raised his hand impatiently and asked, "Principal Huang, what do you mean by falsifying scientific research results? Is Hanxin-[-] not yet successfully developed?"

Huang Wenhu replied: "The research and development of the Hanxin No. [-] project has not progressed as Chen Jin announced before. The Hanxin No. [-] project that was originally going to be displayed steals a certain company's products."

"Which company did you steal from?"

"It is inconvenient to disclose the specific details."

"Will the Hanxin project continue?"

"Whether the Hanxin project will continue is still unclear."

"Chen Jin has been in your school for a year or two. Why did he find out that his resume was falsified at this time? Didn't he do the background check when he entered the school?"

Huang Wenhu frowned and said, "We are also investigating this matter ourselves, and we will announce it to the public when the results of the investigation come out."

"What kind of punishment will Chen Jin get?"

"As an employer, we can only exempt Chen Jin from all positions and subsidies. As for other punishments, it depends on the outcome of subsequent litigation."

"Principal Huang, when will the result be available?"

"We can't decide when there will be a result. It depends on the procedures of the relevant departments." Huang Wenhu accepted the manuscript. "The specific details will be detailed in the announcement on the official website. Please pay attention to our official website."

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