Huang Wenhu wanted to leave, but the reporters hadn't asked where they would let him go so easily, and tried to persuade him to stay.

"Principal Huang, please say a few more words."

"When will your school's official website announce the specific details?"

"Where is Chen Jin now, can we arrange to interview him?"

"Principal Huang, avoiding problems like this is not a good thing for your school."

"Can I make an interview?"


Huang Wenhu didn't make any response to the reporters' retention. This incident can be said to be a scandal in their school. For him, it is natural to say as little as possible.Moreover, the incident had just happened now, and Shanghai Jiaotong University did not have much information. He really didn't know the questions asked by the reporters, and he had no choice but to answer them even if he wanted to.

The school only got the news from the city government this morning. At that time, all the leaders of the school were dumbfounded. Although they were a little puzzled by the forcible postponement of the Hanxin No. [-] conference by the relevant departments, they did not think about it. Thinking that Hanxin-[-] was actually a fake, they were still imagining that the school would become famous all over the world because of Hanxin-[-].

In fact, at the beginning, the school didn't attach much importance to this project. It's not that the value of this project is not high. It's just that the level of chips between China and foreign countries is too big, and it's impossible to change because of Chen Jin alone.

But what the school didn't expect was that Chen Jin really did it. It took him just over a year to complete the design and production of the chip, and the chip they produced could also pass the verification, and all the data could meet the standards.

After the source code of the previous chip was designed, the school was very happy, and allocated money and people to Chen Jin and his research center. The $50 that Chen Jin paid was given by the school.

After getting the news, the school still didn't believe it, and wanted to investigate again by itself, but Secretary Hong conveyed his opinion to the school, hoping to cut through the mess quickly and give an explanation to the society as soon as possible.

Although the Shanghai Shanghai Stock Exchange can't control the Shanghai Jiaotong University, they can only give them opinions, but they have no choice but to listen to this opinion, and the city government's stance is so firm, which shows that the evidence for this matter is conclusive and beyond doubt. .That being the case, it would be superfluous for the school to investigate again.

Therefore, after half a day of discussion, the school decided to hold a press conference to announce the matter. If the city government or other relevant departments announce the news first, they will be passive. Now the outside world may still speculate that this matter is from Jiaotong University itself found out.

Huang Wenhu left without looking back, leaving all the reporters staring.

Most of the people who came to the scene today are local media in Shanghai, and some have a station in Shanghai, because the press conference was held in a hurry, and they were notified until one o'clock in the afternoon. If it is media from other places , and there is no way to rush over.

Since they are all Shanghai media, they are familiar with each other, and when Huang Wenhu was far away, they also discussed with each other.

"What's the situation now, whoever has other news to share with us." The reporter from Shanghai TV was the first to ask.

The reporter of "Ten Miles of Foreign Market" said with a smile, "You didn't see President Huang like this. The Jiaotong University itself probably doesn't have much news. How could other people know. We were still paying attention to the Hanxin No. [-] press conference two days ago, who? Know that's the case."

"I got news before that Chen Jin and his research center sent people to the Deep Space Company. I don't know if it has anything to do with this incident."

"Did they send someone to Deep Space Corporation for something?"

"I don't know the details, but just two days after Hanxin-[-] was announced, I guess it must have something to do with Hanxin-[-]."

"Do you think Chen Jin has anything to do with Deep Space Corporation?"

"I feel that there is something to do with it, but it's hard to say what it is. Didn't Chen Jin and the others want to get funds from deep space?"

The reporter of "Ten Miles of Foreign Market" looked at the reporter of "Xinmin Evening News", and said with a smile, "Xiao Liu, Director Ma in the morning office of your newspaper office has such a good relationship with Shen Kong, why doesn't he have any inside information?"

Xiao Liu is a young guy, wearing a pair of glasses, he looks a bit naive, he pushed his glasses and said with a smile, "I haven't heard Director Ma say that."

He couldn't tell from the tone of his speech whether he hadn't heard Director Ma say that he had a good relationship with Deep Space, or he hadn't heard Director Ma said about this incident.

The director of their morning magazine is Ma Xiaohong, and it's no secret that Ma Xiaohong's husband is Qu Aiguo, formerly of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association.

Wasn't it because of Qu Aiguo's relationship that "Xinmin Evening News" was able to get so many news related to Jin Yi?

Let's not talk about the influence of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Let's just talk about Qu Aiguo. It is said that Qu Aiguo is Yu Dong's favorite student...Of course, this is what Qu Aiguo himself said, and it has not been certified by Yu Dong himself. .

But everyone still believed this. After all, Qu Aiguo was the monitor of the first class that Yu Dong took after he joined the work. The first time is always very precious.

Qu Aiguo and his group of students, many of them developed very well later on, including famous jewelry designers, fashion designers, and visual designers, probably because of the influence of Deep Space Corporation, many of them were Mixed in the film and television industry, specializing in convincing designs.

The morning issue of "Xinmin Evening News" has published many interviews with celebrities, such as Yu Hua, Shi Tiesheng, Zhou Jielun, Liu Shikun... Many deep-space celebrities are basically led by Qu Aiguo. Ma Xiaohong only started working in 93. In a few years, she became the director of the morning magazine. In addition to her own ability, she also has a lot to do with Qu Aiguo.

However, it is not convenient for Qu Aiguo to give Ma Xiaohong any news now, because his status is different now.

At the end of the year before last, Qu Aiguo started working in the organization after resigning from his position as the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, and he was promoted very quickly. He is now the deputy director of the Research Office of the Propaganda Department of the Jinling Municipal Party Committee.

Although Qu Aiguo is old, he has been working for a relatively short time, and the time he has been working in the organization is even shorter. Now he can become the deputy director of the research office of the Propaganda Department of the provincial capital city municipal party committee, and his promotion speed is already like a rocket.

But others would not say anything about it. After all, Qu Aiguo is different from ordinary people. He joined the party early, and he has been in charge of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association since college, and has a long experience in publicity.

As for Qu Aiguo, during the two years since he left the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, he has reduced his private contacts with the deep space department.

At this time, a reporter joked again, "Let Director Ma help you to ask whether Shen Kong was involved in this matter. Others may not be able to find out, but she will definitely do it."

Xiao Liu chuckled, "Ask back, ask back."

Seeing him like this, the others stopped making fun of him, and they couldn't get more news here, so they slowly dispersed, and they wanted to go back and write the manuscript quickly.

Now is the Internet age, and whoever publishes the manuscript quickly will win.


Before the reporters’ manuscripts were written, the matter made new progress. At 10:30 that night, the official website of Shenkong Company suddenly issued an announcement, which said that Shenspace Company had reached an agreement with Jiaotong University. It is about to take over the chip and system research center of Jiaotong University and continue the research and development of the Hanxin project.

As soon as this announcement came out, the media immediately exploded. Before, some people only speculated that Shenkong Company had something to do with the Hanxin-[-] incident, but now it’s all right, and Shenkong Company itself came out to confirm this guess.

It's a pity that the content of Deep Space Corporation's announcement was very simple, and it didn't reveal any more information. It didn't explain why it took over the research center, nor did it say what the next plan was.

No one can figure out the relationship between Deep Space Corporation and the Hanxin counterfeiting incident. They even know very little about the Hanxin counterfeiting incident itself. So far, only Jiaotong University has come out to talk about it, and it’s not true. Very clear.

That night, the phones in the news reception center of Deep Space Corporation were all ringing, but there was no one on duty in the office, so it was useless if the phone rang again.

The next morning, before work hours, a person from the Deep Space Tribe who claimed to be a lecturer at Shanghai International Studies University reported in real name the monograph "Seeking Reality" published by a professor named Shen in their college a few years ago. In addition to plagiarism, in this reporting tribe, the informant listed a large amount of information.

At noon that day, Liu Moumou, an assistant to the vice president of the School of Medicine of Aurora University, was reported because he put a student's academic paper under his own name and falsified his personal resume.

Before the lunch break, it was revealed that the deputy director of the School of Computer Science of Jiaotong University accepted bribes, used power for personal gain, and maintained improper relationships with many female teachers and female students. One of the female professors' papers was written by the deputy director. Help her name in multiple experimental projects.

The successive scandals in the academic world made the major media a little confused. They didn't understand what was going on. In just one day, so many things happened.

It seems that the fake Hanxin-[-] is like a big bomb thrown into a cesspit at once, and a pile of pickled things exploded out.

Other walks of life are watching the excitement, but many people in the academic circles in Shanghai are trembling, for fear that this fire will burn on them.

Accepting bribes and messing with men and women may not be too common, but there are too many things like academic paper plagiarism and ghost writing.

At first, the fire was still burning in Shanghai, but soon other cities also caught fire, and similar real-name reports appeared in many schools.

Netizens also did not expect that there are so many dirty things in academia.

[Are these reports true or false? Has there been an official announcement? 】

[Well, let's wait for the official announcement, I still hope that these reports are fake. 】

【Well, I also hope it's fake, but in fact, more than 80.00% of it is true. I know something about the director of Jiaotong University. 】

[I didn't expect the academic world to be like this. 】

[It’s the same in any world, there are dark parts, everyone, don’t think too well of the academic world, and of course don’t knock down everyone in the academic world because of these cases. 】

[Where there is power, corruption is easy to breed, which is normal. 】

[Hanxin turned out to be a fake, I am so happy. 】

【Indeed, I didn't sleep in the excited few nights before, and I didn't sleep in the sad few nights these days. 】

[Things have to be in a good place. Fortunately, we found out in advance. Otherwise, we would be ashamed if we didn't find out until before the press conference. 】

[Indeed, it is also because of Hanxin’s fraud that detonated so many scandals. I hope the academic world will be cleaner in the future. 】

[I heard from inside sources that the academic crackdown on counterfeiting and anti-corruption was started by Deep Space Corporation. 】

[Is there any evidence for this statement? 】

[Of course there is no proof, but haven’t you seen that Deep Space Corporation has taken over the Chip and System Research Center of Jiaotong University? 】

[I hope that after the deep space takes over, it can research the real Hanxin. 】

[I still believe in Deep Space Corporation. 】

[Haha, I will buy a BenQ s2 in a while, and support it. 】

[You think about it, but you are afraid that there will be no stock at that time, and you will have to wait. 】

[I want to support it, but the BenQ s2 is too expensive, so I can’t afford it at all. I wonder if the price of the BenQ S1 can be lowered. If it costs 3000 yuan, I can still buy one. 】

[It seems that after the release of the BenQ s2, the BenQ s1 will no longer be shipped, and you may not be able to buy a brand new BenQ S1 in the future.Alas, it feels a bit of a pity, the BenQ S1 still feels pretty good to use, and it still kills most mobile phones in seconds. 】

[Fuck, is BenQ Mobile so willful, don't you want to make money?Even if the model may be backward, you can sell it at a reduced price. Isn't that what other manufacturers do?And it's not lagging behind at all, it's still selling very well. 】

[I just heard it, and I don’t know if it’s true or not. 】

[Is BenQ Mobile expected to release a smartphone in the past two years?I want to see what kind of smart machine BenQ Mobile looks like. 】

[I don’t know if BenQ Mobile will join the Saipan family. 】

[Deep Space's computer network technology is so strong, BenQ Mobile is backed by Deep Space, can't it develop a smartphone platform by itself? 】

[You think the R&D platform is so simple, it took a long time for Symbian to come up with it. 】


Just when netizens were discussing the role of Shenkong Company in this incident, the Shanghai Municipal Government suddenly announced that BenQ Mobile’s new factory would be located in Shanghai, and there were also two Chinese branches of Shenkong Group’s subsidiaries. The company will be stationed in Shanghai.

In a short period of time, three companies from the Deep Space Department wanted to enter Shanghai, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the Deep Space Company had reached some kind of agreement with Shanghai.

The other two companies are unknown to everyone, but BenQ Mobile is very popular now. According to the announcement, this factory in Shanghai will be responsible for producing new products of BenQ Mobile next year. Driving can not be underestimated. (end of this chapter)

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