Hearing Yu Dong say that he wanted Turner Broadcasting Company, Steven Case widened his eyes and looked at Yu Dong in disbelief, "What do you think you want?"

Yu Dong didn't answer, but just said with a smile, "You heard what I said, so you shouldn't need me to repeat it."

"I did hear what you said, but I can't believe it," Steven Case said.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "What's unbelievable, I want Turner, is this strange?"

"Not surprising, not surprising at all." Steven Case shook his head, "For you, if you can have a subsidiary company as powerful as Turner, it will be very useful for your development. There is an old saying in China It is said that it is to put wings on the tiger, but Turner is equivalent to wings to you. However, Turner is not ICQ, you can buy it if you want."

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mr. Keith, I don't understand this. Isn't Turner bought by Time Warner a few years ago? Time Warner can buy it with money, but we can't buy it in deep space." Are you done? To be honest, as far as your current situation is concerned, Turner Broadcasting has only disadvantages but not benefits. The quality of Turner Broadcasting's TV programs has declined in the past two years, which is definitely related to the merger and acquisition of the parent company. Perhaps it would be better for their development to have Turner Broadcasting in our hands now."

Steven Case pursed his lips, "Let's not talk about whether I agree with this deal, Time Warner can't agree to it. Although I am the CEO after the merger, I can't decide this kind of thing alone. Yes. Turner Broadcasting is an important part of Time Warner, and they will not give it up easily. Moreover, even if we all agree, are you sure that relevant departments will not appear? Even if we merged with Time Warner, it was blocked by many parties. Although the volume of Turner Broadcasting is not large, it is not the same as the general company."

Yu Dong looked at Steven Case and said, "I think you should help us facilitate this matter. Since the merger was initiated, the market value and turnover of the merged company have been falling all the way. I think someone in the company has already seen it." I'm not used to you anymore, if this continues, you won't be able to stay as CEO for long, and even say that Time Warner may break away from AOL and return to its original state. I played it myself. At that time, should you worry about whether Turner is in Time Warner or not? Why don't you put some thought into it now and send Turner Broadcasting to us, we are helping you through the current difficulties , and Time Warner will be more convenient for your side to manage after Turner Broadcasting is gone. Perhaps, in this way, your internal integration will be accelerated faster."

After listening to Yu Dong's words, Steven Case was quiet for a while, and finally said, "What you said is indeed reasonable, but the point is, even if I am the CEO and the chairman, it is very difficult for me to complete this matter." Difficult, it is impossible for Time Warner to agree. It is true that Turner Broadcasting has not had any major development in the past two years, but it has played a great role and still has great potential."

"It depends on people." Yu Dong leaned back in his chair with a smile, "Mr. Keith, to tell you the truth, I have carefully studied the current situation of your company, and it is not difficult to get through the difficulties. As long as you can Help us take down Turner Broadcasting, we can help you with this."

Steven Case frowned, "How can I trust you, what should I do when you get the Turner Broadcasting Company and don't help me?"

"It's simple. Your side will help promote the deal first. As soon as we see the deal is promising, we will start to help you solve the problem." Yu Dong said with a smile: "Anyway, I'm not worried that you will break the contract after helping you."

Steven Case nodded, and then said, "The acquisition of Turner Broadcasting is not of the same magnitude as the acquisition of ICQ. Although Turner Broadcasting has not had much development in the past two years, we will not trade at a loss. We did. Time Warner spent a total of US$75 billion on the acquisition of Turner Broadcasting. Now if you want to acquire it, you must add at least 20.00% to this price, or even more than US$100 billion. You have Is there so much money? How are you going to trade it? Go for a loan, or exchange it with other things?"

"Is it okay to install in installments?" Yu Dong asked.

Steven Case shook his head, "It's difficult, unless you give very high interest, but since you have to give high interest, you can take out loans yourself, maybe, you can also use Amazon's stock to pay for it." Change, but I think you probably don't want to."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said with a smile, "It is impossible to give you Amazon's stock, and you may not want it. Don't worry about the money. As long as you are willing to sell it, we will definitely be able to afford it. "

Deep Space Corporation is currently short of cash, not money. In fact, as long as they want to use money, they can go to the bank to borrow money. Many banks are waiting for Deep Space Corporation to borrow money.

At that time, you can buy ICQ first, then merge with Ma Huateng and his company, and then use the new company to mortgage the loan.The cash flow from Amazon can also be used.

Huawei can also discuss and negotiate, and have a two- to three-year installment to save money to acquire Turner Broadcasting.Ren Zhenfei wanted to get the money to make tractors before, but now that Deep Space Company is going to let him manage it after buying Huawei, then there is no such thing as tractors, and the money can naturally be delayed.

As long as Time Warner is willing to buy it, Deep Space will also buy it. Several channels under the Turner Broadcasting Company are too important to Deep Space, especially CNN.

Now the publicity channels of Deep Space Corporation are all new media, but they are still far behind in the traditional media industry. With Turner Broadcasting, the situation is completely different.

The founder of Turner Broadcasting, Turner, is a rich second generation. His father is a millionaire who runs a billboard business. His father runs a billboard, and his son runs a TV station.

However, Old Turner's psychological quality is not very good. Three years after Turner graduated from University, Old Turner committed suicide because of the company's losses.

In terms of psychological quality, Turner is obviously much better than the old Turner. Without his father, Turner did not feel depressed at all. He directly took over the company's business, carried out reorganization, and quickly expanded into the mass communication industry. He also bought Atlanta's wtbc radio station. and a TV station in North Carolina, and soon established the Atlanta TV market.

In the mid-70s, satellite TV in the United States developed very rapidly. Turner realized that satellite broadcasting had a bright future, so he started satellite broadcasting to send entertainment programs to cable TV stations across the United States.

In the early 80s, in order to compete with the three major television networks of cbs, nbc and abc, Turner founded a cable TV news broadcasting network, also known as cnn. Airplane crashes, the global stock market crash in 86, the Pan Am crash in 87, the Armenian earthquake... CNN is playing an increasingly important role in the international communication arena.

In 1996, Time Warner acquired Turner Broadcasting for $75 billion, which became a subsidiary of Time Warner.

In addition to CNN, Turner Broadcasting is also doing well in sports, entertainment, economics, etc., and has a lot of its own copyrights. It is a very good content exporter.

CNN's later reputation was not very good, because on the one hand, they pursued the timeliness of the news too much and ignored the authenticity; Principles and the bottom line, so that the headquarters of CNN was smashed later.

Steven Case looked at his watch, "It's getting late, let's go to the exhibition together, is it convenient to take your car?"

"Are you sure?"

Steven Case nodded, "Of course."

"In that case, let's go together."

The two looked at each other and smiled, got up and walked out of the restaurant. Yu Dong's car was already waiting at the door of the restaurant. After the two got into the car, the car slowly drove towards the telecommunications exhibition.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of the exhibition hall.

As soon as they saw this car, the reporters who had seen it already recognized it. This car was the one Yu Dong sat in yesterday.

"It's YU!"

I don't know who yelled, and the surrounding reporters gathered around one after another, pointing their cameras at the back door of the car.

But what they didn't expect was that the one who got out of the car first turned out to be a casually dressed middle-aged man, not Yu Dong. Many reporters didn't even recognize that it was Steven Case.

The reporters who didn't know Steven Case were still in a daze, while those who knew him kept pressing the shutter.

Yu Dong looked at Steven Case outside the car, smiled and shook his head, according to etiquette, the guests should get out of the car, but Steven Case didn't care, the car stopped, he opened the door and went out, Neither waited for the waiter to open the door, nor did it mean that the owner, Dong, got out of the car first.

By the time Yu Dong got out of the car, some of the reporters had cut half of their film, and then turned their heads to take pictures of him.

Steven Case, who got out of the car first, walked eastward, and the two walked towards the exhibition hall together.

The reporter was waiting for other people, so he didn't follow, but all the photos that should be taken have been taken.

Only then did the reporter remember to ask, "Who was that just now?"

"That's Steven Case, the boss of America Online," someone replied.

"The boss of America Online? Isn't America Online a rival with Deep Space Corporation? Why does it seem that the relationship is so good?"

"Isn't this normal? The mall is an opponent. Even if you are not a friend in private, you have to get by on the surface."

"It's not as simple as it seems on the surface. Steven Case got out of YU's car. Maybe they came from the same place."

"Does it mean that the relationship between Deep Space Corporation and America Online is going to ease?"

"I don't think it's just easing up. It's very likely that they will make some big moves in the future, and what projects they want to cooperate with."

"Will it have something to do with this telecom equipment exhibition?"

"It's normal for them to cooperate, isn't Amazon using AOL's services?"

"Amazon's situation is different after all. Amazon is a listed company, and Deep Space does not have strong control over them."

"How can it be uncontrollable? It's just that Deep Space Corporation usually doesn't interfere with Amazon. But looking at the current situation, it's definitely not Amazon's kind of cooperation."

"If AOL cooperates with Deep Space Corporation, it will be a big move."

"Isn't it free time before the welcome reception in the afternoon? Go and interview the two of them then."


Steven Case and Yu Dong couldn't hear the discussions of the reporters outside, but when they walked into the hall, they could see the surprised eyes of many colleagues.

Many people who came to the scene today have business dealings with America Online or Deep Space Corporation. America Online is still the number one Internet company in the United States.

Steven Case looked at the Huawei booth, which he could see immediately after entering the door, and said with a smile, "It seems that the exhibition attaches great importance to Huawei's products, and their positions are so conspicuous that you can see them as soon as you enter. .”

Yu Dong smiled and said, "The location is really conspicuous."

Such a good location is not for nothing. Deep Space Corporation invested tens of millions of dollars to help Huawei get it. But now it seems that the investment of tens of millions of dollars is not a loss. The position arranged for Huawei by the exhibition Really good.

Why Huawei can get such a good position, of course Steven Case also knows.

Deep Space Corporation is the largest sponsor of this exhibition. It not only sponsored two receptions, but also included a full webcast. The official announcement of this matter was made before the conference.

When he saw this news at the time, Steven Case guessed that the deep space was probably made for Huawei, and now it seems that it is true.

Looking at it this way, there is a high probability that Deep Space is indeed going to acquire Huawei, otherwise it would be impossible to invest so much money in Huawei.

At the moment, there are many people around Huawei's booth, and it can be seen that their products have attracted a lot of attention.

"Shall we go and have a look?" Steven Case said.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Of course."

The two walked over side by side, and the people who had been watching the product consciously dispersed, and they all greeted Yu Dong and Steven Case, and they both nodded in response.

A blond young man next to the showcase was introducing their products to others, but when he saw Yu Dong and Steven Case coming, he also stopped.

Yu Dong came to him and said with a smile, "Go ahead and introduce, don't be influenced by us."

The young people nodded, and then continued to introduce their products: "Our router..."

It might be a little nervous, the young man's voice could obviously be heard trembling, but Yu Dong was very kind, and he was helping to ask questions while the young man was introducing.

"How about the speed of your product?"

"Is the installation different from other products?"

"Is the performance stable?" (End of this chapter)

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