Chapter 1029 There is money
The young man in charge of product introduction didn't know the inside story, and thought that the reason why Yu Dong paid so much attention to their brand's products was because Huawei was a Chinese company.

At the moment, the brains of the bosses of various companies in the surrounding area have begun to turn rapidly. Some of them have heard the rumor that the Deep Space Company is going to acquire Huawei, so seeing this situation, they are even more convinced that the news is true.Those who have never heard of this news are all guessing what special relationship Huawei has with Deep Space Corporation, why Huawei can get such a good position this time, and whether this is also related to Deep Space Corporation.

But whether Deep Space acquires Huawei is not important to them, but what Deep Space and America Online are going to do is more important to them.

Steven Case knew what other people would think. He proposed to come with Yu Dong's car for the same purpose. He just wanted to tell others that America Online was going to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation.

In the past two years, because of the acquisition of Time Warner, many people are not optimistic about AOL. If they know that AOL will cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, it will be considered good news.

Yu Dong and the others stayed at Huawei's booth for a while, and more people gathered here, and Ferros, a member of the Telecom Secretariat, also walked over with a smile on his face.

Deep Space Company is the biggest sponsor of this exhibition. Of course, Fellowes was full of smiles when he saw Yu Dong. After he approached, he held Yu Dong's hand tightly, "YU, welcome, welcome, you It’s an honor for us to be here.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I would also like to thank you for your invitation, which gave me the opportunity to come and study."

Fellowes greeted Steven Ross with a smile, and then continued, "When Jimmy came over in the morning, I asked him why you weren't together, and he told me that you had other things to do. Mister Keith."

Steven Case explained with a smile, "My son is a loyal reader of YU, and he is clamoring to attend YU's book signing every day. It's not hard to hope that YU will come to the United States to do the book signing, and it happens to be in Atlanta. I brought my son here, met and chatted for a while yesterday, and made an appointment to have breakfast together."

He made an excuse to say that his son likes Yu Dong, but Fellowes didn't believe this rhetoric, but Fellowes didn't ask any more questions, just smiled and said, "There are many new products worth seeing in this year's exhibition, such as these products from Huawei. Not only the performance is very good, but the price is also cheap, I am very optimistic about Huawei's market performance this year."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Well, I don't know much about technology. Just now this young man took the trouble to introduce it to us for a long time. He said it well, but we are still a little confused."

Ferros laughed, "It's okay to be confused. After all, you haven't touched this area. How about it? I'll take you around the exhibition hall and explain it to you."

"No, no, you are so busy today, I can't delay your business." Yu Dong waved his hand.

However, Fellowes enthusiastically pulled Yu Dong's arm, "It's okay, it's okay, the matters of the exhibition have been arranged, and the live broadcast depends entirely on the people of your company. I don't have anything important, let's go."

He was so enthusiastic, so Yu Dong couldn't refuse, so he followed him.

As soon as the few of them left, the other people around followed them, watching the battle as if the leader was inspecting the work, and Yu Dong stood in the leadership position, and there was a live broadcast camera following Yu Dong all the time.

The reason why Ferros must drag Yu Dong to the exhibition hall is also because he knows who the audience in the live broadcast room likes to watch. As long as there is YU in the camera, the effect of the live broadcast will definitely be good.

In fact, this is also the case. Since Yu Dong appeared, the popularity of the live broadcast room has suddenly increased.

【I finally made it to YU, but it's a pity I didn't go to Atlanta yesterday, and I haven't seen the new book yet. 】

[What is the nature of this telecom exhibition? Can we also enter? 】

[It seems that on the first day of the exhibition, only those who are invited can participate, but the subsequent exhibitions are open to the public. 】

[YU is not here anymore. 】

[YU ran so fast, he was still in Korea two days ago, someone photographed him playing drums for the Chinese team. 】

[Didn't you say that Chinese football is not good before? I watched the game very well. 】

[The performance is average, that is, the other teammates in the group are weaker. 】

[Belgium is like this and it’s still doing average. 】

【Why did YU participate in this telecom equipment exhibition? 】

[The Telecommunications Equipment Exhibition is already very famous, and it is normal for Deep Space to participate. 】

[YU doesn't participate in this kind of business activities very much, I almost forgot that he is still a shareholder of Deep Space. 】

[Insider information said that Deep Space Corporation is going to acquire Huawei. 】

[What is Huawei? 】

[Huawei is a telecommunications equipment manufacturer, a Chinese company. 】

[It's not a big deal. 】

【Hey... Look at who is standing next to YU. 】

[Who, I don't know, is it famous? 】

[If I read correctly, it should be the boss of America Online. 】

[Boss of America Online? 】

[Why did the boss of America Online stand with Yu Dong?It seems that they are still very familiar. 】

[It should be normal for them to be familiar with each other at this level. 】

【Have you read the new book? Is it good? 】

[YU's book is of course good, no need to ask, I think it is very good, and I am looking forward to the movie next week. 】

[I'm now torn between whether to read the novel or the movie first. 】

[Definitely read the novel first, there is no doubt about it, you will still be willing to watch movies after reading novels, but after watching movies, generally you are not willing to read novels. 】

[The novel has been finished and the movie tickets have been bought. I will tell you the answer after I have watched the movie. 】

[Ordinary people can still enter the Telecom Exhibition?Then I'll wait two days before leaving. 】


During the lunch break, Yu Dong met Jimmy.

After the two met, Jimmy's first words were, "What's the situation with you and Steven Case? A bunch of people asked me about this this morning, which made me feel a little confused. They said I didn't know about it."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I had dinner with him this morning."

"How did you meet to eat together?" Jimmy wondered.

"Yesterday he went to the signing event, and he was the first in line. I recognized him, chatted for a while, and then asked to have breakfast together today." Yu Dong probably told Jimmy about the situation.

Jimmy curled his lips and said, "It's definitely not as simple as eating. Steven Case is very deceptive in appearance. Don't look at his casual appearance, but in fact he has a lot of scheming, and he may fall into it if he is not careful." His way, he must have put a lot of thought into being able to rank first, have you guys talked about business matters today?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Of course, otherwise you would think that he really only had dinner with me. They are not in a good situation now, so I hope we can help them through the current difficulties."

Jimmy frowned and asked in confusion, "Are you sure? Why did he talk to you about this, and why does he think you are capable and willing to help him?"

Yu Dong shrugged and said, "His explanation is that he believes in my vision and believes that the purpose of doing business is to make money. As long as it is beneficial to both parties, I believe I will definitely agree."

Jimmy nodded, "That's true, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests, and although America Online and us have a lot of business competition, there is no major conflict. When Lenovo conflicted with us before, they He also quit in time, and even tricked Lenovo. But it’s still the same sentence, Steven Case, you can cooperate with him, but not for a long time.”

"I know." Yu Dong nodded, "But he made two points. First, they are willing to shut down their tribe and give us all the data on the website."

"This condition can't impress us. Their tribe can't continue to work now. If they don't close it, they will only continue to lose money. It's a good thing for them to close it early, but it's useful to hand over the data to us," Jimmy said. .

Yu Dong continued, "Second, they are willing to sell ICQ to us, and the price will not be too high."

Jimmy narrowed his eyes, "This condition is not bad, if we can win ICQ, it will be very beneficial to us."

"Well, my idea is that if I can get the icq, I will hand it over to Ma Huateng, and let them put the function of the drift bottle directly on the icq, so as to save the stage of attracting users in the early stage."

Jimmy murmured, "Leaving it to a good idea. The way of ICQ is indeed suitable for Pony to do. In this way, icq can be used as an experimental field. If there are any functions that are inconvenient to go online, you can get ICQ first. try."

Yu Dong nodded, "I think so too."

"So, you agreed?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong shook his head, "Although icq is very attractive, it is not enough for me to agree to him. The current situation between America Online and Time Warner is very complicated, and it will take some effort to win them over, so I will Made a deal with Steven Case."

"What conditions?"

"I asked him to sell Turner Broadcasting to us." Yu Dong laughed.

Jimmy slapped his thigh, "Wonderful, if Steven Case is really done with this, it will directly break the balance between AOL and Time Warner, and it will be easier to pull them in later, and Turner Broadcasting is very important to us. It’s very useful, I’ve always wanted to play with a broadcasting company, ABC is a good choice, but it’s impossible for Disney to let go, it’s not easy for us to get 15.00% of ESPN’s shares.”

Deep Space Company was able to obtain 15.00% of ESPN shares because these shares were obtained from the Hearst Group and had nothing to do with Disney. However, Deep Space Company has been very happy to cooperate with Disney in the past two years.

In the past two years, ESPN's user growth rate has been very fast, and it has almost exceeded 9000 million. However, compared with the growth of subscribers, their fee growth is outrageous.

Now ESPN can earn [-] dollars per month from a single subscriber, while Fox and others behind ESPN charge no more than [-] dollar, and most of them are less than [-] dollars, which is several times worse than ESPN.

And the reason why espn can increase the fee to such a high level, and is confident, is also because it has two fathers, the first father is Walt Disney, and the second father is Deep Space Corporation. Because of these two fathers, many channel companies force espn to release It is included in the set-top box package, and ESPN programs are often recommended on Deep Space Tribe, such as "Sports Center", and sometimes there are program warm-ups.

Disney has considered releasing some ESPN shares to Deep Space, so that Deep Space can increase its promotion of ESPN, but it is impossible to release ABC shares to Deep Space.

"ABC definitely doesn't need to think about it, Disney can't play it." Yu Dong laughed.

"Did Steven Case promise you?" Jimmy asked.

"He said he would find a way, and he couldn't give a letter about this kind of thing."

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's really not that difficult. Although Time Warner attaches great importance to Turner Broadcasting, Steven Case has many ways to do this. Don't worry, I don't think it will take long. He'll get it done."

Seeing how easy Jimmy said, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Is it as simple as you said?"

Jimmy said with great certainty, "Absolutely, you just look at it."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see. But there is still one problem, and that is money. If Steven Case can get it done, we will have to raise money here."

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "Time Warner seems to have spent 70 billion US dollars to acquire Turner Broadcasting. If we want to buy it now, we should be able to get more than 80 billion. We can squeeze out 30 billion from the original acquisition of Huawei. It will be used as an early payment, and the remaining money will be settled within this year... I roughly calculated that it is no problem to squeeze out more than 50 billion U.S. dollars. If it is not enough, you can stake out the shares of Manchester United. Up to 20 billion US dollars, ESPN's shares can be staked to get [-] to [-] billion US dollars, and some meat from Xueleshan and Blizzard will definitely be enough. They have also made some money in the past two years, especially Xueleshan , One space made them turn around, and now there is "Minecraft", and the revenue has skyrocketed."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's better not to cut the flesh between Xueleshan and Blizzard, especially Blizzard, which is currently preparing online games, and there are a lot of places where money is needed. We have spent too much money in the past two years, and gradually have a kind of money It doesn’t feel like it’s fancy enough, shall we slow it down a bit later.”

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's not too difficult. Our company has very little debt now, and the cash flow is not bad. Since we want to expand, what is this level?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, you know better than me about funds, so you can figure it out."

"Don't worry, a batch of copyright fees and box office splits can be settled after a while. There are more than one billion US dollars, and it can still be slowed down."

(End of this chapter)

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