The telecom equipment exhibition lasted for three and a half days. Yu Dong only stayed there for one day, and left for Manhattan the next day.

The biggest winner of this telecom equipment exhibition is Huawei. Their booth is the best in this exhibition. This is the external condition provided by Deep Space Corporation. Huawei itself is also very competitive. They exhibited this time The performance data of its products are very good, basically no difference with Cisco's equipment, the key is that the price is much lower, and the price/performance ratio is beyond everyone's imagination.

During the three-day telecommunications equipment exhibition, Shenkong received a lot of orders on the spot.

The live broadcast of the exhibition was done by Deep Space Company, which naturally gave Huawei a lot of shots, so Huawei is now famous not only in the industry, but also among ordinary people. Many netizens now know that there is a Chinese company that is very good. Powerful, called Huawei.

On the whole, the $1000 million that Deep Space Corporation paid for the equipment exhibition this time is overvalued.


A week later, on the day the "Source Code" movie was released, Yu Dong, who was still in the United States, suddenly received an overseas call from Ren Zhenfei.

After the call was connected, Ren Zhenfei's first words were, "Teacher Yu, we have been sued."

Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jimmy next to him. Seeing that Yu Dong had a strange expression after receiving the call, Jimmy asked, "Who called and what happened?"

"President Ren's phone call said he was sued," Yu Dong said.

"Sued by whom?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong turned on the speakerphone, and Ren Zhenfei on the other end of the phone said, "Cisco sued us."


Jimmy frowned, which surprised him. He thought that after the last communication, Cisco had given up suing Huawei, and they were still discussing how to cooperate a few days ago.Chambers is a smart guy and should have known a settlement would be better for them.

Could it be that Chambers has always wanted to sue Huawei, and his previous performance was just a smoke bomb to confuse this side?
"Tell us about the situation."

"Cisco filed a lawsuit against us in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Texas, accusing us and our subsidiary futurewei in the United States of embezzling the source code of their operating system and applying it to the operating system of our quidway routers and switches...The content of these lawsuits is basically the same as yours before. The information provided was consistent."

When talking about this point, Ren Zhenfei couldn't help feeling that Jimmy was so powerful, he had an insight into Cisco's methods so early, and they also made targeted preparations in advance.

As early as Jimmy notified them, they began to take corresponding measures. During this time, all hidden dangers in the company have been dealt with.They asked employees to tell the truth, not to hide anything, to prevent the company from being held legally liable due to personal trickery, and organized personnel to make revisions to controversial areas.

At the same time, the company's documents are thoroughly cleaned up, and when the documents are unclear, it is necessary to explain how the software was compiled.

On the other hand, Huawei is also cooperating with Deep Space Corporation to discuss cooperation with some American companies, hoping to reach a united front with these companies, and has started the acquisition of the American company cognigine and established a joint venture with 3com.

Therefore, Ren Zhenfei was not panicked when he heard that Huawei was sued.

Jimmy and Yu Dong were less panicked, but Jimmy was a little surprised by Chambers' move.

"No matter what Chambers thinks, you should be ready to respond to the lawsuit now, Mr. Ren, let Guo Ping and Xu Wenwei come to the United States again, let them form a team to deal with the lawsuit, and on the other hand, I will go back and try with Chambers Negotiation and reconciliation, let's do it at both ends." At this point, Jimmy paused, and then continued, "The possibility of reconciliation is very slim, so be mentally prepared to respond to the lawsuit."

Ren Zhenfei laughed, "I'm already mentally prepared for this."

Ren Zhenfei is in good condition, Jimmy smiled and said, "The company has been sued, you can still laugh, old Ren."

"Since this is unavoidable, we must always have a good attitude to deal with it. Besides, now that you are here, I feel more relaxed."

What Ren Zhenfei said was the truth. The matter of Deep Space Corporation’s acquisition of them has basically been finalized. Now it can be said that Huawei has stepped into the threshold of the Deep Space Corporation family, and it will be announced to the outside world in a short time.

Now Huawei does not need him to worry about anything alone, the pressure has dropped sharply, and his health has been much better recently than before.

Jimmy said with a smile, "It's a good thing to have a good attitude. It's a blessing in disguise. If you can win this lawsuit, it will be good for you. At least no one will question you in the future. And this time The lawsuit is also an experience for you, after passing, your development will be better."

Up to now, Jimmy's mentality has also changed.

Jimmy has always advocated not to go to court. In his opinion, a lawsuit is a serious act of internal friction, so he will try his best to negotiate a settlement with Chambers. However, in this situation, a settlement is basically impossible. In this case, responding to the lawsuit Basically the only path.

When there is only one way to go, what can be done is to walk the way well and turn the crisis into an opportunity.

After hanging up Ren Zhenfei's call, Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "This Chambers, why did he tear his face apart all of a sudden?"

"Are you going to call him?" Yu Dong asked.

"I'll call now." Jimmy picked up the phone on his desk and dialed it directly. After the call was connected, he turned it on hands-free.

Chambers' voice came from the other end of the phone, "Jimmy, are you calling me at this time, do you want to treat me to dinner?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "Of course I want to invite you to dinner, I don't know if you will give me this chance."

"If you invite me to dinner, I will go no matter how busy I am, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it these two days. Our company is a bit busy."

"Are you busy at the court?"

Hearing this, Chambers understood the purpose of Jimmy's call, "Haha, I knew you were calling for Huawei's business. It seems that Ren has already called you."

Jimmy said, "Can't reconcile?"

"Of course I can. The terms of the settlement have been discussed with Huawei. If they don't agree, I have nothing to do. As long as Ren signs the document, I can ask them to withdraw the lawsuit now. The matter is very simple," Chambers said.

Jimmy nodded, "I understand, but I'm a little curious why you suddenly changed your mind. Your attitude was not like this before."

Chambers laughs, "I still believe that intellectual property is sacrosanct, and if intellectual property is not upheld, we will end up in chaos."

Jimmy twitched the corners of his mouth. This nonsense can only fool elementary school students, not even junior high school students.

"Is your change of attitude related to this telecom equipment exhibition?" Jimmy asked.

Not long after the telecom equipment exhibition, Cisco sued Huawei, which is too coincidental, so Jimmy guessed so.

Chambers fell silent, and Jimmy smiled, "It seems to be related. May I understand that Huawei's products make you feel threatened, so that you would rather offend us than initiate a lawsuit?"

"Jimmy, I didn't intend to offend you. Huawei is Huawei, and you are you, right? Why do you have to use Huawei? Is it because Huawei is a Chinese company? Because YU wants it? Choosing Huawei may not be a must for you. It is a good thing, if you are willing not to interfere in this matter, we will definitely..."

Jimmy directly interrupted Chambers and said, "I was not sure whether it was right to acquire Huawei before, but now it seems that this decision is extremely correct. What you are suing now is not Huawei, but a subsidiary of Deep Space, so you are going to You are also facing deep space, Chambers, you cannot win this lawsuit."

After speaking, before Chambers could answer, Jimmy had already hung up the phone.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "It seems that Chambers' change is indeed related to Huawei's performance at the Telecom Equipment Exhibition. Huawei's products made him afraid. He understands that if Huawei is not suppressed, Huawei will seriously threaten them. .”

Jimmy nodded and said, "That's true. The same product is priced so much lower. Users naturally know how to choose. Those orders at the exhibition are the answer. Now it seems that the acquisition of Huawei is the right choice. The next thing we have to do is Help Huawei win this lawsuit, and after the lawsuit is over, we will also help Huawei beat Cisco in the market, and Chambers must pay the price for his choice."

"Let's talk about this matter when Guo Ping and the others arrive. Please pay more attention to this matter. I will return to China tomorrow."

"I'm going back to China directly, so I won't go to Neon and Goryeo to watch the World Cup?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "Don't watch it, now we're going to start preparing for the next World Cup."

"Isn't it too early to prepare now?"

"Not early, not early at all."

"This is also in line with your style. Everything is planned a long time in advance. In fact, the Chinese football market is relatively easy to earn money. Youth training and football popularization have great market potential. The Chinese team performed well in this World Cup. , There will definitely be a big wave of enthusiasm in China, and I want to buy an A-A football team to play."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Let's get rid of this idea. Now we can give some opinions on Chinese football and stand on a high ground. If we buy an A-A team, we can't say anything. There are many problems in the domestic league. , there is no need to fall into this quagmire."

"But if you want to make Chinese football really thrive, it won't work if you don't do it in the league."

Yu Dong sighed slightly, "Take your time, as long as you can steadily send players abroad for training, you can hope to achieve good results. As for the popularization of youth training and football, we have to do it slowly."

In Yu Dong’s opinion, it’s much better to do these things now than 20 years later. Although the current economic level is not as good as later, the football atmosphere is not bad.

At least now, no matter in the city or in the countryside, whether it is in junior high school, high school or university, it is very easy to form a football team. Some schools even have a football team in every class.

But for a while later, many institutions of higher learning with more than five-figure students were unable to organize a school football team.

Take Jinling Art Academy, where Yu Dong teaches, as an example. With the development of the times, the number of Jinling students is actually increasing, but the number of people participating in the football team is decreasing.

In Jia Zhangke’s class, there were a total of 23 students in the class, and there were only [-] boys. In this way, they formed a football team abruptly. There is such a compilation.

Because in the eyes of students at this time, it is not normal for a class to have no football team. It is normal to have a football captain in a class, just like having a monitor, a study committee member, and a labor committee member.

Later, let alone a major, a school as big as Jinyi couldn't organize a school football team. The main function of the football field is to do exercises.

"If I don't buy a team in League A, I want to play with a team in La Liga. Which team do you think will work?"

"Then I suggest you buy Barcelona and Real Madrid directly."

"Uh, forget it, it's too difficult to buy them."

Jimmy said that it is difficult to buy Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​not just because the two clubs are famous and expensive. If we only talk about the price, there is no club in this world that Deep Space Company can’t afford, not even Manchester United. It was taken by the Deep Space Corporation, and it didn't take much effort.

Even for clubs like Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​if you only count the price, the two together are not worthy of Huawei or Turner Broadcasting, and Deep Space can afford it with a little bit of money.

However, Real Madrid and Barcelona are membership-based, so it is more troublesome to buy, and if a club like this is traded, the local government will definitely interfere.

Jimmy just said casually about buying a football club, and didn't take it too seriously. Originally, they didn't want to make money from the football team itself when they entered the football world, but wanted to use football's powerful publicity ability.

Including those football stars they signed, they give such good benefits one by one. If these young players do not perform well, they will definitely lose money. Even if they perform well, they will not make a lot of money as a brokerage company, but they signed In the high-welfare treatment contract, Deep Space Corporation has the priority to choose sponsorship.

This also means that after young players such as Messi, Benzema, and Cristiano become famous in the future, they may still wear Yunfan's football shoes.

Because the Chinese team broke into the World Cup finals and performed quite well, many domestic sports brands are now thinking about making football shoes. For example, the former sports big brother Li Ning has just established a new department to specialize in football shoes. .

However, if you want to make a pair of shoes that can be produced, it will definitely not work within two or three years, but the market is waiting for no one.

Many people said that Yunfan Sports arrived at a good time, and the Chinese team broke into the World Cup finals not long after the football shoes came out.

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