Compared with the premiere box office of "Spider-Man", the premiere box office of "Source Code" is much lower, only 100 million US dollars.

However, the production cost of "Source Code" was relatively low, only 3000 million US dollars, and the money was mainly spent on hiring Jennifer Aniston and the explosion scenes in the movie.

As a movie with a cost of only 3000 million U.S. dollars, the premiere box office reached 100 million U.S. dollars, which is already quite good.Moreover, the audience's evaluation of the film is also very good, and the subsequent box office trend should not be bad.

In fact, many people go to the cinema to watch "Source Code" because of the novel. After watching it, readers say that the movie did not disappoint them.

Although the story is still the same, the feeling expressed in the movie is still very different from that in the novel. Many things that cannot be shown in the novel are shown in the movie.

The ending of the novel is open-ended, and it does not explain whether the world of source code has stopped, but the movie gives an ending, the hero and heroine lived happily in the world of source code, and also hinted at the origin of source code. The world is a parallel world. In this parallel world, the train explosion was prevented, and the base plan was not implemented because of the explosion.

In the following week, the box office performance of "Source Code" was still good, and it soon exceeded 3000 million US dollars, and it was moving towards the next goal of 5000 million US dollars, and I believe this goal will be achieved soon.

According to the predictions of relevant agencies, the North American box office of "Source Code" should eventually be fixed at between 2000 million and 6000 million US dollars.

This kind of box office performance is very inconspicuous among all Dong's novel adaptations, but it still makes many people in the film industry envious, because the production cost of "Source Code" is really low. If the North American box office can reach more than [-] million US dollars , That is a big profit.

The box office of this movie in other countries will definitely not be low. After all, it is an adaptation of YU's novel. It is well-known around the world, and a large number of readers of the novel will go to the cinema to cheer.

Especially in Asia, the box office of this movie will not be low.

The cast of "Source Code" is not luxurious. Aniston, who plays the heroine, has become a household name in the United States with "Friends", but she has not yet achieved success in movies and has no box office appeal.The leading actor, Gu Tianle, is a Chinese. He has gained a little fame in the United States through several out-of-circle TV series, but this reputation is still not enough to watch.

But it is different in Asia. In Asia, Gu Tianle is now a super hero.

The global box office of "Source Code" wants to reach [-] million U.S. dollars, and the hope is very high.

The production cost of 3000 million US dollars, the box office of more than [-] million US dollars, plus the subsequent various copyright fees, and the income of tens of millions of US dollars, how can it not be enviable.


In Kevin Hoving's office, Aniston was sitting on the sofa with coffee in his hand, in a very good mood. The film and television news these days have been reporting on "Source Code", saying that Deep Space Corporation has created another The box office was a miracle, and many people in the industry praised Aniston's performance in the movie.

In fact, there is nothing special about Aniston's performance in the movie. This movie does not have high requirements for the heroine. Coupled with the blessing of a good director and screenwriter, Aniston just needs to act step by step. It doesn't take much play.

However, when the audience evaluates the actors, most of the time they refer to the works. Because of the success of "Source Code", people certainly do not hesitate to praise all the characters in it.

Kevin Howen said with a smile, "Annie, there is nothing wrong with choosing "Source Code". As long as you prove yourself at the box office, more directors will naturally come to you to make movies."

Kevin Hoving had always been very worried that if Aniston made a few more poor box office movies, no director would ask her to make movies in the future.This thing is very evil. Sometimes there is a wall between TV drama actors and movie actors. Some people, no matter how famous the TV drama is, they have no box office appeal after acting in a movie. Aniston was like this before, acting several times in a row There are no splashes in the movies. If things go on like this, the directors will think that she is not suitable for acting in movies, and no big director is willing to use her.

But now it's okay, Aniston is also the heroine of a movie with a box office of hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is still a low-cost movie.Those directors may not attribute the success of the box office to Aniston, but at least they know that Aniston will not make the box office lower.

"Has there been any other scripts in deep space lately?" Aniston asked.

Kevin Hoven said with a smile, "I'm also asking about this matter. If there is a role that suits you, I will help you fight for it. I heard before that they intend to adapt "Source Code" into a TV series."

Aniston rubbed her hands together and said, "I'd rather be in a movie."

"okay, I get it."

Kevin Hoven smiled, thinking that people are really easy to change. Before that, Aniston said that he didn't want to act in movies anymore.It may be that the previous few films did not perform well, and Aniston also felt a little disheartened.

The success of "Source Code" has had an all-round impact on Aniston. A few days ago, they just signed a movie called "Fake God". The male lead is Jim Carrey. Originally, the female lead in the movie Less, too, but yesterday the film's producer, Roger Birnbaum, called Kevin Hoven and said he wanted to add some more to Aniston's character.

Originally, Aniston was able to take on "Fake God" because the leading actor was Jim Carrey. They knew that as long as it was a comedy by Jim Carrey, the box office would not be bad, and the production cost of "Fake God" was quite high, with more than 8000 million US dollars. , close to three times that of "Source Code", otherwise, they wouldn't have accepted the heroine with such a small role.


Here, "Source Code" is being released in full swing. On the other hand, Guo Ping, the chief legal officer of Huawei's legal department, has brought people to the United States. When they arrived in the United States, a "combat team" was formed.

At this time, the matter of Cisco suing Huawei has been spread in the industry, and there are rumors in the industry that Cisco's minimum goal this time is to drive Huawei's products out of the US market, and the highest goal is to drag Huawei into the quagmire of litigation and put Huawei Go bankrupt.

Before the lawsuit started, Deep Space announced that it had reached an acquisition agreement with Huawei. At the same time, it announced that after the acquisition, Huawei would acquire the American company Gognigine and establish a joint venture with 3com.

This is not over yet. Only one day later, Amazon announced that it has signed a contract with Huawei and will switch to Huawei products in the next quarter.

In the afternoon of the same day, PayPal and Box Office issued statements one after another. They also reached an agreement with Huawei, and they will use Huawei's network equipment in the future.

AOL CEO Steven Case also publicly stated on his personal social account that he is very optimistic about Huawei's products and hopes to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.Although this does not mean that AOL will use Huawei products, it is also an attitude.

This set of combined punches directly stunned Cisco.

Chambers knew that this kind of situation would happen a long time ago, but he did not expect it to happen so quickly and violently, especially the appearance of AOL made him feel unbelievable. It seems that the previous rumors are true. Airline companies turned enemies into friends and engaged in cooperation.

After that day, Bruce, the CEO of 3com, came forward. He testified in the Marshall Branch of the Texas Federal Court and presented a report to the court. He testified that he had been to the headquarters of Huawei and worked with Huawei. The eight-month two-way certification clearly shows in this certification material that Huawei is a trustworthy company with its own technology and has no fact of infringing intellectual property rights.Otherwise, 3com would not take a huge risk and choose to establish a joint venture with Huawei.

Bruce's testimony is of course beneficial to Huawei, but his testimony can only prove that Huawei does have its own technology and development capabilities, but it cannot prove that Huawei's products do not infringe.

Moreover, 3com is Cisco's deadly enemy, and Bruce's testimony must be subjective.But the reason why they chose to cooperate with 3com is because of their relationship with Cisco. After all, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Huawei needs to unite all the forces that can be united at this time.


The lawsuit cannot be concluded in a day or two. Huawei is ready to fight a protracted battle, but Cisco is not prepared enough. They did not expect this lawsuit to be so difficult, and the start is not good for them.

The key issue is that companies such as Amazon and PayPal have announced that they are about to cooperate with Huawei. In this way, Huawei will not be afraid of being dragged into the quagmire. On the contrary, Cisco is now worried about procrastination.

But what Cisco didn't expect was that all this was just the beginning, and it would become more and more difficult for them in this lawsuit.

On July [-]th, Chambers had just asked about the lawsuit and was about to deal with other matters when his assistant knocked on the door suddenly.

Seeing the assistant's flustered expression, Chambers asked, "What happened?"

"Boss, just now AOL-Time Warner and Deep Space Corporation issued an announcement at the same time."

"At the same time?" Chambers frowned, "What announcement is it, does it have anything to do with Huawei's lawsuit?"

The assistant shook his head, "It's not directly related, but it will definitely have an impact. According to the announcement, Tengxun, a subsidiary of Deep Space Corporation, will wholly acquire the icq business of AOL at a price of [-] million U.S. dollars."

"What did you say?" Chambers couldn't believe it, "Are you sure it's official news, not gossip?"

The assistant nodded, "It's the news they posted on the Deep Space Tribe. They are all official accounts. You can log in to the tribe to see."

Chambers frowned and operated the mouse to board the Deep Space Tribe, and he did not need to search specifically. The home page was the news of the joint statement of Deep Space Corporation and AOL. He clicked in, and the first two tribes were Deep Space Corporation and the United States posted online.

He directly clicked into America Online, read the announcement content carefully, and was convinced that what the assistant said was correct. Fujixun, a subsidiary of Deep Space Corporation, will take over the ICQ business in an all-round way, and the handover will be completed in the near future.

America Online actually posted two tribes today, and one announced that their tribes were going to be shut down.

Seeing these news, Chambers' head was buzzing. America Online's move made them very passive. Cisco is likely to lose such a big customer as America Online-Time Warner in the future, at least their icq Business is gone.

Now Chambers is really having a headache. He feels that there is a big net hanging around Cisco, which may engulf them at any time. Even if they can really drag Huawei down, their future business will be difficult. No, so many network companies will not use their products anymore, and they and Huawei are not the only two network equipment manufacturers.

What Chambers hates most now is Deep Space Corporation. In his opinion, if it is not for Deep Space Corporation to intervene horizontally, their methods against Huawei can be completely effective.


Since the joint statement between Deep Space Corporation and America Online, netizens' attention has also shifted to their two companies, and they are all guessing what the two companies are going to do and why they are making such a sudden move.

【Why does Deep Space want to acquire ICQ? Haven't they already made a fuss? 】

[Hey, buying a rival is also a business strategy. 】

[Just like the icq, even if the deep space doesn't make a move, it will pass sooner or later, and the icq is not easy to use now. 】

[What kind of company is this Fujixun, and why should the icq business be handed over to them. 】

[Tengxun has also produced a lot of instant messaging software, some of which are quite interesting, and one of them is quite good for use in schools. 】

[Really, why don't I know? 】

[The website is called Facebook. At the beginning, it was only for students from Columbia and other universities to register, but now it is gradually released. 】

[I also know about that website, hehe, I can only say that there are many beauties. 】

[It's the website for sharing photos, it's all classmates playing together. 】

[I hope this company can do a good job in icq. 】

[What exactly are Deep Space Corporation and America Online doing?Does AOL have something to ask Deep Space Company, even icq is sold. 】

[Pay attention to their next move, maybe the Deep Space Company will sell something to pass the line. 】

[The past two years have not been easy for America Online. 】

[Have you noticed that AOL's stock has gone up today. 】

[I noticed, it must be because of this news, but if the two companies do not follow up, the stock will still fall. 】


In the next two days, America Online and Deep Space did not disappoint the majority of netizens, and indeed they made further moves.

America Online took the lead in announcing that they would enter broadband services in an all-round way, and at the same time, they would jointly establish a new technology service company with Deep Space Corporation. (end of this chapter)

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