Chapter 1032 Who is the bride?

AOL’s series of actions made the outside world somewhat incomprehensible. Their company has four profit models, the first is dial-up access, the second is advertising revenue, the third is communication value-added, and the fourth is e-commerce. The most fundamental of these is dial-up access. They rely on dial-up access to obtain a large number of users and then integrate resources.

But now that the company wants to enter the broadband market, it is not just access, it may also grab the business of operators. America Online does not have this technology. To enter this market, apart from the advantage of the number of users, there is no other advantages.

Although the reform of AOL this time is just the beginning, it can already make people feel the words "drastic and resolute".

Steven Case didn't know that this reform was very risky, but he knew that Yu Dong was right. If reforms were not carried out at this time, they would have no competitiveness in the future.

With the development of broadband and the era of Internet 2.0, they are no match for news information such as Deep Space Tribe, instant messaging is no match for Deep Space Dongdong, browsers are no match for Google, and they have no core competitiveness at all. Business is also not possible.

What Steven Case has to do now is to ask Deep Space to help them integrate Time Warner's resources, ensure their content output, stabilize advertising revenue, and then gradually transform.

The reason why Steven Case is seeking cooperation with Deep Space Corporation at this time is also because the AOL personnel can still control the new company, but if it continues, the company's rights may gradually fade in a few months. Transferred to Time Warner's personnel, at that time, it was impossible for Steven Case to do anything.

After the merger of the two companies, most of the company's key management personnel are the old department of America Online, the chairman of the company is Steven Case himself, the co-chief operating officer is Bob Pittman, and the chief financial management is Michael Kelly. The general counsel is Paul Capucio, the chief business development officer is David Coburn, the head of investor relations is Richard Hanlon, and there are several key vice presidents.

Time Warner, apart from a chief co-operating officer, has not won any important positions.

However, since March this year, the company's management has undergone changes. For example, Richard, the head of the investment department, has left the company, and Time Warner is still planning to take back all other positions.

Right now, taking advantage of the entry of Deep Space Corporation, investors have regained a little confidence in the new company. Steven Case made a decisive move and directly transferred Richard Parsons to serve as the deputy general counsel. The original deputy general counsel, Spencer Hayes, was transferred to the investment department as the deputy manager. By this time, Time Warner's old department had completely left the company's core.

By this time, Steven Case was planning to sell Turner Broadcasting to Deep Space, and things were going pretty well.

Except for Vice President Ted Turner who will have some opinions on the management side, no one else will hinder this matter, and shareholders have seen the impact of Deep Space Corporation's intervention on the company, so naturally they will not have any opinions.

Shareholders don't care whether Turner Broadcasting is in their hands or not, they only care about whether the company can make a profit. Anyway, Deep Space will pay for the acquisition of Turner Broadcasting, and it is less than the money that Time Warner paid when it acquired it. Want more.

What their company lacks most now is money. If they can get 90 billion US dollars in cash at once, it can greatly relieve the pressure on the company.

In order to get more cash flow, AOL plans to reach a settlement with Microsoft faster, so that they can butterfly 50.00 million US dollars in cash, and they are also preparing to sell 30% of Comedy Central's shares, hoping to raise [-] In addition, they are also preparing to sell the cddvd manufacturing department to get about one billion dollars in cash. Through these three measures, they hope to get a total of [-] billion dollars in cash before the first half of next year.

If they can really reach an acquisition agreement with Deep Space Corporation now and sell Turner Broadcasting to Deep Space Corporation, these things can be slowed down.

The stock of the new company has fallen by 70.00% now, and the market value is so low that it cannot be lowered. No one knows what will happen in the future. It is the best choice to sell Turner and make money.


After July 20th, Deep Space Corporation and America Online have been in the whirlpool of public opinion, but as the protagonists, Jimmy and Yu Dong have no time to take care of these recently, because they have more important things to do , July NO.[-], Jimmy and Britney are getting married.

According to Britney's wish, they will hold a grand wedding.

Their wedding is a combination of Chinese and Western. Britney will first live in the small building reserved for them in Luoyuan. Garden welcomes relatives.

After completing the ceremony in Luoyuan, they will have a meal in Luoyuan, and then take the bride to the deep space apartment.

In the evening, the wedding banquet will be held in the cafeteria of the Deep Space Park, and the bride and groom will put on Western-style dresses to hold the ceremony.

At the beginning, Jimmy considered whether to hold the wedding in Jinling Hotel, after all, the restaurant is professional, but after a long consideration, he decided to hold the wedding in the Deep Space Park, because the canteen in the park is bigger and more meaningful.

In order to make the wedding scene have enough ostentation, the staff began to arrange the deep space cafeteria 20 days in advance. For this reason, the first floor of the cafeteria could not be eaten for 20 days.

In order to make up for the inconvenience caused to the employees, Jimmy also paid the employees subsidies out of his own pocket. As long as they are employees of the company, they can enjoy a [-]% discount for eating in the cafeteria during this period, but this kind of benefit cannot be enjoyed by outside tourists.

At first, the employees only knew that there was going to be a wedding, but they didn't know who was going to get married, so they were all guessing.

It is at least a leader at Jiang Jie's level who can make such a big battle. If Jiang Jie goes up, there are still two bosses left.

Those who can reach Jiang Jie's level, Jiang Jie is considered young, other leaders of the same level or branch bosses are basically in their forties, but even Jiang Jie is married.

The two bosses, everyone in the world knows that Yu Dong's wife is Cheng Yanqiu, and Jimmy seems to be unmarried, but everyone is not sure.

Some people speculated that it might be a star artist under the company. Of course, ordinary artists would not get this kind of treatment, but what if it was at the level of Jay Chou and Gu Tianlei?

It was about a week after the cafeteria was decorated that everyone knew that it was Jimmy who got married.

At this time, everyone was curious about who Jimmy's wife and their other proprietress would be. It stands to reason that since the wedding was being prepared, the bride and groom must come forward to prepare together, but the bride has never been seen.

Just the day before the wedding, on the day of NO.19 in July, many singers came to the park and sang on the stage in front of the music hall. There were Jay Chou, Shakira, Britney Spears... one by one, one by one. famous.

Seeing these singers, everyone knows that they must be preparing for the wedding scene tomorrow. It really is the boss's wedding. This battle is huge. All the invited are world-class stars, which are more important than commercial performances for other large-scale events. The most amazing thing is that their other proprietress, Cheng Yanqiu, will also perform on stage tomorrow, playing the piano piece "Jinghong" for the newcomers.

Although the wedding has not been announced to the public, the news has spread like wildfire. Recently, there have been more and more reporters near the Deep Space Park. It is also good to be able to photograph these stars without going to the wedding scene.

In addition to reporters, many fans also came here admiringly. Many people inquired at the gate guard that no one was allowed in or out on July 20th.

The doorman said with certainty: "No prohibition. Anyone with a star card can enter the park tomorrow, but the cafeteria won't let them in. You have to be mentally prepared. You won't be able to eat in the cafeteria tomorrow."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, anyway, there are many restaurants nearby now, so just go out and eat."

In fact, it is not particularly cost-effective for tourists to eat in the cafeteria. In order to reduce the number of tourists eating in the cafeteria, Deep Space Company has gradually increased the price of meals in the cafeteria since last year. By the end of last year, the price has increased by 50.00%. But even so, in The number of tourists eating in the cafeteria has not decreased much.

Because the original deep space cafeteria is too affordable, even if the price is increased by 50.00%, it is still cheaper than outside. There is no need for tourists to spend more money to go out to eat. The reduction is actually the people who come here to eat for work nearby. For these From a human point of view, the money saved by eating in the canteen of the Deep Space Park is no longer worthwhile.

Since the beginning of this year, the canteen has continued to increase the price, and the price is now 80.00% higher than at the beginning, and it is expected to double by the end of the year.

Because of the price increase of the Deep Space Canteen, there are now many restaurants nearby, and tourists have more choices.

The increase in the price of the canteen only affects the tourists, not the employees in the park, because Shenkong Company does not pay directly according to the price of the canteen. For example, when the food in the canteen was cheap, the meal allowance was only 20 yuan a day. , Now that the price has gone up, [-] yuan will be paid to ensure that the dining standard of the employees in the cafeteria will not drop.

After asking clearly about whether to enter the park, someone asked again, "Brother, what activities will be held at the wedding tomorrow, and when will it start?"

Uncle Security shook his head, "I don't know about that, and there is no notice from above. If you want to join in the fun, you'd better come early."

"Master, where is their convoy coming from tomorrow?" Another person asked.

The uncle looked at the man and said with a smile, "This is a comrade reporter, right?"

The other party pushed his glasses with a smile, "Yes, yes, brother, you are really good at seeing people."

"It's not a reporter. Who cares where the car is coming from? You say yes, but I don't know about this issue."

Several reporters saw that the security guard couldn't ask any questions here, so they moved to the side.

"For such a big event, Deep Space Company doesn't know how to make an announcement." A reporter complained.

Another older man smiled and said, "What announcement is there when someone is getting married?"

"No, such a big event must be reported, right?"

"This kind of non-profit activity, even if the deep space company reports to the relevant departments, we can't see it, because it doesn't need a license, don't worry about it now, let's go in and see if we can dig out any news , this boss is about to get married, it's impossible that everyone has never seen the boss's wife."

"This bride is really lucky. Jimmy is now on the Forbes rich list all the year round. Look at the wedding. Even Shakira and Britney have been invited. These two are the most popular in the world. Is it a female singer?"

"Won't Jay Chou come too, he is also popular all over the world now."

"Jay Chou is a direct descendant of the deep space after all, Cheng Yanqiu's student, it's not unusual to invite him here."

"It's not unusual to invite anyone. This is Deep Space Corporation. Are there any stars in this world that they can't invite? Jimmy's wedding, ordinary stars can't come if they think about it."

"I didn't expect Jimmy's wedding to be held in China."

"I heard that many celebrities have been photographed at the airport. They must all come to Jimmy's wedding."

"Tsk tsk, it feels like the battle is not smaller than at the annual meeting."

"Jinling is only able to hold this wedding in the Deep Space Park, and probably not in other places... Do you think Jimmy's wife is Chinese?"

"It's very possible, otherwise why would you want to hold a wedding in China?"


At this time, Yu Dong and Jimmy were standing in the cafeteria, looking at the layout of the wedding scene, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "How is it, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, of course satisfied, it doesn't look like a cafeteria at all, it's more grand than Jinling Hotel."

Yu Dong smiled, can you not be imposing?Just to decorate the wedding scene, a total of more than 400 million yuan was spent. The entire first floor of the cafeteria was rebuilt from top to bottom, from inside to outside. The Swarovski crystals on the stage alone cost 100 yuan. How much.

This is only the cost of decoration, and the movable equipment such as lights and speakers are not included.

If you want to count the cost, there are many items. Tomorrow, Jimmy will have two sets of clothes, a Chinese dress and a suit. These two sets of clothes cost more than 60 yuan. Britney needs to change four sets of clothes , adding up to nearly 200 million.

The stage set up at the entrance of the music hall, the red carpet and flowers covering the entire park... Roughly estimated, the cost of this wedding has exceeded 2000 million RMB.

There are also some seemingly insignificant expenses, such as giving candy to company employees. Now there are more than 1 employees in the entire Deep Space Park, and each employee is given a box of candy worth one or two hundred, which costs more than ten thousand on both sides.

Jimmy remembered that his wedding with Cheng Yanqiu was quite lively, and the cost at that time was still incomparable with Jimmy's wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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