Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 1034 Let Teacher Shi see more of the colorful world

Hearing Bi Feiyu's voice in the room, Jimmy chuckled and shouted inside, "Old Bi, I knew you were behind the door."

At this time, Qu Aiguo and the others also followed, and Jimmy said to Qu Aiguo and the others, "Little ones, whoever of you can open this door today, I have a big reward."

Qu Aiguo patted his chest, "Don't worry, Brother Ji, take care of us."

After all, Qu Aiguo took Lu Xi and the others to knock on the door.

As soon as the door was knocked by them, Yu Hua who was inside yelled, "Qu Aiguo, you're getting more courageous, aren't you?"

Qu Aiguo said quickly, "Ah, Teacher Yu is inside, so don't bump into it, don't bump into it."

He said don't hit it, but his actions became more fierce, knocking on the wooden door, and he slammed it, and shouted: "Don't hit it, you don't hit it."

Lu Xi also said in cooperation while knocking on the door, "Why are you still knocking, do you listen to Brother Qu's words, don't knock down the door of Teacher Yu's house, Teacher Yu should feel distressed."

Jimmy said next to him again, "It's true that this yard belongs to Mr. Yu's house, but this small building belongs to me. You just need to bump into it and don't be afraid."

Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu and the others stood against the door inside, all of them were stupefied. If it wasn't Qu Aiguo and the others knocking on the door, then who on earth was knocking on the door outside?This movement is not small. According to this situation, it is really possible to knock down the door.

Bi Feiyu said quickly, "You bastards, be careful. Teacher Shi Tiesheng is inside. It doesn't matter if you break the door. Don't put Teacher Shi Tiesheng under it. Teacher Shi still wants to live a few more years to see this colorful world. "

As soon as he said this, Qu Aiguo and the others really didn't dare to bump into each other.

Qu Aiguo and the others didn't know whether what Bi Feiyu said was true or not, but this thing can't be gambled, and according to the peeing nature of Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, they really did such a thing.They can't take responsibility for Shi Tiesheng's bad luck.

Jimmy also raised his eyebrows. He heard Yu Dong say this yesterday, and thought Yu Dong was joking with him, but he didn't expect Yu Hua and the others to be serious.

He stepped forward and asked, "Tell me, how can I open the door?"

Yu Hua giggled inside, "Put in a few red envelopes first, let's weigh the amount."

It's easy to ask for red envelopes, Jimmy waved his hand, and someone brought up a stack of red envelopes, Jimmy took the red envelopes and stuffed them in through the crack of the door.

After receiving the red envelope, Yu Hua smiled and said, "It's pretty sincere, but it's not that simple to open the door. Lao Ji, you used to be a screenwriter, and you can also be considered a literary person. Write a poem for your wife."

"Yes, yes, this is no small matter." Jimmy took another step forward confidently, and said loudly, "How much I love you, let me count them one by one. I love you as much as my heart can reach, Depth, breadth and height, just as I search for the existence of God in the dark and the deep grace..."

"Stop, stop, stop." Wang Xiaobo's voice came from inside, "Even if you copy someone, you have to copy someone unknown. You don't think we don't know Mrs. Browning, do you?"

Yu Hua also said, "I was thinking just now, why does this poem sound familiar? It turned out to be Mrs. Browning's."

Jimmy said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm just taking a sample. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms can start with Yang Shen's poem, but I can't start with Mrs. Browning's poem?"

"All right, all right, then you continue."

Jimmy nodded and continued, "In the world, there is always a road that makes me feel apprehensive and open-faced. I walk on it with the courage to move forward."

"Through the flowers and grass, through the jungle, at the end of the stream, there is a wooden house full of morning glory"

"There is nothing but grass and sky"

"All the flowers and grass, look at me together"

"encourage, encourage"

"The girl in the wooden house came out, her skirt fluttered, and her posture was moving"


When Jimmy started to read the poem, Yu Dong and the others did not expect that he would finish reading it in 10 minutes. The main idea of ​​the poem is also very simple. Beautiful girls, they danced in the wind, enjoyed the graceful sunshine, and also experienced annoying wind and rain.

After Jimmy finished reading, Yu Hua couldn't wait to say, "Okay, okay, it's over, come in quickly."

When Jimmy continued to read, Yu Hua and the others couldn't take it anymore. At the beginning, the poem was relatively restrained, but later it became more straightforward and explicit, and there were even parts that were not suitable for children.

The door opened, and Shi Tiesheng was indeed arranged behind the door by them.

Jimmy gave Yu Hua and the others a thumbs up, "You guys are really good, you really brought Tie Sheng here."

"Don't be too happy, the door outside is open, and there is still a pass upstairs."

Jimmy laughed, "Then I will read the poem just now in English again."

"Farewell then, hurry up."

"Hey, don't worry, look at me."

Jimmy went up very confidently. Britney sat on the bed wearing a traditional Chinese dress, and all the other female relatives stood beside him. Jimmy wanted to take his wife away as soon as he went up, but Fu Jing and the others stopped him directly, "Don't worry , we have arranged some tests for you, let’s talk after you finish it.”

"No problem, just come."

"The first test, thirty push-ups, forty squats."

Upon hearing this test, Jimmy was dumbfounded, Fu Jing smiled and said, "What kind of talent and wealth are in vain, the body is the most important thing, you are so much bigger than us Tiantian, don't push you a wheelchair in the future. "

Jimmy quickly raised his hands, "Okay, okay, okay, I'll do it."

When Jimmy was about to do push-ups, Britney suddenly said in fluent Chinese, "Don't worry."

Jimmy beamed with joy, thinking that his wife felt sorry for him, but he heard Britney continue to say, "Take off your clothes first, this dress is custom-made, quite expensive, it's a pity if it gets dirty."

This remark caused the whole room to laugh, and Jimmy could only listen to her and take off his clothes, and then began to do push-ups.

Although Jimmy is over 40 now, he has been exercising every day for the past two years, and his physical condition is very good. Thirty push-ups and forty squats are not a problem at all.

After the first test was over, they asked him to do high leg raises for 1 minute, and then sing Britney's famous song "baby one more time", and also sang the Chinese literal translation.

Most of the English songs are directly translated into Chinese, and the lyrics are very embarrassing. This song is also the same, and it is very strange to sing after being translated into Chinese. In addition, Jimmy's singing is out of tune, which is even more strange.

After Jimmy sang the song out of breath, he went through a series of physical tests, and finally Jimmy completed the task.

When Jimmy was doing this, the lobby of Luoyuan was already open. After he finished these, he offered tea to the elders, and then he was going to go downstairs with Britney on his back and go through Luoyuan to the gate to take a car. The bride's feet cannot touch the ground.

Originally, carrying the bride was not a big deal, but now that Jimmy has gone through several rounds of physical training, his physical strength has been exhausted, which greatly increases the difficulty of this task.

Jimmy asked if he should have dinner here before leaving.

Fu Jing said again, "Aren't you in a hurry to take your wife home now?"

Hearing this, Jimmy quickly picked up Britney on his back and ran out, without stopping all the way, he ran to the door and sent Britney to the car, and then he said to Yu Dong out of breath, "I was hesitant before Don't wait two years to get married, after all, Britney is still young, now it seems that the decision to get married this year is the right one, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear this trouble in the next two years, this marriage is too tiring."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's only halfway through today, you'll still be tired later, go back and eat more and rest."


Not long after Jimmy's wedding car left Luoyuan, the photos of him getting into the car with Britney on his back were posted on the Internet. The surrounding area of ​​Luoyuan is open and there is no blockade. It is normal for people to take photos.

The photos were first spread on Chinese websites, and then spread to European and American websites. Only then did people know that it was Britney who married Jimmy.

In fact, there was Jimmy's wedding invitation two nights ago, it said Ouyang Tiantian, and everyone thought it was a Chinese woman.

【Is this photo real? 】

[Britney is actually married? 】

[Wearing this kind of red clothes means getting married? 】

[Haven't you watched Chinese film and television dramas?This is what you wear when you get married. 】

[My God, how much older is James than Britney? 】

[Is Jimmy too big?He looked only in his 30s. 】

[It is impossible to be over 30 years old. I have seen his screenwriting works 20 years ago, at least forty years old. 】

【Oh, why did Britney marry a businessman, she should be with Boss Jia. 】

【Do you know how much money Jimmy James has? 】

[Is marriage just for money? 】

[A rich and handsome man is not annoying, is it?I think it's fine for them to get married. 】

【Didn’t it be said yesterday that Britney Spears was going to sing for Jimmy James’ wedding? So, she was going to sing at her own wedding? 】

【Oh, no, if I knew this was the case, I should have gone to the scene. 】

[And there is no ticket for this performance. 】

[Although the show does not require tickets, tickets are required to enter the Deep Space Park. 】

[The ticket to the Deep Space Park is only [-] points, what is the difference from free. 】

[This is old news for you. Now the price of tickets for the Deep Space Park has increased to [-] points per ticket. 】

[Forty points is not much, you can get forty points if you buy a few books in Jinling, or buy one or two movie tickets. 】

[In fact, it’s okay even if you don’t enter the park. The music hall is right next to it, and you can hear the performance outside. 】

[Yes, I heard that there is a special bus for watching performances in the parking lot opposite. 】


After the news of Jimmy and Britney's marriage spread, there were some blessings, some unfavorable ones, and some insulting remarks.

The public relations team of Deep Space Company is also controlling it on the Internet, but not too much. After all, Britney is a popular female singer. Some male fans must complain when they see the goddess marrying someone else. It doesn't matter who marries. Even if Britney married Leonardo or some other good-looking young male star today, there are still people who would disagree.

But no matter how many people have opinions, because of this news, the number of downloads of Britney's song in the BenQ store and the Motorola store suddenly skyrocketed.

Her popularity was not low before, but this time it pushed her to the top of all lists.

It took more than two hours to complete the data. You must know that it was midnight in North America at this time, not daytime, which shows how exaggerated the popularity of this news is.


In the evening, it was also dawn in North America. After Jimmy and Britney married, the performance at the entrance of the music hall also started.

The live broadcast of the whole performance started on the website of Duck Web Duck Web, which has not yet been fully opened.

There is nothing on this website now. Users can log in directly with their own Dongdong account, or register an account separately. This step is open, but after the user registers, they can’t see anything on the website, nor on the entire webpage. Show them anything, that is, there is a live broadcast, and they can only see it when they come in.

Unlike previous live broadcasts, today's live broadcast does not limit the number of people, no matter how many people can enter the website.

While the wedding was going on in the cafeteria, Jiang Jie led people to pay attention to the background data of the duck web website.There is still half an hour before the performance officially starts, but 10,000+ people have poured into the live broadcast room, and the number of registered members of the website is also increasing. This morning, the registered members of the website were only more than 30, and now there are more than 200 million registered members.

"Boss, why don't we go to the cafeteria to eat, anyway, the server is not on our side, if there is a problem, we can't solve it, we still have to rely on our colleagues in the United States." Standing in Jiang Jie A young man next to him said.

Jiang Jie rolled his eyes, "If you want to eat, go eat it, don't pull me, this live broadcast of Yawei is very important, and the website will be fully released after a while. If you can register members this time Raising it to tens of millions is basically half the battle.”

"1000 million, I don't think it's a big problem." The young man pushed his glasses, "After the subsequent website is fully released, netizens still have to go to the duck web to watch the live recording and broadcast."

"Don't be careless, keep an eye on it, I have already asked Xiao Dai to pack some food from the cafeteria."

"Well, as long as you're with the boss, you'll be happy eating bran swallowing vegetables."

"Don't be flattering."


At this time, the park is already crowded with people, because there is no need to buy tickets for the performance, so there will be security personnel responsible for maintaining order and arranging seats for everyone in the order of first come, first come.

In fact, the most important thing is not the order inside, but the outside. When the audience comes inside, there are people to maintain it, and there will be no chaos. However, the outside audience is not easy to manage, and some people even want to climb up the railing. (end of this chapter)

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