Chapter 1035
This morning, some people went privately to set up a stand outside the Deep Space Park, right next to the bus station, where there is a large open space, but they were stopped by the comrades of the public security in time.

They originally wanted to sell tickets outside after building the stands, and the ticket prices ranged from [-] to [-].

In order to build more seats, they built the stand very steeply, with five floors, which looks scary and has a very low safety factor.

If they were really allowed to build the stands and sell all the seats, they would be able to sell them for tens of thousands of dollars in total, and the profits would be very high, otherwise they wouldn't take such a risk.

There are also some things that the police can’t control. For example, two commercial office buildings have been built at a bus hub station separated from the Shenkong Park. The straight-line distance between these two buildings and the music hall is only 500 meters, which can be clearly seen on the sixth or seventh floor See the situation here in front of the music hall.

There are many rooms in the office building that have not been rented out yet, so the manager sensed the business opportunities, and put some tables, chairs and benches in these empty rooms to make VIP boxes for watching concerts. The cost of a box ranges from several hundred to several thousand. There are also various meal packages for sale.

But no matter what, if you can enter the park, everyone will try to enter the park as much as possible, because the atmosphere of watching the concert in the park is better, and it doesn’t cost any money. It’s just that there are too many people coming to the show this time, and it’s deeper than last year. There are even more audiences for the outdoor performances of the empty annual meeting.

During the annual meeting last year, there were many performances in the park, basically every night, and the stars appeared scattered, so the audience was also scattered.

But it was different this time. This time, all the big-name stars came, and those who were a little less famous couldn't get on the stage. Everyone was concentrated in the two or three-hour performance, and the audience naturally gathered together.

Furthermore, the annual meeting was in winter after all, and now it was summer, and people were more willing to go out to watch performances on summer nights.

It is indeed very hot in Jinling during the day, but after eight or nine in the evening, the temperature drops. The wind in front of the music hall is still relatively strong, and the breeze blows here, which is very cool.

And in order to cool down the scene, a lot of big ice cubes were placed in front of the stage, every other section, and new ice cubes would be added in the middle.

In fact, when planning the wedding before, Jimmy considered whether to charge tickets for the performance. If he really wanted to charge tickets, he would probably be able to get back the money he spent on this wedding, and even earn a little more.

But after careful consideration, Jimmy decided not to accept tickets. After all, he is getting married, so let's share the happiness with more people.

In fact, the happiest one is the Jinling Culture and Tourism Bureau. Since the establishment of the Deep Space Park, the Culture and Tourism Bureau has really done nothing in recent years, and their political achievements have been steadily increasing. The number of tourists and tourism revenue in Jinling City has increased year by year.

The top [-] cities with tourism income in the first quarter of this year have come out. Jinling ranks second, second only to Yanjing, and the gap is not too big.

Compared with Yanjing, Jinling's attractions are a little less well-known. After all, Yanjing has the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, and schools in Qingbei, and they are also the capital. The data has been pulled up a lot.

Now there are many cultural activities in Jinling, attracting many domestic and foreign tourists.

In the past, if writers wanted to hold a signing event, Yanjing must be the first choice, including Yu Dong's previous signing meetings in China.

But it’s different now, when writers hold signing events, the first choice is Jinling.

Leaving aside the fact that most of the writers have signed contracts with Deep Space Corporation, Jinling must be better in terms of the signing conditions.

The Literature Museum in the Deep Space Park has a special place for writers to sign books. The place is spacious and fully functional. Unlike many bookstores, it will be troublesome if there are too many people queuing up for book signings.

In addition to the Deep Space Park, there is an Eslite Bookstore not too far away. The place is also very spacious and very suitable for signing meetings.

Moreover, whether it is the Literature Museum in the Deep Space Park or the Eslite Bookstore, various book activities are often held. Many book clubs use these two places as their bases and organize activities here spontaneously.

It may be that this place is particularly lively, so many other brand bookstores are also preparing to open a multi-functional bookstore near the Deep Space Park recently. If this continues, people may think of Hexi when they think of bookstores.

For the local government, what they have to do is very simple, just follow this momentum, repair the roads, plan the land, and the city will gradually improve.

Last year, the Jinling government wanted to build a local playground, so they specifically found a deep space company. After Jimmy and Yu Dong joined forces, they planned to build a deep space city in Jinling.

Deep Space City is similar to Universal Studios. It is a theme park based on movie themes. There will be various stage performances, film and television performances, and live-action performances. However, compared with Universal City, Deep Space City will definitely have more literary elements.

It is not easy to build a deep space city, and it will definitely take a long time. Jimmy's plan is to divide the deep space city into three or four phases and gradually open it.

Now they are discussing with the Jinling government to see how much land they can give them. The size of the land directly determines the size of Deep Space City.

Although Deep Space has been established for a short time, it has a lot of big IPs, so it is fully qualified to be a movie theater, among other things, just "Resident Evil", "Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings" and "History of Monsters" These few movies can support a paradise.


The four roads around the deep space park have been blocked, and ordinary vehicles are prohibited from entering. The road to the south is already crowded with people. Standing on the stage in front of the music hall and looking south, you can't see the existence of the park railings at all. , can only see the crowds of people, the two buildings opposite, and the lights in almost every room are on.

Although the theme of today's performance was not revealed to the public, everyone knew that it was for Jimmy and Britney's wedding, and the theme was naturally sweetness.

It can't even be said to be sweet, but sweet and greasy. All the singers who performed on stage sang love songs, either sweet songs or confession love songs.

Jay Chou sang "Simple Love", "Garden Party" and "Qilixiang", Shakira sang "whenever, whenever", "the one", and sang "The Roof" with Jay Chou alternately in Chinese and English Sister Niu sang "when you believe" and "hero", Sun Yanzi sang "e-lover", "finally", Mayday...

After two hours of bombardment with love songs, at the end of the performance, Cheng Yanqiu played "Jing Hong" first on stage, and after she finished playing, she played another piece. Many people knew what song it was when the melody came together.

Ten seconds later, Britney slowly rose up with the lifting platform.

"Are you ready?" Britney called out in Chinese.

But maybe she yelled too fast, and she still had some accents. The audience in the audience just yelled, but there was no response. She yelled again, "I said, are you ready?"

Now she shouted more clearly, and the audience responded, "Get ready."

"Now that we're ready, let's get started."

As she spoke, she sang while walking towards the piano.

The song she sang was "sometimes", a very cheerful and sweet song, and the atmosphere on the stage reached its peak in an instant.


"Two hundred, two hundred, two hundred, two hundred!"

Jiang Jie and his colleagues in the technical group didn't have time to watch the wonderful performances outside. All their thoughts were on the backstage data of the duck webs, and they shouted one hundred to be one million.

After the performance started, the number of people in the live broadcast room quickly increased from 10,000+, and it didn't take long to increase to 100 million, and then broke through to 150 million.

However, it took a long time to go from 150 million to 200 million, and finally reached 200 million after Britney took the stage.

The number of online viewers has reached 200 million. This is definitely a huge victory tonight. The most important thing is that there are 200 million people watching the live broadcast at the same time. The website has no problems at all, and it is still in a state of ease. It's a bit of a trick, but it still proves the powerful capabilities of the duck-web website. There will be no problems at all when this website is open.

"Boss, just now there is a news from BenQ Mobile that the single "sometimes" has been downloaded more than 2 times in the past [-] minutes." A young male colleague said.

Jiang Jie said with a smile, "You guys are still interested in paying attention to the data of the BenQ store. We are so busy here. After this live broadcast, we still have a lot of things to do. First of all, we must ensure that the recording and broadcasting of today's live broadcast It can be uploaded to the website intact and smoothly, allowing viewers to watch as they wish."

A female colleague nodded and said, "Yeah, I see that many netizens have proposed to record the collaboration between Teacher Cheng and Britney Spears as the MV for "sometimes". They all said that the previous MV was too perfunctory."

"sometimes" didn't have its own mv before, and Britney was going to shoot the mv at first, but because she was sick, she couldn't finish the mv recording, so she had to use the mv of "baby one more time".

Therefore, many people saw this performance and said that they wanted to make this part into an MV.

This paragraph is really beautiful. First of all, Britney is in super good condition today, and she is full of energy. Even if she is not singing, she stands there today and makes people look happy. The only difference is that the word "happiness" is engraved on her forehead. Secondly, the atmosphere at the scene was also very good, no worse than the beach atmosphere in Hawaii. Finally, today's performance was accompanied by Cheng Yanqiu.

Many people joked that this performance was a fusion of the two proprietresses of the Deep Space Company, and some said that the real behind-the-scenes powers of the Deep Space Company are these two people.

The song mv can't be changed, but the Duck Web and Duck Web website can satisfy the wishes of netizens. The follow-up website will capture this video, add subtitles, and put it on the website for people to enjoy.

"Haha, some netizens, is this really a wedding scene?" The lesbian looked at the computer screen with an envious expression, "It would be great if I could have such a wedding of the century when I get married, you don't know, this evening I literally cried when I heard the live music, which was written for this wedding."

Jiang Jie nodded, "That's right, today's live piano music was specially written by a group of musicians for this wedding, including the proprietress... Uh, now there are two proprietresses, should they be called differently?"

"The proprietress should be called Mrs. Cheng. Britney probably isn't used to people calling her like that. Do they just call her by her first name?"

"Ahem, I think it's Mrs. Ji."

"Well, Mrs. Ji is very good. Today's piano music is written by the proprietress, Jay Chou and Mrs. Ji herself. It's really better than the other one."

The female colleague said with a look of nympho, "I'm really envious, I don't expect so many songs, I just hope that there will be a song that is exclusively for me."

"Dream, there is everything in the dream."


That night's performance didn't end until after eleven o'clock. By the time Britney took off her make-up and changed her clothes, it was already midnight.

Jimmy originally thought that it was so late that there would be nothing else going on, but what he never expected was that even in the middle of the night, Yu Hua and the others would still go to have a bridal chamber.

After half an hour of haggling in the bridal chamber, Yu Hua and the others happily ran back to play cards.


Two days after Jimmy and his wedding, after a weekend, after the stock market opened in the United States, people suddenly discovered that the stock price of America Online had risen a lot.

After analysis, the experts found that the reason why AOL's stock rose was because Jimmy married Britney Spears.

The traffic of their wedding this time was too great. On a new website, more than 200 million people watched the live broadcast of the performance online at the same time, and this website will be launched soon.

The Duck Web Duck Web site is owned by Deep Space Corporation, and AOL recently had such a close cooperation with Deep Space Corporation, which naturally boosted the confidence of shareholders in AOL.

In fact, the rise in stocks this time is not only due to the marriage. After AOL announced a series of cooperation with Deep Space Corporation, AOL's stock rose a little, but the increase was relatively small, and investors were still waiting to see. With the follow-up situation.

This time, Jimmy's marriage aroused all the confidence accumulated by the investors and broke out directly.

But people are still willing to attribute the rise in AOL stock to Jimmy marrying Britney Spears, because it sounds more interesting and legendary.

Interestingly, Steven Case, chairman of America Online, also posted a personal blog on Deep Space Tribe that night: Thank you, Mrs. James.

Even the chairman of America Online took the lead in booing, and the others were of course more enthusiastic.

After that, Britney also posted on her personal blog, telling Steven Case not to be polite.

And Jimmy posted that he hoped that Steven Case could transfer part of the money from the stock price increase to his bank account.

(End of this chapter)

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