AOL's stock has risen for two consecutive days. Just as investors were laughing from ear to ear, waiting for Wednesday's market, 3dfx's official account suddenly posted a message.

3dfx did not have an official tribe before, and their current official tribe was only registered a week ago. In this week, they only gained more than 100 fans, and these more than 100 fans are basically employees of the company.

The tribe on Wednesday was the first tribe released after they registered their account, and within two hours after the tribe was released, their number of fans increased from more than 100 to more than 1, and the number of pageviews of the tribe also exceeded 50.

The content of the tribe is as follows: 3dfx has been acquired by a company called Blue Galaxy.

Just when everyone was guessing the origin of this blue galaxy, Jimmy released his personal tribe. From today, he will be the chairman and CEO of Blue Galaxy.

At this time, people suddenly realized that when 3dfx was in a lawsuit with Nvidia at the end of the year before last, it was Deep Space Company who helped 3dfx resolve it.


After getting married, Jimmy only took a three-day break before quickly throwing himself into work.

In fact, Jimmy also wants to rest for two more days, but Britney is busier than her. Jimmy is still in Jinling, and Britney has already boarded the plane to Hawaii, where she has a show on Thursday.

Jimmy flew to the United States the next day, but he did not fly directly to San Jose, where the 3dfx headquarters is located, nor did he return to the Deep Space US headquarters in New York, but went to Austin, Texas. The destination of his trip was a company named Intrinsity's chip manufacturing company.

Many people have never heard of the company Inrrinsity. In fact, it is indeed not well-known.

The company was first established in 1993. At that time, the company name was Exponential Technology. Their first product was a power isa architecture chip specially designed for Apple PowerPC. The chip name was x704.

If Apple can use their product, then their company will definitely be able to get a good development.

But it is a pity that Apple did not use their products. After losing a major customer like Apple, it directly led to the bankruptcy and reorganization of the company.

In 1997, the rest of Exponential's staff gathered to form EVSX, which was renamed Intrinsity three years later in 2000.

Before Yu Dong came to Austin, he made an appointment with Snoop, the general manager of Intrinsity Company.

Snoop entertains Jimmy in his office.

Intrinsity's office is very small, and General Manager Snoop's office is even smaller, not even as big as a set of sofas in Jimmy's office... Snoop's office only has an artificial leather sofa chair.

Snoop handed Jimmy a cup of coffee, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm very sorry, our conditions are too simple."

Jimmy took the coffee with a smile, looked up and down Snope's office, and said, "It's not that simple, when YU and I first set up the company ten years ago, the conditions were much simpler than yours. You know, ten years ago, the development of China was not very good, even in a city like Jinling, it is not easy to rent a decent office.”

In fact, Jimmy’s words were purely to comfort Snoop. Ten years ago, China’s development was indeed not good, and Jinling did not have a decent office space. However, when Deep Space Corporation was first established ten years ago, the group’s office was very large. Jimmy His own office was at least twice as big as Snoop's. Even Yu Dong's assistant had his own office, which was bigger than Snoop's.

However, Snope was very comfortable hearing these words. He said with a smile, "All success has a starting point. The development of Deep Space Corporation in the past ten years is like a miracle. We were also established in 1993 at the earliest. It has been nearly ten years now, but our development is completely incomparable with yours."

Jimmy took a sip of his coffee... the coffee was terrible, but he didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows.

"I took the liberty to visit your company, didn't it cause you any trouble?"

Snope waved his hands again and again, "No, no, it is our honor that you can come to our company. Many people in our company are fans of you and YU. Your deeds have always been praised among us. However, I also I would like to take the liberty to ask, what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

Two days ago, when he received Jimmy's call, Snope was full of surprises. Even though he racked his brains, he couldn't think of the reason why the helm of the Deep Space Company took the initiative to call him.

Although Deep Space Corporation is also involved in the semiconductor industry, their company is too small to have anything to do with Deep Space Corporation.

But he asked Jimmy on the phone what was the matter, but Jimmy said he just wanted to visit their company.

Although this request was very inexplicable, there was no way for Snope to refuse, God, that was Jimmy, the most popular person in the business circle recently.

On the one hand, Deep Space has a hot relationship with AOL and plans to acquire Huawei, which is a matter of great concern in the industry. On the other hand, Jimmy just married Britney Spears, which can be described as a double harvest of career and love.

Snoop just said that the people in his company are all fans of Jimmy and YU. This is a bit exaggerated, but there are indeed many colleagues who are very concerned about the development of Deep Space Corporation, including Snoop himself.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Do you know that I just acquired 3dfx?"

Snope nodded, "Of course I am concerned about such a big matter. In fact, I have already paid attention to it when 3dfx was in a lawsuit with Nvidia. Later, Nvidia withdrew the lawsuit and the matter was settled. I was still wondering why. This time I saw the tribe you posted, and finally understood. But what does this have to do with us?"

Jimmy smiled, "I founded Blue Galaxy to develop chips for BenQ mobile phones, but we don't have the technology in this area, so we bought 3dfx, but you also know that 3dfx's technology basically focuses on graphics cards and 3D, so we need another technical team."

Snoop raised his eyebrows, "You mean us?"

Jimmy nodded, "It's you."

"But." Snope frowned, "But we don't have any mobile phone chip technology. The mobile Internet market is indeed growing, but it's still too small, and we haven't been involved."

Jimmy smiled and nodded. Snope was right. Although the mobile internet is on the rise, the market is too small. Not only are small companies like Snope not interested in it, but even companies like Intel and adm Large companies that lack various market research information reports and technology accumulation also look down on the mobile Internet market.

And looking at the development of mobile phones now, they don't need special chip research and development.

Jimmy smiled and said, "Everything is the same. Whether the mobile Internet market is big or small is not something you need to consider. In fact, there is not much competitiveness in the development of mobile Internet chips. If you change It is easy to achieve results when you come to this track. In addition, I will not let you fight alone. You will not only have 3dfx technical support, but I will also recruit another powerful team."

"Another strong team?" Snope wondered.

"We'll keep it secret for now." Jimmy said with a smile.

Snope was silent. Facing Jimmy's invitation, he hesitated. Of course, Deep Space Company is a good destination, but Jimmy wants them to invest in the mobile Internet market.

Jimmy and the others paid such a high price, bought 3dfx, and came to Austin in person, which definitely shows that they are very optimistic about the mobile Internet chip market.

If their judgment is right, then as Jimmy said, their intrinsity can also shine on the new track, but what if the deep space company is wrong?What should they do after devoting themselves to this track?Will it be thrown away like trash by the Deep Space Corporation?
Even if the Deep Space Company is very conscientious and can properly arrange them, it can only let them have enough food and clothing, and there will definitely not be any major development. Although they are in a very difficult situation now, they are still very ambitious .

After all, Deep Space Corporation has a big family and a big business. A mistake in judgment and a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars will not hurt them, but their small company is different.

Seeing that Snoop hesitated, Jimmy continued, "Blue Starry Sky will buy your company for $500 million."

Hearing 500 million US dollars, Snoop suddenly raised his head and looked at Jimmy in disbelief.

Seeing Snoop's expression, Jimmy laughed because he knew the matter was settled.

It stands to reason that a small company like Intrinsity is definitely not worth 500 million US dollars, and it doesn't even need to be acquired, as long as it spends high salaries to poach the company's technicians to the blue starry sky.

But the acquisition of a company is not about going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, but also haggling over every detail. The main focus is on a fast, firm and stable company. What you need to care about is not how much the current Intrinsity company is worth, but how much value this company can bring to them.

If intrinsity can really produce a low-power, high-performance mobile phone chip for BenQ Mobile, let alone 500 million US dollars, Jimmy won't blink even if a zero is added after it.

Before Snoop could respond, Jimmy said again, "The salaries of your current employees remain the same, but the company will give you some stock options. Everyone has them, but the ratio is different."

Snoop rubbed his hands, "Then what else do you want from us?"

At this time, Snoop was already embarrassed to make a request, but asked Jimmy if he had any new requests for them. After all, in his opinion, if there were no more requests, this acquisition would be too cheap for them. Not to mention the 500 million US dollars, but also to give them dividend options. Snoop has never encountered such a good thing in his life.

Jimmy smiled and waved his hands, "There are no other requirements. As long as you agree to this condition, I will have someone draw up the contract today, and we can sign the contract tomorrow. After your work is over, I will go to another place. As What I told you just now is that I will give you a group of good helpers... In fact, you are helping each other."

"No problem. I can completely decide on this matter. You ask someone to draw up the contract. We can sign it after we confirm that there is no problem. After that, everything will be arranged by you."

Jimmy smiled, and paid 500 million US dollars in one breath. This efficiency is what he wants. He needs to start the new company Blue Starry Sky in a short time.

"No problem." Jimmy stood up. "I'll go back to the hotel first. In about three hours, please go to the hotel where I'm staying. My lawyer team is on the way with the contract."

"Three hours...that's four o'clock, okay, I see."


The acquisition contract was signed very smoothly. Jimmy asked the lawyer team to draw up the acquisition contract before he came here. Here, Snoop has no objection to the terms of the contract, so there is no part of the contract to be amended, just sign it directly. .

After signing the contract, Snow shook hands with Jimmy, "Mr. James, intrinsity will be yours from now on."

Jimmy responded with a smile, "No, no, it's not just mine, but ours. Whether the intrinsity can succeed or the blue starry sky can succeed depends on you."

"We will do our best not to let you down."

Jimmy smiled: "I believe you can do it."


After Jimmy left Austin, he went to the Santa Clara Valley in San Francisco.

In an empty office, he met a 57-year-old Daniel Doble.

Looking at the empty office, Jimmy smiled and said, "Look at this, are you going to start a new company?"

Daniel Doble spread his hands, "I have this idea, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Why do you come to me?"

"I'm here to help you make up your mind." Jimmy smiled.

For Blue Starry Sky to succeed, besides Intrinsity Company, the most important thing is this old man in front of him.

Of course, not only the old man alone, but also the old man's loyal younger brothers.

Daniel Doble is a very well-known figure in the industry. When he was in his early 30s, Doble joined dec, a legendary giant in the electronics field, and participated in leading the development of the high-performance chip alpha.

Later, as the head of the R&D center in the dec Silicon Valley area, he joined forces with arm to create a strongarm project, striving to combine the high performance of the alpha chip with the low power consumption of arm to design a stronger, faster, and lighter chip .

At that time, dec’s Silicon Valley R&D Center gathered a large number of top talents in the semiconductor industry, coupled with the blessings of Stanford and California University, many young people were involved in it, and Doble was like a star among them, very popular , belongs to the kind that responds to everything.

As long as Doble is willing, he can form a top chip research and development team at any time. (end of this chapter)

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