Chapter 1037 Jigsaw Puzzle
Doble and Jimmy once had a relationship. When Jimmy went to Bezos's office to find Bezos, he met Doble. At that time, Dober was still working at Intel.There has been no contact between the two sides for such a long time, so when Jimmy suddenly contacted Doberbull, Doberbull was very surprised.

But Doble understands that Jimmy can't have anything else to do with him, nothing more than chips, because the only thing he has here is the chip, which is the most useful thing.

Doble's guess was very accurate. Jimmy did come for the chip.Jimmy knows how good Doberbul's technology is and how high his reputation is. He came to him this time because he wanted him to create a new studio to assist Blue Star Company in developing chips.

The two chatted for a long time in Doble's office, and finally negotiated the terms. Doble agreed to enter the blue starry sky and recruit a team for the company to develop chips. Doble said to Jimmy very confidently that for In two months, he can recruit at least thirty top engineers.

When other people said this, Jimmy might still think that the other party was bragging, but it was different when the words came from Doberbull.In fact, Jimmy thinks that Dobber's statement of hiring [-] top engineers in two months is already conservative.

Jimmy believed that if Dobber wanted to start calling now, he could get thirty engineers before dark.In fact, there is no need to take the initiative to recruit, as long as you go back and announce that Blue Starry Sky has recruited Doberbull to the company, there will definitely be a large number of people who will take the initiative to contact Doberbull.

The reason why Doberbull said two months is to give those engineers some transitional time to resign. On the other hand, he is not completely sure that the blue starry sky is a good home. He can also feel it in two months. Find out how Blue Star is, and whether it can really bring them what they want.

If during the two-month observation process, he finds that the company Blue Star has no future, he can quit early and resolutely when he has not recruited many people, so as not to lose too much time and energy.

This time Jimmy impresses Doberbull, in addition to the salary and option reward system, there is also the strategic thinking of Blue Starry Sky in the future.

The strategic thinking of Blue Starry Sky is very clear. The establishment of a new company will first digest the things left by 3dfx, then focus on smartphone chips, and actively develop game console chips. As for the PC market, they have no idea at all for the time being.

This kind of strategic thinking is especially suitable for Blue Starry Sky. Although Blue Starry Sky is a new company separate from Deep Space Company, it is still Jimmy's company after all, so the resources of the two companies are actually common.

The main businesses of the Deep Space Group are just a few, the Internet, film and television literature, games, and mobile phones.

BenQ Mobile is developing well now. If the new company can create a low-power, high-performance chip for BenQ Mobile, it will not only help BenQ Mobile enter the smartphone market, but also ensure the shipment of Blue Star chips.

As for games, although Deep Space doesn't have a lot of console games, it has a good relationship with several game manufacturers, and there are games for those who want to develop related chips.

The most important thing is that the competition in the field of mobile phone chips is still relatively small, and it is easy for them to break through the results.

After the cooperation was settled, Doble asked with a smile while holding his coffee, "Actually, I'm a little curious. Since you want to make smartphones, why don't you join the big Saipan family? Is BenQ Mobile planning to develop its own mobile phones?" Operating system? I haven’t heard anything about it.”

Almost everyone knows that BenQ Mobile is making smartphones. After all, in this world, there is no big mobile phone manufacturer that does not want to make smartphones. Companies such as Motorola and Ericsson are scrambling to produce smartphones. , the purpose is very simple, it is to win the smartphone market as soon as possible and occupy a favorable position.

Everyone knows that smart phones are the future direction of mobile phones, but now people's judgments on smart phones are not the same, so there are all kinds of smart phones in the market, and there will be more smart phones with strange shapes .

Especially in the next few years, when the smartphone market is growing wildly, it is really a group of demons dancing, basically as long as a well-known company is making mobile phones.

Those who originally made air conditioners and mobile phones, those who originally made TVs, made mobile phones, those who originally made computers, made mobile phones, and those who originally made video software also made mobile phones. No matter what they do, they only focus on mobile phones.

BenQ Mobile has developed so well in the past two years, and they are backed by the deep space company and have the advantages of the Internet, so they want to make smart phones.Smartphones are definitely the main development direction of BenQ Mobile, and they must put Dongdong in their phones.

Since last year, companies have successively invited BenQ Mobile to enter the Saipan family. Especially at the beginning of this year, Motorola has approached Jimmy many times and wanted to persuade BenQ Mobile to join it, but Jimmy declined. .

Because BenQ Mobile is unwilling to join the Symbian family, people outside are speculating that BenQ Mobile or their parent company will develop a mobile operating system.

The reason why Deep Space is said to be the parent company of BenQ Mobile is because the parent company of BenQ Mobile is BenQ Dentsu, and the parent company of BenQ Dentsu is Deep Space, and my mother’s mother is my grandmother.

Although the outside world is speculating that Deep Space Company will develop a mobile phone operating system, Deep Space Company has not revealed any information. It stands to reason that if the company wants to develop a mobile phone operating system, it must set up a special research and development team. Mobile operating system Impossible to run out of thin air.

But until now, there is no news that Deep Space has formed a research and development team related to the mobile operating system.And if it is really a smartphone system, there is nothing bad to say.

Facing Doberbull's doubts, Jimmy smiled and said, "Don't worry, after the baby is born, there will always be clothes to wear. When BenQ Mobile's smart phone comes out, it won't be said that there is no system to use. This point, You can rest assured."

Seeing that Jimmy said so confidently, Doble was even more convinced that Deep Space was developing a mobile operating system, but it was done in a secret way, so outsiders didn't know about it.

Just like they helped 3dfx to tide over the difficulties at the end of the year before last, and finally acquired 3dfx, but no one knew about it for such a long time.

Perhaps Jimmy and the others acquired some obscure company with core technology somewhere, and one day after a long time, this company suddenly jumped out to release a mobile operating system, and then BenQ Mobile was the first to respond, using This mobile phone operating system... the possibility exists.

In fact, many companies are doing this kind of thing. When those big companies don’t acquire several companies for fun every year, there are big and small ones. Sometimes they will publicize the companies they have acquired, but sometimes they will conceal them from the outside world.

In many cases, these small companies that have been bought have been bankrupted, and the public does not know about it.

"Now I'm suddenly looking forward to the day when BenQ Mobile will release a smartphone." Doble said with a smile.

Jimmy laughed, "It won't be too far away, don't worry, especially with your participation, this day will come sooner."

Doble raised the coffee cup in his hand, "Then I wish the cooperation between us can be happy."

Jimmy also raised the coffee cup in his hand, "Definitely."


On August 500th, Deep Space Corporation announced a new news. Blue Starry Sky had acquired Intrinsity for [-] million US dollars, and invited the legend of the chip industry, Doble, to join Blue Starry Sky.

As soon as the news came out, the news media became lively again, but this time it was different from the last time. This time, many people were asking what kind of company Intrinsity was and why it was worth $500 million for Deep Space Corporation to acquire it.

Although the mergers and acquisitions of Deep Space Corporation during this period are hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, at first glance, the acquisition of 500 million US dollars is very small, but in fact, for ordinary acquisitions, the cash can reach thousands of dollars. Ten thousand dollars is already very powerful.

And it is such a company worth 500 million US dollars, but almost no one has heard of it.

Intrinsity's presence is indeed low. They have gone through several twists and turns, and the time for re-establishment is not long. Moreover, during the period after re-establishment, they have not released any new products.

However, there are still capable people in the media world. After the news came out that morning, the media picked up the situation of Intrinsity in the afternoon, including the fact that they served for Apple before being abandoned by Apple and had to go bankrupt. Out.

In addition to intrinsity, there are some people who pay more attention to Doberbull, and they don’t need Doberbull to recruit them personally. Many old subordinates and old friends of Doberbull have expressed that they can resign at any time as long as Doberbull agrees. The current job is to work hard with him in the blue starry sky.


On the same day, the global box office of "Source Code" broke through 4000 million US dollars, of which [-] million US dollars was contributed by the North American box office. Maybe it can exceed [-] million US dollars.

This time "Source Code" was a big hit at the box office, and the actor who benefited the most was Gu Tianle. After the movie was released, several Hollywood movies have invited him to act.

Among the many films that Gu Tianle found, the one with the most investment was "The Day After Tomorrow". The production cost was tentatively set at [-] million US dollars, but I found a classmate who didn't play the leading role, but the young hero.

Because it is not the protagonist, Shenkong Company has not agreed to it for the time being. Deep Space Company hopes to let Gu Tianle play the leading role, because the role of the young heroine and classmates in "The Day After Tomorrow" is not too much, and it is more difficult to change it if there are more.

The producer doesn't mind having a Chinese actor play the leading role, but the script has already been written, so it is still very troublesome to change an important role to a Chinese.

Gu Tianle is actually not young, he is 32 years old this year, if calculated according to his age, he has no suitable role in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".

The two main male characters in the movie are a meteorologist and the son of a meteorologist. One is in his 40s and the other is in his teens and 20s.

But if Gu Tianle doesn't tan, he looks no different from the 20-year-old boys in Europe and America, so he can still play the young hero.

But the main problem is that if Gu Tianle is to play the son, the meteorologist and the meteorologist's wife will all be of Asian descent. It cannot be said that two serious Americans will give birth to an Asian. .Or change it a little bit outrageously, but not so outrageously, and directly change the little hero into an adopted son.

But obviously, the other party doesn't want to give up his role easily, so I call it Zushang Jide.

When "Source Code" was about to be released in North America, a new movie from Deep Space Company was released.

"The Bourne", which started filming the year before last, skipped tickets to the audience several times in a row, and finally met audiences in North America and Germany on August [-]th.

It is a pity that Ludren, the original author of the original novel "Bourne's Identity" of "Bourne", passed away in the first half of last year, and there is no chance to see "Bourne's Identity" made into a movie.

As an action blockbuster, the cost of "The Bourne Shadow" is already quite low, only 6000 million US dollars.

Some people may not believe it, but the cost of "The Bourne" is so low. You must know that its actor is now a popular fried chicken, and "The Martian" made him get everything.

The reason why the investment cost of "The Bourne" is relatively low is also because Matt Damon's salary is also relatively low, and the reason why it is so low is because when "The Bourne" signed the actors, Matt Damon had already It's already signed with Deep Space Corporation.

At that time, it was almost "The Martian" and "The Bourne" looking for Matt Damon. At that time, Matt Damon was still a budding but little-known actor. Of course, there were not many opportunities to get such a good opportunity. Thinking about it, I signed both film contracts directly.

The early publicity of "The Bourne Shadow" is relatively good, and there are basically no competitors when it is released, so there are more films in the lineup, and the box office in the first week is very good, and it directly won more than 3000 million US dollars.

The first week's box office is much better than "Source Code", but "Source Code" has many competitors, including "Spider-Man", which was still in theaters at the time.

The performance of "Spider-Man" this year is too strong. Even in July, the aftershock of the movie can greatly affect the box office of other movies.

But now that it is released at this time, the follow-up box office will drop faster, and the follow-up box office may not be able to surpass "Source Code".

(End of this chapter)

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